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HeXGirls 2. HeXGirls auf Klassenfahrt - Abridged by Patricia Schröder
HeXGirls 2. HeXGirls auf Klassenfahrt - Abridged
Patricia Schröder
HeXGirls 2. HeXGirls auf Klassenfahrt - Abridged by Patricia Schröder

HeXGirls 2. HeXGirls auf Klassenfahrt - Abridged

By: Patricia Schröder

Narrated by: Maike Kühl, Katharina Heusler, Lea Scheuvens, C...

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zauberei im Schullandheim! Charlie, Jojo, Mira, Lucy und Fee sind mit ihrer Klasse in einem Schullandheim an der Nordsee. Natürlich bringen sie mit ihren magischen Kräften auch dort alles durcheinander. Doch so einfach ist das mit dem Hexen nicht: Die tollsten Zauberkräfte helfen nicht, wenn es um die Liebe geht! Das zweite Abenteuer der... Read more

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Star Trek: Prime Directive - Abridged by Judith Reeves-Stevens
Star Trek: Prime Directive - Abridged
Judith Reeves-Stevens
Star Trek: Prime Directive - Abridged by Judith Reeves-Stevens

Star Trek: Prime Directive - Abridged

By: Judith Reeves-Stevens

Narrated by: James Doohan

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Starfleet's most sacred commandment has been violated. Its most honored captain is in disgrace, its
most celebrated starship in pieces, and the crew of that ship scattered among the thousand worlds of
the Federation...

Thus begins Prime Directive, an epic tale of the Star Trek&reg universe. Following in the
bestselling tradition of Spock's... Read more

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Götterflüstern. Gefundene Liebe - Abridged by Jenny Völker
Götterflüstern. Gefundene Liebe - Abridged
Jenny Völker
Götterflüstern. Gefundene Liebe - Abridged by Jenny Völker

Götterflüstern. Gefundene Liebe - Abridged

By: Jenny Völker

Narrated by: Désirée Singson

Length: 7 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stell dir vor, die Götter spielen ein Spiel und du gerätst zwischen die Fronten. Elli ist Archäologin und gräbt wie jeden Sommer in Delphi aus. Im Zuge dessen findet sie eine kleine Statue der griechischen Göttin Athena, die sich seltsam leicht anfühlt. Kurz darauf überschlagen sich die Ereignisse. Ein geheimnisvoller Gutachter taucht auf,... Read more

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Killerkatzen - Teil 2 - Abridged by Skye MacKinnon
Killerkatzen - Teil 2 - Abridged
Skye MacKinnon
Killerkatzen - Teil 2 - Abridged by Skye MacKinnon

Killerkatzen - Teil 2 - Abridged

By: Skye MacKinnon

Narrated by: Mélanie Fouché

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Männer sind wie Katzen. Sie machen nicht, was man ihnen sagt und wollen ständig nur gestreichelt werden. Kat vermisst ihr einzelgängerisches Killerleben. Statt eine kaltblütige Tat nach der anderen zu begehen, muss sie jetzt mit zweieinhalb Männern klar kommen, die alle um ihre Aufmerksamkeit buhlen. Aber angesichts einer neuen Krise hat... Read more

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Killerkatzen - Teil 3 - Abridged by Skye MacKinnon
Killerkatzen - Teil 3 - Abridged
Skye MacKinnon
Killerkatzen - Teil 3 - Abridged by Skye MacKinnon

Killerkatzen - Teil 3 - Abridged

By: Skye MacKinnon

Narrated by: Mélanie Fouché

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Es gibt fünf sichere Anzeichen dafür, dass eine Katze paarungsbereit ist: - Sie reibt sich an allem, was irgendwie männlich ist - Sie findet Katzenjunge extrem süß - Sie präsentiert ihre Vorzüge bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit - Sie lässt sich leicht ablenken - Sie verliert die Lust am Morden Bring mich lieber gleich um. Das hier... Read more

