Medicine audiobooks

Germs - Abridged
By: Judith Miller
Narrated by: Murphy Guyer
Length: 6 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In this “engrossing, well-documented, and highly readable” (San Francisco Chronicle) New York Times bestseller, three veteran reporters draw on top sources inside and outside the U.S. government to reveal Washington's secret strategies for combating germ warfare and the deadly threat of biological and chemical weapons.
Today Americans have begun... Read more

The 17 Day Plan to Stop Aging - Abridged
By: Mike Moreno
Narrated by: Mike Moreno
Length: 8 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From the author of the #1 bestselling The 17 Day Diet, the inspiring and easy-to-follow plan for staying young and healthy, based on the same 17 day model that made the diet the bestselling diet book of 2011.
Every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute that you are alive, you are getting older. No matter how old you are, your... Read more

Crashing Through - Abridged
By: Robert Kurson
Narrated by: Christopher Evan Welch
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
BONUS FEATURE: Exclusive interview with Robert Kurson and Michael May
In his critically acclaimed bestseller Shadow Divers, Robert Kurson explored the depths of history, friendship, and compulsion. Now Kurson returns with another thrilling adventure–the stunning true story of one man’s heroic odyssey from blindness into sight.
Mike May spent his... Read more

So therapieren Sie COPD - Abridged
By: Sigrid Nesterenko
Narrated by: Maja Dörsam-Bellemann
Length: 5 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In diesem Ratgeber erfahren Betroffene und Angehörige alles, was sie wissen müssen - wie COPD behandelt wird, welche Hilfen sie in Anspruch nehmen können und wie sie trotz allem das Leben genießen. Profitieren Sie außerdem von den vielen Tipps aus der Sicht von Betroffenen und aus dem Bereich der Naturheilkunde. Bewusst habe ich... Read more
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Diga Bueno - Abridged
By: Carlos Sarria
Narrated by: Jhonn Vesga
Length: 4 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Unos ciento setenta millones de personas están diagnosticadas alrededor del mundo con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC). Una enfermedad de la que poco se habla, pero está incluida en el listado de las diez más incapacitantes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) Unos ciento setenta millones de personas están diagnosticadas alrededor del... Read more
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Marte Y Venus En El Dormitorio - Abridged
By: John Gray
Narrated by: Francisco Rivela
Length: 1 hour 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Con el libro Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Muieres son de Venus, en el primer puesto de la lista de bestsellers del New York Times el doctor John Gray ha ayudado a miles de parejas a mejorar sus relaciones, haciéndolas más amorosas y afectuosas. Ahora examina el lugar donde la buena comunicación más se necesita pero donde muchas veces falta: en... Read more
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Hautsache Schatten - Abridged
By: Doro May
Narrated by: Chiara Maria Stern
Length: 3 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Hau(p)tsache Schatten Ein Achtsamkeits-Begleiter nicht nur für Menschen mit heller Haut Deine Haut orientiert sich an deinem Leben: Auf der etwa 2m² großen Hülle zeichnen Kosmetik, Alterung und die Sonne deinen Umgang mit ihr nach wie in einem offenen Buch. Wusstest du, … dass die UV-Strahlen zu 80% für die Hautalterung verantwortlich... Read more
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YOU: Being Beautiful - Abridged
By: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Narrated by: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Michael F. Roizen and Dr. Mehmet C. Oz bust the myths and stereotypes about the way we view ourselves -- and how we define beauty.
Most people think that beauty revolves around such things as lipstick, sweet eyes, or skinny jeans -- all those things that we can see (and obsess over) in the mirror. But the fact is... Read more

Altenpflege mit Herz - Abridged
By: Sascha Sandhorst
Narrated by: Armin Dallapiccola
Length: 6 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Die Pflege von Menschen, die auf diese angewiesen sind, ist einer der wichtigsten Dienstleistungsbereiche in unserer Gesellschaft, da die Familien heutzutage kaum mehr in der Lage sind, dies für ihre betroffenen Angehörigen zu leisten. Umso wichtiger zu wissen, dass diejenigen, die sich um einen selbst oder die lieben Verwandten kümmern, dies... Read more
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Bleeding Fabulous - Abridged
By: Mark Ward
Narrated by: Seb Carrington
Length: 4 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The story of how a boy came to be infected with blood borne viruses, and in spite of multiple death sentences, lived to become the world's first ever LGBTQ+ Ambassador for Haemophilia. 'Faced daily with my own mortality, I chose to live fabulously—each of my fifty-five years has been full of love, laughter, adventure… and feather boas.' Mark... Read more
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Fearfully and Wonderfully - Abridged
By: Dr. Paul Brand & Philip Yancey
Narrated by: Charles Constant
Length: 8 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
- ECPA 2020 Christian Book Award Finalist - Christian Living - 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award - 2019 WORLD Magazine Book of the Year Short List - ScienceDiscover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books! The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the... Read more
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EINSICHT in UNerhörtes - Abridged
By: Dr. Manfred Nelting
Narrated by: Claude-Oliver Rudolph
Length: 22 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Die meisten Kinder in Deutschland wachsen in Liebe auf, aber sehr viele erleben schutzlos eine lieblose, traumatisierende Kindheit in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß, darüber ein Schleier des Schweigens, unerhört! Es ist ein Verrat an Kindern - emotional, digital, sozial und politisch - mit gravierenden Auswirkungen auf ihre Gesundheit, kreatives... Read more
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YOU: The Owner's Manual - Abridged
By: Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen
Narrated by: Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen
Length: 8 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The #1 bestseller that gives YOU complete control over your body and your health.With new health studies and advice bombarding us every day, few people know much about what chugs, churns, and thumps throughout the miraculous system that is the human anatomy.YOU: The Owner's Manual challenges preconceived notions about how the human body works... Read more
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Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged
By: Barbara Keesling
Narrated by: Barbara Keesling
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
It's common knowledge that the female orgasm has remained an enigma to men-and sometimes to women themselves. But now a breakthrough discovery by noted sex therapist and bestselling author Dr. Barbara Keesling has at last unlocked the mysteries of the female anatomy. In her latest book, Super Sexual Orgasm, Dr. Keesling describes a proven set of... Read more
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Man to Man: Surviving Prostate Cancer - Abridged
By: Michael Korda
Narrated by: Michael Korda
Length: 2 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In the autumn of 1994, Michael Korda was diagnosed as having prostate cancer. For several years, he had been examined, tested, and medicated, always with the assurance that everything was all right - until it wasn't.
But the discovery of the actual cancer was only the beginning of his ordeal. With uncommon frankness, he writes of overcoming... Read more

