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Waterlogg Holiday Collection - Abridged by Charles Dawson Butler, Pedro Pablo Sacristán, Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg, O. Henry & various authors
Waterlogg Holiday Collection - Abridged
Charles Dawson Butler, Pedro Pablo Sacristán, J...
Waterlogg Holiday Collection - Abridged by Charles Dawson Butler, Pedro Pablo Sacristán, Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg, O. Henry & various authors

Waterlogg Holiday Collection - Abridged

By: Charles Dawson Butler, Pedro Pablo Sacristán, J...

Narrated by: Charles Dawson Butler, Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Ke...

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This collection of stories features holiday tales for both young and old!The Christmas That Almost Never WasIt is Christmas Eve at the North Pole, and Santa Claus has lost his "remembery." Now only a child who has been good for a full year can save Christmas! Producer Joe Bevilacqua has unearthed this vintage 1940s recording of the charming... Read more

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Problemzonen - Über das Leben, die Sehnsucht und die Liebe danach (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Ildikó von Kürthy
Problemzonen - Über das Leben, die Sehnsucht und die Liebe danach (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged
Ildikó von Kürthy
Problemzonen - Über das Leben, die Sehnsucht und die Liebe danach (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Ildikó von Kürthy

Problemzonen - Über das Leben, die Sehnsucht und die Liebe danach (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged

By: Ildikó von Kürthy

Narrated by: Ildikó von Kürthy

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sehnsucht und Schokolade Liebe und ihr Ende, Freundschaft, Feindschaft, Elternschaft und nackte Oberarme. Problemzonen versammelt die besten Brigitte-Kolumnen von Ildikó von Kürthy. Radikal subjektive Texte, todernst und lebendig, amüsant, scharfsinnig, neurotisch und dramatisch - ein Reiseführer in die Krisengebiete des Alltags, ein Hörbuch zum... Read more

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Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged by Joan Rivers
Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged
Joan Rivers
Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged by Joan Rivers

Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged

By: Joan Rivers

Narrated by: Joan Rivers

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Red carpet fashion laureate, comic icon, and outspoken superstar Joan Rivers gives her signature straight-talking advice to women on how to live better through looking better.

Joan Rivers’s abiding life philosophy is simple: in the appearance focused society of the twenty-first century, beauty is key—especially where men are concerned. So,... Read more

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Was mach ich hier eigentlich? - So 'ne Art Chinareiseroadmoviebildertagehörspielbuch (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Martina Hill
Was mach ich hier eigentlich? - So 'ne Art Chinareiseroadmoviebildertagehörspielbuch (Gekürzt) - Abridged
Martina Hill
Was mach ich hier eigentlich? - So 'ne Art Chinareiseroadmoviebildertagehörspielbuch (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Martina Hill

Was mach ich hier eigentlich? - So 'ne Art Chinareiseroadmoviebildertagehörspielbuch (Gekürzt) - Abridged

By: Martina Hill

Narrated by: Martina Hill

Length: 2 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Comedy-Queen Martina Hill hat seit Jahren eine große Fangemeinde - auch in China. Sie selbst erfährt allerdings erst davon, als sie nach Peking eingeladen wird, um in einer Comedy-Serie mitzuspielen. Plötzlich steht sie vor dem größten Abenteuer ihres Lebens, denn die Sache hat einen Haken: Martina leidet unter extremer Flugangst und hatte... Read more

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The Mistake – Niemand ist perfekt - Abridged by Elle Kennedy
The Mistake – Niemand ist perfekt - Abridged
Elle Kennedy
The Mistake – Niemand ist perfekt - Abridged by Elle Kennedy

The Mistake – Niemand ist perfekt - Abridged

By: Elle Kennedy

Narrated by: Sarah Dorsel

Length: 9 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

College-Eishockey-Star Logan ahnt nicht, dass er die richtige Frau am falschen Ort trifft, als er sich eines Nachts im Zimmer irrt und aus Versehen bei Grace im Bett landet. Das erste Kennenlernen verläuft dementsprechend verheerend. Trotzdem geht ihm dieses hübsche, scharfzüngige Mauerblümchen fortan nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Irgendwie muss er... Read more

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Other People’s Dirt - Abridged by Louise Rafkin
Other People’s Dirt - Abridged
Louise Rafkin
Other People’s Dirt - Abridged by Louise Rafkin

