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102 Minutes - Abridged by Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn
102 Minutes - Abridged
Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn
102 Minutes - Abridged by Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn

102 Minutes - Abridged

By: Jim Dwyer & Kevin Flynn

Narrated by: Ron McClarty

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The dramatic and moving account of the struggle for life inside the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, when every minute counted.At 8:46 AM on September 11, 2001, 14,000 people were inside the twin towers -- reading e-mails, making trades, eating croissants at Windows on the World. Over the next 102 minutes, each would become... Read more

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México insurgente - Abridged by John Reed
México insurgente - Abridged
John Reed
México insurgente - Abridged by John Reed

México insurgente - Abridged

By: John Reed

Narrated by: Alejandro Salvador Ortega Álvarez

Length: 10 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

México insurgente representa el preludio de su labor como corresponsal de guerra y sus posteriores obras sobre los conflictos bélicos. Es un relato en primera persona, un testimonio de carácter épico de sus vivencias como acompañante de las tropas villistas y carrancistas en sus victorias y desventuras durante la Revolución mexicana, desde que... Read more

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​Sobre a utilidade e a desvantagem da história para a vida - Abridged by Friedrich Nietzsche
​Sobre a utilidade e a desvantagem da história para a vida - Abridged
Friedrich Nietzsche
​Sobre a utilidade e a desvantagem da história para a vida - Abridged by Friedrich Nietzsche

​Sobre a utilidade e a desvantagem da história para a vida - Abridged

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Alberto Eloy

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Obra fundamental para compreender a filosofia da história e a filosofia da cultura em Nietzsche, "Sobre a utilidade e a desvantagem da história para a vida", publicada em 1874, é a segunda das quatro considerações extemporâneas do autor, série de livros caracterizada pelo desejo de "intervir extemporaneamente — isto é, contra a época, sobre a... Read more

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3000 Degrees:  The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It - Abridged by Sean Flynn
3000 Degrees: The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It - Abridged
Sean Flynn
3000 Degrees:  The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It - Abridged by Sean Flynn

3000 Degrees: The True Story of a Deadly Fire and the Men Who Fought It - Abridged

By: Sean Flynn

Narrated by: Christopher Walker

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

On December 3, 1999, the call crackled in to the men of the Worchester, Massachusetts Fire Department: a three-alarm warehouse blaze in a six-story windowless colossus of brick and mortar.Firefighters love the excitement of a "triple." But this was a different beast. Rollovers, flashovers, backdrafts, this one had it all. Once inside, they found... Read more

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Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged by Cira Crespo
Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged
Cira Crespo
Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged by Cira Crespo

Euskal Herriko 40 emakume - Abridged

By: Cira Crespo

Narrated by: Gontzal Mendibil

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

LABURPENA: Kuxkuxeroa zara? Gustatzen zaizu zu jaio baino lehen zure herrian zer gertatu zen jakitea? Eta mota askoko jendea ezagutzea? Orduan, hau da zure liburua. Hemen ezagutuko dituzu gure gizarteari egindako ekarpenagatik erreferentzia diren Euskal Herriko emakumeak eta gizataldeak. Belaunaldi berrientzat erreferentzia... Read more

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The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged by Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged
Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged by Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy

The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged

By: Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy

Narrated by: L. J. Ganser

Length: 10 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.

At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public... Read more

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The Concise King - Abridged by Clayborne Carson
The Concise King - Abridged
Clayborne Carson
The Concise King - Abridged by Clayborne Carson

The Concise King - Abridged

By: Clayborne Carson

Narrated by: Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Dr....

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For the first time, an edition of Martin Luther King's most important speeches and selected sermons are assembled and available on CD as a value-priced edition. Hachette Audio believes that the timeless message of King, in his own words and voice, are essential listening for any American and for any world citizen interested in American history,... Read more

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Im Panzerturm - Tagebuch eines Panzersoldaten - Abridged by Johann Huber
Im Panzerturm - Tagebuch eines Panzersoldaten - Abridged
Johann Huber
Im Panzerturm - Tagebuch eines Panzersoldaten - Abridged by Johann Huber

Im Panzerturm - Tagebuch eines Panzersoldaten - Abridged

By: Johann Huber

Narrated by: Sascha Ulderup

Length: 19 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dies sind die Tagebuchaufzeichnungen eines Panzersoldaten, welcher von 1944 bis 1945 im Panzer-Regiment 25 gekämpft hat. Schonungslos beschreibt er die Rückzugsgefechte durch Ostpreußen, die Kämpfe im Kurlandkessel und das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung. Der Autor schrieb diese Zeilen anhand seiner Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus der Kriegszeit im... Read more

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História resumida do Brasil - Abridged by Beatriz Camacho
História resumida do Brasil - Abridged
Beatriz Camacho
História resumida do Brasil - Abridged by Beatriz Camacho

