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You: On a Diet - Abridged by Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
You: On a Diet - Abridged
Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz
You: On a Diet - Abridged by Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

You: On a Diet - Abridged

By: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

Narrated by: Michael F. Roizen & Mehmet Oz

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

As they did with the revised edition of YOU: The Owner’s Manual, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz have updated their classic, international bestseller on diet. This nearly three million copy seller is filled with new information on emotional eating, the latest fad diets, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and over a hundred recipes.

For the first time in our... Read more

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The Acne Prescription - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone
The Acne Prescription - Abridged
Nicholas Perricone
The Acne Prescription - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone

The Acne Prescription - Abridged

By: Nicholas Perricone

Narrated by: Robb Webb

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Perricone Prescription comes a powerful new weapon in the fight for clear and healthy skinLong recognized as a pioneer in reversing skin damage caused by aging, board certified dermatologist and #1 bestselling author Nicholas Perricone, M.D., now turns his scientific knowledge and experience... Read more

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Der entwurzelte Mensch - Abridged by Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Dobos
Der entwurzelte Mensch - Abridged
Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Dobos
Der entwurzelte Mensch - Abridged by Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Dobos

Der entwurzelte Mensch - Abridged

By: Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Dobos

Narrated by: Günter Schoßböck

Length: 6 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Covid-19 hat es wieder einmal gezeigt: Unser Lebensstil entscheidet darüber, ob wir Krisen bewältigen können, eigene Ressourcen entdecken, aktivieren und nachhaltig handlungsfähig bleiben. Das gilt für unsere psychische Gesundheit genauso wie für den Organismus: Übergewicht, Diabetes und andere lebensstilbedingte Probleme zeigten sich als... Read more

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El trabajo de los ojos - Abridged by Mercedes Halfon
El trabajo de los ojos - Abridged
Mercedes Halfon
El trabajo de los ojos - Abridged by Mercedes Halfon

El trabajo de los ojos - Abridged

By: Mercedes Halfon

Narrated by: Mara Brenner

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Un libro maravilloso que atenta contra los saberes rotundos y objetivos."—Carlos Pardo, El País El trabajo de los ojos es un libro fragmentario, hermoso e inclasificable sobre la mirada. Con un estilo elegante y depurado, Mercedes Halfon nos habla de la forma en que sus problemas de visión determinaron una cierta manera de acercarse al mundo y... Read more

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Birth Day - Abridged by Mark Sloan
Birth Day - Abridged
Mark Sloan
Birth Day - Abridged by Mark Sloan

Birth Day - Abridged

By: Mark Sloan

Narrated by: Mark Sloan

Length: 9 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“I delivered twenty babies in the summer of 1977. I was hardly more than a baby myself, just turned twenty-four and starting my third year of medical school.” So began Mark Sloan’s three-decades-long exploration of the wonders and oddities of human childbirth. Pediatrician, husband, and father, the author has attended nearly three thousand... Read more

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The Mozart Effect - Abridged by Don Campbell
The Mozart Effect - Abridged
Don Campbell
The Mozart Effect - Abridged by Don Campbell

The Mozart Effect - Abridged

By: Don Campbell

Narrated by: Don Campbell

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Anyone who has ever seen a two-year-old start bouncing to a beat knows that music speaks to us on a very deep level. But it took celebrated teacher and music visionary Don Campbell to show us just how deep, with his landmark book The Mozart Effect.Stimulating, authoritative, and often lyrical, The Mozart Effect has a simple but life-changing... Read more

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Ryan White - Abridged by Ryan White, Greg Louganis & Ann Marie Cunningham
Ryan White - Abridged
Ryan White, Greg Louganis & Ann Marie Cunningham
Ryan White - Abridged by Ryan White, Greg Louganis & Ann Marie Cunningham

Ryan White - Abridged

By: Ryan White, Greg Louganis & Ann Marie Cunningham

Narrated by: Lukas Haas

Length: 2 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ryan White was a typical 13-year-old living in a small town in the Midwest. Then, it was discovered that Ryan had contracted AIDS through tainted blood products he had been given for his hemophilia. Denied the right to return to school, he went to court. Newspaper headlines followed the many legal battles, and although Ryan won the court case,... Read more

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And the Waters Turned to Blood - Abridged by Rodney Barker
And the Waters Turned to Blood - Abridged
Rodney Barker
And the Waters Turned to Blood - Abridged by Rodney Barker

And the Waters Turned to Blood - Abridged

By: Rodney Barker

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In this account, Rodney Barker tells the full and terrifying story of a microorganism popping up along the Eastern seaboard—far closer to home than the Ebola virus and equally frightening. In the coastal waters of North Carolina—and now extending as far north as the Chesapeake Bay area—a mysterious and deadly aquatic organism named Pfiesteria... Read more

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Der Immun-Code - Abridged by Dr. Dorothea Schleicher-Brückl
Der Immun-Code - Abridged
Dr. Dorothea Schleicher-Brückl
Der Immun-Code - Abridged by Dr. Dorothea Schleicher-Brückl

