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Penguin Pandemonium by Jeanne Willis
Penguin Pandemonium
Jeanne Willis
Penguin Pandemonium by Jeanne Willis

Penguin Pandemonium

By: Jeanne Willis

Narrated by: Jane Arnfield

Length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Abridged: No

An unforgettably funny animal adventure story about a little bird with big dreams, from award-winning author Jeanne Willis. One of the fantastic titles in the brand new Awesome Animals series – the funniest fiction, starring the wildest wildlife, from prize winning authors. Rory the rockhopper penguin loves showing off, but... Read more

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Le bedon de madame Loubidou by Marie-Francine Hébert
Le bedon de madame Loubidou
Marie-Francine Hébert
Le bedon de madame Loubidou by Marie-Francine Hébert

Le bedon de madame Loubidou

By: Marie-Francine Hébert

Narrated by: Carinne Leduc

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Qui se cache dans le bedon de madame Loubidou? Tout le monde se pose la question. Perché sur sa branche, l’oiseau du voisinage croit que ce sera un chat. Le chat, lui, s’imagine que ce sera une belle grosse souris appétissante. Le ballon, délaissé depuis quelques temps, espère que ce sera un ballon, pour lui permettre d’avoir un peu de... Read more

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The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

By: Beatrix Potter

Narrated by: Alastair Cameron

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

The classic favourite by Beatrix Potter. First published in 1902 the enchanting tale of the mischievous rabbit Peter remains a firm favourite with children and adults alike. Read more

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Pugsley (The Puppy Place #9) by Ellen Miles
Pugsley (The Puppy Place #9)
Ellen Miles
Pugsley (The Puppy Place #9) by Ellen Miles

Pugsley (The Puppy Place #9)

By: Ellen Miles

Narrated by: Eliza Foss

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Geronimo discovers a planet on the radar that mysteriously appears and disappears. MouseStar 1 lands to investigate and they discover mysterious aliens who hide a secret! Read more

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In der Höhle der Beduinen by Bernard Palmer & Marjorie Palmer
In der Höhle der Beduinen
Bernard Palmer & Marjorie Palmer
In der Höhle der Beduinen by Bernard Palmer & Marjorie Palmer

In der Höhle der Beduinen

By: Bernard Palmer & Marjorie Palmer

Narrated by: Richard Straube

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Geschichte spielt im Westjordanland. Dorthin ist Dr. Gardiner, ein amerikanischer Gelehrter, mit seiner Familie gekommen, um in einem Gebiet am Toten Meer nach alten Schriftrollen zu suchen. Seine Tochter Sara und deren Bruder Ted befreunden sich mit Bonni und Judy, zwei jungen Christinnen. Auf ihren Unternehmungen lernen sie zwei... Read more

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The Copycat Crisis by Lissa Rovetch
The Copycat Crisis
Lissa Rovetch
The Copycat Crisis by Lissa Rovetch

The Copycat Crisis

By: Lissa Rovetch

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Arizona learns how to deal with copycats when Tex and Indi "borrow" some of her valentine ideas. Read more

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Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels by Ruth Lauren
Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels
Ruth Lauren
Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels by Ruth Lauren

Tourmaline and the Museum of Marvels

By: Ruth Lauren

Narrated by: Stephanie Lane

Length: 6 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

This was what she was made for – a wild adventure, friends at her side, danger all around and the wide world in front of her. Ever since she fell into the Source of all magic, Tourmaline has developed strange new powers that are causing chaos. She can’t work out how to control them and it’s exhausting hiding them from everyone (except her best... Read more

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Dinner Sorted! by Jimmy Rees
Dinner Sorted!
Jimmy Rees
Dinner Sorted! by Jimmy Rees

Dinner Sorted!

By: Jimmy Rees

Narrated by: Jimmy Rees

Length: 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Who said dinnertime was hard? Dad's got dinner sorted! Lenny and the twins sit at the table, ready to dig in. Dad has cooked a delicious meal Lenny's favourite! and there is enough for everyone to have seconds. Perfect! But then – What's that green stuff? I need a spoon! I need a bowl! It's too hot! It's too cold! Can I have dessert yet? Read more

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The Thunderbolt Pony by Stacy Gregg
The Thunderbolt Pony
Stacy Gregg
The Thunderbolt Pony by Stacy Gregg

The Thunderbolt Pony

By: Stacy Gregg

Narrated by: Crystal Arons

Length: 4 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

A dramatic and emotional story about one girl’s determination to stand by her beloved animals – and her refusal to give up, even in the face of impossible odds. When a devastating earthquake hits Evie’s hometown of Parnassus on New Zealand’s South Island, she and the rest of the town are forced to... Read more

