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Веселые сказки и стихи. Сборник by Самуил Маршак
Веселые сказки и стихи. Сборник
Самуил Маршак
Веселые сказки и стихи. Сборник by Самуил Маршак

Веселые сказки и стихи. Сборник

By: Самуил Маршак

Narrated by: Самуил Маршак, Игорь Ильинский, Николай Литвино...

Length: 1 hour 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Содержание: 1. Вступление 2. Радуга-дуга 3. Праздник леса 4. Мыльные пузыри 5. Ванька-встанька 6. Перчатки 7. Если бы, да кабы 8. В гостях у королевы 9. Поросята 10. Усатый-полосатый 11. От А до Я 12. Вот какой рассеянный 13. Кошкин дом 14. Багаж читает С Я Маршак 15. Мяч читает С Я Маршак 16.... Read more

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Musta härkä by Maria Jotuni
Musta härkä
Maria Jotuni
Musta härkä by Maria Jotuni

Musta härkä

By: Maria Jotuni

Narrated by: Ritva-Liisa Elivuo

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Perheen isä Jope on hieman eriskummallinen mies. Hän on vakuuttunut, että hänen omistamassaan härässä asuu lumottu henki. Myös perheen tytär Liisa saa osansa isänsä taikauskosta. Jope on varma, ettei Liisa ei ole ihan tavallinen tyttö, vaan suruntuoja. Olihan Liisan synnyinyönä kova ukkosilma ja myrsky, ja tyttö on muutenkin vähän outo.Pian... Read more

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Redwoods by Jason Chin
Jason Chin
Redwoods by Jason Chin


By: Jason Chin

Narrated by: Qarie Marshall

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

When a young boy riding the subway finds an abandoned book about redwoods, strange things start to happen. He reads that the trees’ ancestors lived during the Jurassic period as dinosaurs appear at his window. Discovering that redwoods alive today first sprouted during the Roman Empire, he finds himself seated between two Roman citizens. And... Read more

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Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? by Jean Fritz
Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?
Jean Fritz
Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? by Jean Fritz

Can't You Make Them Behave, King George?

By: Jean Fritz

Narrated by: Jean Fritz

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

This entertaining volume, by Newbery Honor-winning author Jean Fritz, sheds light on the life of England's King George III.It begins when he was a bashful boy who blushed easily, goes on to his early days as king, and finally examines his role in the American Revolution - when Americans ceased to think of him as good King George. Fascinating... Read more

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Howler Monkeys by Karen Latchana Kenney
Howler Monkeys
Karen Latchana Kenney
Howler Monkeys by Karen Latchana Kenney

Howler Monkeys

By: Karen Latchana Kenney

Narrated by: Dana Fleming

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Howler monkeys are loud! Their calls help them stand out in the noisy rain forest. This adaptation is one of many described in this fun title for beginning readers. Leveled text describes how howler monkeys survive the forest and colorful photos show them in action. A range map, an adaptation graphic, and a diet feature further explore these... Read more

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Tropem jeźdźca na słoniu by Justyna Bednarek
Tropem jeźdźca na słoniu
Justyna Bednarek
Tropem jeźdźca na słoniu by Justyna Bednarek

Tropem jeźdźca na słoniu

By: Justyna Bednarek

Narrated by: Artur Bocheński

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Słynny archeolog Witold Dobrowolski otrzymuje niezwykle pasjonujące zadanie odnalezienia etruskiego grobowca. Nie posiada się ze szczęścia, jednak mina nieco mu rzednie, gdy dowiaduje się, że wraz z nim do Tarkwinii pojedzie jego niezbyt lubiany kolega, doktor Śmietana. Każdy z badaczy obierze własną drogę do wykonania powierzonego im... Read more

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Bibi and Tina, Hannah's Animal Haven by Markus Dittrich
Bibi and Tina, Hannah's Animal Haven
Markus Dittrich
Bibi and Tina, Hannah's Animal Haven by Markus Dittrich

Bibi and Tina, Hannah's Animal Haven

By: Markus Dittrich

Narrated by: Britt McKillip & Chantal Strand

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

When Bibi and Tina find a cat, they bring it to the Martins Farm. But there are so many stray animals in need of help! Suddenly the whole barn is full. A horse farm is not an animal shelter. Ms. Martin remembers an old lady from the past who looked after animal orphans in Falkenstein. Bibi and Tina want to visit her. Read more

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Bailey by Harry Bliss
Harry Bliss
Bailey by Harry Bliss


By: Harry Bliss

Narrated by: Kirby Heyborne

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Follow Bailey the dog as he gets ready and goes to school. Should he wear the red or blue collar? Both are so fashionable! Will he be late? That squirrel is a distraction! And what about Bailey's homework? Would you believe he ate it? That is what dogs do, after all. In this funny new video based on the book from the bestselling children's... Read more

