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The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged
Rifleman Harris
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged by Rifleman Harris

The Recollections of Rifleman Harris - Abridged

By: Rifleman Harris

Narrated by: Jason Salkey

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This audiobook is read by Jason Salkey, who played Harris in the SHARPE films, with sound effects provided by the 95th Rifles Re-enactment Society. A musical score by Adam Wakeman adds to this lavish production. A great deal of time and care has been spent creating an audiobook which truly honours the rifleman of the Peninsula. Read more

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Die 50 wichtigsten Themen der Digitalisierung - Abridged by Philip Specht
Die 50 wichtigsten Themen der Digitalisierung - Abridged
Philip Specht
Die 50 wichtigsten Themen der Digitalisierung - Abridged by Philip Specht

Die 50 wichtigsten Themen der Digitalisierung - Abridged

By: Philip Specht

Narrated by: Andreas Königsmann

Length: 11 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Könnten Sie in wenigen Sätzen erklären, was Augmented Reality bedeutet? Was digitale Disruption oder Smart Health ausmacht? Wer der vielzitierte Homo Deus ist? Falls nicht, gehören Sie zu der großen Mehrheit derer, die zwar in und mit der Digitalisierung leben und arbeiten, die aber meist passen müssen, wenn es darum geht, die Schlagworte... Read more

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Exit-Strategie Klimawährung ECO - Abridged by Jens Hanson & Angela Hanson
Exit-Strategie Klimawährung ECO - Abridged
Jens Hanson & Angela Hanson
Exit-Strategie Klimawährung ECO - Abridged by Jens Hanson & Angela Hanson

Exit-Strategie Klimawährung ECO - Abridged

By: Jens Hanson & Angela Hanson

Narrated by: David Lütgenhorst

Length: 4 hours

Abridged: Yes

Der Klimawandel zählt zu den größten Herausforderungen, die wir derzeit als Gesellschaft zu bewältigen haben. Doch die bisherigen Maßnahmen der Politik reichen nicht aus. Deshalb braucht es ein zuverlässiges und gerechtes Konzept, um der Erderwärmung und den Grenzen unseres Planeten in derselben Größenordnung wie dem Problem selbst zu begegnen.... Read more

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The Law - Abridged by Frederic Bastiat
The Law - Abridged
Frederic Bastiat
The Law - Abridged by Frederic Bastiat

The Law - Abridged

By: Frederic Bastiat

Narrated by: Christopher Crennen

Length: 1 hour 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bastiat (bawst ya) (1801-1850) was an economist, a member of the French assembly, and an influential libertarian speaker and writer. "The Law", Bastiat's most famous work, argues that the purpose of the law is the protection of individual rights, and that when governments adopt policies favoring particular industries or groups, the law becomes... Read more

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Lone Survivor - Abridged by Marcus Luttrell
Lone Survivor - Abridged
Marcus Luttrell
Lone Survivor - Abridged by Marcus Luttrell

Lone Survivor - Abridged

By: Marcus Luttrell

Narrated by: Kevin T. Collins

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Follow along a Navy SEAL's firsthand account of American heroism during a secret military operation in Afghanistan in this true story of survival and difficult choices.

On a clear night in late June 2005, four U.S. Navy SEALs left their base in northern Afghanistan for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission was to capture or kill a... Read more

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That Used to Be Us - Abridged by Thomas L. Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum
That Used to Be Us - Abridged
Thomas L. Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum
That Used to Be Us - Abridged by Thomas L. Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum

That Used to Be Us - Abridged

By: Thomas L. Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum

Narrated by: Jason Culp

Length: 7 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

America is in trouble. We face four major challenges on which our future depends, and we are failing to meet them—and if we delay any longer, soon it will be too late for us to pass along the American dream to future generations.
In That Used to Be Us, Thomas L. Friedman, one of our most influential columnists, and Michael Mandelbaum, one... Read more

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General Ike - Abridged by John Eisenhower
General Ike - Abridged
John Eisenhower
General Ike - Abridged by John Eisenhower

General Ike - Abridged

By: John Eisenhower

Narrated by: Edward Herrmann

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

John S.D. Eisenhower modestly explains General Ike as “a son's view of a great military leader—highly intelligent, strong, forceful, kind, yet as human as the rest of us.” It is that, and more: a portrait of the greatest Allied military leader of the Second World War, by the man who knew Ike best.