Other People’s Dirt - Abridged

By: Louise Rafkin

Narrated by: Louise Rafkin

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Louise Rafkin, an extraordinary author, never imagined she'd end up cleaning refrigerators or have a preference for a particular brand of paper towels. But what started out as a quick way to earn a living became a curious preoccupation with all things clean... and messy!Witty and revealing, Other People's Dirt is a thoroughly irreverent look at... Read more

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Achtung, Gutmenschen! - Warum sie uns nerven - Womit sie uns quälen - Wie wir sie loswerden (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich
Achtung, Gutmenschen! - Warum sie uns nerven - Womit sie uns quälen - Wie wir sie loswerden (Gekürzt) - Abridged
Dietmar Bittrich
Achtung, Gutmenschen! - Warum sie uns nerven - Womit sie uns quälen - Wie wir sie loswerden (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich

Achtung, Gutmenschen! - Warum sie uns nerven - Womit sie uns quälen - Wie wir sie loswerden (Gekürzt) - Abridged

By: Dietmar Bittrich

Narrated by: Peter Nottmeier

Length: 5 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bitterböse - und politisch unkorrekt: Sie leiden persönlich unter globaler Erwärmung. Sie sagen Schokokuss statt Negerkuss. Sie haben Verständnis für Terroristen. Sie kommen sich mutig vor, wenn sie Hitler schlecht finden. Sie sind die Gutmenschen - und sie glauben, die Welt wäre schlechter dran ohne sie. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Sie... Read more

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Обгусевшие лебеди - Abridged by Игорь Губерман
Обгусевшие лебеди - Abridged
Игорь Губерман
Обгусевшие лебеди - Abridged by Игорь Губерман

Обгусевшие лебеди - Abridged

By: Игорь Губерман

Narrated by: Игорь Губерман

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Бывают такие строчки, которые, раз услышав, не можешь выкинуть из головы, так они и продолжают там крутиться. Таковы стихи Игоря Губермана – блестяще меткие, изобретательные, афористичные, ироничные и правдивые. За все это поэзию Губермана и любят, и бесконечно цитируют уже не один десяток лет. «Обгусевшие лебеди» – сборник стихотворений... Read more

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Further Tales of the City - Abridged by Armistead Maupin
Further Tales of the City - Abridged
Armistead Maupin
Further Tales of the City - Abridged by Armistead Maupin

Further Tales of the City - Abridged

By: Armistead Maupin

Narrated by: Armistead Maupin

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Inspiration for the Netflix Limited Series, Tales of the CityThe third novel in the beloved Tales of the City series, Armistead Maupin’s best-selling San Francisco saga.The calamity-prone residents of 28 Barbary Lane are at it again in this deliciously dark novel of romance and betrayal. While Anna Madrigal imprisons an anchorwoman in her... Read more

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You'll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again - Abridged by Heather McDonald
You'll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again - Abridged
Heather McDonald
You'll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again - Abridged by Heather McDonald

You'll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again - Abridged

By: Heather McDonald

Narrated by: Heather McDonald

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

You’ll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again is the laugh-out-loud story of an attractive Los Angeles woman who found herself in the predicament of being an unwilling virgin. As an actress, writer, and stand-up comedienne, Heather McDonald passed up ample opportunities to have her V-card revoked by handsome, rich, and sometimes even fabulously... Read more

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Comedy-O-Rama Variety Pack - Abridged by Victor Gates & Joe Bevilacqua
Comedy-O-Rama Variety Pack - Abridged
Victor Gates & Joe Bevilacqua
Comedy-O-Rama Variety Pack - Abridged by Victor Gates & Joe Bevilacqua

Comedy-O-Rama Variety Pack - Abridged

By: Victor Gates & Joe Bevilacqua

Narrated by: W. Ralph Walters, Elie Hirschman, David Sobkowi...

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This variety pack includes comedy sketches and audio dramatizations that will keep you entertained throughout.Deconstructing Laurel & HardyA Comedy-O-Rama tributeAbbott & Costello in the CatskillsThis is an authentic recreation of a 1930s Borscht Belt variety show recorded before a live audience in the Catskills. In this New Oldtime... Read more

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Blut ist dicker als Glühwein - Schon wieder Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft, Band 6 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich
Blut ist dicker als Glühwein - Schon wieder Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft, Band 6 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Dietmar Bittrich
Blut ist dicker als Glühwein - Schon wieder Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft, Band 6 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Dietmar Bittrich

Blut ist dicker als Glühwein - Schon wieder Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft, Band 6 (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Dietmar Bittrich

Narrated by: Simon Jäger, Nana Spier, Gabriele Blum, Heike W...

