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Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged by Charles Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged
Charles Eastman
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged by Charles Eastman

Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains - Abridged

By: Charles Eastman

Narrated by: Lorenzo Baca

Length: 2 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the pen of a Santee Sioux— Charles Eastman— come these biographical portraits of American Indian leaders Red Cloud, Spotted Tail, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and Chief Joseph. Eastman was born in Red Falls, Minnesota, and raised by his grandmother and uncle in Manitoba, Canada, where he learned Native American... Read more

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Memo from Darryl F. Zanuck - Abridged by Rudy Behlmer
Memo from Darryl F. Zanuck - Abridged
Rudy Behlmer
Memo from Darryl F. Zanuck - Abridged by Rudy Behlmer

Memo from Darryl F. Zanuck - Abridged

By: Rudy Behlmer

Narrated by: Richard D. Zanuck

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

One of Hollywood's biggest players for almost 50 years, Darryl F. Zanuck presided over Twentieth Century-Fox during the studio' s most glorious era— with stars like Marilyn Monroe and Henry Fonda, directors like John Ford and Elia Kazan, and classics like How Green Was My Valley, Gentleman' s Agreement, and... Read more

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A Great Improvisation - Abridged by Stacy Schiff
A Great Improvisation - Abridged
Stacy Schiff
A Great Improvisation - Abridged by Stacy Schiff

A Great Improvisation - Abridged

By: Stacy Schiff

Narrated by: Jason Culp

Length: 9 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“In December 1776, a small boat delivered an old man to France.” So begins a dazzling narrative account of Benjamin Franklin’s French mission, the most exacting–and momentous–eight years of his life.

When Franklin embarked, the colonies were without money, munitions, gunpowder or common cause; like all adolescents, they were to discover that... Read more

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Coming soon
Ghost of the Thames - Abridged by May McGoldrick & Jan Coffey
Ghost of the Thames - Abridged
May McGoldrick & Jan Coffey
Ghost of the Thames - Abridged by May McGoldrick & Jan Coffey

Ghost of the Thames - Abridged

By: May McGoldrick & Jan Coffey

Narrated by: Anya Virtual-Voice

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

GHOST OF THE THAMES Spine-tingling suspense and heart-throbbing romance in a poignant and unpredictable tale of Victorian London! Captain Edward Seymour—the last of a long line of distinguished Royal Navy officers—has returned from sea to find that his niece has disappeared. Combing every inn and hellhole of the city's darkest corners, he... Read more

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Napoleon - Abridged by Elke Bader
Napoleon - Abridged
Elke Bader
Napoleon - Abridged by Elke Bader

Napoleon - Abridged

By: Elke Bader

Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Er war einer der größten Feldherrn der Geschichte, der ganz Europa seinen politischen Willen aufzwang. Aus einer verarmten korsischen Adelsfamilie stammend, nahm Napoleon Bonaparte im nachrevolutionären, krisengeschüttelten Frankreich einen kometenhaften Aufstieg. Mit 24 Jahren war er bereits General, wurde wenig später Oberkommandierender der... Read more

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Parish Priest - Abridged by Douglas Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster
Parish Priest - Abridged
Douglas Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster
Parish Priest - Abridged by Douglas Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster

Parish Priest - Abridged

By: Douglas Brinkley & Julie M. Fenster

Narrated by: Julie M. Fenster

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Father Michael McGivney was a man to whom ""family values"" represented more than mere rhetoric, a man who has left a legacy of hope still celebrated around the world.In the late 1800s, discrimination against American Catholics was widespread. Called to action in 1882, Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, an organization that helped... Read more

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Eine kurze Geschichte der Trunkenheit - Abridged by Mark Forsyth
Eine kurze Geschichte der Trunkenheit - Abridged
Mark Forsyth
Eine kurze Geschichte der Trunkenheit - Abridged by Mark Forsyth

Eine kurze Geschichte der Trunkenheit - Abridged

By: Mark Forsyth

Narrated by: Jürgen von der Lippe

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Was mit angeschickerten Einzellern in der Ursuppe begann, hat in der Geschichte der Menschen feucht-fröhliche Spuren hinterlassen: In jeder Kultur hat man sich dem alkoholischen Rausch ergeben oder ihn – erfolglos – bekämpft. Trunkenheit war für die Perser eine Voraussetzung zur politischen Debatte, für die alten Griechen ein Mittel zur... Read more

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Riddle of the Compass - Abridged by Amir D. Aczel
Riddle of the Compass - Abridged
Amir D. Aczel
Riddle of the Compass - Abridged by Amir D. Aczel

Riddle of the Compass - Abridged

By: Amir D. Aczel

Narrated by: Henry Leyva

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The story of the compass is shrouded in mystery and myth, yet most will agree it begins around the time of the birth of Christ in ancient China. A mysterious lodestone whose powers affected metal was known to the Chinese emperor. When this piece of metal was suspended in water, it always pointed north. This unexplainable occurrence led to the... Read more

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الرجل النبيل - Abridged by علي بن جابر الفيفي
الرجل النبيل - Abridged
علي بن جابر الفيفي
الرجل النبيل - Abridged by علي بن جابر الفيفي