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The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne
The House at Pooh Corner
A. A. Milne
The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne

The House at Pooh Corner

By: A. A. Milne

Narrated by: David Winter

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Winnie the Pooh and all of his friends return to the Hundred Acre Wood for more classic adventures. They meet the irrepressible Tigger for the first time, learn to play Poohsticks, and set a trap for a Heffalump. Read more

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Exorcismos Reales by Alexandro Ferreira
Exorcismos Reales
Alexandro Ferreira
Exorcismos Reales by Alexandro Ferreira

Exorcismos Reales

By: Alexandro Ferreira

Narrated by: Vinicio Aguinaga

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si las posesiones son reales o si se confunden por enfermedades mentales? ¿Te gustaría saber cuáles son los casos más impactantes de encuentros con seres malignos en la historia? ¿Porqué algunas personas son más susceptibles al ataque de estos seres? Entonces sigue leyendo..
“El demonio siempre vive al acecho, en... Read more

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The Jaguar by Sarah Holland-Batt
The Jaguar
Sarah Holland-Batt
The Jaguar by Sarah Holland-Batt

The Jaguar

By: Sarah Holland-Batt

Narrated by: Geraldine Hakewill

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

With electrifying boldness and fearlessness of vision, Holland-Batt confronts what it means to be mortal in an astonishing and deeply humane portrait of a father’s Parkinson’s Disease, and a daughter forged by grief. Opening and closing with startling elegies set in the charged moments before and after a death, and fearlessly probing the body’s... Read more

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My Colors by Kathy Broderick
My Colors
Kathy Broderick
My Colors by Kathy Broderick

My Colors

By: Kathy Broderick

Narrated by: Kevin Connolly

Length: 1 minute

Abridged: No

Learn 10 color words in English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin as you meet some brightly dressed, adorably animal friends! Learning world languages promotes cross-cultural awareness, and discovering new words with your child is fun and empowering! Read more

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Root Magic by Eden Royce
Root Magic
Eden Royce
Root Magic by Eden Royce

Root Magic

By: Eden Royce

Narrated by: Imani Parks

Length: 9 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

“A poignant, necessary entry into the children’s literary canon, Root Magic brings to life the history and culture of Gullah people while highlighting the timeless plight of Black Americans. Add in a fun, magical adventure and you get everything I want in a book!” —Justina Ireland, New York Times bestselling author of Dread NationWalter Dean... Read more

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Die Fussballbande, Folge 11: Teamgeist über alles! by Aikaterini Maria Schlösser
Die Fussballbande, Folge 11: Teamgeist über alles!
Aikaterini Maria Schlösser
Die Fussballbande, Folge 11: Teamgeist über alles! by Aikaterini Maria Schlösser

Die Fussballbande, Folge 11: Teamgeist über alles!

By: Aikaterini Maria Schlösser

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert, Stephan Lehmann, Linus Drews, ...

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Oh, es gibt Zoff! Dieses Mal innerhalb der Mannschaft. Den Streit haben ihre nächsten Ligagegner angestachelt, um die stärkste Waffe der FUSSBALLBANDE zu entschärfen, nämlichen deren Teamwork. Dabei bräuchten die Freunde gerade jetzt einen besonderen Zusammenhalt, denn es gilt einen ganz ungewöhnlichen Sponsor für ihre Fußballschuhe zu... Read more

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Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy by Barbara Park
Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy
Barbara Park
Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy by Barbara Park

Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy

By: Barbara Park

Narrated by: Lana Quintal

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Meet the World's Funniest Kindergartner—Junie B. Jones!

Junie B. Jones has a pet day problem! With over 50 million books in print, Barbara Park's New York Times bestselling chapter book series, Junie B. Jones, is a classroom favorite and has been keeping kids laughing—and reading—for over 20 years! In the 12th Junie B. Jones book, there's going... Read more

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Not Now, Bernard and Other Stories by David McKee
Not Now, Bernard and Other Stories
David McKee
Not Now, Bernard and Other Stories by David McKee

Not Now, Bernard and Other Stories

By: David McKee

Narrated by: Hugh Dennis

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Bernard’s got a problem. He's found a monster in the back garden but his mum and dad are just too busy to notice. So Bernard tries to befriend the monster … and that doesn't go quite to plan. Celebrate Not Now, Bernard’s 40th anniversary with this wonderful collection of 26 of the most popular titles from the award-winning and bestselling... Read more

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Abenteuer & Wissen, Sir Henry Morgan - Das versunkene Piratenschiff by Maja Nielsen
Abenteuer & Wissen, Sir Henry Morgan - Das versunkene Piratenschiff
Maja Nielsen
Abenteuer & Wissen, Sir Henry Morgan - Das versunkene Piratenschiff by Maja Nielsen

Abenteuer & Wissen, Sir Henry Morgan - Das versunkene Piratenschiff

By: Maja Nielsen

Narrated by: Matthias Haase, Volker Risch, Reinhart Schulat,...

