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By: Asomoo.Net

Narrated by: Asomoo.Net

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

DIETA DE LOS TA PARA LOS DE 30 AÑOS EN ADELANTE¡Hola! Si estás aquí buscando información sobre dietas para personas mayores de 30 años, has venido al lugar correcto. La alimentación es una parte fundamental de nuestra salud y bienestar, y es especialmente importante a medida que envejecemos. A medida que pasan los años, nuestro cuerpo puede... Read more

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Light on Life - Abridged by B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans & Douglas Abrams
Light on Life - Abridged
B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans & Douglas Abrams
Light on Life - Abridged by B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans & Douglas Abrams

Light on Life - Abridged

By: B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans & Douglas Abrams

Narrated by: Patricia Walden

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

B.K.S. Iyengar, hailed as "the Michelangelo of yoga" (BBC) and considered by many to be the most important living yoga master, has spent much of his life introducing the modern world to the ancient practice of yoga. Yoga's popularity is soaring, but its widespread acceptance as an exercise for physical fitness and the recognition of its health... Read more

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Mindfulness para reducir el estrés - Abridged by Yeismar González
Mindfulness para reducir el estrés - Abridged
Yeismar González
Mindfulness para reducir el estrés - Abridged by Yeismar González

Mindfulness para reducir el estrés - Abridged

By: Yeismar González

Narrated by: Yeismar González

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¡Atención a todos aquellos que buscan encontrar la paz interior en medio de un mundo agitado! ¡Tenemos el curso perfecto para ti!Te presentamos "Mindfulness para reducir el estrés: Encuentra la paz interior en un mundo agitado", un audiolibro que te enseñará las mejores técnicas, en el que podrás tener en tus manos un contenido útil y... Read more

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How to Make Love All Night - Abridged by Barbara Keesling
How to Make Love All Night - Abridged
Barbara Keesling
How to Make Love All Night - Abridged by Barbara Keesling

How to Make Love All Night - Abridged

By: Barbara Keesling

Narrated by: Barbara Keesling

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

No matter how old or young, experienced or not, anyone can achieve levels of fulfillment and satisfaction never before thought possible. Sex therapist Dr. Barbara Keesling tells men and women the simple secret that can give couples unmatched pleasure for years. Using Dr. Keesling's techniques, you and your partner will embark on an erotic... Read more

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Coming soon
Die Longevity-Food-Formel - Abridged by Dr. med. Matthias Riedl
Die Longevity-Food-Formel - Abridged
Dr. med. Matthias Riedl
Die Longevity-Food-Formel - Abridged by Dr. med. Matthias Riedl

Die Longevity-Food-Formel - Abridged

By: Dr. med. Matthias Riedl

Narrated by: Olaf Pessler

Length: 4 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

80 wird das neue 50 sein – visionäre Forscher tüfteln intensiv an der Frage, wie sich das Beste aus dem Alter herausholen lässt. Doch die Erkenntnisse der Longevity-Medizin wirken auf die meisten teuer, kompliziert und alltagsfern. Höchste Zeit, dass Ernährungs-Doc Matthias Riedl dieses wertvolle Wissen übersetzt in leicht umsetzbare... Read more

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Desenvolvendo Resiliência Emocional Estratégias para Lidar com Desafios - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Desenvolvendo Resiliência Emocional Estratégias para Lidar com Desafios - Abridged
Desenvolvendo Resiliência Emocional Estratégias para Lidar com Desafios - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Desenvolvendo Resiliência Emocional Estratégias para Lidar com Desafios - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A vida é cheia de desafios. Todos nós passamos por momentos difíceis, seja no âmbito pessoal, profissional ou acadêmico. Como lidar com esses desafios de forma resiliente? Resiliência emocional é a capacidade de superar adversidades e desafios de forma positiva. É a capacidade de se adaptar e crescer a partir das experiências difíceis. Este... Read more

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Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged by Barbara Keesling
Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged
Barbara Keesling
Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged by Barbara Keesling

Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged

By: Barbara Keesling

Narrated by: Barbara Keesling

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

It's common knowledge that the female orgasm has remained an enigma to men-and sometimes to women themselves. But now a breakthrough discovery by noted sex therapist and bestselling author Dr. Barbara Keesling has at last unlocked the mysteries of the female anatomy. In her latest book, Super Sexual Orgasm, Dr. Keesling describes a proven set of... Read more

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YOU: The Owner's Manual - Abridged by Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen
YOU: The Owner's Manual - Abridged
Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen
YOU: The Owner's Manual - Abridged by Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen

YOU: The Owner's Manual - Abridged

By: Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen

Narrated by: Mehmet C. Oz & Michael F. Roizen

Length: 6 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The #1 bestseller that gives YOU complete control over your body and your health.With new health studies and advice bombarding us every day, few people know much about what chugs, churns, and thumps throughout the miraculous system that is the human anatomy.YOU: The Owner's Manual challenges preconceived notions about how the human body works... Read more

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Natural Health, Natural Medicine - Abridged by Andrew Weil, MD
Natural Health, Natural Medicine - Abridged
Andrew Weil, MD
Natural Health, Natural Medicine - Abridged by Andrew Weil, MD

Natural Health, Natural Medicine - Abridged

By: Andrew Weil, MD

Narrated by: Jesse Boggs

Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Timeless Andrew Weil wisdom at an unbeatable price! The complete “Outwitting the Killers” section of the landmark bestseller, Natural Health, Natural Medicine is now available on audio for the first time.