الرجل النبيل - Abridged

By: علي بن جابر الفيفي

Narrated by: وائل جروان

Length: 3 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

سميت هذه الأوراق "الرجل النبيل" لأنه عليه السلام أنبل رجل عرفته البشرية، ولأن النبل ظاهر في تفاصيل حياته، في رضاه وغضبه، في حزنه وفرحه، قبل نبوته وبعدها، فهو بحق الرجل النبيل استمع الآن إلى كتاب "الرجل النبيل" للكاتب على بن جابر الفيفي على تطبيق كتاب صوتي Read more

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The Man Who Owns the News - Abridged by Michael Wolff
The Man Who Owns the News - Abridged
Michael Wolff
The Man Who Owns the News - Abridged by Michael Wolff

The Man Who Owns the News - Abridged

By: Michael Wolff

Narrated by: Michael Wolff

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

If Rupert Murdoch isn’t making headlines, he’s busy buying the media outlets that generate the headlines. His News Corp. holdings—from the New York Post, Fox News, and most recently The Wall Street Journal, to name just a few—are vast, and his power is unrivaled. So what makes a man like this tick? Michael Wolff gives us the definitive answer... Read more

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عبق تاريخي - Abridged by عفاف بنت صياح الشمري
عبق تاريخي - Abridged
عفاف بنت صياح الشمري
عبق تاريخي - Abridged by عفاف بنت صياح الشمري

عبق تاريخي - Abridged

By: عفاف بنت صياح الشمري

Narrated by: منار مراد

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

كتاب يتناول التاريخ من جوانب مختلفه وجديدة , ويوضح نقاط مهمة لكل شخص مهتم بالتاريخ , يبرز أهم المصطلحات المستخدمة بالتاريخ ,والفرق بين مسميات مهن بالتاريخ كما انه يتطرق لابرز أقسام علم التاريخ , و ما هي انواع المصادر ,وغيره الكثير. ويتكون من أربعة فصول الفصل الأول : عن مفردات تاريخية كتبت بمواضيع تمس جانبنا الإنساني. الفصل الثاني : يتطرق إلى... Read more

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Lone Survivor - Abridged by Marcus Luttrell
Lone Survivor - Abridged
Marcus Luttrell
Lone Survivor - Abridged by Marcus Luttrell

Lone Survivor - Abridged

By: Marcus Luttrell

Narrated by: Kevin T. Collins

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Follow along a Navy SEAL's firsthand account of American heroism during a secret military operation in Afghanistan in this true story of survival and difficult choices.

On a clear night in late June 2005, four U.S. Navy SEALs left their base in northern Afghanistan for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission was to capture or kill a... Read more

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Seabiscuit - Abridged by Laura Hillenbrand
Seabiscuit - Abridged
Laura Hillenbrand
Seabiscuit - Abridged by Laura Hillenbrand

Seabiscuit - Abridged

By: Laura Hillenbrand

Narrated by: Campbell Scott

Length: 5 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of the runaway phenomenon Unbroken comes a universal underdog story about the horse who came out of nowhere to become a legend.

Seabiscuit was one of the most electrifying and popular attractions in sports history and the single biggest newsmaker in the world in 1938, receiving more coverage than ... Read more

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Alexander the Great's Art of Strategy - Abridged by Partha Bose
Alexander the Great's Art of Strategy - Abridged
Partha Bose
Alexander the Great's Art of Strategy - Abridged by Partha Bose

Alexander the Great's Art of Strategy - Abridged

By: Partha Bose

Narrated by: James Langton

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Alexander the Great endures as one of the most admired and emulated leaders in world history. In our time, his example of unprecedented and unparalleled success has inspired leaders of business and government, from media mogul Ted Turner (who keeps a bronze bust of Alexander in his office) to Desert Storm commander General Norman Schwarzkopf... Read more

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A história do Brasil para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Marcos Costa
A história do Brasil para quem tem pressa - Abridged
Marcos Costa
A história do Brasil para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Marcos Costa

A história do Brasil para quem tem pressa - Abridged

By: Marcos Costa

Narrated by: Alex Ferreira

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dos bastidores do descobrimento à crise de 2015 em 200 páginas! Ilustrado e didático, um livro essencial para todos que procuram um ponto de partida para se aprofundar na história do Brasil. Diz o poeta alemão Bertold Brecht: "De nada vale partir das coisas boas de sempre, mas sim das coisas novas e ruins. " Seguindo tais conselhos, A... Read more

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A história do século 20 para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle
A história do século 20 para quem tem pressa - Abridged
Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle
A história do século 20 para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle

A história do século 20 para quem tem pressa - Abridged

By: Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle

Narrated by: Alex Ferreira

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A História do Século 20 para Quem Tem Pressa é um guia acessível para 100 anos de história moderna. Enormes avanços na ciência e na tecnologia — estimulados por exigências do comércio internacional e conflitos armados sem precedentes — resultaram no surgimento de aviões, automóveis e antibióticos que salvam vidas. Desde a queda do... Read more

