Nonfiction audiobooks
Wir sind das Klima! - Wie wir unseren Planeten schon beim Frühstück retten können (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
By: Jonathan Safran Foer
Narrated by: Christoph Maria Herbst
Length: 5 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Mit seinem Bestseller "Tiere essen" hat Jonathan Safran Foer weltweit Furore gemacht: Viele seiner Leser wurden nach der Lektüre Vegetarier oder haben zumindest ihre Ernährung überdacht. Nun nimmt Foer sich des größten Themas unserer Zeit an: dem Klimawandel. Der Klimawandel ist zu abstrakt, deshalb lässt er uns kalt. Foer erinnert an die Kraft... Read more
View audiobookCustomer Success Manifesto - Abridged
By: Jay Goncalves & Ben McLellan
Narrated by: Ben McLellan
Length: 5 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Online gurus are lying to you about scaling to hundreds of clients without an exceptional customer experience. Ben and I created this book with that in mind. When you feel like there is much more to be done on how you serve your clients, we've got you.For a long time, marketers, specifically in the online space, have been making bolder and... Read more
View audiobookPaartherapie: Die Beziehungswerkstatt - Liebe reparieren. Das 1x1 für eine glückliche Beziehung. Effektive Tools aus der Paarberatung für bessere Kommunikation, mehr Nähe und starkes Vertrauen. - Abridged
By: Elena Vogt
Narrated by: Elena Martin
Length: 3 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Wie du deine Beziehung stärken, eine tiefere Bindung aufbauen und alte Konflikte lösen kannst, ohne dich in Schuldzuweisungen zu verstricken. Fragst du dich manchmal, wo die Frühlingsgefühle aus der Anfangszeit deiner Beziehung geblieben sind? Die intensive Sehnsucht, die Leichtigkeit, die romantischen Gesten und die Leidenschaft? Fühlst du... Read more
View audiobookSixty Feet, Six Inches - Abridged
By: Bob Gibson, Reggie Jackson & Lonnie Wheeler
Narrated by: Mirron Willis & Dominic Hoffman
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Reggie Jackson and Bob Gibson offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to understand America's pastime from their unique insider perspective.Legendary. Insightful. Uncompromising. Candid. Uncensored. Mr. October and Hoot Gibson unfortunately never faced each other on the field. But now, in Sixty Feet, Six Inches, these two legends open up in... Read more
View audiobookDein nächstes großes Ding - Abridged
By: Matthew Mockridge
Narrated by: Moritz Pliquet & Sabina Godec
Length: 8 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ob du deine eigene geniale Geschäftsidee verwirklichen, mit jeder Person im Raum connecten, eine neue App entwickeln oder Surflehrer auf Hawaii werden möchtest – dieses Hörbuch hilft dir, deine Ziele zu entwickeln, und zeigt dir die nächsten Schritte für deinen ganz großen Coup. Es liefert dir zahlreiche Killer-Ideen, um dein nächstes großes... Read more
View audiobookInteligência competitiva - Abridged
By: Eliane de Oliveira Moreira
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 3 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A inteligência competitiva consolida-se como uma ferramenta de gestão estratégica e inovação, porém, independentemente do segmento, proporciona às organizações uma dinâmica capaz de antecipar os movimentos do mercado e capitalizar oportunidades. Com base nesta abordagem, destaca-se que a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as... Read more
View audiobookSelbstbild - Meditation - Abridged
By: Tanja Kohl
Narrated by: Tanja Kohl
Length: 13 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Wer hat sich das nicht schon einmal gewünscht? Ein stabiles und gesundes Selbstwertgefühl, ein kraftvolles, motiviertes ICH. Menschen, die über ein starkes Selbst verfügen, haben eine gute Meinung von sich, sind optimistisch und befinden sich mit ihren Mitmenschen auf Augenhöhe. Der Selbstwert bestimmt unser Lebensgefühl, unsere Beziehungen... Read more
View audiobookEstrelas indecifráveis - Abridged
By: Euclides da Cunha
Narrated by: Tiago Torres