General Ike is a book that John Eisenhower always... Read more

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ملخص كتاب سلام ما بعده سلام - Abridged by ديفيد فرومكين
ملخص كتاب سلام ما بعده سلام - Abridged
ديفيد فرومكين
ملخص كتاب سلام ما بعده سلام - Abridged by ديفيد فرومكين

ملخص كتاب سلام ما بعده سلام - Abridged

By: ديفيد فرومكين

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

في كتاب سلام ما بعده سلام، يقدم الكاتب والمحامي الأمريكي المتخصص في القانون الدولي David Fromkin شهادة وافية مبنية على بحثه الموسّع في مجموعة من الوثائق الرسمية والمستندات التي تعود لأرشيف الحرب العالمية الأولى، والتي تصف سلسلة الأحداث التي وقعت في الفترة بين عام ألف وتسعمائة وأربعة عشر وألف وتسعمائة واثنين وعشرين، التي شكلت منطقة الشرق الأوسط. Read more

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Still Ranting After All These Years - Abridged by Dennis Miller
Still Ranting After All These Years - Abridged
Dennis Miller
Still Ranting After All These Years - Abridged by Dennis Miller

Still Ranting After All These Years - Abridged

By: Dennis Miller

Narrated by: Dennis Miller

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

If you thought Dennis Miller was done ranting, guess again. In Still Ranting After All These Years, recorded in early 2002, Miller is in fine form, commenting on everything from ""War and Terrorism"" to Enron; from ""Obsessed Parents"" to the ""End of Class;"" to ""Truth in the Media,"" and so much more. Throughout, Miller is what we have come... Read more

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Stalin - Abridged by Edvard Radzinsky
Stalin - Abridged
Edvard Radzinsky
Stalin - Abridged by Edvard Radzinsky

Stalin - Abridged

By: Edvard Radzinsky

Narrated by: David McCallum

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the author of The Last Tsar, the first full-scale life of Stalin to have what no previous biography has fully obtained: the facts. Granted privileged access to Russia's secret archives, Edvard Radzinsky paints a picture of the Soviet strongman as more calculating, ruthless, and blood-crazed than has ever been described or imagined. Stalin... Read more

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31 Days - Abridged by Barry Werth
31 Days - Abridged
Barry Werth
31 Days - Abridged by Barry Werth

31 Days - Abridged

By: Barry Werth

Narrated by: J. R. Horne

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In 31 Days, Barry Werth takes readers inside the White House during the tumultuous days following Nixon’s resignation and the swearing-in of America’s “accidental president,” Gerald Ford. The congressional hearings, Nixon’s increasing paranoia, and, finally, the devastating revelations of the White House tapes had torn the country apart. Within... Read more

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Die Grundrechte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Abridged by Renate Förtsch
Die Grundrechte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Abridged
Renate Förtsch
Die Grundrechte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Abridged by Renate Förtsch

Die Grundrechte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Abridged

By: Renate Förtsch

Narrated by: Christian Hoening & Anja Buczkowsky

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Feudalismus, Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik sowie die Exzesse des 3. Reiches prägten die Entwicklung und Kodifizierung der 19 Grundrechtsartikel des Grundgesetzes der BRD. Sie sind Ausdruck des Aufbruchs in eine aufgeklärte, freiheitliche Welt, in der staatliche Übergriffe und Fremdbestimmung der Vergangenheit angehören sollen. "Die Würde... Read more

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West Dickens Avenue - Abridged by John Corbett
West Dickens Avenue - Abridged
John Corbett
West Dickens Avenue - Abridged by John Corbett

West Dickens Avenue - Abridged

By: John Corbett

Narrated by: Eric Conger

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

In January 1968, the 26th Marine Regiment was ordered to a place in the far northwest corner of South Vietnam called Khe Sanh. John Corbett, an untested replacement in a clean, green uniform, and his fellow leathernecks were responsible for building and defending the combat base, and holding positions on the strategic hills overlooking the Ho... Read more

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A Soldier's Promise - Abridged by First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
A Soldier's Promise - Abridged
First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex
A Soldier's Promise - Abridged by First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex

A Soldier's Promise - Abridged

By: First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex

Narrated by: Lee Sellars

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An uplifting story of unlikely friendship and hope during the Iraq War.

After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, First Sergeant Daniel Hendrex was dispatched along with his unit, Dragon Company, to Husaybah, a small town bordering Syria in the Sunni-dominated Al Anbar Province in Iraq. Their mission was to plug the bottleneck at the border... Read more

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Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged by Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)
Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged
Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)
Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged by Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)

Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged

By: Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)

Narrated by: Arturo Mercado Jr.