Insomnia - Abridged
By: Herika Negri Brito de Vasconcelos
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 2 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
This book brings together the most important non-pharmacological therapies aimed at treating insomnia following the most important and recent guidelines. It is aimed both at the health public and at patients who wish to learn about this drug-free approach and apply the techniques used. It also proposes important lifestyle changes that will help... Read more
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Der smarte Patient - Abridged
By: Jochen A. Werner & David Matusiewicz
Narrated by: Funda Vanroy
Length: 6 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Digitale Ernährung, digitale Bewegung, digitaler Schlaf – dieser Ratgeber vermittelt eindrucksvoll und leicht verständlich, wie Digitalisierung gesund macht. In rund 60 Kurzgeschichten vom Baby bis nach dem Tod nehmen uns die Autoren mit in die faszinierende Welt der digitalen Gesundheit und erklären, wie das Smartphone uns gesund halten kann... Read more
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Los chicos de Hidden Valley Road - Abridged
By: Robert Kolker
Narrated by: Bill Hathey
Length: 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Resumen del libro por Strem readers, esta es una versión abreviada del título original. "Los chicos de Hidden Valley Road" narra la historia de una familia estadounidense que, marcada por la tragedia, se enfrenta a la esquizofrenia de varios de sus hijos. El libro explora cómo la enfermedad mental afecta a cada miembro de la familia y cómo, a... Read more
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Losing my Mind - Abridged
By: Thomas DeBaggio
Narrated by: Cotter Smith
Length: 4 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
When Tom DeBaggio turned fifty-seven in 1999, he thought he was embarking on the golden years of retirement -- time to spend with his family, his friends, and the herb garden he spent decades cultivating.
One winter day, he told his doctor during a routine exam that he had been stumbling into forgetfulness. After it subsequent battery of tests,... Read more

Reo Sentimental - Abridged
By: Rosa María Cifuentes Castañeda
Narrated by: Rosa María Cifuentes Castañeda
Length: 3 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: Yes
La decisión de no mostrar los sentimientos por miedo al rechazo o por el ego, y el deseo de conquistar de modo recurrente son constantes en las formas de amar en estos tiempos, cuando se elige dominar al otro. Mientras en otros existe un apasionamiento obsesivo y febril por alcanzar fundirse con un ser que no sabe amar ni le interesa aprender,... Read more
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YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition - Abridged
By: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Narrated by: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
As they did with the revised edition of YOU: The Owner’s Manual, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz have updated their classic, international bestseller on diet. This nearly three million copy seller is filled with new information on emotional eating, the latest fad diets, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and over a hundred recipes.
For the first time in our... Read more

You: Staying Young - Abridged
By: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Narrated by: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Winner of the 2009 Audie Award for Personal Development
Now substantially updated with a groundbreaking new introduction on telomeres, bioidentical hormones, and more, Drs. Oz and Roizen—the bestselling coauthors of the blockbuster YOU series—present a new edition of their #1 New York Times bestselling indispensable guide to maintaining vibrant... Read more

الى ماذا انت جائع - Abridged
By: Deepak Chopra
Narrated by: أحمد شمعة
Length: 8 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: Yes
ليس الطعام إلا الطاقة التي يستخرجها الإنسان منه فيحول جسم الإنسان الطعام إلى أفكار، مشاعر، أحاسيس، مزاجات، وكل ما يعقد العلاقة بين العقل والجسد، لهذا السبب يمتزج الطعام بالوعي، بالذكاء وبكل خيار تقوم به يوميا. عندما تتناول أطعمة صحية وكاملة، وعندما تشرب مياها صافية ونقية، أنت تعزز بذلك الطاقة الباعثة للحياة في جسدك. هذا الكتاب لا يتحدث عن... Read more
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Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review - Abridged
By: author
Narrated by: Owen Farcy, Elizabeth Flagge, Tamara Miller, Am...
Length: 26 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Get 27 hours of lessons and conversations on MCAT biochemistry from a full panel of Kaplan's MCAT experts, with a 150-page downloadable workbook to follow along as you listen.
From the makers of the #1 MCAT course, Kaplan's MCAT Biochemistry Audio Review is designed to fit into times when you couldn't otherwise study—whether you're on the road,... Read more