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Tintentod [Tintenwelt-Reihe, Band 3 (UngekĂŒrzt)] - Abridged by Cornelia Funke
Tintentod [Tintenwelt-Reihe, Band 3 (UngekĂŒrzt)] - Abridged
Cornelia Funke
Tintentod [Tintenwelt-Reihe, Band 3 (UngekĂŒrzt)] - Abridged by Cornelia Funke

Tintentod [Tintenwelt-Reihe, Band 3 (UngekĂŒrzt)] - Abridged

By: Cornelia Funke

Narrated by: Rainer Strecker

Length: 22 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"War die andere Welt ebenso gewesen? Warum erinnerte er sich kaum? Hatte das Leben dort aus demselben betörenden Gemisch bestanden: aus Dunkelheit und Licht, aus Grausamkeit und Schönheit ... so viel Schönheit, dass sie ihn manchmal fast betrunken machte?" Wie glĂŒcklich war Meggie, endlich mit ihren Eltern in der Tintenwelt zu leben. Doch... Read more

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Age of War (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Michael J. Sullivan
Age of War (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Michael J. Sullivan
Age of War (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Michael J. Sullivan

Age of War (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Michael J. Sullivan

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Terence Aselford, Eric Messner, To...

Length: 6 hours

Abridged: Yes

The epic battle between humankind and their godlike rulers finally ignites in the masterful follow-up to Age of Myth and Age of Swords.

The alliance of humans and renegade Fhrey is fragile—and about to be tested as never before. Persephone keeps the human clans from turning on one another through her iron will and a... Read more

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Mouvar's Magic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Piers Anthony & Robert E. Margroff
Mouvar's Magic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Piers Anthony & Robert E. Margroff
Mouvar's Magic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Piers Anthony & Robert E. Margroff

Mouvar's Magic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Piers Anthony & Robert E. Margroff

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Dylan Lynch, David Coyne, Lily Bea...

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The mysterious prophecy that has shaped the life of Kelvin Knight Hackleberry and his family seems nearly to have run its course. The Two Kingdoms that were joined by Kelvin to form Kelvinia have now been united with three others, to make a great confederation under the rule of the young twin kings, Kildom and Kildee. Kelvin has earned some time... Read more

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El cazador que luchĂł contra el viento - Abridged by Sara Maher
El cazador que luchĂł contra el viento - Abridged
Sara Maher
El cazador que luchĂł contra el viento - Abridged by Sara Maher

El cazador que luchĂł contra el viento - Abridged

By: Sara Maher

Narrated by: Carlos Quintero

Length: 16 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Unas inquietantes muertes empiezan a sucederse por toda la geografía española, y podrían atribuirse a un asesino en serie si no fuera porque los cuerpos, sin aparentes signos de lucha, parecen haber envejecido hasta tal punto de no llegar a reconocerlos. Es entonces cuando los cazadores se lanzan a la investigación de estos crímenes, perpetrados... Read more

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Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged by Antoine Galland
Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged
Antoine Galland
Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged by Antoine Galland

Aladin und die Wunderlampe - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged

By: Antoine Galland

Narrated by: Petra-Janina Schultz & Ernst-August Schepmann

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Aladin, einziges Kind eines mittellosen Schneiders, hat nichts als Flausen im Kopf. Als der Vater erfĂ€hrt, dass Aladin partout nicht in dessen Fußstapfen treten möchte, versinkt er so sehr in Gram, dass er stirbt. Von nun muss die Mutter allein fĂŒr den Unterhalt sorgen, wĂ€hrend sich ihr Sohn weiterhin als Taugenichts in der Stadt herumtreibt.... Read more

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Alice im Wunderland – neu erzĂ€hlt - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice im Wunderland – neu erzĂ€hlt - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice im Wunderland – neu erzĂ€hlt - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice im Wunderland – neu erzĂ€hlt - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: Ilja Richter

