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Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Back Pain - Abridged by Jonathan Greer, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Back Pain - Abridged
Jonathan Greer, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Back Pain - Abridged by Jonathan Greer, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Back Pain - Abridged

By: Jonathan Greer, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

Narrated by: Jeffrey Shapiro

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Chicken Soup for the Soul joins forces with top doctors to provide cutting-edge medical information and positive inspiration— everything you need to thrive. Each recording features true stories from actual patients and advice about diet and lifestyle adjustments. Also included are overviews of diagnoses, medical tests, and... Read more

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Awakening With Brahma Kumaris - Abridged by Brahma Kumaris
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris - Abridged
Brahma Kumaris
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris - Abridged by Brahma Kumaris

Awakening With Brahma Kumaris - Abridged

By: Brahma Kumaris

Narrated by: Sister Jayanti

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Brahma Kumaris shed light on the qualities of humanism, tolerance and everlasting zeal as they spread the truth of spirituality in every sphere of life. Read more

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Hypnose zur Stimmungsaufhellung - Abridged by Michael Bauer
Hypnose zur Stimmungsaufhellung - Abridged
Michael Bauer
Hypnose zur Stimmungsaufhellung - Abridged by Michael Bauer

Hypnose zur Stimmungsaufhellung - Abridged

By: Michael Bauer

Narrated by: Michael Bauer

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Fühlen Sie sich oftmals ausgelaugt? Haben Sie das Gefühl Ihnen fehlt der richtige Schwung im Leben? Ihre Gedanken gehen oftmals unförderliche Wege und "ziehen Sie runter"? Sie möchten sich wieder rundherum wohlfühlen, eine gute Stimmung haben? Die Hypnose zur Stimmungsaufhellung lässt Sie in Ihnen ein wunderbar wohliges Gefühl ausbreiten und... Read more

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The Long Goodbye - Abridged by Patti Davis
The Long Goodbye - Abridged
Patti Davis
The Long Goodbye - Abridged by Patti Davis

The Long Goodbye - Abridged

By: Patti Davis

Narrated by: Patti Davis

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ronald Reagan’s daughter writes with a moving openness about losing her father to Alzheimer’s disease. The simplicity with which she reveals the intensity, the rush, the flow of her feelings encompasses all the surprises and complexities that ambush us when death gradually, unstoppably invades life.

In The Long Goodbye, Patti Davis describes... Read more

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Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged
The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Live Strong - Abridged

By: The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Narrated by: Alison Fraser & Richard M. Davidson

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Survivors from all walks of life talk about what “living strong” in the face of cancer means to them.

Since the now ubiquitous LIVESTRONG™ wristbands became available in May 2004, the Lance Armstrong Foundation has raised more than $50 million for cancer survivorship programs, and the signature phrase has become a battle cry for those who fight... Read more

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness - Abridged by Dean Edell
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness - Abridged
Dean Edell
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness - Abridged by Dean Edell

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness - Abridged

By: Dean Edell

Narrated by: Dean Edell

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The Cure for America's Health Anxiety!Whether you're interested in advice on sex, health, arthritis, or spotting medical myths -- millions of Americans have come to revere Dr. Dean Edell for his refreshingly candid health talk on radio and television, and in the bestselling Eat, Drink and Be Merry. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Healthiness... Read more

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Alimentação e atividade física - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Alimentação e atividade física - Abridged
Alimentação e atividade física - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Alimentação e atividade física - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cansado de resultados estagnados nos treinos? Descubra como turbinar seu desempenho e acelerar a recuperação com o guia completo "Alimentação e Atividade Física". Este livro te leva numa jornada transformadora, revelando os segredos da nutrição estratégica para otimizar seus resultados. Domine a arte de se alimentar para o... Read more

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Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged by Joan Rivers
Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged
Joan Rivers
Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged by Joan Rivers

Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big Boobs - Abridged

By: Joan Rivers

Narrated by: Joan Rivers

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Red carpet fashion laureate, comic icon, and outspoken superstar Joan Rivers gives her signature straight-talking advice to women on how to live better through looking better.

Joan Rivers’s abiding life philosophy is simple: in the appearance focused society of the twenty-first century, beauty is key—especially where men are concerned. So,... Read more

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This Is Living - Abridged by Lynn Redgrave
This Is Living - Abridged
Lynn Redgrave
This Is Living - Abridged by Lynn Redgrave

This Is Living - Abridged

By: Lynn Redgrave

Narrated by: Lynn Redgrave

Length: 1 hour 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

To look at Lynn Redgrave today, it is hard to believe she was the lumpy "Georgy Girl" in the famous 1960s film, or that she has fought a life-long battle against weight. In this autobiographical and practical audiobook, Lynn shares her secrets for successfully losing weight on a Weight Watchers diet - as well as keeping it off. Her natural... Read more