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Отряд «Авангард». Темный Наследник - Abridged by Евгений Гаглоев
Отряд «Авангард». Темный Наследник - Abridged
Евгений Гаглоев
Отряд «Авангард». Темный Наследник - Abridged by Евгений Гаглоев

Отряд «Авангард». Темный Наследник - Abridged

By: Евгений Гаглоев

Narrated by: Илья Сланевский

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Долгожданное продолжение захватывающей серии! Новая часть «Отряда "Авангард"» Евгения Гаглоева — «Темный наследник»! В гигантском мегаполисе Санкт-Эринбурге всегда неспокойно… Усилий полиции не хватает для победы над злом. Чтобы защитить жителей города, Департамент безопасности создал отряд «Авангард» для расследования наиболее странных и... Read more

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Hotel Fantástico: Vol. 2022 - Abridged by A. S. Santos, Carol Arguelho, JulyanneKim, Denise Sintani, J. Medeiros, Raquel Souza, Amanda Kraft, M.M, Eniomar O.M., Isry Monte, Hélio Galdino Lopes, Cistino Reis, Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo, Larissa Walti, Laís Soler, Maikele Homrich, ALGRA, Johnny Mau, Selena Moselle & Francis Christ
Hotel Fantástico: Vol. 2022 - Abridged
A. S. Santos, Carol Arguelho, JulyanneKim, Deni...
Hotel Fantástico: Vol. 2022 - Abridged by A. S. Santos, Carol Arguelho, JulyanneKim, Denise Sintani, J. Medeiros, Raquel Souza, Amanda Kraft, M.M, Eniomar O.M., Isry Monte, Hélio Galdino Lopes, Cistino Reis, Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo, Larissa Walti, Laís Soler, Maikele Homrich, ALGRA, Johnny Mau, Selena Moselle & Francis Christ

Hotel Fantástico: Vol. 2022 - Abridged

By: A. S. Santos, Carol Arguelho, JulyanneKim, Deni...

Narrated by: Ricardo Daunt

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Um dos 19 projetos selecionados para o Pitching Editorial do Rio2c de 2023. O Hotel Fantástico abre suas portas para receber os primeiros visitantes! Nesta antologia com 20 contos fantásticos, você conhecerá um pouco dessa estrutura que abriga criaturas peculiares e diversos enredos em diferentes estilos. Não tenha medo de explorar a... Read more

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Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer - Abridged by Mark Twain
Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer - Abridged
Mark Twain
Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer - Abridged by Mark Twain

Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer - Abridged

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Armando Hernandez

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este clásico fue publicado por primera vez entre 1876 y 1878 y a la fecha, sigue siendo considerada una obra maestra de la literatura, Tom Sawyer es un niño huérfano,travieso pero muy astuto, que vive en un pequeño pueblo a orillas del rió Mississippi, junto con sus amigos vivirán las historias mas increíbles e interesantes, un relato ágil,... Read more

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The Hour of the Gate [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alan Dean Foster
The Hour of the Gate [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Alan Dean Foster
The Hour of the Gate [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alan Dean Foster

The Hour of the Gate [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Alan Dean Foster

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Terence Aselford, Gregory Liningto...

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Marooned in another universe, a young American musician leads a motley army in battle against an enemy that threatens to destroy their world and ours

Jon-Tom just wanted to go home. Trapped in a world where animals speak and magic is real, the American college student yearned for an ordinary dorm-room life. But here his music has magical... Read more

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The Core (3 of 4) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Peter V. Brett
The Core (3 of 4) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Peter V. Brett
The Core (3 of 4) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Peter V. Brett

The Core (3 of 4) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Peter V. Brett

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Dylan Lynch, Eva Wilhelm, Colleen ...

Length: 5 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

New York Times bestselling author Peter V. Brett brings one of the most imaginative fantasy sagas of the twenty-first century to an epic close.

