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Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged by David Michaelis
Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged
David Michaelis
Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged by David Michaelis

Schulz and Peanuts - Abridged

By: David Michaelis

Narrated by: Holter Graham

Length: 12 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Charles M. Schulz, the most widely syndicated and beloved cartoonist of all time, is also one of the least understood figures in American culture. Now acclaimed biographer David Michaelis gives us an in-depth biography of the brilliant, unseen man behind Peanuts.It is the most American of stories: How a barber's son grew up from modest... Read more

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Drogenrausch und Deduktion - Abridged by Traian Suttles
Drogenrausch und Deduktion - Abridged
Traian Suttles
Drogenrausch und Deduktion - Abridged by Traian Suttles

Drogenrausch und Deduktion - Abridged

By: Traian Suttles

Narrated by: Gemma

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch wurde von einer künstlichen Stimme eingelesen. SHERLOCK HOLMES – eine der wenigen Figuren der neueren Literaturgeschichte, denen ein mythischer Status zukommt, und zugleich eine der rätselhaftesten. Warum konsumiert Holmes, entgegen des ärztlichen Rates seines Vertrauten Dr. Watson, regelmäßig Kokain- und Morphium? Was hat es... Read more

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Coming soon
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 12. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Vanhoefer, Sylvia Schreiber & Cornelia Ferstl
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 12. Jahrhundert - Abridged
Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Van...
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 12. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Vanhoefer, Sylvia Schreiber & Cornelia Ferstl

Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 12. Jahrhundert - Abridged

By: Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Van...

Narrated by: Udo Wachtveitl, Burchard Dabinnus, Thomas Albus...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Im 12. Jahrhundert schlüpft Uhu Bubo in eine stattliche Ritterrüstung. Ehrlich gesagt gibt er damit ziemlich an, denn das Kämpfen überlässt er den anderen und zum Reiten sind die Beine zu kurz. Er trifft auf eine zauberhafte Uhudame und versucht sich bei einem Wettstreit von Minnesängern. Spannend findet er auch die Geschichte von Prinz... Read more

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American Lion - Abridged by Jon Meacham
American Lion - Abridged
Jon Meacham
American Lion - Abridged by Jon Meacham

American Lion - Abridged

By: Jon Meacham

Narrated by: John H. Mayer

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive biography of a larger-than-life president who defied norms, divided a nation, and changed Washington forever

Andrew Jackson, his intimate circle of friends, and his tumultuous times are at the heart of this remarkable book about the man who rose from nothing to create the modern presidency. Beloved and hated, venerated and... Read more

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Die Versprengten - Abridged by F. John-Ferrer
Die Versprengten - Abridged
F. John-Ferrer
Die Versprengten - Abridged by F. John-Ferrer

Die Versprengten - Abridged

By: F. John-Ferrer

Narrated by: Klaus G. Förg

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Januar 1945: Zwei Obergefreite verlieren auf dem Rückzug der deutschen Truppen vor der herannahenden Roten Armee den Anschluss an ihre Einheit. Auf sich allein gestellt, inmitten einer feindlichen Welt und geplagt vom sibirisch kalten Winter haben die beiden nur ein Ziel: Sie müssen hinter die Frontlinie gelangen, sonst sind sie verloren. Auf... Read more

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Revolutionaries - Abridged by Sanjeev Sanyal
Revolutionaries - Abridged
Sanjeev Sanyal
Revolutionaries - Abridged by Sanjeev Sanyal

Revolutionaries - Abridged

By: Sanjeev Sanyal

Narrated by: Shubhankar

Length: 7 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is an abridged edition of Sanjeev Sanyal's Revolutionaries: The Other Story of How India Won Its Freedom, shortened and illustrated for younger readers.You may have read the history of India's freedom struggle from the perspective of the non-violent movement. Yet, the story of armed resistance to the British Empire is just as... Read more

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Coming soon
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 16. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Sylvia Schreiber, Cornelia Ferstl, Markus Vanhoefer & Katharina Neuschaefer
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 16. Jahrhundert - Abridged
Barbara Weiß, Sylvia Schreiber, Cornelia Ferstl...
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 16. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Sylvia Schreiber, Cornelia Ferstl, Markus Vanhoefer & Katharina Neuschaefer

Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 16. Jahrhundert - Abridged

By: Barbara Weiß, Sylvia Schreiber, Cornelia Ferstl...