Dr. Andrew Weil’s bestseller, Natural Health, Natural Medicine is his most popular book and now this exclusive audio excerpt lets listeners... Read more

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Talk Sexy to the One You Love - Abridged by Barbara Keesling
Talk Sexy to the One You Love - Abridged
Barbara Keesling
Talk Sexy to the One You Love - Abridged by Barbara Keesling

Talk Sexy to the One You Love - Abridged

By: Barbara Keesling

Narrated by: Barbara Keesling

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

When it comes to the language of love, we may talk a good game in the powder room or the locker room, but we still have a lot to learn where it counts most...the bedroom. According to sex therapist Dr. Barbara Keesling, nothing is more exciting than talking sexy to the one you love and having him or her talk sexy to you. The right words at the... Read more

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Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged
Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Empatia é a capacidade de se colocar no lugar de outra pessoa e entender seus sentimentos. É a habilidade de sentir o que o outro está sentindo, mesmo que não sejamos nós mesmos que estejamos passando por aquela situação. A empatia é uma habilidade essencial para a vida em sociedade. Ela nos permite construir relacionamentos mais fortes,... Read more

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Autoestima e Inteligência Emocional Construindo uma Imagem Positiva de Si Mesmo - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Autoestima e Inteligência Emocional Construindo uma Imagem Positiva de Si Mesmo - Abridged
Autoestima e Inteligência Emocional Construindo uma Imagem Positiva de Si Mesmo - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Autoestima e Inteligência Emocional Construindo uma Imagem Positiva de Si Mesmo - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A autoestima é a percepção que temos de nós mesmos, incluindo nossos pensamentos, sentimentos e comportamentos. Uma autoestima saudável é essencial para o bem-estar emocional e psicológico. Pessoas com autoestima elevada têm uma visão positiva de si mesmas, acreditam em suas capacidades e são capazes de lidar com os desafios da vida. A... Read more

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Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged
Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A inteligência emocional é a capacidade de identificar, compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite construir relacionamentos mais saudáveis e gratificantes. No contexto do amor e dos relacionamentos, a inteligência emocional é essencial para: Compreender e responder... Read more

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Öffne die Tür - Open the Door - Abridged by Marco Göllner
Öffne die Tür - Open the Door - Abridged
Marco Göllner
Öffne die Tür - Open the Door - Abridged by Marco Göllner

Öffne die Tür - Open the Door - Abridged

By: Marco Göllner

Narrated by: Nadine König, Christian Schulte, Andreas Fröhli...

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bo zieht in eine neue Wohnung. Der Rest des Hauses steht noch leer und soll erst später umgebaut werden. So wundert er sich nicht weiter über die verschlossene Tür zum Treppenhaus, die er nicht öffnen kann. Doch das soll sich bald ändern. Er begegnet Fee und sie gehen miteinander aus. Fee verbringt eine Nacht bei Bo. Im Morgengrauen wacht Bo auf... Read more

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A Psicologia da Fome - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
A Psicologia da Fome - Abridged
A Psicologia da Fome - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

A Psicologia da Fome - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"A Psicologia da Fome" é um livro que explora a relação complexa entre a mente e a comida, abordando desde transtornos alimentares até a influência da publicidade na nossa escolha de alimentos. Mas quando uma descoberta surpreendente é feita sobre a origem da fome, tudo o que se sabe sobre nutrição é colocado em xeque. Será que a verdadeira... Read more

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Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged
Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Para construir músculos e força sem esteróides, é importante seguir uma dieta equilibrada e rica em proteínas, realizar exercícios de resistência regularmente e descansar o suficiente para permitir que os músculos se recuperem e cresçam. É importante trabalhar com cargas progressivamente maiores e variar os exercícios para estimular o... Read more

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Fuck de menopauze - Abridged by Liesbeth Gijsel
Fuck de menopauze - Abridged
Liesbeth Gijsel
Fuck de menopauze - Abridged by Liesbeth Gijsel