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Пані Метелиця by Брати Грімм
Пані Метелиця
Брати Грімм
Пані Метелиця by Брати Грімм

Пані Метелиця

By: Брати Грімм

Narrated by: Меланія

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

«Пані Метелиця» — німецька казка про чарівницю з колодязя, що винагороджує працелюбну дівчину і карає ліниву. Казка містить мораль — важка праця винагороджується, а лінь карається.дитяча література, казка, книжки для дітей, дитячі казки, чарівні оповіді Read more

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Just David by Eleanor H. Porter & Benjamin Fife
Just David
Eleanor H. Porter & Benjamin Fife
Just David by Eleanor H. Porter & Benjamin Fife

Just David

By: Eleanor H. Porter & Benjamin Fife

Narrated by: Benjamin Fife

Length: 6 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

When a newly orphaned boy with a violin shows up in a small town, his unnique perspective transforms everyone.When David comes on the scene, The Holly family, and much of the town, have done things for so long they don't even realize they are in a rut. David's innocence and naivete bring with it his own set of assumptions, opinions, and... Read more

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The History of Antarctic Exploration by Jim Whiting
The History of Antarctic Exploration
Jim Whiting
The History of Antarctic Exploration by Jim Whiting

The History of Antarctic Exploration

By: Jim Whiting

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: No

This book is about the Antarctic and the brave explorers who endured incredible hardships to learn more about this region. The close bonds of that these men formed kept their hopes and spirits high and helped them survive against incredible adversities. Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 14: Benjamin als Filmstar by Elfie Donnelly
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 14: Benjamin als Filmstar
Elfie Donnelly
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 14: Benjamin als Filmstar by Elfie Donnelly

Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 14: Benjamin als Filmstar

By: Elfie Donnelly

Narrated by: Edgar Ott, Frank Schaff-Langhans & Joachim Nottke

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Als Benjamin durch Neustadt spaziert, wird er für den Film entdeckt: als Grusel-Elefant! Anderen Angst machen möchte der liebste Elefant der Welt aber auf keinen Fall. Otto ist von der seltsamen Idee auch nicht begeistert: Allerdings könnte Benjamin doch mit dem, was er als gruseliger Elefant verdient, wieder etwas Gutes tun. Read more

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Mes 100 premiers animaux by Anne Paradis
Mes 100 premiers animaux
Anne Paradis
Mes 100 premiers animaux by Anne Paradis

Mes 100 premiers animaux

By: Anne Paradis

Narrated by: Chrystelle Maechler

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Attrape ton imagier par la poignée et pars à la découverte des animaux du monde ! Pars en voyage à travers la savane, la jungle, la forêt, la mer et bien d’autres endroits pour les rencontrer ! Grâce à sa grande variété d’animaux joliment illustrés et mis en scène dans leur environnement, ce livre aide les plus petits à développer leur... Read more

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The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen by James Lincoln Collier
The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen
James Lincoln Collier
The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen by James Lincoln Collier

The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen

By: James Lincoln Collier

Narrated by: Sean Crisden

Length: 4 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Gene Richards is haunted by a voice, and he doesn't like what it's saying. He's trying to ignore it—pretend it's not real—but the voice has plans for Gene. A long time ago, something bad happened in the town of Magnolia—something that Gene's grandfather and his friends want to keep quiet. The voice has started hurting those who were responsible,... Read more

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Gnade für dich by John F. MacArthur
Gnade für dich
John F. MacArthur
Gnade für dich by John F. MacArthur

Gnade für dich

By: John F. MacArthur

Narrated by: Daniel Kopp

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Eine fesselnde Geschichte von Gottes Erlösung Ein evangelistisches Hörbuch, ideal für Jugendliche und Außenstehende. Ich bin am Ende. Deprimiert. Ausgebrannt. Verirrt. Kraftlos. Ich bin von Gott weggelaufen. Ich schaffe es nicht, mein Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen. – Trifft das auf dich zu? Vielleicht nicht alles – aber etwas davon? So... Read more

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Ana's Bicycle by Juliette Looye
Ana's Bicycle
Juliette Looye
Ana's Bicycle by Juliette Looye

Ana's Bicycle

By: Juliette Looye

Narrated by: Highlights for Children

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Highlights presents Ana's Bicycle written by Juliette Looye. Ana is saving her money for a new bicycle. When her mother gets too sick to work, Ana decides she can wait for a new bike. Instead, she uses her savings to pay for her mom's medicine and to take the family on a picnic. In the end, Ana realizes her old bike just needs a few updates, and... Read more