Der Immun-Code - Abridged

By: Dr. Dorothea Schleicher-Brückl

Narrated by: Marion Kracht

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein starkes und leistungsfähiges Immunsystem ist die wichtigste Voraussetzung, um Bakterien, Viren und andere Krankheitserreger erfolgreich zu bekämpfen und dauerhaft gesund zu bleiben. Für die Stärkung der körpereigenen Abwehr gibt es viele Möglichkeiten: von gesunder Ernährung, genügend Bewegung und ausreichender Entspannung bis hin zu... Read more

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Schlaf gut ein (Besser Leben) - Abridged by Heinz Schiegl
Schlaf gut ein (Besser Leben) - Abridged
Heinz Schiegl
Schlaf gut ein (Besser Leben) - Abridged by Heinz Schiegl

Schlaf gut ein (Besser Leben) - Abridged

By: Heinz Schiegl

Narrated by: Wolfgang Rositzka

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

1. Gebrauchsanweisung mit Warnhinweis für 2. Burn-Out-Syndrom (Depressionen) Inhalt: Suggestionsteil - Therapieteil - Suggestionsausleitung 3. Gebrauchsanleitung mir Warnhinweis 4. Schlafstörungen - gesunder Schlaf Inhalt: Suggestionsteil - Therapieteil - Suggestionsausleitung Hilfe durch Mental-Therapie Für das „Burn-Out-Syndrom"... Read more

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Complications - Abridged by Atul Gawande
Complications - Abridged
Atul Gawande
Complications - Abridged by Atul Gawande

Complications - Abridged

By: Atul Gawande

Narrated by: William David Griffith

Length: 7 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A brilliant and courageous doctor reveals, in gripping accounts of true cases, the power and limits of modern medicine.

Sometimes in medicine the only way to know what is truly going on in a patient is to operate, to look inside with one's own eyes. This audio is exploratory surgery on medicine itself, laying bare a science not in its idealized... Read more

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El día que Dios entró al banco - Abridged by Juan Diego Gómez Gómez
El día que Dios entró al banco - Abridged
Juan Diego Gómez Gómez
El día que Dios entró al banco - Abridged by Juan Diego Gómez Gómez

El día que Dios entró al banco - Abridged

By: Juan Diego Gómez Gómez

Narrated by: Gonzalo Rojas

Length: 6 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Esta no es la historia de un rico que regala lo que tiene y se dedica a la oración; es la historia de una persona que aumenta su riqueza, siendo cada vez más espiritual. Luego de sus bestsellers, Hábitos de ricos (2016), Menos miedos, más riquezas (2017) e Ideas millonarias (2018), Juan Diego Gómez nos sorprende con una revolucionaria... Read more

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The Perricone Prescription - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone
The Perricone Prescription - Abridged
Nicholas Perricone
The Perricone Prescription - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone

The Perricone Prescription - Abridged

By: Nicholas Perricone

Narrated by: Robb Webb

Length: 2 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The groundbreaking, scientifically based anti-aging program for people of all agesMany people believe that sags, bags, and wrinkles—on the face and body—are inevitable. According to award-winning research scientist and dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, M.D., they are due to inflammation at the cellular level caused by poor nutrition, pollution,... Read more

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Wunder-Bundle - Abridged by Eckart von Hirschhausen
Wunder-Bundle - Abridged
Eckart von Hirschhausen
Wunder-Bundle - Abridged by Eckart von Hirschhausen

Wunder-Bundle - Abridged

By: Eckart von Hirschhausen

Narrated by: Eckart von Hirschhausen

Length: 2 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Medizinisch. Magisch. Menschlich. Warum wirken Placebos, auch wenn man nicht an sie glaubt? Wann sind Klangschalen besser als Kortison? Wirkt Akupunktur sicherer mit Sicherheitsnadeln? Mit viel Humor entkrampft Hirschhausen den Streit zwischen Schul- und Alternativmedizin und zeigt, was jeder für sich tun, aber vor allem auch lassen kann. Eckart... Read more

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Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Pocket Diary for Mental Health" is a comprehensive guide designed to support individuals in navigating the ups and downs of life by providing practical and easy-to-apply strategies for various mental health challenges. With its collection of 20 quick formulae, this book serves as a valuable companion, offering insightful techniques that can be... Read more

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Instant Emotional Healing - Abridged by George Pratt & Peter Lambrou
Instant Emotional Healing - Abridged
George Pratt & Peter Lambrou
Instant Emotional Healing - Abridged by George Pratt & Peter Lambrou

Instant Emotional Healing - Abridged

By: George Pratt & Peter Lambrou

Narrated by: George Pratt & Peter Lambrou

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The revolutionary, highly effective technique that allows you to free yourself from emotional hang-ups—forever!