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Was tropft da unterm Weihnachtsbaum? Jedes Jahr aufs Neue müssen wir uns an Weihnachten mit der buckligen Verwandtschaft herumschlagen: dem klugscheißenden Onkel, der überdrehten Tante, dem betrunkenen Schwiegervater, der esoterischen Schwägerin und den handysüchtigen Nichten und Neffen. Die Großeltern fordern Gedichte, die Eltern zanken, die... Read more

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Camp Waterlogg Chronicles, Seasons 1–5 - Abridged by Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg & Pedro Pablo Sacristán
Camp Waterlogg Chronicles, Seasons 1–5 - Abridged
Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg & Pedro Pablo Sac...
Camp Waterlogg Chronicles, Seasons 1–5 - Abridged by Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg & Pedro Pablo Sacristán

Camp Waterlogg Chronicles, Seasons 1–5 - Abridged

By: Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg & Pedro Pablo Sac...

Narrated by: Joe Bevilacqua, Lorie Kellogg, Kenny Savoy, Jim...

Length: 29 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Part improvisation, part audio cartoon, The Camp Waterlogg Chronicles, Seasons 1–5 is a five-volume collection of the successful comedy show created by two radio-theater veterans.Each volume contains six one-hour segments of the comic misadventures of Sergeant Lefty, Olive Pitts, Ellis the Boatkeeper, Squeaky Lkie, Stinky Peter, Mrs.... Read more

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7 coisas que odeio em Clara Verano - Abridged by Pedro Poeira
7 coisas que odeio em Clara Verano - Abridged
Pedro Poeira
7 coisas que odeio em Clara Verano - Abridged by Pedro Poeira

7 coisas que odeio em Clara Verano - Abridged

By: Pedro Poeira

Narrated by: Karina Coviello, Mariana Dondi, Victor Hugo Fer...

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nessa releitura sáfica de 10 coisas que odeio em você, duas garotas que tinham tudo para se odiar descobrem que têm mais em comum do que imaginam Ninguém mexe com Petra Galvão. A "megera adolescente" do Nossa Senhora de Pádua é conhecida pela sua reputação de ter respostas ríspidas na ponta da língua e estar sempre mal-humorada. A única que... Read more

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Bekenntnisse eines Nachtsportlers (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Wigald Boning
Bekenntnisse eines Nachtsportlers (Gekürzt) - Abridged
Wigald Boning
Bekenntnisse eines Nachtsportlers (Gekürzt) - Abridged by Wigald Boning

Bekenntnisse eines Nachtsportlers (Gekürzt) - Abridged

By: Wigald Boning

Narrated by: Wigald Boning

Length: 4 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Auf seine unverwechselbare Art erzählt Wigald Boning von seinen skurrilen Trainingserlebnissen und ungewöhnlichen Trainingsmethoden, berichtet von heroischen Kämpfen mit dem inneren Schweinehund, versieht das Ganze mit Tipps für Sportler und Möchtegern-Sportler und bietet vor allem eins: Amüsement. Read more

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Y de pronto apareciste tú - Abridged by Angy Skay
Y de pronto apareciste tú - Abridged
Angy Skay
Y de pronto apareciste tú - Abridged by Angy Skay

Y de pronto apareciste tú - Abridged

By: Angy Skay

Narrated by: Eva Barquero

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

—Insolente—lo miro mal.—Borde —me contesta con chulería.—Arrogante. —Achico mis ojos para darle más énfasis.¿Qué esperar cuando tienes tu vida planteada? "Ni los buenos son tan buenos, ni los malos tan malos". Un dicho que nunca falla.Patricia, junto a su nuevo amor, Eduardo, intentan construir un futuro que ambos desean desde hace mucho tiempo.... Read more

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Snobs - Abridged by Julian Fellowes
Snobs - Abridged
Julian Fellowes
Snobs - Abridged by Julian Fellowes

Snobs - Abridged

By: Julian Fellowes

Narrated by: Julian Fellowes

Length: 5 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Julian Fellowes, creator of the Emmy-Award winning TV series Downton Abbey, established himself as an irresistible storyteller and a deliciously witty chronicler of modern manners in his first novel, Snobs, a wickedly astute portrait of the intersecting worlds of aristocrats and actors.