Narrated by: Udo Wachtveitl, Burchard Dabinnus, Peter Veit, ...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Wenn ein vorlauter Uhu auf einen schweigsamen Kirchenmusiker trifft, ja heiliger Bimbam, das gibt Ärger: Im 16. Jahrhundert sucht Uhu Bubo während eines Gewitters Unterschlupf bei Orlando di Lasso. Klitschnass zerfetzt er dabei einige Notenblätter mit einer Motette darauf, um sich ein trockenes Nest zu bauen. Doch der Komponist Orlando di Lasso... Read more

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Tenha o Poder de Atrair Dinheiro - Abridged by Zé Namasteca
Tenha o Poder de Atrair Dinheiro - Abridged
Zé Namasteca
Tenha o Poder de Atrair Dinheiro - Abridged by Zé Namasteca

Tenha o Poder de Atrair Dinheiro - Abridged

By: Zé Namasteca

Narrated by: Namasteca Estúdios

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A jornada de um homem que desafiou os limites e conquistou a liberdade financeira. Descubra como um caminhoneiro transformou sua vida através do poder da mente e da espiritualidade. Este livro revela os segredos que o levaram da pobreza à abundância, oferecendo um guia prático para você alcançar seus objetivos.Descubra os segredos ancestrais da... Read more

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Emergency - Abridged by Neil Strauss
Emergency - Abridged
Neil Strauss
Emergency - Abridged by Neil Strauss

Emergency - Abridged

By: Neil Strauss

Narrated by: Neil Strauss

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Terrorist attacks. Natural disasters. Domestic crackdowns. Economic collapse. Riots. Wars. Disease. Starvation. What can you do when it all hits the fan? You can learn to be self-sufficient and survive without the system. ""I've started to look at the world through apocalypse eyes."" So begins Neil Strauss's harrowing new book: his first... Read more

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México insurgente - Abridged by John Reed
México insurgente - Abridged
John Reed
México insurgente - Abridged by John Reed

México insurgente - Abridged

By: John Reed

Narrated by: Alejandro Salvador Ortega Álvarez

Length: 10 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

México insurgente representa el preludio de su labor como corresponsal de guerra y sus posteriores obras sobre los conflictos bélicos. Es un relato en primera persona, un testimonio de carácter épico de sus vivencias como acompañante de las tropas villistas y carrancistas en sus victorias y desventuras durante la Revolución mexicana, desde que... Read more

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Hero - Abridged by Michael Korda
Hero - Abridged
Michael Korda
Hero - Abridged by Michael Korda

Hero - Abridged

By: Michael Korda

Narrated by: Robin Sachs

Length: 14 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From Michael Korda, author of the New York Times bestselling Eisenhower biography Ike and the captivating Battle of Britain book With Wings Like Eagles, comes the critically-acclaimed definitive biography of T. E. Lawrence—the legendary British soldier, strategist, scholar, and adventurer whose exploits as “Lawrence of Arabia” created a legacy... Read more

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All Brave Sailors - Abridged by J. Revell Carr
All Brave Sailors - Abridged
J. Revell Carr
All Brave Sailors - Abridged by J. Revell Carr

All Brave Sailors - Abridged

By: J. Revell Carr

Narrated by: George K. Wilson

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the darkness before moonrise on the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast on August 21, 1940, the night erupted in a fusillade of bullets and shells. The victim was a stalwart English tramp steamer, Anglo Saxon, part of the lifeline that was keeping besieged England in supplies. The attacker appeared to be a merchant ship from a neutral... Read more