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Raus aus dem Hormonkarussell - Soforthilfe bei PMS, Regelschmerzen, psychischen Tiefs, Schlafstörungen und Gewichtszunahme (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Judith Bildau
Raus aus dem Hormonkarussell - Soforthilfe bei PMS, Regelschmerzen, psychischen Tiefs, Schlafstörungen und Gewichtszunahme (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Judith Bildau
Raus aus dem Hormonkarussell - Soforthilfe bei PMS, Regelschmerzen, psychischen Tiefs, Schlafstörungen und Gewichtszunahme (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Judith Bildau

Raus aus dem Hormonkarussell - Soforthilfe bei PMS, Regelschmerzen, psychischen Tiefs, Schlafstörungen und Gewichtszunahme (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Judith Bildau

Narrated by: Eva Becker

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mitte 30 - und plötzlich spielen die Hormone verrückt? Alles Wissenswerte über den Zyklus ab Mitte 30 Willkommen im turbulenten Hormonkarussell ab Mitte 30! Doch Moment mal, Spaß sieht anders aus: Der Zyklus gerät aus dem Takt, die Stimmung schwankt wie ein Wackelpudding, der Schlaf war auch mal besser, PMS-Beschwerden nehmen zu, das Gewicht... Read more

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Enough Already! - Abridged by Peter Walsh
Enough Already! - Abridged
Peter Walsh
Enough Already! - Abridged by Peter Walsh

Enough Already! - Abridged

By: Peter Walsh

Narrated by: Peter Walsh

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Does your life feel out of balance? Peter Walsh can help you tackle everything in your busy life.

Most of us are so overwhelmed by work, bills, and school and family commitments that we rush from person to person and place to place without ever feeling satisfied—sometimes giving one area of our lives too much attention and other areas not enough.... Read more

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Chás e Ervas - Abridged by Silvia Silvia
Chás e Ervas - Abridged
Silvia Silvia
Chás e Ervas - Abridged by Silvia Silvia

Chás e Ervas - Abridged

By: Silvia Silvia

Narrated by: Alice Oratio

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este audiolivro foi criado para todos os interessados em chás e seus benefícios a saúde. O guia abrange: cura pelas ervas, antiestresse, depressão ansiedade, cólicas, dores do dia a dia, cansaço, dormir bem, fortalecer o sistema imunológico, sabedoria milenar. Oferece ainda um glossário de ervas e chás. Seu guia de referência e consulta. Read more

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Beende das Rauchen - Abridged by George Living
Beende das Rauchen - Abridged
George Living
Beende das Rauchen - Abridged by George Living

Beende das Rauchen - Abridged

By: George Living

Narrated by: Matthias Benz

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

"Beende Das Rauchen" ist eine einfache und effektive Methode, die Ihnen hilft, sich frei zu machen von der Sucht des Rauchens, neue Gewohnheiten einzuführen und Nichtraucher zu werden. Eine angenehme Stimme begleitet Sie Schritt für Schritt, so dass Sie sich entspannen und Ihre Motivation stärken können. Eigens komponierte Musik bildet den... Read more

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La Psicología Del Hambre - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
La Psicología Del Hambre - Abridged
La Psicología Del Hambre - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

La Psicología Del Hambre - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Por qué comemos? La alimentación es una necesidad biológica, pero también está ligada a las emociones y comportamientos. Este libro aborda la relación entre nuestras emociones y nuestros hábitos alimenticios, explorando cómo la psicología del hambre influye en qué y cuánto comemos . Desde los inicios de la humanidad, la alimentación siempre... Read more

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Keto Diet for Beginners - Abridged by Rose Smith
Keto Diet for Beginners - Abridged
Rose Smith
Keto Diet for Beginners - Abridged by Rose Smith

Keto Diet for Beginners - Abridged

By: Rose Smith

Narrated by: Logan Young

Length: 5 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

DO YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFE AND EAT BETTER? HAVE YOU ALREADY HEARD ABOUT KETOGENIC DIET, BUT YOU ARE CLUELESS?This guide is here to help you! You will find out all keto secrets for a new food regime 100% low-carb! It doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner or already familiar with the world of keto, you will find... Read more

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7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Franziska Rubin
7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged
Franziska Rubin
7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Franziska Rubin

7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged

By: Franziska Rubin

Narrated by: Franziska Rubin

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die bekannte Ärztin Dr. Franziska Rubin weiß: Mit nur 7 Minuten Zeitaufwand am Tag kann es jedem gelingen, deutlich gesünder und besser zu leben. In ihrem ersten Hörbuch zeigt sie, wie uns das gelingt: zum einen, indem wir Verhaltensweisen erkennen, die uns davon abhalten, gesund zu leben; zum anderen, wie wir erwünschte Veränderungen möglichst... Read more