Length: 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"O Evangelho fecha-se com a astronomia." Este texto de Euclides da Cunha, extraído de seu livro "À margem da história", mostra uma faceta menos conhecida dos conhecimentos do escritor: a astronomia. Analisando as "estrelas variáveis", o autor traça um paralelo entre religião e história, com ênfase no astro que teria guiado os reis magos e com... Read more
View audiobookBill Russell: Book Of Quotes (100+ Selected Quotes) - Abridged
By: Quotes Station
Narrated by: Chris Wolff
Length: 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
BILL RUSSELL: BOOK OF QUOTES-ABOUT BILL RUSSELLWilliam Felton Russell (born February 12, 1934) is an American former professional basketball player who played center for the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1956 to 1969. A five—time NBA Most Valuable Player and a 12—time All—Star, he was the centerpiece of the... Read more
View audiobookDie Formel für Glück - Abridged
By: Mo Gawdat
Narrated by: Peter Wolter
Length: 11 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Mo Gawdat befasst sich schon seit Jahren mit dem Thema Glück und was dieses ausmacht. Als Entwickler und Leiter in Googles Denkfabrik, Google[X], geht er das Problem eben wie ein solcher an: Er prüft alle prüfbaren Fakten und sucht die Logik dahinter. Nach unzähligen Stunden, Büchern und Interviews konnte er tatsächlich eine Gleichung für... Read more
View audiobookComo Aprender Mais Rapidamente - Abridged
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Descubra o segredo para aprender mais rapidamente e transformar o seu desempenho em qualquer área de estudo. Este ebook revela técnicas avançadas e comprovadas para melhorar a velocidade e eficiência de aprendizagem, desde o planejamento de estudos até técnicas de memória e concentração. Com exercícios práticos e exemplos concretos, você... Read more
View audiobookManual de Coaching Transformacional (abreviado) - Abridged
By: Carlos Eduardo Sarmiento
Narrated by: Juan Guzman
Length: 3 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
FonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro Manual de Coaching Transformacional de Carlos Eduardo Sarmiento. El coaching es una maravillosa metodología que en sí misma es un conjunto de herramientas, modelos y distinciones que pueden ser aprendidas y que nos pueden ayudar a todos a mejorar nuestra vida en diferentes formas y maneras. El... Read more
View audiobookWie kann ich mit Yoga abnehmen? - Abridged
By: Denise Nascher
Narrated by: Anna-Lena Hutter
Length: 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Yoga erleichtert die Gewichtsabnahme auf verschiedene Weise und kann, wenn es mit evidenzbasierten Ernährungsempfehlungen kombiniert wird, sehr wirksam sein. Verschiedene Studien belegen die Wirksamkeit von Yoga, ebenso das Interview mit Annette Czanaky, Yogalehrerin und Indien Expertin. Sie beschreibt den ganzheitlichen Ansatz von Yoga und wie... Read more
View audiobookStart Late, Finish Rich - Abridged
By: David Bach
Narrated by: David Bach
Length: 5 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: Yes
David Bach has a plan to help you live and finish rich—no matter where you start
So you feel like you’ve started late?
You are not alone.
What if I told you that right now as you flip through this book, 70% of the people in the store with you are living paycheck to paycheck?
What if I told you that the man browsing the aisle to your left owes more... Read more
Die subtile Kunst des darauf Scheißens - Abridged
By: Mark Manson
Narrated by: Stefan Lehen
Length: 6 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Scheiß auf positives Denken sagt Mark Manson. Die ungeschönte Perspektive ist ihm lieber. Wenn etwas scheiße ist, dann ist es das eben. Und wenn man etwas nicht kann, dann sollte man dazu stehen. Nicht jeder kann in allem außergewöhnlich sein und das ist gut so. Wenn man seine Grenzen akzeptiert, findet man die Stärke, die man braucht. Denn es... Read more
View audiobookThe Clinton Tapes - Abridged
By: Taylor Branch
Narrated by: Taylor Branch
Length: 10 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Taylor Branch’s groundbreaking book about the modern presidency, The Clinton Tapes, invites readers into private dialogue with a gifted, tormented, resilient president. Here is what President Clinton thought and felt but could not say in public.
