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John Adams - Abridged by David McCullough
John Adams - Abridged
David McCullough
John Adams - Abridged by David McCullough

John Adams - Abridged

By: David McCullough

Narrated by: Edward Herrmann & Jan Maxwell

Length: 9 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Pulitzer Prize–winning, bestselling biography of America’s founding father and second president that was the basis for the acclaimed HBO series, brilliantly told by master historian David McCullough.

In this powerful, epic biography, David McCullough unfolds the adventurous life journey of John Adams, the brilliant, fiercely independent,... Read more

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A história da filosofia para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Lesley Levene
A história da filosofia para quem tem pressa - Abridged
Lesley Levene
A história da filosofia para quem tem pressa - Abridged by Lesley Levene

A história da filosofia para quem tem pressa - Abridged

By: Lesley Levene

Narrated by: Luiz Nicolau

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Se uma árvore cair na floresta quando não houver ninguém por perto, fará algum ruído? E se eu fizer um transplante facial, continuarei sendo eu mesmo? Será que um robô pode ser humano? Estas e outras perguntas fazem parte da lista de especulações filosóficas que acompanham o homem ao longo de 2.500 anos e que estão presentes em A... Read more

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War Paint - Abridged by Bill Goshen
War Paint - Abridged
Bill Goshen
War Paint - Abridged by Bill Goshen

War Paint - Abridged

By: Bill Goshen

Narrated by: Jake Robards

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

The men who served with in the 1st Infantry Division with F company, 52nd Infantry, (LRP) later redesignated as Company I, 75th Infantry (Ranger) --engaged in some of the fiercest, bloodiest fighting during the Vietnam War, suffering a greater relative aggregate of casualties that any other LRRP/LRP/ Ranger company. Their base was Lai Khe,... Read more

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Blood Done Sign My Name - Abridged by Timothy B. Tyson
Blood Done Sign My Name - Abridged
Timothy B. Tyson
Blood Done Sign My Name - Abridged by Timothy B. Tyson

Blood Done Sign My Name - Abridged

By: Timothy B. Tyson

Narrated by: Timothy B. Tyson

Length: 5 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The “riveting”* true story of the fiery summer of 1970, which would forever transform the town of Oxford, North Carolina—a classic portrait of the fight for civil rights in the tradition of To Kill a Mockingbird
*Chicago Tribune

On May 11, 1970, Henry Marrow, a twenty-three-year-old black veteran, walked into a crossroads store owned by Robert... Read more

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Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Christoph Schulte-Richtering
Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Christoph Schulte-Richtering
Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Christoph Schulte-Richtering

Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Christoph Schulte-Richtering

Narrated by: Oliver Rohrbeck

Length: 4 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Herrlich schlau und wunderbar komisch." Ralf Schmitz Charmant, witzig und kenntnisreich erzählt Christoph Schulte-Richtering die wichtigsten Kapitel der Weltgeschichte nach - von Nero bis Fidel Castro, von den Kreuzzügen bis zum Mauerfall, von Karl V. bis zu dessen Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Urgroßschwipponkel. Read more

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Treason - Abridged by Ann Coulter
Treason - Abridged
Ann Coulter
Treason - Abridged by Ann Coulter

Treason - Abridged

By: Ann Coulter

Narrated by: Ann Coulter

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Liberals’ loyalty to the United States is off-limits as a subject of political debate. Why is the relative patriotism of the two parties the only issue that is out of bounds for rational discussion?”

In a stunning follow-up to her number one bestseller Slander, leading conservative pundit Ann Coulter contends that liberals have been wrong on... Read more

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An Inconvenient Book - Abridged by Glenn Beck
An Inconvenient Book - Abridged
Glenn Beck
An Inconvenient Book - Abridged by Glenn Beck

An Inconvenient Book - Abridged

By: Glenn Beck

Narrated by: Glenn Beck

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Glenn Beck, the New York Times bestselling author of The Great Reset, tackles some of our country’s biggest problems in this funny, outrageous, and entertaining book.

Glenn Beck believes that the reason why some of our biggest problems never seem to get fixed is simple: the solutions just aren’t very convenient. And as the host of a nationally... Read more

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O reino que não era deste mundo - Abridged by Marcos Costa
O reino que não era deste mundo - Abridged
Marcos Costa
O reino que não era deste mundo - Abridged by Marcos Costa

O reino que não era deste mundo - Abridged

By: Marcos Costa

Narrated by: Cristiano Gualda

Length: 8 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Uma conspiração maquiavélica que beira as raias do absurdo. Mais do que duas forças políticas, duas elites disputando um ardiloso jogo de xadrez. Um tsunami prestes a engolir os donos do poder. E você, de que lado estaria? Para entender o Brasil de hoje é preciso entender os bastidores de uma disputa pelo poder que começa em 1831 e envolve... Read more

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Warren Beatty - Abridged by Suzanne Finstad
Warren Beatty - Abridged
Suzanne Finstad
Warren Beatty - Abridged by Suzanne Finstad