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Oxford, 4. Juli 1862. Der Himmel ist bedeckt, es ist ein frischer Tag. Der 30-jÀhrige Mathematikdozent Charles Lutwidge Dodgson unternimmt mit einem Kollegen eine Bootsfahrt auf der Themse. Mit an Bord sind die drei Töchter des Dekans, Lorina, Charlotte und Alice Liddell. Um den MÀdchen die Zeit zu vertreiben, erzÀhlt Dodgson eine Geschichte, in... Read more

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20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged by Jules Verne
20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged
Jules Verne
20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged by Jules Verne

20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer - neu erzÀhlt - Abridged

By: Jules Verne

Narrated by: Friedhelm Ptok

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts kommt es zu mehreren rĂ€tselhaften BootsunglĂŒcken auf den Weltmeeren. Die Presse bringt ein Seeungeheuer ins Spiel, der französische Professor Pierre Aronnax hingegen tippt auf einen großen Narwal. Wochenlang verlĂ€uft die Mission im Nordpazifik ergebnislos, endlich wird ein mysteriöses Objekt gesichtet. Aronnax, sein... Read more

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The Oldest Trick (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Auston Habershaw
The Oldest Trick (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Auston Habershaw
The Oldest Trick (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Auston Habershaw

The Oldest Trick (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Auston Habershaw

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Ken Jackson, Bradley Smith, Alejan...

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

After Tyvian Reldamar gets double-crossed by his business partner, he is affixed with an iron ring that prevents the wearer from any evildoing. Not one to be deterred by this setback, he quickly puts into motion a plan for revenge—one that will use every dirty trick in the book.
But things are never simple for mastermind Tyvian, especially not... Read more

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Danse Macabre-  Retravaillé - Abridged by Rachel  Lawson
Danse Macabre- Retravaillé - Abridged
Rachel Lawson
Danse Macabre-  Retravaillé - Abridged by Rachel  Lawson

Danse Macabre- Retravaillé - Abridged

By: Rachel Lawson

Narrated by: Rachel Lawson

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Show Must Go On
When stage magician Blake Alexander aka Blake Fire who has a grim reaper for a soul senses someone in his audience is going to die he dances between life and death to not collect them with all his strength he must live and not take them to the afterlife because when his soul is released his body dies, and he can't die on stage... Read more

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HandbĂŒcher des Drachen - Abridged by Ulisses Spiele
HandbĂŒcher des Drachen - Abridged
Ulisses Spiele
HandbĂŒcher des Drachen - Abridged by Ulisses Spiele

HandbĂŒcher des Drachen - Abridged

By: Ulisses Spiele

Narrated by: Heinz Featherly

Length: 4 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gute Ideen gibt es ĂŒberall. In Filmen, Serien, BĂŒchern, Videospielen - kein anderes Medium lĂ€sst sich nicht doch irgendwie fĂŒr die heimische Runde ausschlachten. Aber in dieser Vielfalt steckt schon die erste HĂŒrde: Wo setzt man ĂŒberhaupt an? Was gilt es zu beachten, wenn man Videospiele fĂŒr die eigene Runde adaptiert? Was können wir von... Read more

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Guilty Pleasures - Abridged by Laurell K. Hamilton
Guilty Pleasures - Abridged
Laurell K. Hamilton
Guilty Pleasures - Abridged by Laurell K. Hamilton

Guilty Pleasures - Abridged

By: Laurell K. Hamilton

Narrated by: Kimberly Alexis

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Meet Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, in the first novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that “blends the genres of romance, horror and adventure with stunning panache”(Diana Gabaldon).

Laurell K. Hamilton’s bestselling series has captured readers’ wildest imaginations and addicted them to a seductive world where supernatural ... Read more

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Cult Classic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Stephen Blackmoore
Cult Classic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Stephen Blackmoore
Cult Classic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Stephen Blackmoore

Cult Classic [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Stephen Blackmoore

Narrated by: Ryan Dalusung, Nora Achrati, Rana Kay, Jessica ...

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"The ninth dramatized audiobook of this dark urban fantasy series follows necromancer Eric Carter through a world of vengeful gods and goddesses, mysterious murders, and restless ghosts.

