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الدحيحة - كريستوفر نولان - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - كريستوفر نولان - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - كريستوفر نولان - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - كريستوفر نولان - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

لا وقت للانتظار. لما بنتفرج على أفلامه، غالبًا بنبقى متأكدين من إننا هنحس بقدر كبير من المتعة وهنشوف حاجة مختلفة مليانة بالخيال والألغاز والإثارة، ومع كل إعادة مشاهدة بنكتشف حاجات جديدة. ودايمًا أفلامه بتاخدنا لمواضيع مهمة زي الوجودية والمعرفة والتجربة الذاتية وتشويه الذاكرة والأخلاق الإنسانية والأحلام وطبيعة الزمن وبناء الهوية الشخصية. قدر يحط... Read more

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Габрэі ў гісторыі Беларусі - Abridged by Сяргей Хаўрэўскі
Габрэі ў гісторыі Беларусі - Abridged
Сяргей Хаўрэўскі
Габрэі ў гісторыі Беларусі - Abridged by Сяргей Хаўрэўскі

Габрэі ў гісторыі Беларусі - Abridged

By: Сяргей Хаўрэўскі

Narrated by: Сяргей Хаўрэўскі

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Курс Сяргея Харэўскага "Габрэі ў гісторыі Беларусі" на дыстанцыйнай платформе Лятучага ўніверсітэта.Беларусь – радзіма тысячаў габрэяў, якіх ведае ўвесь свет: ад выбітных мастакоў Хаіма Суціна і Марка Шагала да шэрагу прэзідэнтаў і прэмʼер-міністраў Ізраіля, такіх як Хаім Вейцман, Менахем Бегін, Шымон Перэс.Ад першых дакументальных згадак у XII... Read more

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الدحيحة - ألبرت أينشتاين - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - ألبرت أينشتاين - Abridged
طاهر المعتز بالله
الدحيحة - ألبرت أينشتاين - Abridged by طاهر المعتز بالله

الدحيحة - ألبرت أينشتاين - Abridged

By: طاهر المعتز بالله

Narrated by: أحمد الغندور

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

قول للزمان ارجع زمكان. في طفولته، كان فيه حدثين مهمين أثروا عليه: الأول لما والده جابله بوصلة وهو عنده خمس سنين، فاحتار من القوة غير المرئية اللي بتحرك إبرة البوصلة. والحدث التاني في سن اتناشر سنة لما اتعرّف على طالب الطب الشاب «ماكس تالمود» اللي أهداه كتاب في علم الهندسة، فاستوعبه بسرعة رهيبة واعتبره «كتاب الهندسة الصغير المقدس»، ولما ساعده... Read more

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Stauffenberg - Der 2. Juli 1944 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Dirk Schwibbert
Stauffenberg - Der 2. Juli 1944 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Dirk Schwibbert
Stauffenberg - Der 2. Juli 1944 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Dirk Schwibbert

Stauffenberg - Der 2. Juli 1944 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Dirk Schwibbert

Narrated by: Oliver Nitsche & Matthias Scherwenikas

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, eine der zentralen Persönlichkeiten des Widerstandes gegen die Nationalsozialisten, verübte am 20. Juli 1944 erfolglos ein Attentat auf Adolf Hitler. Die "Operation Walküre", der geplante Staatsstreich, war damit gescheitert, die Widerständler wurden noch in der gleichen Nacht hingerichtet. Ein fesselndes... Read more

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At Canaan's Edge - Abridged by Taylor Branch
At Canaan's Edge - Abridged
Taylor Branch
At Canaan's Edge - Abridged by Taylor Branch

At Canaan's Edge - Abridged

By: Taylor Branch

Narrated by: Joe Morton

Length: 9 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68 is the final volume in Taylor Branch's magnificent history of America in the years of the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War, recognized universally as the definitive account and ultimate recognition of Martin Luther King's heroic place in the nation's history.

The final volume of Taylor... Read more

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الجريمة العثمانية - Abridged by وليد فكري
الجريمة العثمانية - Abridged
وليد فكري
الجريمة العثمانية - Abridged by وليد فكري

الجريمة العثمانية - Abridged

By: وليد فكري

Narrated by: محمد العربي

Length: 8 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

في هذا الكتاب، يتناول الكاتب والباحث «وليد فكري» الوقائع الصادمة والجرائم التي ارتكبتها الدولة العثمانية خلال أربعة قرون أثناء استيلائهم على مصر. من خلال أربعة وثلاثين مقال منفصلة يعدد مساوئ تلك الفترة، لكنه يبدأ حديثه عن حُمى تمجيد العثمانيين وتحصينهم الديني للتاريخ، ويتكلم عن دور الدراما التركية في التأثير على الفكر الجمعي للجماهير... Read more

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Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged by Thomas Cahill
Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged
Thomas Cahill
Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged by Thomas Cahill

Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged

By: Thomas Cahill

Narrated by: Thomas Cahill

Length: 6 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

After the long period of cultural decline known as the Dark Ages, Europe experienced a rebirth of scholarship, art, literature, philosophy, and science and began to develop a vision of Western society that remains at the heart of Western civilization today.