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Cannabis no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista - Abridged by Pharmacology University
Cannabis no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista - Abridged
Pharmacology University
Cannabis no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista - Abridged by Pharmacology University

Cannabis no tratamento de pacientes com transtornos do espectro autista - Abridged

By: Pharmacology University

Narrated by: Lorena Diaz

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bem-vindo a conhecer este interessante audiolivro no qual você aprenderá sobre o uso da cannabis como terapia em pacientes com transtornos do espectro do autista.De acordo com as estatísticas da OMS, estima-se que uma em cada 160 crianças em todo o mundo tenha autismo. Esta estimativa representa um valor médio, uma vez que a prevalência... Read more

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Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Abridged by Robert C. Atkins
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Abridged
Robert C. Atkins
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Abridged by Robert C. Atkins

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Abridged

By: Robert C. Atkins

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The phenomenal #1 bestseller—on the New York Times bestseller list for an extraordinary SIX YEARS—Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution is still the safest, easiest, most effective weight-loss program available!  You’ve tried all the rest—from the Beverly Hills Diet to the South Beach Diet—Atkins is the proven one, the weight-loss plan that works!     Read more

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Molecules of Emotion - Abridged by Candace B. Pert
Molecules of Emotion - Abridged
Candace B. Pert
Molecules of Emotion - Abridged by Candace B. Pert

Molecules of Emotion - Abridged

By: Candace B. Pert

Narrated by: Candace B. Pert

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The bestselling and revolutionary book that serves as a “landmark in our understanding of the mind-body connection” (Deepak Chopra, MD).

Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health?

In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert—an extraordinary neuroscientist who played a pivotal role in the... Read more

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Energiegeladen statt dauermüde - Abridged by Dr. Libby Weaver
Energiegeladen statt dauermüde - Abridged
Dr. Libby Weaver
Energiegeladen statt dauermüde - Abridged by Dr. Libby Weaver

Energiegeladen statt dauermüde - Abridged

By: Dr. Libby Weaver

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 10 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Müdigkeit? Wie weggeblasen! "Ich könnte Bäume ausreißen!" Das haben Sie schon lange nicht mehr gesagt, geschweige denn gefühlt? Aber Sie wissen, wie gut es sich anfühlt, wenn man energiegeladen in den Tag startet, die täglichen Anforderungen mit Freude und Schwung wuppt. Mit dem neuen mitreißenden Buch der australischen Bestseller-Autorin Dr.... Read more

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Reprogramación de Paladares - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Reprogramación de Paladares - Abridged
Reprogramación de Paladares - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Reprogramación de Paladares - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Alguna vez te has sentido atrapado en un ciclo de comer alimentos poco saludables? ¿Has intentado hacer dieta una y otra vez pero siempre vuelves a caer en los mismos viejos hábitos? Si respondió afirmativamente a alguna de estas preguntas, este libro electrónico es para usted. En este libro electrónico, aprenderá cómo reprogramar sus papilas... Read more

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Grow Younger, Live Longer - Abridged by Deepak Chopra, M.D. & David Simon, M.D.
Grow Younger, Live Longer - Abridged
Deepak Chopra, M.D. & David Simon, M.D.
Grow Younger, Live Longer - Abridged by Deepak Chopra, M.D. & David Simon, M.D.

Grow Younger, Live Longer - Abridged

By: Deepak Chopra, M.D. & David Simon, M.D.

Narrated by: Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In a new book that extends the consciousness-based approach of megabestseller Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra, M.D., and his colleague David Simon, M.D., present ten practical steps that will enable readers to reset their biological age (which determines how we look and feel) as much as fifteen years lower than their chronological... Read more

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Menos Stress, Mais Resultado - Abridged by Vinicius da Silva
Menos Stress, Mais Resultado - Abridged
Vinicius da Silva
Menos Stress, Mais Resultado - Abridged by Vinicius da Silva

Menos Stress, Mais Resultado - Abridged

By: Vinicius da Silva

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Liderança é a habilidade mais importante do século XXI. Todas as organizações precisam. E nenhuma tecnologia é capaz de substituir líderes. Desenvolver essa habilidade não é bom somente pra aumentar seu salário. É bom também pra sua satisfação pessoal. Sabe por quê? Porque é bom ser reconhecido. Ser admirado. É bom ajudar as pessoas.... Read more

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Nutrição Comportamental na Infância - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrição Comportamental na Infância - Abridged
Nutrição Comportamental na Infância - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrição Comportamental na Infância - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A nutrição é um fator importante para a saúde física e mental das crianças. Os hábitos alimentares que as crianças desenvolvem na infância podem ter um impacto duradouro em sua saúde ao longo da vida. Por esse motivo, é importante que os pais e outros cuidadores ajudem as crianças a desenvolver hábitos alimentares saudáveis. A nutrição... Read more

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