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Amelia Bedelia Joins the Club by Herman Parish
Amelia Bedelia Joins the Club
Herman Parish
Amelia Bedelia Joins the Club by Herman Parish

Amelia Bedelia Joins the Club

By: Herman Parish

Narrated by: Christine Ebersole

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia! Amelia Bedelia has been loved by readers for more than fifty years, and it turns out that her childhood is full of silly mix-ups, too!Amelia Bedelia loves her school. Her whole class gets along—except when it rains. Then they split into two groups—the Puddle Jumpers and the Puddle Stompers. Both clubs ask... Read more

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Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer
J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer

By: J.K. Rowling

Narrated by: Jan Meng

Length: 9 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Dit is de editie uit 2001 van Harry Potter en de Geheime Kamer, voorgelezen door Jan Meng.

"Er is een complot, Harry Potter. Een complot om dit jaar vreselijke dingen te laten gebeuren op Zweinsteins Hogeschool voor Hekserij en Hocus-Pocus."

Harry Potters zomer bevatte de ergste verjaardag ooit, doemdenkerige waarschuwingen van een huiself... Read more

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Player vs. Player #1: Ultimate Gaming Showdown by M.K. England
Player vs. Player #1: Ultimate Gaming Showdown
M.K. England
Player vs. Player #1: Ultimate Gaming Showdown by M.K. England

Player vs. Player #1: Ultimate Gaming Showdown

By: M.K. England

Narrated by: David Lee Huynh, Keylor Leigh, Shannon Tyo & Da...

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

In this action-packed series, four kid gamers meet at a virtual tournament and battle for the ultimate grand prize. Perfect for young fans of Ready Player One and Mr. Lemoncello's Library.

Sixty-four teams.
One mysterious grand prize.
Four gamers determined to win it all.
Welcome to Affinity, the hottest battle royale video game in the world!... Read more

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Flecky und Flauschi by Patricia St. John
Flecky und Flauschi
Patricia St. John
Flecky und Flauschi by Patricia St. John

Flecky und Flauschi

By: Patricia St. John

Narrated by: Daniel Kopp

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Flecky und Flauschi – das sind die zwei niedlichen Kätzchen, die Mark und Karen gerne hätten. Die beiden sind wie alle Geschwister – sie vertragen sich nicht immer. Als eines Tages bei einem heftigen Streit um die Kätzchen beinahe ein Unglück passiert, lernen die beiden, sich ganz auf Gott zu verlassen. Read more

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The Adventures of Annabel Teacup by Lorna Ann Gauthier
The Adventures of Annabel Teacup
Lorna Ann Gauthier
The Adventures of Annabel Teacup by Lorna Ann Gauthier

The Adventures of Annabel Teacup

By: Lorna Ann Gauthier

Narrated by: Nicole Britton

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

This is the second book by author Lorna Ann Gauthier in her series The Adventures of Annabel Teacup. The title, The Magic Begins, was chosen to highlight the metamorphosis of Annabel Teacup having gone through challenging life experiences. Unbeknownst to Annabel, these new experiences have drastically changed her life for the better. New... Read more

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Hercules by Geraldine McCaughrean
Geraldine McCaughrean
Hercules by Geraldine McCaughrean


By: Geraldine McCaughrean

Narrated by: Cynthia Bishop

Length: 4 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

When the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, discovers her husband's mortal son Hercules, she vows to destroy him. Thus begins Hercules’s legendary and epic journey in which he is forced to take on a series of seemingly impossible tasks. He battles an array of both amazing and terrifying beasts, including the mighty Cretan Bull, the many-headed Hydra,... Read more

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Die Geminiden - Spektrum, Band 2 (ungekürzt) by Nanna Foss
Die Geminiden - Spektrum, Band 2 (ungekürzt)
Nanna Foss
Die Geminiden - Spektrum, Band 2 (ungekürzt) by Nanna Foss

Die Geminiden - Spektrum, Band 2 (ungekürzt)