By placing the image of the Virgin Mary at the center of their churches and their ... Read more

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Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged by Robert G. Allen
Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged
Robert G. Allen
Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged by Robert G. Allen

Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged

By: Robert G. Allen

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: 4 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With more than a million copies in print, Robert Allen's Nothing Down for the '90s has probably helped more people achieve success in real estate than any book in history. Countless numbers of his readers are now financially independent and many actual millionaires attribute their wealth to his techniques. Why has this blockbuster bestseller... Read more

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Hard Choices - Abridged by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hard Choices - Abridged
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hard Choices - Abridged by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hard Choices - Abridged

By: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Narrated by: Kathleen Chalfant & Hillary Rodham Clinton

Length: 11 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2016 Democratic Nominee for President of the United States

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inside look at the choices and challenges she has faced is “a subtle, finely calibrated work…with succinct and often shrewd appraisals of the complex web of political, economic, and historical forces in play around the world” (The New York Times).

In the... Read more

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D-Day - Abridged by Stephen E. Ambrose
D-Day - Abridged
Stephen E. Ambrose
D-Day - Abridged by Stephen E. Ambrose

D-Day - Abridged

By: Stephen E. Ambrose

Narrated by: Stephen E. Ambrose

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stephen E. Ambrose’s D-Day is the definitive history of World War II’s most pivotal battle, a day that changed the course of history.

D-Day is the epic story of men at the most demanding moment of their lives, when the horrors, complexities, and triumphs of life are laid bare. Distinguished historian Stephen E. Ambrose portrays the faces of... Read more

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Queen of Scots - Abridged by John Guy
Queen of Scots - Abridged
John Guy
Queen of Scots - Abridged by John Guy

Queen of Scots - Abridged

By: John Guy

Narrated by: John Guy

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An intimate, myth-shattering new biography of Mary Queen of Scots by a premier historian that draws on a trove of newly discovered sources.Queen of Scots, the first full-scale biography of Mary in more than thirty years, offers a singularly novel, nuanced, and dramatic portrait of one of history’s greatest women.John Guy draws on sources -- many... Read more

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Restoration London - Abridged by Liza Picard
Restoration London - Abridged
Liza Picard
Restoration London - Abridged by Liza Picard

Restoration London - Abridged

By: Liza Picard

Narrated by: Sean Barrett

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Making use of every possible contemporary source - diaries, memoirs, advice books, government papers, almanacs, even the Register of Patents - Liza Picard presents an enthralling picture of how life in London was really lived in the 1600s: the houses and streets, gardens and parks, cooking, clothes and jewellery, cosmetics, hairdressing,... Read more

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Der blaue Himmel trügt - Abridged by Reinhold Stecher
Der blaue Himmel trügt - Abridged
Reinhold Stecher
Der blaue Himmel trügt - Abridged by Reinhold Stecher

Der blaue Himmel trügt - Abridged

By: Reinhold Stecher

Narrated by: Reinhold Stecher

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Erinnern – gedenken – mahnen Wie Bischof Reinhold Stecher die NS-Diktatur und den Krieg erlebt hat Bischof Reinhold Stecher hat als Zeitzeuge immer wieder an die Gräuel des nationalsozialistischen Terrorregimes erinnert, an diese "unselige Zeit, die kein Altgold heroischer Verklärung verdient". Dieses Hörbuch ergänzt die Lesungen von... Read more

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Nun soll endlich Glanzzeit sein - Abridged by Evelyn Roll
Nun soll endlich Glanzzeit sein - Abridged
Evelyn Roll
Nun soll endlich Glanzzeit sein - Abridged by Evelyn Roll

Nun soll endlich Glanzzeit sein - Abridged

By: Evelyn Roll

Narrated by: Anne Bennent

Length: 2 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bühnenstar Anne Bennent leiht Evelyn Rolls Berliner Beobachtungen die Stimme und erzählt von einer Stadt, die im Aufbau und Umbruch ist und in der nichts mehr so ist, wie es einst war. Evelyn Roll, leitende Redakteurin der "Süddeuschen Zeitung" in Berlin, berichtet über die Schwierigkeiten der frisch angekommenen Bonner, blickt hinter die... Read more

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