For time out of mind, bloodthirsty demons have stalked the night, culling the human race to scattered remnants dependent on half-forgotten magics to protect them. Then two heroes arose—men as close as... Read more

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DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE - Abridged by Anika Hasse
Anika Hasse
DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE - Abridged by Anika Hasse


By: Anika Hasse

Narrated by: Heiko Grauel

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

DIE MAGISCHE TIERWARTE – Abenteuer im versteinerten Wald   Marly kann es nicht fassen. Ihre Eltern sagen in letzter Sekunde die versprochene gemeinsame Brasilien-Reise ab und schicken sie stattdessen in ein Ferienlager am Chiemsee. Dort angekommen, entpuppt sich dieses aber keineswegs als langweilig. Zusammen mit ihren neuen Freunden Finni... Read more

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Dark Side of the Moon - Abridged by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Dark Side of the Moon - Abridged
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Dark Side of the Moon - Abridged by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Dark Side of the Moon - Abridged

By: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Narrated by: Maggi-Meg Reed

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Susan Michaels was once the hottest reporter on the Beltway Beat until a major scandal ruined her life and left her writing stories about alien babies and Elvis sightings. Life as she once knew it is over, or so she thinks, but then she gets a lead on a story that could salvage her extinct career. She heads to the local animal shelter, expecting... Read more

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Dark Immolation (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Christopher Husberg
Dark Immolation (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Christopher Husberg
Dark Immolation (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Christopher Husberg

Dark Immolation (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Christopher Husberg

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Nanette Savard, Thomas Keegan, Mar...

Length: 5 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A new religion is rising, gathering followers drawn by rumors of prophetess Jane Oden. Her sister, Cinzia - onetime Cantic priestess - is by her side but fears that Jane will lead them to ruin. For both the church and the Nazaniin assassins are still on their trail, and much worse may come.
Knot, his true nature now revealed if not truly... Read more

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The Blinding Knife (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Brent Weeks
The Blinding Knife (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Brent Weeks
The Blinding Knife (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Brent Weeks

The Blinding Knife (3 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Brent Weeks

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Christopher Scheere...

Length: 7 hours

Abridged: Yes

Gavin Guile is dying.

He'd thought he had five years left—now he has less than one. With fifty thousand refugees, a bastard son, and an ex-fiancEe who may have learned his darkest secret, Gavin has problems on every side. All magic in the world is running wild and threatens to destroy the Seven Satrapies.

Worst of all, the old gods are being... Read more

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What the Puck? [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Robert Lee Beers
What the Puck? [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Robert Lee Beers
What the Puck? [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Robert Lee Beers

What the Puck? [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Robert Lee Beers

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Bradley Smith, Elliot Dash, Andy B...

Length: 5 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

San Francisco's only PI with an eye into the supernatural, is having one of those months. His bad mood drives him to his local pub where he encounters his latest client, a Leprechaun who's lost his adopted niece, a runaway Dryad, and that's where the problems begin.
Some days it pours and when Landau Bain, the city's crankiest wizard arrives on... Read more

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The Devil's Chord [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alex Archer
The Devil's Chord [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Alex Archer
The Devil's Chord [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alex Archer

The Devil's Chord [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Alex Archer

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Nanette Savard, Colleen Delany, An...

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Da Vinci's greatest and most dangerous legacy…
In the midst of a lovers' quarrel on a Venetian bridge, a pair of art thieves loses a priceless, stolen Lorraine cross to the canal's murky waters. Suspecting a connection between the cross, Joan of Arc and da Vinci, Annja Creed's former mentor, Roux, sends the archaeologist to oversee the search... Read more

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Geliebt (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) - Abridged by Morgan Rice
Geliebt (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) - Abridged
Morgan Rice
Geliebt (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) - Abridged by Morgan Rice

Geliebt (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) - Abridged

By: Morgan Rice

Narrated by: Nana Spier

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In VERGÖTTERT (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire) brechen Caitlin und Caleb gemeinsam auf, um das eine Objekt zu finden, das den drohenden Krieg zwischen Menschen und Vampiren verhindern kann: Das verlorene Schwert. Alte Überlieferungen der Vampire erzählen davon, und es bestehen große Zweifel, ob es überhaupt existiert.