"The English, of all classes as it happens, are addicted to... Read more

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Ten Big Ones - Abridged by Janet Evanovich
Ten Big Ones - Abridged
Janet Evanovich
Ten Big Ones - Abridged by Janet Evanovich

Ten Big Ones - Abridged

By: Janet Evanovich

Narrated by: Lorelei King

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Janet Evanovich is the hottest author in America, and her Stephanie Plum novels have taken the nation by storm!

#1 New York Times
#1 Wall Street Journal
#1 Los Angeles Times
#1 Entertainment Weekly
#1 Publishers Weekly

She's accidentally destroyed a dozen cars. She's a target for every psycho and miscreant this side of the Jersey Turnpike. Her... Read more

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The Big Bing - Abridged by Stanley Bing
The Big Bing - Abridged
Stanley Bing
The Big Bing - Abridged by Stanley Bing

The Big Bing - Abridged

By: Stanley Bing

Narrated by: Stanley Bing

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive collection of thoughts, assaults, and hilarious observations from America’s premier business humorist and bestselling author of Throwing the Elephant and What Would Machiavelli Do?The Big Bing will be a mandatory addition to the library of everyone who works for a living, or would like to. For nearly 20 years, Stanley Bing’s... Read more

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Ausgemustert (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Susanne Fröhlich
Ausgemustert (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Susanne Fröhlich
Ausgemustert (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Susanne Fröhlich

Ausgemustert (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Susanne Fröhlich

Narrated by: Susanne Fröhlich

Length: 5 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nach der Ehe ist vor dem richtigen Mann! Was tut frau, wenn sie nach zwanzig Ehe-Jahren ohne Vorwarnung verlassen wird? Mit Ende Vierzig, zwei halbwüchsigen Kindern und einem Teilzeitjob - aber ohne Plan B? Statt netter Schwätzchen gibt es von den Nachbarinnen plötzlich scheele Blicke, denn der Single-Status macht sie zur potenziellen... Read more

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Warhorses of Letters: Complete Series 1-3 - Abridged by Robert Hudson & Marie Phillips
Warhorses of Letters: Complete Series 1-3 - Abridged
Robert Hudson & Marie Phillips
Warhorses of Letters: Complete Series 1-3 - Abridged by Robert Hudson & Marie Phillips

Warhorses of Letters: Complete Series 1-3 - Abridged

By: Robert Hudson & Marie Phillips

Narrated by: Daniel Rigby, Full Cast, Stephen Fry & Tamsin G...

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stephen Fry, Daniel Rigby and Tamsin Greig star in all three series of the poignant BBC Radio 4 comedy drama.

Warhorses of Letters is the world's finest and best-loved equine, military, epistolary romance, comprising the newly-discovered love letters between two horses united by passion but cruelly divided by conflict.

Set against the sweeping... Read more

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Jump the Shark - When Good Things Go Bad - Abridged by Jon Hein
Jump the Shark - When Good Things Go Bad - Abridged
Jon Hein
Jump the Shark - When Good Things Go Bad - Abridged by Jon Hein

Jump the Shark - When Good Things Go Bad - Abridged

By: Jon Hein

Narrated by: Jon Hein

Length: 3 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From music legends to sports heroes, from TV shows to politics, Jump the Shark catalogs those priceless moments when the magic vanishes and the mighty become the fallen!From the creator of the immensely popular website that has coined a catch phrase comes the book that is bound to be the pop-culture sensation of the season. But beware: these... Read more

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Breathing Room - Abridged by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Breathing Room - Abridged
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Breathing Room - Abridged by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Breathing Room - Abridged

By: Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Narrated by: Kate Fleming

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

She's Dr. Isabel Favor, America's diva of self-help.
He's Ren Gage, Hollywood's favorite villain.
Sometimes you just know that God has a sense of humor.
Dr. Isabel Favor has sacrificed everything to build her self-help empire. Then, in a matter of weeks, it all comes crashing down. She loses her money, her fiancé, and her reputation. Broke,... Read more

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Neil Gaiman's How the Marquis Got His Coat Back - Abridged by Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman's How the Marquis Got His Coat Back - Abridged
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman's How the Marquis Got His Coat Back - Abridged by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman's How the Marquis Got His Coat Back - Abridged

By: Neil Gaiman

Narrated by: Adrian Lester, Bernard Cribbins, Don Warrington...

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

Paterson Joseph stars as the Marquis de Carabas in this brand new BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisation of Neil Gaiman's spin-off short story, set in the magical world of Neverwhere.

Returning us to London Below, this enchanting tale continues the story of one of the most colourful characters from Neverwhere – the cool, charming, resourceful... Read more

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