Does your fear of flying make travel with friends and family impossible? Are you having trouble coping with the loss of a loved one or forgiving yourself for a mistake you made long ago? For the millions of people who suffer from... Read more

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New release
Dime qué sientes - Abridged by Jesús Martín-Fernández
Dime qué sientes - Abridged
Jesús Martín-Fernández
Dime qué sientes - Abridged by Jesús Martín-Fernández

Dime qué sientes - Abridged

By: Jesús Martín-Fernández

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez

Length: 7 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La historia del doctor Jesús Martín-Fernández, el «neurocirujano de las emociones» que ha revolucionado la medicina con sus descubrimientos. En febrero de 2023, el doctor Jesús Martín-Fernández llevó a cabo, con éxito, la primera cirugía cerebral despierta en la que se utilizó un test de inteligencia artificial para identificar y preservar las... Read more

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Why Mars and Venus Collide - Abridged by John Gray
Why Mars and Venus Collide - Abridged
John Gray
Why Mars and Venus Collide - Abridged by John Gray

Why Mars and Venus Collide - Abridged

By: John Gray

Narrated by: John Gray

Length: 3 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Once upon a time, Martians and Venusians functioned in separate worlds. But in today's hectic and career-oriented environment, relationships have become a lot more complicated, and men and women are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. To add to the increasing tension, most men and women are also completely unaware that they are actually... Read more

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Die seelischen Ursachen der Krankheiten - Abridged by Björn Eybl
Die seelischen Ursachen der Krankheiten - Abridged
Björn Eybl
Die seelischen Ursachen der Krankheiten - Abridged by Björn Eybl

Die seelischen Ursachen der Krankheiten - Abridged

By: Björn Eybl

Narrated by: Ferry Gruber

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sie sind überzeugt, dass Krankheiten mit unserem Seelenleben zusammenhängen? Aber Sie meinen, man könne die exakte Ursache nie genau herausfinden? Dann sollten Sie dieses Buch lesen! Der Autor stellt die bahnbrechenden Erkenntnisse des deutschen Arztes Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer für jedermann begreifbar dar. Im Einführungsteil werden... Read more

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Eat, Drink, & Be Merry - Abridged by Dean Edell
Eat, Drink, & Be Merry - Abridged
Dean Edell
Eat, Drink, & Be Merry - Abridged by Dean Edell

Eat, Drink, & Be Merry - Abridged

By: Dean Edell

Narrated by: Dean Edell

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""Help me, Dr. Dean! I want to be healthy, but I just don't know where to turn for advice.""No wonder. How often have you felt whipsawed by the experts, confused by conflicting advice, or torn with guilt over what you eat, drink, think? Prepare yourself for a shock: You can relax, enjoy life, and still be healthy.Renowned for candid straight... Read more

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Tatort Gehirn - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Tatort Gehirn - Abridged
Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Tatort Gehirn - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Tatort Gehirn - Abridged

By: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Narrated by: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Warum werden manche Menschen zu Verbrechern während andere ihr Leben lang brave Bürger bleiben? Sind Verbrecher schuldig für ihre Taten im klassischen Sinn, indem sie nämlich anders (normgerecht) hätten handeln können, oder sind Straftäter durch ihre Gene, ihre Lebensentwicklung und ihre Hirnorganisation determiniert, so zu handeln, wie sie es... Read more

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Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged by Manfred Spitzer
Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged
Manfred Spitzer
Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged by Manfred Spitzer

Dein Gehirn bist Du! - Abridged

By: Manfred Spitzer

Narrated by: Manfred Spitzer

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Universum unseres Gehirns mit seinen Abermilliarden Nervenzellen, Synapsen und Verbindungen entdeckt sich selbst Schritt für Schritt. Waren früher die Sinneseindrücke wie Sehen und Hören Ziel der Forschung, sind es heute die komplexen Emotionen wie Vertrauen, Angst, Liebe oder Schadenfreude. Was unterscheidet das Gehirn von einem... Read more

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Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged
Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Physiologische Psychologie: Neuropsychologie des Gedächtnisses - Abridged

By: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Narrated by: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Gedächtnis wird definiert und seine Bedeutung evolutionsgeschichtlich begründet: Es existieren mehrere Gedächtnissysteme, die weitgehend unabhängig voneinander arbeiten und deswegen auch selektiv gestört sein können. Zustandsabhängigkeit und Dynamik von Informationsaufnahme und -abruf werden erläutert. Inwieweit menschliches Gedächtnis sich... Read more

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Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged
Hans Joachim Markowitsch
Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged by Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Physiologische Psychologie: Wie viel Gedächtnisverlust verträgt das Alter? - Abridged

By: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Narrated by: Hans Joachim Markowitsch

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gedächtnis und andere kognitive Funktionen nehmen mit zunehmendem Lebensalter ab. Erklärt wird, welche Gedächtnisbereiche hiervon besonders betroffen sind, warum Erinnerungen nur selten verloren gehen, man aber trotzdem Probleme hat, an sie heranzukommen und was "altersübliches" Vergessen von "leichten kognitiven Störungen" unterscheidet, die in... Read more

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