Eric Carter has a lot on his plate.

He's hunting the Oracle of Las Vegas, a literal talking head that manipulates the future to make its prophecies come true. But... Read more

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O Colosso Negro - Abridged by Robert E. Howard
O Colosso Negro - Abridged
Robert E. Howard
O Colosso Negro - Abridged by Robert E. Howard

O Colosso Negro - Abridged

By: Robert E. Howard

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

Em "O Colosso Negro", de Robert E. Howard, um antigo mago busca dominar o mundo apĂłs despertar de um sono de milĂȘnios. Suas ambiçÔes o levam a um reino, onde o destino entrelaça seu caminho com o de Conan, que lidera as defesas do reino. Magia, estratĂ©gia e coragem se chocam nessa histĂłria Ă©pica de poder e resistĂȘncia. Read more

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The Magic Flute - Das VermÀchtnis der Zauberflöte - Hörspiel zum Film - Abridged by Hendrik Lambertus
The Magic Flute - Das VermÀchtnis der Zauberflöte - Hörspiel zum Film - Abridged
Hendrik Lambertus
The Magic Flute - Das VermÀchtnis der Zauberflöte - Hörspiel zum Film - Abridged by Hendrik Lambertus

The Magic Flute - Das VermÀchtnis der Zauberflöte - Hörspiel zum Film - Abridged

By: Hendrik Lambertus

Narrated by: Marco Eßer, Lena Schmidtke, Jakob Brendel, Konr...

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der 17-jĂ€hrige Tim, GesangsschĂŒler am legendĂ€ren Mozart-Internat in den österreichischen Alpen, entdeckt eines Nachts ein jahrhundertealtes geheimes Portal, das ihn in die fantastische Welt von Mozarts "Die Zauberflöte" katapultiert. Als Prinz Tamino begegnet er dort dem gewitzten VogelfĂ€nger Papageno, mit dessen Hilfe er von nun an jede Nacht... Read more

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La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 dĂ­as - Abridged by Julio Verne
La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 dĂ­as - Abridged
Julio Verne
La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 dĂ­as - Abridged by Julio Verne

La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 dĂ­as - Abridged

By: Julio Verne

Narrated by: Armando Hernandez

Length: 1 hour 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta gran obra universal escrita por el famoso autor Julio Verne en1872, es sin duda una de las mas interesantes del autor, El señor Phileas Fogg, un misterioso y solitario caballero inglés, abandonarå su vida disciplinada para cumplir una apuesta con los miembros del Reform Club, en la que arriesgarå una parte de su fortuna, su libertad y su... Read more

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The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Drew Hayes
The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Drew Hayes
The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Drew Hayes

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Drew Hayes

Narrated by: Christopher Walker, Nora Achrati, Scott McCormi...

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Some people are born boring. Some live boring. Some even die boring. Fred managed to do all three, and when he woke up as a vampire, he did so as a boring one. Timid, socially awkward, and plagued by self-esteem issues, Fred has never been the adventurous sort.

One fateful night – different from the night he died, which was more inconvenient... Read more

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Wicked Ways [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Douglas Seacat, Matt Goetz, Zachary C. Parker, Aeryn Rudel, Michael G. Ryan & Matthew D. Wilson
Wicked Ways [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Douglas Seacat, Matt Goetz, Zachary C. Parker, ...
Wicked Ways [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Douglas Seacat, Matt Goetz, Zachary C. Parker, Aeryn Rudel, Michael G. Ryan & Matthew D. Wilson

Wicked Ways [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Douglas Seacat, Matt Goetz, Zachary C. Parker, ...

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Scott McCormick, Duyen Washington,...

Length: 9 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

No Rest for the Wicked
or for Those who Investigate Them
Sinister forces lurk in the corners of the Iron Kingdoms—restless souls, mischievous and cunning creatures, darker beings that bargain for mortal souls. Most pass unmarked, shunned, or avoided, but there is one group willing to seek out and study what others fear.
In abandoned halls and... Read more

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The Queen of Crows [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Myke Cole
The Queen of Crows [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Myke Cole
The Queen of Crows [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Myke Cole

The Queen of Crows [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Myke Cole

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Colleen Delany, Duyen Washington, ...