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Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged by Thomas Cahill
Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged
Thomas Cahill
Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged by Thomas Cahill

Mysteries of the Middle Ages - Abridged

By: Thomas Cahill

Narrated by: Thomas Cahill

Length: 6 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

After the long period of cultural decline known as the Dark Ages, Europe experienced a rebirth of scholarship, art, literature, philosophy, and science and began to develop a vision of Western society that remains at the heart of Western civilization today.

By placing the image of the Virgin Mary at the center of their churches and their ... Read more

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Coming soon
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 11. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Vanhoefer, Sylvia Schreiber & Cornelia Ferstl
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 11. Jahrhundert - Abridged
Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Van...
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 11. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Vanhoefer, Sylvia Schreiber & Cornelia Ferstl

Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 11. Jahrhundert - Abridged

By: Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer, Markus Van...

Narrated by: Udo Wachtveitl, Burchard Dabinnus, Peter Veit, ...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Uhu Bubo hat gerade das Fliegen gelernt und die Windeln abgelegt, schon ist er rotzfrech unterwegs. Er nistet sich bei Guido von Arezzo ein und hilft nicht nur beim Bier brauen, sondern auch beim Bier schmuggeln. Leider steckt er seinen Schnabel nicht selten ins Fass, entsprechend grölt er so manches Lied ganz schön falsch. Höchste Zeit, dass... Read more

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Coming soon
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 15. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer & Cornelia Ferstl
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 15. Jahrhundert - Abridged
Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer & Cornelia ...
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 15. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer & Cornelia Ferstl

Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 15. Jahrhundert - Abridged

By: Barbara Weiß, Katharina Neuschaefer & Cornelia ...

Narrated by: Udo Wachtveitl, Burchard Dabinnus, Peter Veit, ...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Unser Uhu wohnt im Garten der Kaiserburg in Nürnberg und führt dort ein angenehmes Leben. Auf dem Gebiet des Gesangs hält er sich für sehr begabt und nimmt daher häufig an Gesangswettbewerben teil. Bei einer solchen Gelegenheit fällt er dem Meistersinger Walther von Stolzing auf. Dieser lädt ihn ein, mit den Meistersingern gemeinsam auf Reisen... Read more

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Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds - Abridged by Gary M. Pomerantz
Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds - Abridged
Gary M. Pomerantz
Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds - Abridged by Gary M. Pomerantz

Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds - Abridged

By: Gary M. Pomerantz

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 6 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In August 1995, twenty-six passengers and a crew of three board a commuter plane in Atlanta headed for Gulfport, Mississippi. Shortly after takeoff they hear an explosion and some see a mangled engine lodged against the wing. From that moment, nine minutes and twenty seconds elapse until the crippled plane crashes in a west Georgia hayfield.... Read more

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Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged
Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Eric Bentley

Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged

By: Eric Bentley

Narrated by: Gabrielle de Cuir, a full cast, Nathan Dana Ald...

Length: 15 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A chilling reenactment of the federal government’s anti-Communist investigationsThe testimony that the author has gleaned for this book from the thirty-year record of the House Un-American Activities Committee focuses on HUAC’s treatment of artists, intellectuals, and performers. This highly readable and absorbing collection of significant... Read more

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Leading Ladies - Abridged by Kay Bailey Hutchison
Leading Ladies - Abridged
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Leading Ladies - Abridged by Kay Bailey Hutchison

Leading Ladies - Abridged

By: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Narrated by: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In a series of skillfully drawn biographical portraits, United States Senator and bestselling author Kay Bailey Hutchison examines the lives of sixty-three pioneers in military service, journalism, public health, social reform, science, and politics—all American women. Mixing historical portraits with modern success stories, Senator Hutchison... Read more

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Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 2 - Abridged by Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 2 - Abridged
Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 2 - Abridged by Eric Bentley

Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 2 - Abridged

By: Eric Bentley

Narrated by: Nathan Dana Aldrich, Paul Boehmer, Scott Brick,...