This book rests upon a secret project, initiated by Clinton, to preserve for future historians an... Read more
Inspired By … The Bible Experience Audio Bible - Today's New International Version, TNIV: The Easter Story - Abridged
By: Zondervan
Narrated by: Professional Actors
Length: 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
New: Now includes an interactive table of contents with books and chapters of the Bible for easy audio navigation!*Enjoy Easter Story" from the most ambitious, critically-acclaimed presentation of the Bible ever produced, Inspired By … The Bible Experience features a star-studded cast of almost 200 performers. Highlighting the cast is 2007... Read more
View audiobookWild at Heart - Abridged
By: John Eldredge
Narrated by: John Eldredge
Length: 4 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: Yes
God designed men to seek out adventure. But, somewhere between childhood and the struggles of yesterday, most men lose sight of those dreams. Fear not: bestselling author and counselor John Eldredge is here to teach men that there's a better way to live.In this expanded edition of the timeless bestseller Wild at Heart, Eldredge unpacks man's... Read more
View audiobookSmalltalk - Abridged
By: Leo Kappes
Narrated by: Michael Sonnen
Length: 2 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Du möchtest Smalltalk lernen, um neue Freunde kennenzulernen, zu flirten oder neue Bekanntschaften zu schließen? Kein Problem, wir helfen dir! Die meisten Menschen, sind sich garnicht bewusst, wie sehr wir im Alltag Smalltalk nutzen und welche riesige Wirkung ein erfolgreicher Smalltalk auf unsere Karriere und auch unser Sozialleben hat. Dazu... Read more
View audiobook100 citações de William Shakespeare - Abridged
By: William Shakespeare
Narrated by: Fábio Godinho
Length: 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Shakespeare é considerado como o maior escritor de língua inglesa e o melhor dramaturgo do mundo. As suas peças foram traduzidas para todas as línguas principais, e são as mais representadas de sempre. A sua obra contém uma visão espantosamente moderna, piadas espirituosas e uma paixão crescente; é uma fonte interminável de espanto e inspiração.... Read more
View audiobookListening Is an Act of Love - Abridged
By: Dave Isay
Narrated by: Dave Isay & StoryCorps Participants
Length: 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From more than ten thousand interviews, StoryCorps—the largest oral history project in the nation's history—presents a tapestry of American stories, told by the people who lived them to the people they love.
StoryCorps began with the idea that everyone has an important story to tell. And since 2003, this remarkable project has been collecting... Read more
Como Ser um Sucesso no seu Ambiente de Trabalho - Abridged
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
O livro Como Ser um Sucesso no seu Ambiente de Trabalho, da MAX EDITORIAL, apresenta dicas valiosas para quem deseja se destacar profissionalmente. Com estratégias práticas e exemplos reais, o autor mostra como é possível alcançar seus objetivos e ser reconhecido pelos seus colegas de trabalho. Mas será que essas dicas são suficientes para... Read more
View audiobookDer kleine Jäger-Knigge - Abridged
By: Christian Teppe
Narrated by: Christian Teppe
Length: 2 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Die Jägerprüfung ist bestanden - nun gilt es, sich nicht nur im Revier, sondern auch in der Jägerschaft zurechtzufinden - eine Gesellschaft mit ganz eigenen Regeln, einer eigenen Sprache und traditionsreichem Brauchtum. Wie verhalte ich mich bei alltäglichen Begegnungen mit anderen Jägern, aber auch mit Jagdgästen und anderen Nichtjägern wie... Read more
View audiobookMississippi Sissy - Abridged
By: Kevin Sessums
Narrated by: Kevin Sessums
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Mississippi Sissy is the stunning memoir from Kevin Sessums, a celebrity journalist who grew up scaring other children, hiding terrible secrets, pretending to be Arlene Frances and running wild in the South.
As he grew up in Forest, Mississippi, befriended by the family maid, Mattie May, he became a young man who turned the word "sissy" on its... Read more