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Un gato en el acuario by Carmen Victoria Muñoz
Un gato en el acuario
Carmen Victoria Muñoz
Un gato en el acuario by Carmen Victoria Muñoz

Un gato en el acuario

By: Carmen Victoria Muñoz

Narrated by: Roberto Sánchez

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

"Aquí, como en cualquier parte, siempre hay un crimen para un investigador privado, incluso si es aficionado, pues son muchas las personas que prefieren la discreción. Felo Montana, ex-marinero y detective aficionado investiga la desaparición misteriosa de Sara de Osuna. "Carmen Victoria Muñoz, viaja en el secreto de la ciudad de su iluminada... Read more

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Monster and Boy: The Sister Surprise by Hannah Barnaby
Monster and Boy: The Sister Surprise
Hannah Barnaby
Monster and Boy: The Sister Surprise by Hannah Barnaby

Monster and Boy: The Sister Surprise

By: Hannah Barnaby

Narrated by: Joel Froomkin

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Monster and Boy are back for another adventure! And this time the best friends are in for a surprise: a sister surprise!Ever since Monster (who sleeps under the bed) and Boy (who sleeps in the bed) met and became best friends, they've learned a lot about each other. So when Monster notices that Boy seems grumpy (Boy's mom has told him he's... Read more

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Trina's Unusual Day by Vicki C. Hayes
Trina's Unusual Day
Vicki C. Hayes
Trina's Unusual Day by Vicki C. Hayes

Trina's Unusual Day

By: Vicki C. Hayes

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

The milk jumped out of the refrigerator her book flew from the cupboard her clothes stood in the doorway--yes it was going to be a totally usual day for Trina. Read more

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Imagine...The Miracles of Jesus by Matt Koceich
Imagine...The Miracles of Jesus
Matt Koceich
Imagine...The Miracles of Jesus by Matt Koceich

Imagine...The Miracles of Jesus

By: Matt Koceich

Narrated by: Tim Gregory

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: No

The Fifth Release in an Epic Bible Adventure Series for Kids

The last thing fourth-grader John Grace remembers (before the world as he knew it disappeared) is flying home through turbulent skies to McCarran International Airport. What happens next can't be explained as John finds himself in the middle of a wooden boat surrounded by a group of... Read more

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Kuninkaan lapset - seikkailuntäyteinen saaga by Peter Gotthardt
Kuninkaan lapset - seikkailuntäyteinen saaga
Peter Gotthardt
Kuninkaan lapset - seikkailuntäyteinen saaga by Peter Gotthardt

Kuninkaan lapset - seikkailuntäyteinen saaga

By: Peter Gotthardt

Narrated by: Ari-Matti Hedman

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Kun viikinkipäällikkö Hærulf miehineen surmaa kuningas Alrikin ja valloittaa Nordmarkin kunignaskunnan, joutuvat kuninkaan lapset Signy, Regin ja Buri pakenemaan henkensä edestä. Kaukana idässä, korkeiden tuntureiden takana, sijaitsee vieras valtakunta. Sieltä lapset toivovat saavansa apua kostaakseen isänsä puolesta ja valloittaakseen... Read more

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Our Friend Abe by Orion Moondreamer Mata
Our Friend Abe
Orion Moondreamer Mata
Our Friend Abe by Orion Moondreamer Mata

Our Friend Abe

By: Orion Moondreamer Mata

Narrated by: Andy Garcia-Ruse

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Sit tight for a heartwarming story about a woman named Laura who lives in a little cabin in the woods that her father built. When she and her granddaughter befriend a gnome, her eyes become opened to a world of fairytale creatures and animals. Together, they embark on adventures and uncover the need to balance the hustle of modern life by... Read more

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Best-Loved Irish Legends by Eithne Massey
Best-Loved Irish Legends
Eithne Massey
Best-Loved Irish Legends by Eithne Massey

