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Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel - Abridged by Scott Adams
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel - Abridged
Scott Adams
Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel - Abridged by Scott Adams

Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel - Abridged

By: Scott Adams

Narrated by: Scott Adams

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In this hilarious new book, Scott Adams introduces the Weasel Zone -- the giant gray area between good moral behavior and outright criminality. It's where your coworkers, bosses, salespeople, CEOs, human resource executives, hotel clerks, home repair people, and loved ones reside. In twenty-seven compelling chapters, Scott reveals the secrets of... Read more

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Двенадцать стульев. Часть 6. Сокровища мадам Петуховой (радиопостановка) - Abridged by Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров
Двенадцать стульев. Часть 6. Сокровища мадам Петуховой (радиопостановка) - Abridged
Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров
Двенадцать стульев. Часть 6. Сокровища мадам Петуховой (радиопостановка) - Abridged by Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров

Двенадцать стульев. Часть 6. Сокровища мадам Петуховой (радиопостановка) - Abridged

By: Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров

Narrated by: Юрий Яковлев & Евгений Евстигнеев

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Двенадцать стульев, часть 6, радиопостановка по одноименному произведению Ильи Ильфа и Евгения Петрова. В ролях - Юрий Яковлев, Евгений Евстигнеев, Евгений Весник и др. Read more

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Darüber kann ich nicht lachen! - Abridged by Hans-Joachim Heist
Darüber kann ich nicht lachen! - Abridged
Hans-Joachim Heist
Darüber kann ich nicht lachen! - Abridged by Hans-Joachim Heist

Darüber kann ich nicht lachen! - Abridged

By: Hans-Joachim Heist

Narrated by: Hans-Joachim Heist

Length: 3 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Er ist der Motzkopf der Nation. Niemand kann sich so herrlich aufregen wie er. Als festes Ensemblemitglied der ZDF-Satiresendung "heute SHOW" hat Hans-Joachim Heist – alias Gernot Hassknecht – bereits Kultstatus als cholerischer und politisch nicht korrekter Nachrichtenkommentator erreicht. Auf diesem Hörbuch lässt er seinem Unmut freien Lauf.... Read more

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Ludwig Thoma - Abridged by Ludwig Thoma
Ludwig Thoma - Abridged
Ludwig Thoma
Ludwig Thoma - Abridged by Ludwig Thoma

Ludwig Thoma - Abridged

By: Ludwig Thoma

Narrated by: Horst Rankl

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Die Highlights aus dem Schaffen des bärbeißig-ironischen Bayern sind greifbar! Es sind die schönsten der witzigen "Lausbubengeschichten", natürlich der unvergessene "Münchner im Himmel" und andere der glänzenden Satiren aus Thomas Feder. Darüber hinaus möchten aber auch einige weniger bekannte "Schmankerl" entdeckt werden. Ein Schmaus für alle,... Read more

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Bloß nicht aus der Ruh bringen lassen - Abridged by Helmut Zöpfl
Bloß nicht aus der Ruh bringen lassen - Abridged
Helmut Zöpfl
Bloß nicht aus der Ruh bringen lassen - Abridged by Helmut Zöpfl

Bloß nicht aus der Ruh bringen lassen - Abridged

By: Helmut Zöpfl

Narrated by: Helmut Zöpfl

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Auf seine liebenswerte Art – einmal grantelnd, dann wieder hintersinnig schmunzelnd – macht sich der beliebte Münchner Autor hier Gedanken über verschiedene menschliche und allzu menschliche Themen. So z. B. über den Fortschritt, über die heutige Art, Kinder zu erziehen, oder über die schönsten Wochen des Jahres – den Urlaub. Und ganz nebenbei... Read more

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Zum G'sundlachen - Abridged by Helmut Zöpfl
Zum G'sundlachen - Abridged
Helmut Zöpfl
Zum G'sundlachen - Abridged by Helmut Zöpfl

Zum G'sundlachen - Abridged

By: Helmut Zöpfl

Narrated by: Helmut Zöpfl

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der bayerische Poet und Pädagogikprofessor Helmut Zöpfl ist ein humorbegabter Großstädter mit Gespür für die kleinen Dinge. Zöpfl grantelt und parodiert die Heimatschnulzen, er verrät seinen größten Wunschtraum und gibt Tipps für Norddeutsche. Immer hat man seine helle Freude an der einprägsamen Sprache und an dem oft unerwarteten Witz seiner... Read more

