Politics & Economy audiobooks

Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A inteligência emocional é a capacidade de identificar, compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite construir relacionamentos mais saudáveis e gratificantes. No contexto do amor e dos relacionamentos, a inteligência emocional é essencial para: Compreender e responder... Read more
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American Sniper - Abridged
By: Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen & Jim DeFelice
Narrated by: Roman Roth
Length: 6 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Chris Kyle diente von 1999 bis 2009 bei den US Navy SEALs und verzeichnete in jener Zeit die höchste Zahl an tödlichen Treffern in der amerikanischen Militärgeschichte. 160 gezielte Liquidationen schreibt ihm das Pentagon offiziell zu. Seine Kameraden nannten ihn "Die Legende", seine Feinde "Teufel" … In dieser eindringlichen Autobiografie... Read more
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Stalin - Abridged
By: Edvard Radzinsky
Narrated by: David McCallum
Length: 6 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
From the author of The Last Tsar, the first full-scale life of Stalin to have what no previous biography has fully obtained: the facts. Granted privileged access to Russia's secret archives, Edvard Radzinsky paints a picture of the Soviet strongman as more calculating, ruthless, and blood-crazed than has ever been described or imagined. Stalin... Read more
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Vote.com - Abridged
By: Dick Morris
Narrated by: Dick Morris
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
As the print and broadcast media-commonly referred to as the Fourth Estate-falters and fails, a new social and political force is rising in power. The Fifth Estate, as Morris has dubbed it, is made up of the rapidly growing number of voters who use Internet technology. This army of younger citizens with easy access to information and a direct... Read more
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ملخص كتاب الوزير المرافق - Abridged
By: غازي عبدالرحمن القصيبي
Narrated by: Sahla Books
Length: 26 minutes
Abridged: Yes
يعرض لنا هذا الكتاب الفريد عددًا من اللقاءات السياسية التي حضرها القصيبي بصفته وزيرًا مرافقًا، ليحدثنا عن موقفه من الشخصيات التي التقى بها ويسرد بعضًا من أحداث لقاءاته الفريدة. غازي القصيبي هو شاعر سعودي وأستاذ جامعي عمل وزيرًا للصحة ووزيرًا للصناعة، وسفيرًا للسعودية في البحرين وفي بريطانيا، وله عدد من المؤلفات والكتب منها "سحيم" و"قراءة في وجه... Read more
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The Reagan Diaries Selections - Abridged
By: Ronald Reagan
Narrated by: Eric Conger
Length: 2 hours 59 minutes
Abridged: Yes
During his two terms as the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan kept a daily diary in which he recorded, by hand, his innermost thoughts and observations on the extraordinary, the historic, and the routine day-to-day occurrences of his presidency. Now, nearly two decades after he left office, this remarkable record—the only daily... Read more
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Decision Points - Abridged
By: George W. Bush
Narrated by: George W. Bush
Length: 6 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: Yes
President George W. Bush describes the critical decisions of his presidency and personal life.
Decision Points is the extraordinary memoir of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through the defining decisions of his life.
In gripping, never-before-heard... Read more

Renegade - Abridged
By: Richard Wolffe
Narrated by: Richard Wolffe
Length: 6 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Before the White House and Air Force One, before the TV ads and the enormous rallies, there was the real Barack Obama: a man wrestling with the momentous decision to run for the presidency, feeling torn about leaving behind a young family, and figuring out how to win the biggest prize in politics.
This book is the previously untold and epic story... Read more

La audacia de la esperanza (abreviado) - Abridged
By: Barack Obama
Narrated by: Erwin Dorado
Length: 7 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Reflexiones sobre como Restaurar el sueño Americano FonoLibro se complace en presentar el audiolibro en español "La audacia de la esperanza" del recién electo a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos de América, Barack Obama. En Julio de 2004, Barack Obama electrificó a la Convención Nacional Demócrata con un discurso que llegó a los Americanos de... Read more
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All the Way to Berlin - Abridged
By: James Megellas
Narrated by: Richard M. Davidson
Length: 2 hours 33 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In mid-1943 James Megellas, known as “Maggie” to his fellow paratroopers, joined the 82d Airborne Division, his new “home” for the duration. His first taste of combat was in the rugged mountains outside Naples.
In October 1943, when most of the 82d departed Italy to prepare for the D-Day invasion of France, Lt. Gen. Mark Clark, the Fifth Army... Read more

Sobre la tiranía - Abridged
By: Timothy Snyder
Narrated by: Edgar David Aguilera
Length: 2 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Nos deslizamos rápidamente hacia el fascismo. Timothy Snyder no nos permite hacernos ilusiones sobre nosotros mismos." —Svetlana Aleksiévich, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura "Timothy Snyder razona con una claridad incomparable (…) y ha escrito el tipo de libro, tan poco común, que se lee de una sentada pero al que se vuelve una y otra... Read more
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The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged
By: Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
Narrated by: L. J. Ganser
Length: 10 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.
At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public... Read more