Warren Beatty - Abridged

By: Suzanne Finstad

Narrated by: Dylan Baker

Length: 7 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“Whatever you have read or heard about me through articles or gossip, forget it. I am nothing like that Warren Beatty. I am nothing like what you have read.” —Warren Beatty

Warren Beatty guarded his privacy even before he became a movie star, when he burst onto the screen in 1961 as the earnestly handsome all-American boy in Splendor in the... Read more

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The Great Upheaval - Abridged by Jay Winik
The Great Upheaval - Abridged
Jay Winik
The Great Upheaval - Abridged by Jay Winik

The Great Upheaval - Abridged

By: Jay Winik

Narrated by: Sam Tsoutsouvas

Length: 12 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

It is an era that redefined history. As the 1790s began, a fragile America teetered on the brink of oblivion, Russia towered as a vast imperial power, and France plunged into monumental revolution. But none of these remarkable events occurred in isolation. In The Great Upheaval, acclaimed historian Jay Winik masterfully illuminates how their... Read more

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An American Life - Abridged by Ronald Reagan
An American Life - Abridged
Ronald Reagan
An American Life - Abridged by Ronald Reagan

An American Life - Abridged

By: Ronald Reagan

Narrated by: Ronald Reagan

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Don’t miss one of our greatest presidents’ bestselling autobiographies in his own words. Ronald Reagan’s story is a work of major historical importance, a narrative that The Washington Times calls “one of our classic American success stories.”

Few presidents have accomplished more, or been so effective in changing the direction of government in... Read more

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Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged by Ludwig Ganghofer
Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged
Ludwig Ganghofer
Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged by Ludwig Ganghofer

Lebenslauf eines Optimisten - Abridged

By: Ludwig Ganghofer

Narrated by: Bernd Ungerer

Length: 12 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Im 'Buch der Jugend' beschreibt Ludwig Ganghofer seine Ausbildungs- und Studienzeit. Am Ende des Buches beschreibt er auch seine Vorstellung eines idealen Staatswesens in allen Einzelheiten. Einzelne Ideen könnt man auch heute noch herausgreifen und weiter verfolgen, doch im großen und ganzen spiegeln seine Vorstellungen den Zeitgeist jener Zeit... Read more

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Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged by Robert G. Allen
Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged
Robert G. Allen
Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged by Robert G. Allen

Nothing Down for the 2000s - Abridged

By: Robert G. Allen

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: 4 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With more than a million copies in print, Robert Allen's Nothing Down for the '90s has probably helped more people achieve success in real estate than any book in history. Countless numbers of his readers are now financially independent and many actual millionaires attribute their wealth to his techniques. Why has this blockbuster bestseller... Read more

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Notes From a Small Island - Abridged by Bill Bryson
Notes From a Small Island - Abridged
Bill Bryson
Notes From a Small Island - Abridged by Bill Bryson

Notes From a Small Island - Abridged

By: Bill Bryson

Narrated by: Bill Bryson

Length: 5 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bill Bryson is an unabashed Anglophile who, through a mistake of history, happened to be born and bred in Iowa. Righting that error, he spent 20 years in England before deciding to repatriate. This was partly to let his wife and children experience life in Bryson's homeland - and partly because he had read that 3.7 million Americans believed... Read more

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Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged by Gerald Astor
Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged
Gerald Astor
Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged by Gerald Astor

Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged

By: Gerald Astor

Narrated by: Reathel Bean

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Terry de la Mesa Allen’s mother was the daughter of a Spanish officer, and his father was a career U.S. Army officer. Despite this impressive martial heritage, success in the military seemed unlikely for Allen as he failed out of West Point—twice—ultimately gaining his commission through Catholic University’s R.O.T.C. program. In World War I,... Read more

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An Unfinished Life - Abridged by Robert Dallek
An Unfinished Life - Abridged
Robert Dallek
An Unfinished Life - Abridged by Robert Dallek

An Unfinished Life - Abridged

By: Robert Dallek

Narrated by: Richard McGonagle

Length: 9 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Drawing on previously unavailable material and never-before-opened archives, An Unfinished Life is packed with revelations large and small -- about JFK's health, his love affairs, RFK's appointment as Attorney General, what Joseph Kennedy did to help his son win the White House, and the path JFK would have taken in the Vietnam entanglement had... Read more

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Yo, comandante de Auschwitz - Abridged by Rudolf Höss
Yo, comandante de Auschwitz - Abridged
Rudolf Höss
Yo, comandante de Auschwitz - Abridged by Rudolf Höss

Yo, comandante de Auschwitz - Abridged

By: Rudolf Höss

Narrated by: Martín Quirós (voz sintética)

Length: 9 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este libro constituye uno de los documentos más sorprendentes de la historia: el testimonio en primera persona de un asesino en masa cuyas víctimas se cuentan por millones. El autor narra su vida, centrándose sobre todo en su etapa al frente del mayor campo de exterminio que haya existido: Auschwitz-Birkenau. Estamos ante un libro clásico,... Read more