História resumida do Brasil - Abridged

By: Beatriz Camacho

Narrated by: Adriana Souza

Length: 4 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

História resumida do Brasil é um convite para entender melhor a diversidade e a complexidade do nosso país. Ao longo de cada capítulo, refletiremos sobre um momento diferente da história do Brasil, oferecendo novas perspectivas a respeito das histórias que compõem nossa identidade nacional em uma rica jornada de aprendizado. Read more

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Our Hidden Lives - Abridged by Simon Garfield
Our Hidden Lives - Abridged
Simon Garfield
Our Hidden Lives - Abridged by Simon Garfield

Our Hidden Lives - Abridged

By: Simon Garfield

Narrated by: Amanda Carlton, Christopher Scott, Jeffrey Perr...

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In 1936 anthropologist Tom Harrison, poet and journalist Charles Madge and documentary filmmaker Humphrey Jennings set up the Mass Observation Project. The idea was simple: ordinary people would record, in diary form, the events of their everyday lives. An estimated one million pages eventually found their way to the archive - and it soon... Read more

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Benito Mussolini - Abridged by Giancarlo Villa
Benito Mussolini - Abridged
Giancarlo Villa
Benito Mussolini - Abridged by Giancarlo Villa

Benito Mussolini - Abridged

By: Giancarlo Villa

Narrated by: Corrado Niro

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Dopo più di 75 anni dalla sua morte, Benito Mussolini continua a suscitare emozioni contrastanti e dibattiti accesi. Nonostante abbia portato l'Italia nella guerra più sanguinosa della sua storia, molte persone visitano ancora oggi la sua tomba con riverenza e molti altri lo ricordano con nostalgia. La sua figura, come quella di molti altri... Read more

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Decision Points - Abridged by George W. Bush
Decision Points - Abridged
George W. Bush
Decision Points - Abridged by George W. Bush

Decision Points - Abridged

By: George W. Bush

Narrated by: George W. Bush

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

President George W. Bush describes the critical decisions of his presidency and personal life.

Decision Points is the extraordinary memoir of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through the defining decisions of his life.
In gripping, never-before-heard... Read more

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Operazione Barbarossa - Abridged by Camilla Allegrucci
Operazione Barbarossa - Abridged
Camilla Allegrucci
Operazione Barbarossa - Abridged by Camilla Allegrucci

Operazione Barbarossa - Abridged

By: Camilla Allegrucci

Narrated by: Riccardo Burbi

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

E' il 21 giugno 1941, la notte più breve dell'anno. Un evento storico che rimarrà nella memoria dell'umanità per sempre. L'Operazione Barbarossa ha inizio: la Germania nazista di Hitler invade l'Unione Sovietica di Stalin dando inizio alla più grande campagna militare della storia. Ma questo non è solo un racconto di guerra, è una storia di... Read more

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On War - Abridged by Carl von Clausewitz
On War - Abridged
Carl von Clausewitz
On War - Abridged by Carl von Clausewitz

On War - Abridged

By: Carl von Clausewitz

Narrated by: Wanda McCaddon

Length: 11 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A Prussian soldier and writer, Clausewitz is said to have distilled Napoleon into theory. Perhaps best known among his numerous pronouncements is that war is a continuation of politics by other means. His theories and observations in this work have been heeded by military strategists for nearly two hundred years. Many have considered this to be... Read more

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Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Abridged by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln
Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Abridged
Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln
Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Abridged by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Abridged

By: Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Narrated by: Simon Prebble

Length: 9 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Is the traditional, accepted view of the life of Christ in some way incomplete?

• Is it possible Christ did not die on the cross?
• Is it possible Jesus was married, a father, and that his bloodline still exists?
• Is it possible that parchments found in the South of France a century ago reveal one of the best-kept secrets of Christendom?
• Is it... Read more

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Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse, oeuvres choisies - Abridged by Thucydide
Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse, oeuvres choisies - Abridged
Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse, oeuvres choisies - Abridged by Thucydide

Thucydide, Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse, oeuvres choisies - Abridged

By: Thucydide

Narrated by: Frédéric Chevaux

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La Guerre du Péloponnèse, ou Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse est un ouvrage de l'historien athénien Thucydide écrit à la fin du Vème siècle av. J.-C. Il raconte la guerre du Péloponnèse opposant la ligue du Péloponnèse, dirigée par Sparte, à la ligue de Délos, menée par Athènes ; il est généralement considéré comme la première œuvre... Read more

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The Fourth Star - Abridged by Greg Jaffe & David Cloud
The Fourth Star - Abridged
Greg Jaffe & David Cloud
The Fourth Star - Abridged by Greg Jaffe & David Cloud