By: Nanna Foss

Narrated by: Ann-Kathrin Hinz

Length: 16 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Was könnte passieren, wenn man die Vergangenheit verändert? Pi verbirgt ihre Gefühle meist hinter einem Lächeln. Doch jetzt, da sie Feuer erzeugen kann, hat sie ständig Angst davor, jemanden zu verletzen. Zudem plagt sie die Erinnerung an die Begegnung mit einem unheimlichen Mann, der ihre Familie bedroht. Das Letzte, was sie daher jetzt noch... Read more

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The Railway Children, with eBook by Edith Nesbit
The Railway Children, with eBook
Edith Nesbit
The Railway Children, with eBook by Edith Nesbit

The Railway Children, with eBook

By: Edith Nesbit

Narrated by: Renée Raudman

Length: 6 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Over 100 years after its original publication, The Railway Children is still one of Edith Nesbit's most beloved and delightful stories. Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis were very happy living in a comfortable house surrounded by a cook and servants and two loving parents, until one evening when there was a knock at the door and their father was... Read more

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50 Bedtime Adventure Stories for Young Kids  Book 1 by People with Books
50 Bedtime Adventure Stories for Young Kids Book 1
People with Books
50 Bedtime Adventure Stories for Young Kids  Book 1 by People with Books

50 Bedtime Adventure Stories for Young Kids Book 1

By: People with Books

Narrated by: Jenny Jones

Length: 2 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Introducing 50 Bedtime Adventure Stories for Young Kids - Book 1 of 2. This delightful collection of bedtime tales is the first installment of an unforgettable journey that will captivate young readers and make bedtime an extraordinary adventure.In this inaugural volume of bedtime stories for young kids, young adventurers will set sail on a... Read more

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Lifeboat 12 by Susan Hood
Lifeboat 12
Susan Hood
Lifeboat 12 by Susan Hood

Lifeboat 12

By: Susan Hood

Narrated by: Bruce Mann

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

In the tradition of The War That Saved My Life and Stella by Starlight, this poignant novel in verse based on true events tells the story of a boy's harrowing experience on a lifeboat after surviving a torpedo attack during World War II.

With Nazis bombing London every night, it's time for thirteen-year-old Ken to escape. He suspects his... Read more

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De Schatz i de Wüeschti und witeri Gschichte by Jeannette König
De Schatz i de Wüeschti und witeri Gschichte
Jeannette König
De Schatz i de Wüeschti und witeri Gschichte by Jeannette König

De Schatz i de Wüeschti und witeri Gschichte

By: Jeannette König

Narrated by: Jeannette König

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Onkel Heiner bringt Mia ein besonderes Geburtstagsgeschenk: Eine Reise in die Wüste mit den Beduinen und ihren Kamelen. Mia kann ihre Freundin Astrid mitnehmen. Nach dem Aufbruch aus der Wüstenstadt Nuweiba vertraut Onkel Heiner Mia und Astrid an, dass er auf der Suche nach einem Schatz ist. Eine Handelskarawane hat ihn zur Zeit des alten... Read more

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Le vieux fou du chemin Maccabée by Mélanie Grenier
Le vieux fou du chemin Maccabée
Mélanie Grenier
Le vieux fou du chemin Maccabée by Mélanie Grenier

Le vieux fou du chemin Maccabée

By: Mélanie Grenier

Narrated by: Elisabeth Gauthier Pelletier

Length: 1 hour 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Voulant commencer un compte Instagram sur le thème de l'horreur, Catherine entreprend de faire un rallye photo dans les Cantons-de-l'Est. Accompagnée de son meilleur ami Joseph ainsi que de Suzuki, elle explore les lieux hantés de la petite municipalité de Gravetown. Sur le chemin Maccabée, elle rencontre Mathilde, une étrange femme âgée, qui... Read more

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L'acqua della Vita by Brothers Grimm
L'acqua della Vita
Brothers Grimm
L'acqua della Vita by Brothers Grimm

L'acqua della Vita

By: Brothers Grimm

Narrated by: Alessandro De Giorgi

Length: 17 minutes

Abridged: No

C'era una volta un re si ammalò così gravemente che solo qualche incantesimo magico poteva salvarlo. I suoi tre figli, devastati, partirono per il mondo alla ricerca dell'Acqua della Vita. Si diceva che solo quell'Acque magica potesse aiutare il loro povero padre. Anche se i fratelli intrapresero quel viaggio insieme, solo il figlio più giovane... Read more