Best-Loved Irish Legends

By: Eithne Massey

Narrated by: Aoife McMahon

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Stories from long, long ago, part of an ancient oral tradition, handed down from generation to generation and written down by the scribes of early medieval Ireland. The Salmon of Knowledge How Cú Chulainn Got His Name The Children of Lir The King with Donkey’s Ears Fionn and the Giant The White Wolfhound Oisín Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 2: Die Rauschemuschel by Klaus-P. Weigand, Vincent Andreas, Sven den Tonkelaar & Monika Kronburger
Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 2: Die Rauschemuschel
Klaus-P. Weigand, Vincent Andreas, Sven den Ton...
Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 2: Die Rauschemuschel by Klaus-P. Weigand, Vincent Andreas, Sven den Tonkelaar & Monika Kronburger

Benjamin Blümchen, Gute-Nacht-Geschichten, Folge 2: Die Rauschemuschel

By: Klaus-P. Weigand, Vincent Andreas, Sven den Ton...

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert & Gunter Schoß

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Schlafliedchen Text: Ulli Herzog/Musik: Heiko Rüsse, KIDDINX Studios 1. Die Rauschemuschel 2. Die Zooführung 3. Die verschwundene Uhrenkette 4. Peter Pinguin hat Heimweh 5. Benjamin hat vergessen, was er sagen wollte 6. Lachen ist gesund 7. Das Gewitter 8. Wie war der Tag? Schlafliedchen Text: Ulli Herzog/Musik: Heiko Rüsse, KIDDINX Studios Read more

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Save Me (Serie Save 1) by Mona Kasten
Save Me (Serie Save 1)
Mona Kasten
Save Me (Serie Save 1) by Mona Kasten

Save Me (Serie Save 1)

By: Mona Kasten

Narrated by: Nerea Alfonso Mercado & Raúl Rodríguez

Length: 11 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Ruby Bell tiene dos objetivos para este curso: trabajar duro para entrar en Oxford y pasar  desapercibida para todos sus elitistas compañeros del Maxton Hall College, donde asiste como alumna gracias a una beca. Pero, un buen día, Ruby sorprende a uno de sus profesores en actitud cariñosa con una estudiante, Lydia Beaufort, una de las chicas más... Read more

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Camping Out with Honey by Gale Sypher Jacob
Camping Out with Honey
Gale Sypher Jacob
Camping Out with Honey by Gale Sypher Jacob

Camping Out with Honey

By: Gale Sypher Jacob

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Lively rhyming story about a family camping out with their dog. Read more

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Большая глупая лошадь by Вадим Левин
Большая глупая лошадь
Вадим Левин
Большая глупая лошадь by Вадим Левин

Большая глупая лошадь

By: Вадим Левин

Narrated by: Вадим Левин

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

В сборник "Большая глупая лошадь" вошли 118 стихов, загадок, "до-подлинных переводов" и стихотворных историй известного детского поэта Вадима Левина. "Мне повезло, когда я родился… В детстве у меня было много замечательных книг с добрыми, умными и веселыми стихами. Я запоминал эти стихи наизусть, играл с ними, рассказывал их взрослым и... Read more

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Clifford's Christmas (Classic Storybook) by Norman Bridwell
Clifford's Christmas (Classic Storybook)
Norman Bridwell
Clifford's Christmas (Classic Storybook) by Norman Bridwell

Clifford's Christmas (Classic Storybook)

By: Norman Bridwell

Narrated by: Stephanie D'Abruzzo

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Celebrate Christmas with Clifford!It's Christmas time for Emily Elizabeth and Clifford! While they count down the days to their favorite holiday, Clifford makes a snowman, gets a tree, and finds a surprise in his stocking. Read more

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La Estatua de la Libertad by R.J. Bailey
La Estatua de la Libertad
R.J. Bailey
La Estatua de la Libertad by R.J. Bailey

La Estatua de la Libertad

By: R.J. Bailey

Narrated by: Alberto Santillan

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

In Statue of Liberty, young readers will explore this American landmark and learn about its historic significance. Vibrant, full-color photos and carefully leveled text will engage emergent readers as they explore this important site.