The Fourth Star - Abridged

By: Greg Jaffe & David Cloud

Narrated by: Richard McGonagle

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

They were four exceptional soldiers, a new generation asked to save an army that had been hollowed out after Vietnam. They became the Army's most influential generals in the crucible of Iraq. Collectively, their lives tell the story of the Army over the last four decades and illuminate the path it must travel to protect the nation over the next... Read more

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Reaching for Glory - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss
Reaching for Glory - Abridged
Michael R. Beschloss
Reaching for Glory - Abridged by Michael R. Beschloss

Reaching for Glory - Abridged

By: Michael R. Beschloss

Narrated by: Michael R. Beschloss

Length: 6 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Reaching for Glory lets us eavesdrop on LBJ's private, often tortured thoughts during the most crucial year of his presidency -- when his dreams of being hailed as the equal of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt were destroyed by the war in Vietnam.
As Reaching for Glory opens, LBJ is campaigning for the greatest presidential landslide in... Read more

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Xénophon, Histoire Grecque - Abridged by Xénophon
Xénophon, Histoire Grecque - Abridged
Xénophon, Histoire Grecque - Abridged by Xénophon

Xénophon, Histoire Grecque - Abridged

By: Xénophon

Narrated by: Frédéric Chevaux

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Xénophon est un historien, philosophe et chef militaire de la Grèce antique né à Erchia près d'Athènes vers 430 av. J.-C. et mort vers 355 av. J.-C. Les Helléniques ou Histoire Grecque est un ouvrage ou celui-ci raconte l'histoire grecque entre 411 et 362. L'ouvrage débute là où s'achève l'Histoire de la guerre du Péloponnèse de Thucydide et se... Read more

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L'uomo incapace di sorridere - Abridged by Giancarlo Villa
L'uomo incapace di sorridere - Abridged
Giancarlo Villa
L'uomo incapace di sorridere - Abridged by Giancarlo Villa

L'uomo incapace di sorridere - Abridged

By: Giancarlo Villa

Narrated by: Marco Balbi, Alessandro Cartellucci, Francesco ...

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Londra, 28 Novembre 1962. E' una piovosa serata di fine autunno, gelida e cupa. Due avventori del locale "The Star" stanno godendosi gli ultimi minuti di una serata blues. Il chitarrista del gruppo è un tipo strano, cupo, eccentrico. La sua terribile storia, come scopriranno presto, è una storia di sopravvivenza estrema contro il male. La storia... Read more

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Hérodote, Histoires - Abridged by Herodotus
Hérodote, Histoires - Abridged
Hérodote, Histoires - Abridged by Herodotus

Hérodote, Histoires - Abridged

By: Herodotus

Narrated by: Frédéric Chevaux

Length: 3 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hérodote (Vème siècle av. J.-C) est un historien et géographe grec. Considéré comme le premier historien, il a été surnommé le " Père de l'Histoire " par Cicéron en raison de sa grande œuvre historique, les Histoires, également appelée Enquête. C'est l'un des précurseurs de l'histoire universelle. Hérodote y expose le développement de l'empire... Read more

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Starmaker - Abridged by Milan Hain
Starmaker - Abridged
Milan Hain
Starmaker - Abridged by Milan Hain

Starmaker - Abridged

By: Milan Hain

Narrated by: Brian Troxell

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

David O. Selznick (1902–1965) was one of the most prominent film producers of the Hollywood studio era, responsible for such artistic and commercial triumphs as King Kong, David Copperfield, Anna Karenina, A Star Is Born, Gone with the Wind, Rebecca, Spellbound, and The Third Man. However, film production was not his only domain. Starting in the... Read more

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História das religiões - Abridged by Karoline Melo
História das religiões - Abridged
Karoline Melo
História das religiões - Abridged by Karoline Melo

História das religiões - Abridged

By: Karoline Melo

Narrated by: Alexandre Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

História das religiões te convida a compreender as origens, crenças e práticas que moldaram a espiritualidade humana ao longo da história. Das tradições antigas às religiões contemporâneas, é uma leitura essencial para aqueles que desejam conhecer melhor as diferentes faces da fé ao redor do mundo. Read more

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Relatos de los Madriles - Abridged by José Antonio Martínez Díez
Relatos de los Madriles - Abridged
José Antonio Martínez Díez
Relatos de los Madriles - Abridged by José Antonio Martínez Díez

Relatos de los Madriles - Abridged

By: José Antonio Martínez Díez

Narrated by: Martín Quirós

Length: 8 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Madrid, ciudad misteriosa, delirante, hechizante y hechizada. Se cree que al ser constituida capital del reino por Felipe II en 1561 levantó tales envidias y reconcomios que cayó sobre ella la maldición, el hechizo de ser una ciudad loca y que contagia esa locura a todos los que en ella habitan y visitan. La biografía de Madrid ha dado lugar a... Read more

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