Wenn es überhaupt eine Hoffnung... Read more

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Abracadaver [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Laura Resnick
Abracadaver [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Laura Resnick
Abracadaver [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Laura Resnick

Abracadaver [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Laura Resnick

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Colleen Delany, Thomas Keegan, Bob...

Length: 5 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

R.I.P. = Reanimated, Infernal, and Pretty damn dangerous

Struggling actress Esther Diamond, whose year got off to a rough start (what with incarceration, unemployment, and mystical death curses), finally catches a break when she lands an acting job.

She's hired to reprise her guest role as prostitute Jilly C-Note on The Dirty Thirty, a TV crime... Read more

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The Daylight War (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Peter V. Brett
The Daylight War (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Peter V. Brett
The Daylight War (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Peter V. Brett

The Daylight War (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Peter V. Brett

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Dylan Lynch, Alyssa Wilmoth, Johan...

Length: 7 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

On the night of the new moon, the demons rise in force, seeking the deaths of two men both of whom have the potential to become the fabled Deliverer, the man prophesied to reunite the scattered remnants of humanity in a final push to destroy the demon corelings once and for all.

Arlen Bales was once an ordinary man, but now he has become... Read more

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Muddle Earth - Abridged by Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart
Muddle Earth - Abridged
Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart
Muddle Earth - Abridged by Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart

Muddle Earth - Abridged

By: Chris Riddell & Paul Stewart

Narrated by: John Sessions

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell's Muddle Earth is a hilarious, tongue-in-cheek fantasy adventure, full of unforgettable characters. From the authors of the Edge Chronicles.

As the third moon rises over Muddle Earth's Perfumed Bog, the twinkling lights are lit on a small houseboat, home to a wizard, Randalf, and his familiar, a very sarcastic... Read more

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Monster Mission - Abridged by Eva Ibbotson
Monster Mission - Abridged
Eva Ibbotson
Monster Mission - Abridged by Eva Ibbotson

Monster Mission - Abridged

By: Eva Ibbotson

Narrated by: Julian Rhind-Tutt

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Monster Mission by Eva Ibbotson is a fun fantasy adventure full of fantastical creatures and mythical monsters! This wonderful audiobook edition is read aloud by actor Julian Rhind-Tutt.

'We must kidnap some children,' announced Aunt Etta. 'Young, strong ones. It will be dangerous, but it must be done.'

Three children are stolen and taken to a... Read more

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Not Just a Witch - Abridged by Eva Ibbotson
Not Just a Witch - Abridged
Eva Ibbotson
Not Just a Witch - Abridged by Eva Ibbotson

Not Just a Witch - Abridged

By: Eva Ibbotson

Narrated by: Adjoa Andoh

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Not Just A Witch is a wonderfully spooky young-fiction title from the award-winning author of Journey to the River Sea, Eva Ibbotson.

'I want you to change the next wicked person you see into a tiger,' demanded Lionel. 'A very large tiger.'

Heckie is not just a witch – she's an animal witch, who wants to make the world a better place by... Read more

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The Blinding Knife (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Brent Weeks
The Blinding Knife (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Brent Weeks
The Blinding Knife (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Brent Weeks

The Blinding Knife (2 of 3) [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Brent Weeks

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Richard Rohan, Christopher Scheere...

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gavin Guile is dying.

He'd thought he had five years left—now he has less than one. With fifty thousand refugees, a bastard son, and an ex-fiancEe who may have learned his darkest secret, Gavin has problems on every side. All magic in the world is running wild and threatens to destroy the Seven Satrapies.

Worst of all, the old gods are being... Read more

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Death Looms [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alex Archer
Death Looms [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
Alex Archer
Death Looms [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by Alex Archer

Death Looms [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: Alex Archer

Narrated by: A Full Cast, Nanette Savard, Colleen Delany, Te...

Length: 5 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

While looking for ghosts among Mardi Gras revelers in New Orleans, Annja Creed is asked to help recover sacred objects stolen from a church. Instead, her efforts lead her into a vast conspiracy and blackmail scheme that stretches thousands of years into the past.
Joined by Garin Braden, who has his own score to settle, Annja follows the path of... Read more

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