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نجم الدين صانع العطور - Abridged by ريم توفيق عبد الباقي حواس
نجم الدين صانع العطور - Abridged
ريم توفيق عبد الباقي حواس
نجم الدين صانع العطور - Abridged by ريم توفيق عبد الباقي حواس

نجم الدين صانع العطور - Abridged

By: ريم توفيق عبد الباقي حواس

Narrated by: قصي حمود

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

رواية تاريخية تتناول حقبة فاصلة ومغيبة أدبيا من تاريخ المدينة المنورة ومنطقة الحجاز بشكل عام، وهي مرحلة انطلاق الثورة العربية الكبرى وسقوط الحكم العثماني إلى غاية تأسيس الدولة السعودية. تتقاطع في الرواية مجموعة من القصص والشخوص التي تؤثث أحداثها وتجسد واقع النسيج المجتمعي في المدينة المنورة حينها إلى جانب مغامرات وأسرار بطل الرواية نجم الدين... Read more

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Red, White & Liberal - Abridged by Alan Colmes
Red, White & Liberal - Abridged
Alan Colmes
Red, White & Liberal - Abridged by Alan Colmes

Red, White & Liberal - Abridged

By: Alan Colmes

Narrated by: Alan Colmes

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In Red, White & Liberal, Alan Colmes addresses a fundamental question: In this time of uncertainty, how can we protect our freedom without diminishing our liberties, while burnishing our rightful place as the world's beacon of democracy? Colmes urges Americans to see past the tactics of the vocal right and to combat the problems that... Read more

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Fixing Hell - Abridged by Colonel Larry C. James
Fixing Hell - Abridged
Colonel Larry C. James
Fixing Hell - Abridged by Colonel Larry C. James

Fixing Hell - Abridged

By: Colonel Larry C. James

Narrated by: Eric Kramer

Length: 6 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is the story of Abu Ghraib that you haven't heard, told by the soldier sent by the Army to restore order and ensure that the abuses that took place there never happen again.

In April 2004, the world was shocked by the brutal pictures of beatings, dog attacks, sex acts, and the torture of prisoners held at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. As the story... Read more

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Fragmente aus dem Orient - Abridged by Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer
Fragmente aus dem Orient - Abridged
Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer
Fragmente aus dem Orient - Abridged by Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer

Fragmente aus dem Orient - Abridged

By: Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer

Narrated by: Gert Westphal

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der gebürtige Südtiroler Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer (1790–1861) gilt als bedeutender Orientalist. Der Kleinbauernsohn (geboren in Tschötsch bei Brixen) war ein für seine Zeit liberaler Denker, der in München und Frankfurt tätig war, und noch heute als Gelehrter bekannt ist. Sein maßgebliches Werk "Fragmente aus dem Orient", 1845 erstmals... Read more

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A história da ciência para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle
A história da ciência para quem tem pressa - Abridged
Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle
A história da ciência para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle

A história da ciência para quem tem pressa - Abridged

By: Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle

Narrated by: Jorge Rebello

Length: 7 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2.500 anos de descobertas — os feitos dos grandes cientistas, desde os tempos antigos até a era moderna. Desde os tempos antigos, homens e mulheres de brilhante intelecto tentam entender o universo observando muito além da capacidade de ver ou mesmo tocar — de minúsculos átomos às mais distantes estrelas. A História da Ciência para Quem Tem... Read more

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Abraham Lincoln - Abridged by George S. McGovern
Abraham Lincoln - Abridged
George S. McGovern
Abraham Lincoln - Abridged by George S. McGovern

Abraham Lincoln - Abridged

By: George S. McGovern

Narrated by: William Dufris

Length: 5 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

America's greatest president, who rose to power in the country's greatest hour of need and whose vision saw the United States through the Civil War

Abraham Lincoln towers above the others who have held the office of president—the icon of greatness, the pillar of strength whose words bound up the nation's wounds. His presidency is the hinge on... Read more

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Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged
Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington

Pigs at the Trough - Abridged

By: Arianna Huffington

Narrated by: Alison Fraser

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Arianna Huffington turns the spotlight on the tough reforms we must demand from Washington that go beyond the Corporate Responsibility Act. Read more

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Pequeño elogio de la fuga del mundo - Abridged by Rémy Oudghiri & Ana Nuño (Translator)
Pequeño elogio de la fuga del mundo - Abridged
Rémy Oudghiri & Ana Nuño (Translator)
Pequeño elogio de la fuga del mundo - Abridged by Rémy Oudghiri & Ana Nuño (Translator)

Pequeño elogio de la fuga del mundo - Abridged

By: Rémy Oudghiri & Ana Nuño (Translator)

Narrated by: Germán Gijón

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Quién no ha sentido, al menos una vez en la vida, el deseo de alejarse del mundo? ¿Quién no ha soñado con dejarlo todo y desaparecer? La tentación de la huida, el motivo de la fuga mundi, es recurrente en nuestra cultura porque permanece vivo a lo largo de la historia, y siempre provoca una mezcla de fascinación, nostalgia y callado... Read more

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