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Myke Cole, star of CBS's Hunted and author of the Shadow Ops series returns with book two of the Sacred Throne Trilogy: The Queen of Crows.
In this epic fantasy sequel, Heloise stands tall against overwhelming odds?crippling injuries, religious tyrants?and continues her journey from obscurity to greatness with the help of alchemically-empowered... Read more

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Goblin Quest [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Jim C. Hines
Goblin Quest [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Jim C. Hines
Goblin Quest [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Jim C. Hines

Goblin Quest [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Jim C. Hines

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Nanette Savard, Dylan Lynch, Teren...

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jig the goblin was the runtiest member of an admittedly puny race. Jig was scrawny, so nearsighted as to be almost blind, and had such a poor self-image that when he chose a god to worship it was one of the forgotten ones - after all, what other sort of god would have him as worshiper? He also had a cowardly fire-spider for a pet, a creature... Read more

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El Coloso Negro - Abridged by Robert E. Howard
El Coloso Negro - Abridged
Robert E. Howard
El Coloso Negro - Abridged by Robert E. Howard

El Coloso Negro - Abridged

By: Robert E. Howard

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

En "El Coloso Negro" de Robert E. Howard, un antiguo mago busca la dominaciĂłn del mundo tras despertar de un letargo de milenios. Sus ambiciones le conducen a un reino, donde el destino entrelaza su camino con el de Conan al frente de las defensas del reino. Magia, estrategia y valor chocan en esta Ă©pica historia de poder y resistencia. Read more

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The Black  Colossus - Abridged by Robert E. Howard
The Black Colossus - Abridged
Robert E. Howard
The Black  Colossus - Abridged by Robert E. Howard

The Black Colossus - Abridged

By: Robert E. Howard

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 1 hour 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In "The Black Colossus" by Robert E. Howard, an ancient wizard seeks world domination after awakening from a millennia-long slumber. His ambitions lead him to a strategic kingdom, where fate intertwines his path with Conan leading the kingdom's defenses. Magic, strategy, and valor collide in this epic tale of power and resistance. Read more

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The Energetic Elephant - Abridged by Kelly Johnson
The Energetic Elephant - Abridged
Kelly Johnson
The Energetic Elephant - Abridged by Kelly Johnson

The Energetic Elephant - Abridged

By: Kelly Johnson

Narrated by: Kelly Johnson

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the vast African savanna, young elephant Ella stood out for her boundless energy and adventurous spirit. While others in her herd enjoyed leisurely days, Ella explored tirelessly, seeking new wonders. Encouraged by friends Sam the zebra and Tilly the giraffe, she embarked on a quest to find the legendary Hidden Oasis. Despite challenges,... Read more

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Hair of the Dog [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Robert Lee Beers
Hair of the Dog [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Robert Lee Beers
Hair of the Dog [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Robert Lee Beers

Hair of the Dog [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Robert Lee Beers

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Bradley Smith, Elliot Dash, Andy B...

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tony Mandolin is a private eye living and working in modern day San Francisco, California. When Mandolin takes on a case that mixes him up into the affairs of mob bosses, bureaucrats, pixies and aristocratic vampires, life as he knows it radically changes...and the City by the Bay will never be the same.
All families come with their own unique... Read more

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Wild Scottish Love [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Tricia O'Malley
Wild Scottish Love [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Tricia O'Malley
Wild Scottish Love [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Tricia O'Malley

Wild Scottish Love [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Tricia O'Malley

Narrated by: Full Cast, Laura C. Harris, Stewart Crank, Dann...

Length: 7 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wicked banter, kitchen witches, and hot men in kilts make this friends-to-lovers modern day Scottish fairytale a romping good time.

I draw the line at serving people grasshoppers for dinner. As luck would have it, on the same day I quit my job as head chef at Suzette’s, a fine-dining restaurant in Boston, I was offered an opportunity to open a... Read more

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