Length: 12 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A chilling reenactment of the Federal government’s anti-Communist investigationsEric Bentley has chosen highlights from the thirty-year record of the House Un-American Activities Committee to demonstrate HUAC’s focus on artists, intellectuals, and performers. Volume 2: 1951–1952 includes the testimonies of Clifford Odets, Edward G. Robinson,... Read more

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How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life - Abridged by Peter Robinson
How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life - Abridged
Peter Robinson
How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life - Abridged by Peter Robinson

How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life - Abridged

By: Peter Robinson

Narrated by: Peter Robinson

Length: 5 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

On February 6, 2001, my nine-year-old daughter happened to wander into the room during a television segment marking Ronald Reagan's ninetieth birthday. She watched for a moment. Then she turned to me and asked, ""Dad, is that the President you worked for?""What answer could I give her? How could I make her see? I wanted my daughter to recognize... Read more

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100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus - Abridged by Heraclitus
100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus - Abridged
100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus - Abridged by Heraclitus

100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus - Abridged

By: Heraclitus

Narrated by: Brad Carty

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

'100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus' is a superb read for those with an interest in philosophy or the human condition. Insightful, esoteric, and incisive, 21st-century readers will be taken with the relevance of observations made more than 2,500 years ago. Whether you're looking for philosophical inspiration or to further your self-development,... Read more

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The Majors - Abridged by John Feinstein
The Majors - Abridged
John Feinstein
The Majors - Abridged by John Feinstein

The Majors - Abridged

By: John Feinstein

Narrated by: John Feinstein

Length: 2 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

WHAT DOES IT TAKE to win a major championship and reach the absolute pinnacle of golf? Through a season of the four tournaments -- the Masters, the U.S. Open, the British Open, and the PGA Championship -- known collectively as the majors, John Feinstein takes us where the television cameras never go, both off the links and "inside the ropes", as... Read more

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A Voyage Long and Strange - Abridged by Tony Horwitz
A Voyage Long and Strange - Abridged
Tony Horwitz
A Voyage Long and Strange - Abridged by Tony Horwitz

A Voyage Long and Strange - Abridged

By: Tony Horwitz

Narrated by: Tony Horwitz

Length: 8 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

On a chance visit to Plymouth Rock, Tony Horwitz makes an unsettling discovery. A history buff since early childhood, expensively educated at university—a history major, no less!—he’s reached middle age with a third-grader’s grasp of early America. In fact, he’s mislaid more than a century of American history, the period separating Columbus’s... Read more

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Coming soon
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 10. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Katharina Neuschaefer, Cornelia Ferstl, Silke Wolfrum & Sylvia Schreiber
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 10. Jahrhundert - Abridged
Katharina Neuschaefer, Cornelia Ferstl, Silke W...
Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 10. Jahrhundert - Abridged by Katharina Neuschaefer, Cornelia Ferstl, Silke Wolfrum & Sylvia Schreiber

Uhus Reise durch die Musikgeschichte. Das 10. Jahrhundert - Abridged

By: Katharina Neuschaefer, Cornelia Ferstl, Silke W...

Narrated by: Udo Wachtveitl, Peter Veit, Selia Er, Jerzy May...

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Unser Uhu beginnt seine Reise durch die Musikgeschichte mit einem zweiten Geburtstag: Pater Hieronymus, ein Benediktiner-Mönch, findet den kleinen, erschöpften Uhu und rettet ihm das Leben. Im Kloster lernt Uhu, warum die Mönche ihre Gebete singen statt sie zu lesen, er erfährt, wozu die langsamen Handbewegungen von Pater Hieronymus vor dem Chor... Read more

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