A labeled diagram helps readers understand items associated with the Statue of Liberty, while a picture glossary... Read more

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Тайна зловещего дома by Энид Блайтон
Тайна зловещего дома
Энид Блайтон
Тайна зловещего дома by Энид Блайтон

Тайна зловещего дома

By: Энид Блайтон

Narrated by: Алла Човжик

Length: 3 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

К констеблю Гуну на каникулы приезжает племянник Эрн, ровесник юных сыщиков, но Гун строго-настрого запрещает детям общаться. И тогда ради шутки ребята выдумывают несуществующую историю о месте, где происходит нечто подозрительное. Незадачливый Эрн сглатывает наживку, но, сам того не подозревая, нападает на след настоящего преступления! Read more

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Ohrenbär - eine OHRENBÄR Geschichte, 4, Folge 35: Biber & Specht, die Walddetektive, Teil 4 (Hörbuch mit Musik) by Heidi Knetsch & Stefan Richwien
Ohrenbär - eine OHRENBÄR Geschichte, 4, Folge 35: Biber & Specht, die Walddetektive, Teil 4 (Hörbuch mit Musik)
Heidi Knetsch & Stefan Richwien
Ohrenbär - eine OHRENBÄR Geschichte, 4, Folge 35: Biber & Specht, die Walddetektive, Teil 4 (Hörbuch mit Musik) by Heidi Knetsch & Stefan Richwien

Ohrenbär - eine OHRENBÄR Geschichte, 4, Folge 35: Biber & Specht, die Walddetektive, Teil 4 (Hörbuch mit Musik)

By: Heidi Knetsch & Stefan Richwien

Narrated by: Jürgen Thormann

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Der rbb 88.8-OHRENBÄR präsentiert: "Biber & Specht, die Walddetektive (4) von Heidi Knetsch und Stefan Richwien, gelesen von Jürgen Thormann Der Tennenmooswald ist ein kleiner Wald - so klein, dass jeder jeden kennt. Was im Tennenmooswald jedoch außergewöhnlich ist und ihn von allen anderen Wäldern unterscheidet - das ist das Detektivbüro... Read more

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Derelict by Alan E. Nourse
Alan E. Nourse
Derelict by Alan E. Nourse


By: Alan E. Nourse

Narrated by: Scott Miller

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Derelict by Alan E. Nourse - What was the mystery of this great ship from the dark, deep reaches of space? For, within its death-filled chambers—was the avenue of life!John Sabo, second in command, sat bolt upright in his bunk, blinking wide-eyed at the darkness. The alarm was screaming through the Satellite Station, its harsh, nerve-jarring... Read more

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Little Bunny Stays Up Late by Eileen Spinelli
Little Bunny Stays Up Late
Eileen Spinelli
Little Bunny Stays Up Late by Eileen Spinelli

Little Bunny Stays Up Late

By: Eileen Spinelli

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

Aunt Bea comes to visit and Little Bunny wants to stay up late with the grown ups. He's so tired that he sleeps through all the fun of the next morning and decides never to stay up late again. Read more

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I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch by Catherine Stier
I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch
Catherine Stier
I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch by Catherine Stier

I am Jax, Protector of the Ranch

By: Catherine Stier

Narrated by: Natalie Budig

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Spend a day in the life of a livestock guardian dog! Jax the Great Pyrenees has a big job. After the Texas sun goes down, it’s up to him and two other LGDs to protect their ranch from predators. But when the lead dog gets hurt, Jax and a young pup are the only ones left to protect the flock through the night. Told from the dog’s perspective,... Read more

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Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke
Igraine the Brave
Cornelia Funke
Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke

Igraine the Brave

By: Cornelia Funke

Narrated by: Xanthe Elbrick

Length: 4 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Igraine, who turns twelve tomorrow, dreams of becoming a famous knight. But today, like most days, life at the family castle remains . . . rather boring.