Fuck de menopauze - Abridged

By: Liesbeth Gijsel

Narrated by: Liesbeth Gijsel

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: Yes

Dit luisterboek is ingelezen door de auteur zelf. Zo tackel je de overgang en blijf je jezelf. - Eerlijke antwoorden op alle vragen over wat je in de overgangsfase te wachten staat - Eos psyche&brein-hoofdredacteur Liesbeth Gijsel scheidt feiten en mythes over de menopauze - met herkenbare verhalen en de nieuwste wetenschappelijke... Read more

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Achtsamkeit  21 geführte Meditationen - Abridged by Ursula Martens
Achtsamkeit 21 geführte Meditationen - Abridged
Ursula Martens
Achtsamkeit  21 geführte Meditationen - Abridged by Ursula Martens

Achtsamkeit 21 geführte Meditationen - Abridged

By: Ursula Martens

Narrated by: Sören Martens

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Herzlich willkommen zum Hörbuch "Achtsamkeit: 3-Wochen-Kurs" mit 21 geführten Meditationen. In den nächsten drei Wochen wirst du auf eine transformierende Reise gehen und das wertvolle Geschenk der Achtsamkeit erkunden und kultivieren. Achtsamkeit bedeutet, im gegenwärtigen Moment präsent zu sein und unsere Erfahrungen, Gedanken und Gefühle... Read more

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Mindfulness e Inteligência Emocional Encontrando Equilíbrio Interno - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Mindfulness e Inteligência Emocional Encontrando Equilíbrio Interno - Abridged
Mindfulness e Inteligência Emocional Encontrando Equilíbrio Interno - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Mindfulness e Inteligência Emocional Encontrando Equilíbrio Interno - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mindfulness e inteligência emocional são duas habilidades essenciais para viver uma vida equilibrada e plena. Mindfulness é a capacidade de estar presente no momento atual, sem julgamentos. Inteligência emocional é a capacidade de compreender e gerenciar nossas emoções. Ao desenvolver essas habilidades, podemos nos tornar mais conscientes de... Read more

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The 3-Hour Diet (TM) - Abridged by Jorge Cruise
The 3-Hour Diet (TM) - Abridged
Jorge Cruise
The 3-Hour Diet (TM) - Abridged by Jorge Cruise

The 3-Hour Diet (TM) - Abridged

By: Jorge Cruise

Narrated by: Holter Graham

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Fad diets -- especially low-carb diets -- do not work long-term. Just look at the science. These trendy ""plans"" usually end up making you fat. Why? They cause you to lose precious fat-burning lean muscle. And that slows down your metabolism and speeds up your weight gain. But with the 3-Hour Diet™ you will lose two pounds every week, starting... Read more

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Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged
Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Inteligência emocional é a capacidade de compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite ter uma melhor compreensão de nós mesmos e dos outros, e nos ajuda a lidar com situações difíceis de forma eficaz. No contexto do local de trabalho, a inteligência emocional é... Read more

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Coming to Our Senses - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Coming to Our Senses - Abridged
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Coming to Our Senses - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Coming to Our Senses - Abridged

By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Narrated by: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Come to your senses with the definitive guide to living a meaningful life from a world expert in the connection between mindfulness and physical and spiritual wellbeing.

"[The] journey toward health and sanity is nothing less than an invitation to wake up to the fullness of our lives as if they actually mattered . . ." --Jon Kabat-Zinn, from the... Read more

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Wissenswertes zu Milben und Allergien - Abridged by Dr. Rüdiger Wahl & Margrit Fooke-Achterrath
Wissenswertes zu Milben und Allergien - Abridged
Dr. Rüdiger Wahl & Margrit Fooke-Achterrath
Wissenswertes zu Milben und Allergien - Abridged by Dr. Rüdiger Wahl & Margrit Fooke-Achterrath

Wissenswertes zu Milben und Allergien - Abridged

By: Dr. Rüdiger Wahl & Margrit Fooke-Achterrath

Narrated by: Birgit Brauneder

Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In dem Buch erfährt man so gut wie alles was man zu Milben, hier besonders Hausstaubmilben, wissen sollte, einschließlich als Auslöser von Allergien wie Asthma bronchiale. Auch wird auf die Diagnose, wie Haut-Prick-Test, In-vitro-Diagnose, und die Therapie (spezifische Immuntherapie; SIT) der Hausstaubmilbenallergie mit eingegangen. Viele... Read more

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How to Be An Exceptional Patient - Abridged by Bernie S. Siegel
How to Be An Exceptional Patient - Abridged
Bernie S. Siegel
How to Be An Exceptional Patient - Abridged by Bernie S. Siegel

How to Be An Exceptional Patient - Abridged

By: Bernie S. Siegel

Narrated by: Bernie S. Siegel

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: Yes

""I didn't die because you said I didn't have to.""For years Dr. Bernie Siegel has been caring for seriously ill patients and their families. On this recording Dr. Siegel discusses the traits that his exceptional and successful clients have used to heal themselves and their lives.In recounting these exceptional experiences in healing, Dr.... Read more

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