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Entdecker, Erfinder und Visionäre zum Hören greifbar - die spannende und unterhaltsame Wissensreihe Abenteuer & Wissen. Der britische Freibeuteradmiral Sir Henry Morgan ist der unumstrittene Herrscher der Weltmeere, als 1669 sein Flaggschiff "HMS Oxford", das größte englische Kriegsschiff, untergeht. Man war mitten im Gelage, um die... Read more

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Lucas y Alex by Hernán Casciari
Lucas y Alex
Hernán Casciari
Lucas y Alex by Hernán Casciari

Lucas y Alex

By: Hernán Casciari

Narrated by: Hernán Casciari

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Dice el autor: "En una época mi casa daba a un jardín de infantes. A veces me fumaba un cuete y me quedaba mirando a los nenitos en el recreo. El ruido del patio lleno de chicos me hacía bien, me relajaba. Cuando sonaba el timbre y los nenes salían en bandada, yo buscaba con los ojos a dos en particular, de sala celeste. Uno gordito y el otro... Read more

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Nightrise by Anthony Horowitz
Anthony Horowitz
Nightrise by Anthony Horowitz


By: Anthony Horowitz

Narrated by: Simon Prebble

Length: 10 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Hailed "a master of edge-of-your-seat writing" by Booklist, Anthony Horowitz pens the New York Times best-selling Gatekeepers series, which includes the action- packed novels Raven's Gate and Evil Star. With Nightrise, he amplifies the suspense as an evil group strives to imprison and control the psychic twins, Scott and Jamie. Read more

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Timmy Failure by Stephan Pastis
Timmy Failure
Stephan Pastis
Timmy Failure by Stephan Pastis

Timmy Failure

By: Stephan Pastis

Narrated by: Jared Goldsmith

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

New York Times bestselling author Stephan Pastis is the creator of the award-winning comic strip Pearls Before Swine. Now Look What You' ve Done finds comically clueless kid detective Timmy Failure on the cusp of cracking the biggest case of his generation. The school globe' s been stolen and a $500 reward is up for grabs. But before claiming... Read more

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Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, X-Mas Special 3: Die andere Frau by Klaus-Peter Walter
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, X-Mas Special 3: Die andere Frau
Klaus-Peter Walter
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, X-Mas Special 3: Die andere Frau by Klaus-Peter Walter

Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, X-Mas Special 3: Die andere Frau

By: Klaus-Peter Walter

Narrated by: Till Hagen, Tom Jacobs, Josephine Schmidt, Udo ...

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Kann sich ein Mensch binnen weniger Tage komplett ändern? Mit dieser Frage tritt an Weihnachten ein Klient an den Meisterdetektiv heran. Er erkenne seine Frau seit kurzem nicht mehr wieder. Was verbirgt sie vor ihm? Holmes nimmt die Sache zunächst nicht ernst, verspricht aber zu helfen. Die Lösung ist einfach und doch kompliziert. Eines ist... Read more

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Little Frog's Bubble Trouble by Karen G. Jordan
Little Frog's Bubble Trouble
Karen G. Jordan
Little Frog's Bubble Trouble by Karen G. Jordan

Little Frog's Bubble Trouble

By: Karen G. Jordan

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Scrub-a-dub in the tub with Little Frog and a whole clean-up crew! Read more

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Lincoln's Last Days by Bill O'Reilly & Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Lincoln's Last Days
Bill O'Reilly & Dwight Jon Zimmerman
Lincoln's Last Days by Bill O'Reilly & Dwight Jon Zimmerman

Lincoln's Last Days

By: Bill O'Reilly & Dwight Jon Zimmerman

Narrated by: Bill O'Reilly & Edward Herrmann

Length: 3 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

With more than 1.5 million copies sold, Killing Lincoln deftly recounts one of the most dramatic stories in American history—of how one gunshot changed the country forever.

In Lincoln's Last Days, Bill O'Reilly masterfully adapts his historical thriller to appeal to a younger audience. Shorter text and abundant photographs make this is a useful,... Read more

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Nanabush, la magie du wigwam by Jean-Frédéric Messier
Nanabush, la magie du wigwam
Jean-Frédéric Messier
Nanabush, la magie du wigwam by Jean-Frédéric Messier

Nanabush, la magie du wigwam

By: Jean-Frédéric Messier

Narrated by: Dave Jenniss & Kijatai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Nanabush, une petite fille bien décidée à grandir, habite un pays où la neige s’étend à perte de vue. Pour la première fois aujourd’hui, son frère Kino et sa sœur Tya acceptent de l’amener en expédition de chasse. Elle devra toutefois rester dans le wigwam pour garder le campement. Bien qu’un peu déçue par cette mission en apparence trop facile,... Read more

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