Until the nefarious nephew of the baroness-next-door shows up. Greedy Osmund’s got a dastardly plan to capture Pimpernel Castle and steal the singing magic books that belong to Igraine’s mom... Read more

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New release
Imagination Magic - Volume 1 by Jim Fableson
Imagination Magic - Volume 1
Jim Fableson
Imagination Magic - Volume 1 by Jim Fableson

Imagination Magic - Volume 1

By: Jim Fableson

Narrated by: Chatty Cathy

Length: 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Step into a world of imagination with this enchanting collection of magical short stories! From lonely dinosaurs to dazzling disco shoes, each tale brings a new adventure to life.
Grumble the Dinosaur – A terrifying dinosaur finds friendship in the most unexpected way..The Pony and the Unicorn – A tale of kindness and unexpected magic.Liar Liar,... Read more

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Paul Pepper, Folge 9: Paul Pepper und die Teufelsflieger by Felix Huby
Paul Pepper, Folge 9: Paul Pepper und die Teufelsflieger
Felix Huby
Paul Pepper, Folge 9: Paul Pepper und die Teufelsflieger by Felix Huby

Paul Pepper, Folge 9: Paul Pepper und die Teufelsflieger

By: Felix Huby

Narrated by: Jürgen Scheller, Philipp Brammer, Veronika Neug...

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Bei einer großen Flugshow tritt auch ein Kunstflieger Peter Würzing auf. Zunächst zeigt er mit seinem Doppeldecker tollkühne Kunststücke, dann führt er seinen "Firebird" vor, ein Ultraleichtflugzeug, das eigentlich nicht mehr als ein Flugdrachen mit Motorantrieb ist. Und dann passiert's: Eine Tragfläche knickt ab, die "Firebird" stürzt ab.... Read more

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The Christmas Time Travelers 1 by L.M. Haynes
The Christmas Time Travelers 1
L.M. Haynes
The Christmas Time Travelers 1 by L.M. Haynes

The Christmas Time Travelers 1

By: L.M. Haynes

Narrated by: Joseph Mack

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Professor Malcolm McDougal has lived in Coventry all his life. He’s a good Christian man, but sometimes he finds his faith being challenged. The professor is known for all kinds of inventions, his latest being a time travel machine. He’s determined to go back to the first Christmas and see for himself if it happened as the Bible tells us. He... Read more

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Because My Destiny Awaits by Corwin McGinnis
Because My Destiny Awaits
Corwin McGinnis
Because My Destiny Awaits by Corwin McGinnis

Because My Destiny Awaits

By: Corwin McGinnis

Narrated by: Lydia McGriffin

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

In Because My Destiny Awaits, readers will step into the compelling life of eleven-year-old Jojo Cobbler, a young girl admired for her radiant kindness. Next door resides Ruby, an insightful elder who navigates life from a wheelchair. Ruby and Jojo embark on an adventure that transports the special world Jojo has always carried inside her head... Read more

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Jule wird getröstet (Pixi Gute Nacht Geschichte 34) by Anna Wagenhoff
Jule wird getröstet (Pixi Gute Nacht Geschichte 34)
Anna Wagenhoff
Jule wird getröstet (Pixi Gute Nacht Geschichte 34) by Anna Wagenhoff

Jule wird getröstet (Pixi Gute Nacht Geschichte 34)

By: Anna Wagenhoff

Narrated by: Merete Brettschneider

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Dein Kind geht gerade ins Bett und möchte noch eine Gute-Nacht-Geschichte hören? Pixi bietet viele schöne Geschichten, die liebevoll vorgelesen werden. Heute geht aber auch alles schief! Zuerst fällt der geplante Zoobesuch aus, dann streitet sich Jule mit ihrer besten Freundin und schließlich stößt sie sich auch noch den Kopf an der... Read more

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