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כראמל (2) הנקמה by מאירה ברנע גולדברג
כראמל (2) הנקמה
מאירה ברנע גולדברג
כראמל (2) הנקמה by מאירה ברנע גולדברג

כראמל (2) הנקמה

By: מאירה ברנע גולדברג

Narrated by: תומר שרון

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

עברה יותר משנה מאז שגברת בלום וגברת סיסיליה טולין הנוראיות הסתלקו מחייהם של רובי, כראמל וחבריהם. כולם רוצים לשכוח את העבר וליהנות מחייהם החדשים, אבל מילה חוששת מנקמתן של שתי המרשעות. כאשר גול מתחיל לקבל מכתבים ומתנות ממעריצה אלמונית, מילה משוכנעת שגברת בלום עומדת מאחוריהם. האם מלכת המזימות באמת תבחר תוכנית פשוטה כל כך? ואולי הסכנה אורבת במקום... Read more

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Geliebte Menschen loslassen: Meditative Selbsthypnose bei Trauer, Trennungsschmerz und Tod by Tanja Kohl
Geliebte Menschen loslassen: Meditative Selbsthypnose bei Trauer, Trennungsschmerz und Tod
Tanja Kohl
Geliebte Menschen loslassen: Meditative Selbsthypnose bei Trauer, Trennungsschmerz und Tod by Tanja Kohl

Geliebte Menschen loslassen: Meditative Selbsthypnose bei Trauer, Trennungsschmerz und Tod

By: Tanja Kohl

Narrated by: Tanja Kohl

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Wenn ein geliebter Mensch gestorben ist, herrscht bei uns erst einmal Ausnahmezustand. Wir vermissen diesen geliebten Menschen bis zur Schmerzgrenze! Eine Gefühlsmischung aus Fassungslosigkeit, Verzweiflung und Ohnmacht beherrscht uns. Ganz gleich, ob wir uns auf den Tod dieses Menschen vorbereiten konnten oder ob er plötzlich und unerwartet aus... Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi och Ishäxan by Kiddinx Media GmbH
Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi och Ishäxan
Kiddinx Media GmbH
Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi och Ishäxan by Kiddinx Media GmbH

Bibi Blocksberg - Bibi och Ishäxan

By: Kiddinx Media GmbH

Narrated by: Emma Stocke

Length: 2 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Vintern har anlänt, med kallt väder och mycket snö! Men något konstigt pågår i kylan … Alla Bibis vänner beter sig väldigt konstigt; de blir arga och går knappt att känna igen! Bibi inser snart att det måste vara något som påverkar hennes vänner och gör dem farliga och oförutsägbara. Kommer Bibi att lyckas upptäcka varför hennes vänner plötsligt... Read more

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Tú Eres un Chico Fantástico by Sasha Brown
Tú Eres un Chico Fantástico
Sasha Brown
Tú Eres un Chico Fantástico by Sasha Brown

Tú Eres un Chico Fantástico

By: Sasha Brown

Narrated by: Andry Escorche

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Te gustaría que tu niño disfrute de momentos divertidos e inolvidables mientras cae dormido rápidamente? ¿Y que mientras tanto aprenda poderosas lecciones de vida que lo hacen crecer como persona?La hora de dormir se ha vuelto una problemática en muchos hogares, los padres no descansan debido a la gran energía de los niños, al mismo tiempo que... Read more

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Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 75: Mord im Mädchenpensionat by James A. Brett
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 75: Mord im Mädchenpensionat
James A. Brett
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 75: Mord im Mädchenpensionat by James A. Brett

Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 75: Mord im Mädchenpensionat

By: James A. Brett

Narrated by: Till Hagen, Tom Jacobs, Sarah Riedel, Margot Ro...