Without Hesitation - Abridged
By: Gen. Hugh Shelton, Ronald Levinson & Malcolm Mc...
Narrated by: Gen. Hugh Shelton
Length: 6 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The powerful unvarnished memoir of General Hugh Shelton, war hero, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during 9/11, and one of the leading military figures of our time.
Whether serving under a Democratic president or a Republican president, General Shelton was never afraid to speak out and tell it like it is. Shelton chronicles his incredible... Read more

Die große Gereiztheit. Wege aus der kollektiven Erregung - Abridged
By: Bernhard Pörksen
Narrated by: Bernhard Pörksen
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Öffentliche Debatten werden immer aggressiver, Lügen verbreiten sich so leicht wie nie. Bernhard Pörksen beschreibt das große Geschäft mit der Desinformation. Terrorwarnungen, Gerüchte, die Fake-News-Panik, Skandale und Spektakel in Echtzeit - die vernetzte Welt existiert längst in einer Stimmung der Nervosität und Gereiztheit. Bernhard... Read more
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Catastrophe - Abridged
By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
Narrated by: Peter Ganim
Length: 6 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
#1 New York Times Bestseller! In Catastrophe, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann—authors of the megabestsellers Fleeced and Outrage—take a hard look at America in free fall and at how Barack Obama is transforming a vulnerable U.S. into a socialist state. Their seventh consecutive New York Times bestseller, Catastrophe is a call to arms for every... Read more
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Eisiges Schweigen flussabwärts - Abridged
By: Michael Thumann
Narrated by: Alexander Bandilla
Length: 9 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Michael Thumann legt nach seinem SPIEGEL-Bestseller «Revanche» einen sehr persönlichen Reisebericht vor, in dem er die erneute Teilung Europas mit eigenen Augen erkundet. Er beschreibt in eindringlichen Reportagen und Augenzeugenberichten seinen Weg aus Moskau heraus über die schwer bewachten Außengrenzen Russlands, erst nach Osten Richtung... Read more
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El espíritu de la esperanza - Abridged
By: Byung-Chul Han
Narrated by: Jordi Llovet
Length: 2 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Después de más de doce años de ensayos críticos con el régimen neoliberal, en esta nueva y novedosa obra el célebre filósofo Byung-Chul Han emprende no ya un viraje, sino una verdadera superación hacia una alentadora visión del hombre. De la desesperación más profunda nace también la esperanza más íntima. La esperanza nos lanza hacia lo... Read more
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No Retreat, No Surrender - Abridged
By: Tom DeLay & Stephen Mansfield
Narrated by: Tom DeLay
Length: 4 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A candid memoir of one of the most effective, controversial figures in modern politics. Read more
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The Psychology of Spies and Spying - Abridged
By: John Taylor & Adrian Furnham
Narrated by: John Taylor
Length: 8 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Psychology of Spies and Spying tells the story of the people involved in spying: the human sources (agents) who betray their country or organisation and the professional intelligence officers who manage the collection and reporting process. It provides a rigorous psychological analysis of the personality and motivation of individuals... Read more
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The Wisdom of Crowds - Abridged
By: James Surowiecki
Narrated by: Erik Singer
Length: 5 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“No one in this world, so far as I know, has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.” —H. L. Mencken
H. L. Mencken was wrong.
In this endlessly fascinating book, New Yorker columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea that has profound implications: large groups of people are... Read more

In the Arena - Abridged
By: Richard Nixon
Narrated by: Richard Nixon
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In the Arena is the most personal, profound, and revealing memoir ever written by a major political figure. It is Richard Nixon's frankest, most outspoken book—which includes the inside story of his resignation from the Presidency and its aftermath.
President Nixon's previous books have brilliantly chronicled his public career and examined... Read more

La sangre que mueve el mundo - Abridged
By: Miguel Golmayo
Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez
Length: 18 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Cómo el control de los hidrocarburos ha configurado el orden mundial durante siglos. Desde finales del xix, cuando la vida comenzó a industrializarse, el petróleo ha sido el vector de la política internacional. Los hidrocarburos han movido, y mueven, las placas tectónicas de la geopolítica, la geoestrategia y la geoeconomía, y cualquier decisión... Read more
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The Man Who Flew The Memphis Belle - Abridged
By: Robert Morgan
Narrated by: Ron McLarty
Length: 4 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A powerful chronicle of loyalty, love, and astonishing bravery, The Man Who Flew the Memphis Belle takes you into the heart of the war above 20,000 feet, and into the unforgettable life of one of America's greatest World War II heroes. Read more
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Urteil: ungerecht - Abridged
By: Thorsten Schleif
Narrated by: Sebastian Pappenberger
Length: 5 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Kaum ein Tag vergeht, ohne dass deutsche Gerichte skandalös anmutende Urteile fällen: Brutale Gewalttäter erhalten lächerlich milde Strafen, Wiederholungstäter entgehen längst fälligen Haftbefehlen, weil die Verfahren viel zu lange dauern, Freiheitsstrafen werden wieder und wieder zur Bewährung ausgesetzt. Das Vertrauen in unsere Justiz... Read more
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