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Betreff: Einladung zu einer Kreuzfahrt - Abridged by Bodo Kirchhoff
Betreff: Einladung zu einer Kreuzfahrt - Abridged
Bodo Kirchhoff
Betreff: Einladung zu einer Kreuzfahrt - Abridged by Bodo Kirchhoff

Betreff: Einladung zu einer Kreuzfahrt - Abridged

By: Bodo Kirchhoff

Narrated by: Bodo Kirchhoff

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein Schriftsteller wird zu einer Kreuzfahrt eingeladen, nicht als zahlender Passagier, sondern als sogenannter "Gastkünstler". Ein anständiges Honorar, die Kabine mit Außenbalkon, freie Verpflegung und andere kostenlose Annehmlichkeiten können ihn aber nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass in dem 18seitigen Begleitschreiben der Einladung ungeahnte... Read more

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Further Tales of the City - Abridged by Armistead Maupin
Further Tales of the City - Abridged
Armistead Maupin
Further Tales of the City - Abridged by Armistead Maupin

Further Tales of the City - Abridged

By: Armistead Maupin

Narrated by: Armistead Maupin

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Inspiration for the Netflix Limited Series, Tales of the CityThe third novel in the beloved Tales of the City series, Armistead Maupin’s best-selling San Francisco saga.The calamity-prone residents of 28 Barbary Lane are at it again in this deliciously dark novel of romance and betrayal. While Anna Madrigal imprisons an anchorwoman in her... Read more

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Abgetaucht - Ein Andrea Schnidt Roman, Band 11 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Susanne Fröhlich
Abgetaucht - Ein Andrea Schnidt Roman, Band 11 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Susanne Fröhlich
Abgetaucht - Ein Andrea Schnidt Roman, Band 11 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Susanne Fröhlich

Abgetaucht - Ein Andrea Schnidt Roman, Band 11 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Susanne Fröhlich

Narrated by: Susanne Fröhlich

Length: 7 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zwischen Patchwork-Wahnsinn, Erotikflaute und Liebeschaos: Kult-Heldin Andrea Schnidt ist zurück! Andrea Schnidt erlebt unverhofft noch mal das volle Programm des Windel-Wahnsinns - die Version 2.0, versteht sich. Fragen über Fragen, die sich vor Andrea auftürmen: Warum ist im heimischen Bett plötzlich so wenig los? Hilft da ein schickes... Read more

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Last Words - Abridged by George Carlin
Last Words - Abridged
George Carlin
Last Words - Abridged by George Carlin

Last Words - Abridged

By: George Carlin

Narrated by: Patrick Carlin

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For the last 14 years of his life, the brilliant, caustic, and hilarious George Carlin worked on his autobiography—now, written with bestselling author Tony Hendra and posthumously published, Carlin has proven that even after death, he is still one of the funniest men who ever lived.

One of the undisputed heavyweight champions of American comedy,... Read more

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This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Charles Dawson Butler, Douglas McEwan & the Daws Butler Workshop
This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes - Abridged
Charles Dawson Butler, Douglas McEwan & the Daw...
This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Charles Dawson Butler, Douglas McEwan & the Daws Butler Workshop

This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes - Abridged

By: Charles Dawson Butler, Douglas McEwan & the Daw...

Narrated by: Charles Dawson Butler, Douglas McEwan & the Daw...

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This Here Is Your Life, Sherlock Holmes is a 1975 parody written and voiced by Daws Butler, Douglas McEwan, and members of the Daws Butler Workshop, including Billy Simpson, Pat Parris, and Corey Burton. In it, Ralph Backwards—along with Dr. Watson, Dracula, Jack-the-Ripper, and even Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman—roast the famous consulting detective. Read more

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Золотой теленок. Часть 2 - Два комбинатора (радиопостановка) - Abridged by Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров
Золотой теленок. Часть 2 - Два комбинатора (радиопостановка) - Abridged
Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров
Золотой теленок. Часть 2 - Два комбинатора (радиопостановка) - Abridged by Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров

Золотой теленок. Часть 2 - Два комбинатора (радиопостановка) - Abridged

By: Илья Ильф & Евгений Петров

Narrated by: Олег Басилашвили & Евгений Весник

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Золотой теленок, часть 2 – радиоспектакль в трех частях по мотивам одноименного произведения Ильи Ильфа и Евгения Петрова. Исполнители: Олег Басилашвили, Евгений Весник, Вячеслав Невинный, Семен Самодур, Борис Иванов, Всеволод Ларионов, Геннадий Сергеев, Яна Лисовская, Сергей Цейц. Read more

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And Then Jack Said to Arnie - Abridged by Don Wade
And Then Jack Said to Arnie - Abridged
Don Wade
And Then Jack Said to Arnie - Abridged by Don Wade

And Then Jack Said to Arnie - Abridged

By: Don Wade

Narrated by: Arte Johnson

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Fascinating anecdotes by— and about— some of the most famous golfers in history including Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus.Former Golf Digest editor Don Wade has collected literally hundreds of anecdotes from some of the greatest names in the sport and delivers those stories in a series of captivating volumes. This... Read more

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Other People’s Dirt - Abridged by Louise Rafkin
Other People’s Dirt - Abridged
Louise Rafkin
Other People’s Dirt - Abridged by Louise Rafkin

Other People’s Dirt - Abridged

By: Louise Rafkin

Narrated by: Louise Rafkin

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Louise Rafkin, an extraordinary author, never imagined she'd end up cleaning refrigerators or have a preference for a particular brand of paper towels. But what started out as a quick way to earn a living became a curious preoccupation with all things clean... and messy!Witty and revealing, Other People's Dirt is a thoroughly irreverent look at... Read more

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Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason - Abridged by Helen Fielding
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason - Abridged
Helen Fielding
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason - Abridged by Helen Fielding

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason - Abridged

By: Helen Fielding

Narrated by: Tracie Bennett

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With another devastatingly hilarious, ridiculous, unnervingly accurate take on modern womanhood, Bridget Jones is back. (v.g.)
Monday 27 January:
"7:15 a.m. Hurrah! The wilderness years are over. For four weeks and five days now have been in functional relationship with adult male, thereby proving am not love pariah as recently feared."...
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DILBERT FUTURE - Abridged by Scott Adams
Scott Adams
DILBERT FUTURE - Abridged by Scott Adams


By: Scott Adams

Narrated by: Scott Adams

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Dilbert books should be (and often are) read aloud while importantoffice work is being put off, and luckily, the best reader of all, Adamshimself, has put his interpretive skills on tape." --Worth MagazineStep aside, Nostradamus. Here comes the real soothsayer, and he'sturning his eagle eye on everything from new work-avoiding technologyto sex... Read more

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Сборник радиопостановок по рассказам Антона Чехова №5. - Abridged by Антон Чехов
Сборник радиопостановок по рассказам Антона Чехова №5. - Abridged
Антон Чехов
Сборник радиопостановок по рассказам Антона Чехова №5. - Abridged by Антон Чехов

Сборник радиопостановок по рассказам Антона Чехова №5. - Abridged

By: Антон Чехов

Narrated by: Вячеслав Невинный & Сергей Юрский

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Сборник радиопостановок по рассказам Антона Чехова. В сборник входят рассказы: О драме (исполняет Вячеслав Невинный), Трагик (исполняет Невинный), Комик (исполняет Вячеслав Невинный), Контрабас и флейта (исполняет Всеволод Ларионов), Месть (исполняет Алексей Грибов), Нервы (исполняет Николай Гриценко), Разговор человека с собакой (исполняет... Read more

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Hollywood Wives - The New Generation - Abridged by Jackie Collins
Hollywood Wives - The New Generation - Abridged
Jackie Collins
Hollywood Wives - The New Generation - Abridged by Jackie Collins

Hollywood Wives - The New Generation - Abridged

By: Jackie Collins

Narrated by: Jackie Collins

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The sexy page-turner picks up where the #1 New York Times bestselling Hollywood Wives left off showing Jackie Collins at her “ultra-celeb, super accessorized, bestselling best” (Publishers Weekly).