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Bei einer Beerdigung purzelt eine zweite Leiche aus dem Sarg, die dort nichts zu suchen hatte. Eine junge Lehrerin. Sie wurde brutal ermordet. Holmes und Watson ermitteln im Mädchenpensionat. Read more

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Clara Campoamor by Manuela Carmena
Clara Campoamor
Manuela Carmena
Clara Campoamor by Manuela Carmena

Clara Campoamor

By: Manuela Carmena

Narrated by: Sofía Martín & Ferran Farré

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

De la serie Mis Pequeños Héroes, llega el audiolibro de Clara Campoamor, la mujer que logró cambiar las leyes españolas para que todas las mujeres pudieran ejercer su derecho a voto. La mayoría de héroes que conocemos son seres extraordinarios con poderes mágicos y una capa ondeando en sus hombros. Pero también existen héroes de carne y hueso... Read more

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Hoot: La odisea de los búhos by Carl Hiaasen
Hoot: La odisea de los búhos
Carl Hiaasen
Hoot: La odisea de los búhos by Carl Hiaasen

Hoot: La odisea de los búhos

By: Carl Hiaasen

Narrated by: Marco Lubian

Length: 8 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

LIBRO DE HONOR DEL PREMIO NEWBERY Roy Eberhardt ha llegado recientemente, y a pesar suyo, a Florida. "Disney World es cualquier cosa", afirma rotundamente, "comparado con Montana". Su familia se muda constantemente, de modo que Roy ya está acostumbrado a ser el chico nuevo donde quiera que va. Los bullies de Florida no son muy distintos a los... Read more

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青蛙合唱团 by 杨红樱
青蛙合唱团 by 杨红樱


By: 杨红樱

Narrated by: 林佩芬

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

在一个没有月亮也没有星星的夜晚,几千只青蛙浩浩荡荡地来到了翠湖公园。原来,这是一个来自乡下的青蛙合唱团,日益严重的环境污染让青蛙们在乡下再也活不下去了。流落他乡的青蛙们每天都辛勤地为城里的人们消灭害虫,可是,人类可怕的贪欲让青蛙们厄运连连。在笑猫的带领下,青蛙们来到苹果广场,来到美食街,用激昂的歌声表达他们的愤怒。灰蒙蒙的天穹下,青蛙们究竟在哪里才能够寻回他们失去的家园? 这部作品构思奇巧,向孩子们深刻揭示了人类所面临的严峻的环境危机,并引导孩子们在危机面前学会自省与自救,叙事酣畅并意味深长。 © 2015 by Yang Hongying. Published in paper format in China by Tomorrow Publishing House,... Read more

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Quick Quack Quentin by Kes Gray
Quick Quack Quentin
Kes Gray
Quick Quack Quentin by Kes Gray

Quick Quack Quentin

By: Kes Gray

Narrated by: David Mitchell

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Quentin was a duck with a very quick quack.
'QUCK!' said Quentin. 'What's wrong with me?'

Quentin's quack has lost its A. Do any of the other animals have one to spare? Not likely! APES don't want to be PES. SNAKES don't want to be SNKES. PANDAS don't want to be PNDAS or even PANDS. Will Quentin be stuck with a very quick QUCK?!

(P) Hodder... Read more

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Treasure Hunters: Quest for the City of Gold by James Patterson
Treasure Hunters: Quest for the City of Gold
James Patterson
Treasure Hunters: Quest for the City of Gold by James Patterson

Treasure Hunters: Quest for the City of Gold

By: James Patterson

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Gear up for an exciting adventure with the thrill-seeking Kidds as they search for a missing Incan city in South America made entirely of gold!   When Bick and Beck Kidd find a hidden trove of pirate treasure, it includes a map with clues to an even bigger score: the lost Incan city of Paititi. But treasure hunting is never easy—and when the... Read more

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Lilly and Her Unicorn Doll Vol.4 Honesty and Truthfulness by Aaron Chandler
Lilly and Her Unicorn Doll Vol.4 Honesty and Truthfulness
Aaron Chandler
Lilly and Her Unicorn Doll Vol.4 Honesty and Truthfulness by Aaron Chandler

Lilly and Her Unicorn Doll Vol.4 Honesty and Truthfulness

By: Aaron Chandler

Narrated by: Erica Hazelton

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Lilly and her Unicorn Doll Book 4The importance of Honesty and TruthfulnessNot knowing the importance of honesty and truthfulness, Lilly always lies to her mom.Her magical Unicorn Doll decides to teach her a lesson.He takes her on a magical journey on a boat to a magical pond.He promises her that the magical duck in the pond will grant her... Read more

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