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Bond Duncan


By: Bond Duncan

Narrated by: Elmer Bowman

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you ever considered keeping honeybees in your backyard? Do you want to learn the basics of beekeeping, but don't know where to start? Look no further! "The Basics of Raising Backyard Bees" is the ultimate beginner's guide to raising honeybees.In this book, you will learn everything you need to know about starting and maintaining your own... Read more

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Ein Löwe unterm Tannenbaum (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Irmgard Kramer
Ein Löwe unterm Tannenbaum (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Irmgard Kramer
Ein Löwe unterm Tannenbaum (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Irmgard Kramer

Ein Löwe unterm Tannenbaum (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Irmgard Kramer

Narrated by: Uve Teschner

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Punkt Mitternacht am 1. Dezember klettert im "Laden für eh fast alles" ein kleiner Stofflöwe aus einer Kiste und hat von nun an 24 Tage Zeit, jemanden zu finden, der ihn lieb hat - dann darf er für immer lebendig bleiben! Der griesgrämige Rockmusiker Richie kauft den Weihnachtslöwen eher notgedrungen. Dennoch ist er mit dem Kauf einen magischen... Read more

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Ferien auf Saltkrokan. Als Tjorven einen Seehund bekam by Astrid Lindgren
Ferien auf Saltkrokan. Als Tjorven einen Seehund bekam
Astrid Lindgren
Ferien auf Saltkrokan. Als Tjorven einen Seehund bekam by Astrid Lindgren

Ferien auf Saltkrokan. Als Tjorven einen Seehund bekam

By: Astrid Lindgren

Narrated by: Ursula Illert

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Ferien auf Saltkrokan sind die besten Ferien. Langsam wird es wärmer auf der kleinen Schäreninsel Saltkrokan, und Familie Melchersson ist zu Besuch auf der Insel. Natürlich sind auch Tjorven und ihre Familie da und Södermann und seine Enkelin Stina. Die Kinder spielen den ganzen Tag mit ihren Tieren: Pelle mit seinem Kaninchen Jocke, Tjorven... Read more

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The Dark Talent by Brandon Sanderson
The Dark Talent
Brandon Sanderson
The Dark Talent by Brandon Sanderson

The Dark Talent

By: Brandon Sanderson

Narrated by: Ramón de Ocampo

Length: 5 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Now featuring all new covers, the Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians middle-grade series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson.


So there I, Alcatraz Smedry, was, tied to an altar made from outdated encyclopedias, about to get sacrificed—wait, you’ve heard that before? Oh yeah, I wrote... Read more

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Tech Crash! (DC Metal Force #1) by Alex Segura
Tech Crash! (DC Metal Force #1)
Alex Segura
Tech Crash! (DC Metal Force #1) by Alex Segura

Tech Crash! (DC Metal Force #1)

By: Alex Segura

Narrated by: Oliver Wyman

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Join Batman, Superman, and the Justice League as they armor up for a thrilling, hi-tech adventure where Super Heroes and Super-Villains must unite to battle for the ultimate power in the universe. This action-packed and Manga-style chapter book is perfect for young readers and DC fans alike.

When a powerful alien entity is hacked by an Earth... Read more

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Donde esté mi corazón by Jordi Sierra i Fabra
Donde esté mi corazón
Jordi Sierra i Fabra
Donde esté mi corazón by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Donde esté mi corazón

By: Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Narrated by: Ainhoa Miguel

Length: 3 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

La vida de Montse ha cambiado por completo: un hecho imprevisible ha sacudido sus cimientos. Ha estado a las puertas de la muerte, pero ha vencido, aunque el precio es muy duro. Ahora en su vida hay un antes y un después. Y mientras trata de recuperar su sonrisa, aparece Sergio, la esperanza. Tal vez, el amor. Grabado en español ibérico (España). Read more

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Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker
Summer of the Gypsy Moths
Sara Pennypacker
Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker

Summer of the Gypsy Moths

By: Sara Pennypacker

Narrated by: Jenna Lamia

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

From Clementine author Sara Pennypacker, this is a poignant middle-grade novel about two foster children who must find a way to work together in order to survive.

Eleven-year-old Stella misses her (unreliable) mom, but she loves it at great-aunt Louise’s house. Louise lives on Cape Cod, where Stella hopes her mom will someday come and settle... Read more

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