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ملخص كتاب الفتوحات العربية في روايات المغلوبين - Abridged by حسام عيتاني
ملخص كتاب الفتوحات العربية في روايات المغلوبين - Abridged
حسام عيتاني
ملخص كتاب الفتوحات العربية في روايات المغلوبين - Abridged by حسام عيتاني

ملخص كتاب الفتوحات العربية في روايات المغلوبين - Abridged

By: حسام عيتاني

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

يحاول كتاب «الفتوحات العربية في روايات المغلوبين» للباحث والصحفي اللبنانيّ حسام عيتاني أن يطبق هذا المنهج على التاريخ الإسلامي، خصوصًا في الأجزاء المتعلقة بالفتوحات والغزوات. فعلى الرغم من أن هذه الفتوحات تشغل قسمًا كبيرًا من التاريخ الإسلامي والسيرة النبوية، بل وتدخل كذلك في علوم القرآن مثل التفسير وأسباب النزول، فإنّ كلّ ما نعرفه عنها جاء عبر... Read more

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Last Call - Abridged by Daniel Okrent
Last Call - Abridged
Daniel Okrent
Last Call - Abridged by Daniel Okrent

Last Call - Abridged

By: Daniel Okrent

Narrated by: Daniel Okrent

Length: 9 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A brilliant, authoritative, and fascinating history of America’s most puzzling era, the years 1920 to 1933, when the US Constitution was amended to restrict one of America’s favorite pastimes: drinking alcoholic beverages.

From its start, America has been awash in drink. The sailing vessel that brought John Winthrop to the shores of the New World... Read more

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ملخص كتاب العاقل تاريخ مختصر للإنسانية - Abridged by يوفال نوح هراري
ملخص كتاب العاقل تاريخ مختصر للإنسانية - Abridged
يوفال نوح هراري
ملخص كتاب العاقل تاريخ مختصر للإنسانية - Abridged by يوفال نوح هراري

ملخص كتاب العاقل تاريخ مختصر للإنسانية - Abridged

By: يوفال نوح هراري

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

في كتاب Sapiens: تاريخٌ مختصر للإنسانية، يشرح المؤرخYuval Noah Harari كل ما توصل إليه علماء التاريخ والأنثروبولوجيا للإجابة عن تلك التساؤلات. كما يتتبع رحلة البشرية عبر أهم ثلاث ثورات في التاريخ: ثورة الوعي، والثورة الزراعية، والثورة العلمية. القصة تبدأ منذ حوالي سبعين ألف عام، بتغيير طفيف في الحياة على الأرض، كان مقدرًا له أن يغير كل شيء ظهور... Read more

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The End of the Road - Abridged by Tom Bodett
The End of the Road - Abridged
Tom Bodett
The End of the Road - Abridged by Tom Bodett

The End of the Road - Abridged

By: Tom Bodett

Narrated by: Tom Bodett

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Culled from Bodett's syndicated radio show, these interconnected stories captures the essence of life in America--especially Homer, Alaska, the sort of place where the keys are left in the snowplow in case someone gets stuck after hours. Read more

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Fiasco - Abridged by Thomas E. Ricks
Fiasco - Abridged
Thomas E. Ricks
Fiasco - Abridged by Thomas E. Ricks

Fiasco - Abridged

By: Thomas E. Ricks

Narrated by: James Lurie

Length: 10 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the Washington Post's two-time Pulitzer-winning senior Pentagon reporter, the definitive military chronicle of the Iraq War-and a searing judgment of its gross strategic blindness-drawing on the accounts of senior military officers giving voice to their anger for the first time.

Unabridged CDs - 20 CDs, 24 hours Read more

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Obama's Wars - Abridged by Bob Woodward
Obama's Wars - Abridged
Bob Woodward
Obama's Wars - Abridged by Bob Woodward

Obama's Wars - Abridged

By: Bob Woodward

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 15 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

2011 Audie Award Finalist for Nonfiction

In Obama’s Wars, Bob Woodward provides the most intimate and sweeping portrait yet of the young president as commander in chief. Drawing on internal memos, classified documents, meeting notes and hundreds of hours of interviews with most of the key players, including the president, Woodward tells the... Read more

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ملخص كتاب كليوباترا - Abridged by ستايسي شيف
ملخص كتاب كليوباترا - Abridged
ستايسي شيف
ملخص كتاب كليوباترا - Abridged by ستايسي شيف

ملخص كتاب كليوباترا - Abridged

By: ستايسي شيف

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

تأتي أهمية هذا الكتاب من اختياره لمرحلة من التاريخ الروسي الحديث، منذ عام ألفين، وهو العام الذي تولى فيه فلاديمير Vladimir Putin بوتين رئاسة روسيا، وحتى عام ألفين وخمسة عشر. مرحلة" غاب فيها تنوع الوجوه، وأصبح الممثل الوحيد لروسيا هو رئيسها، وأصبح رجال السياسة من حوله مجرد أشباح لا صوت لهم، ولا أهميّة. Read more

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