Power. Sex. Money. Fame. The new Hollywood wives have it all. And if they don’t have it—they want it. And whatever these women want—they get.
... Read more

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Not Taco Bell Material - Abridged by Adam Carolla
Not Taco Bell Material - Abridged
Adam Carolla
Not Taco Bell Material - Abridged by Adam Carolla

Not Taco Bell Material - Abridged

By: Adam Carolla

Narrated by: Adam Carolla

Length: 7 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In his second book, Adam Carolla—author of New York Times bestseller In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks and chart-topping podcaster—reveals all the stories behind how he came to be the angry middle-aged man he is today.

Funnyman Adam Carolla is known for two things: hilarious rants about things that drive him crazy and personal stories about... Read more

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Hol Oma von der Bowle weg! - Neue Weihnachtsgeschichten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich
Hol Oma von der Bowle weg! - Neue Weihnachtsgeschichten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft (Gekürzt) - Abridged
Dietmar Bittrich
Hol Oma von der Bowle weg! - Neue Weihnachtsgeschichten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich

Hol Oma von der Bowle weg! - Neue Weihnachtsgeschichten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft (Gekürzt) - Abridged

By: Dietmar Bittrich

Narrated by: Lea Streisand, Thomas Nicolai, Tanja Fornaro, M...

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

So unverzichtbar für Weihnachten wie "Dinner for One" für Silvester Alle Jahre wieder müssen wir uns an Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft rumschlagen: die nervige Tante, der geizige Onkel, der streitlustige Schwager, die Cousinen unklarer Herkunft, die Youtube-süchtigen Nichten und Neffen. Opa, der sein Handy nicht versteht. Und Oma,... Read more

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The Wishbones - Abridged by Tom Perrotta
The Wishbones - Abridged
Tom Perrotta
The Wishbones - Abridged by Tom Perrotta

The Wishbones - Abridged

By: Tom Perrotta

Narrated by: Jack Hawkins

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In The Wishbones, Tom Perrotta's characters are 90s adults still clinging to their 70s dreams. Thirty-one-year-old Dave Raymond has an adoring girlfriend and a steady gig as guitarist for The Wishbones, a New Jersey wedding band. He still lives with his parents, but that's a small price to pay for the freedom to play the music he loves.
Dave's... Read more

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Sweet and Sour - Abridged by Andy Rooney
Sweet and Sour - Abridged
Andy Rooney
Sweet and Sour - Abridged by Andy Rooney

Sweet and Sour - Abridged

By: Andy Rooney

Narrated by: Andy Rooney

Length: 2 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

For more than thirty years, Andy Rooney had the last word on the most-watched television program in history. "A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney"— a segment on 60 Minutes— aired from 1978 to 2011. A man of wit, gruffness, and common sense, Rooney spoke candidly about what drove him— and us— crazy, what... Read more

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The Whithering of Willoughby and the Professor: Their Ways in the Worlds - Abridged by Joe Bevilacqua & Robert J. Cirasa
The Whithering of Willoughby and the Professor: Their Ways in the Worlds - Abridged
Joe Bevilacqua & Robert J. Cirasa
The Whithering of Willoughby and the Professor: Their Ways in the Worlds - Abridged by Joe Bevilacqua & Robert J. Cirasa

The Whithering of Willoughby and the Professor: Their Ways in the Worlds - Abridged

By: Joe Bevilacqua & Robert J. Cirasa

Narrated by: Joe Bevilacqua & Margaret Juntwait

Length: 8 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is an epic science fiction/fantasy comedy about a boy and his professor who travel willy-nilly across time and space in a failed attempt to "cure the world of all its ills."Stories include: Episode One: "I'll Teach You!" or "Box of Nothing" Episode Two: "Holy Smoke" or "The Red-Suited Man" Episode Three: "More Edible Than Durable" or "You... Read more

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Oh, my God! - Abridged by Damián Mollá
Oh, my God! - Abridged
Damián Mollá
Oh, my God! - Abridged by Damián Mollá

Oh, my God! - Abridged

By: Damián Mollá

Narrated by: Damián Mollá

Length: 6 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La mitología que no sabías que sabías. ¿Por qué SEPTtiembre no va en la SÉPTima posición, ni OCTubre en la OCTava? ¿Por qué decimos «orientarnos» si lo que buscamos es el Norte y no Oriente? ¿Por qué en el belén el Niño Jesús está desnudo en pleno diciembre, con el frío que debía de hacer? El orden mundial está lleno de errores tremendos que... Read more

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