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Con el espectro de la anarquía invocado por la derecha para sembrar el miedo, nunca ha sido más urgente una explicación convincente de la filosofía política conocida como anarquismo. Sobre el anarquismo arroja una luz muy necesaria sobre los fundamentos del pensamiento de Chomsky, específicamente su constante cuestionamiento de la legitimidad... Read more

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How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - Abridged by Ann Coulter
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - Abridged
Ann Coulter
How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - Abridged by Ann Coulter

How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) - Abridged

By: Ann Coulter

Narrated by: Ann Coulter

Length: 4 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Welcome to the world of Ann Coulter. With her monumental bestsellers Treason, Slander, and High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Coulter has become the most recognized and talked-about conservative intellectual in years—and certainly the most controversial. Now, in How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must), which is sure to ignite impassioned debate, she... Read more

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Bill Clinton - Abridged by Nigel Hamilton
Bill Clinton - Abridged
Nigel Hamilton
Bill Clinton - Abridged by Nigel Hamilton

Bill Clinton - Abridged

By: Nigel Hamilton

Narrated by: James Adams

Length: 12 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A decade and a half after William Jefferson Clinton first took the oath of office, biographer Nigel Hamilton tells the riveting story of what was possibly the greatest self-reinvention of a president in office in modern times. The Clinton presidency began disastrously and deteriorated in a series of fiascoes. How Bill Clinton faced up to his... Read more

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Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? - Abridged by Morgan Spurlock
Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? - Abridged
Morgan Spurlock
Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? - Abridged by Morgan Spurlock

Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? - Abridged

By: Morgan Spurlock

Narrated by: Erik Singer

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Academy Award®—nominated filmmaker Morgan Spurlock is a jittery father-to-be with a simple question: If OBL is behind 9/11 and all the ensuing worldwide chaos, then why can’t we just catch him? And furthermore, why is his message so compelling to so many people? So the intrepid Spurlock kisses his anxious, pregnant wife goodbye and–armed with a... Read more

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The Greatest Generation - Abridged by Tom Brokaw
The Greatest Generation - Abridged
Tom Brokaw
The Greatest Generation - Abridged by Tom Brokaw

The Greatest Generation - Abridged

By: Tom Brokaw

Narrated by: Tom Brokaw

Length: 3 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The instant classic that changed the way we saw World War II and an entire generation of Americans, from the beloved journalist whose own iconic career has lasted more than fifty years.

In this magnificent testament to a nation and her people, Tom Brokaw brings to life the extraordinary stories of a generation that gave new meaning to courage,... Read more

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Ugly Americans - Abridged by Ben Mezrich
Ugly Americans - Abridged
Ben Mezrich
Ugly Americans - Abridged by Ben Mezrich

Ugly Americans - Abridged

By: Ben Mezrich

Narrated by: TBD

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ugly Americans is the true story of John Malcolm, a Princeton graduate who traveled halfway around the world in search of the American dream and pulled off a trade that could be described as the biggest deal in the history of the financial markets.Without speaking a word of Japanese, with barely a penny in his pocket, Malcolm was thrown into the... Read more

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The Audacity of Hope - Abridged by Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope - Abridged
Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope - Abridged by Barack Obama

The Audacity of Hope - Abridged

By: Barack Obama

Narrated by: Barack Obama

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. Now, in The Audacity of Hope, Senator Obama calls for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the “endless clash of armies” we see in Congress... Read more

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All the Best, George Bush - Abridged by George H.W. Bush
All the Best, George Bush - Abridged
George H.W. Bush
All the Best, George Bush - Abridged by George H.W. Bush

All the Best, George Bush - Abridged

By: George H.W. Bush

Narrated by: Barbara Bush & George H.W. Bush

Length: 6 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Former President George H.W. Bush, revealed through his letters and writings from 1941 to 2010, is “worth its weight in gold…a valuable update of the life of an honorable American leader” (The Washington Post).

“Who knew that beneath George Bush’s buttoned-up propriety pulsed the warm heart of a prolific and occasionally poetic writer with a... Read more

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A Ranger Born - Abridged by Robert W. Black
A Ranger Born - Abridged
Robert W. Black
A Ranger Born - Abridged by Robert W. Black

A Ranger Born - Abridged

By: Robert W. Black

Narrated by: Charles Stransky

Length: 1 hour 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Even as a boy growing up amid the green hills of rural Pennsylvania, Robert W. Black knew he was destined to become a Ranger. With their three-hundred-year history of peerless courage and independence of spirit, Rangers are a uniquely American brand of soldier, one foot in the military, one in the wilderness—and that is what fired Black’s... Read more

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Special Agent - Abridged by Candice DeLong
Special Agent - Abridged
Candice DeLong
Special Agent - Abridged by Candice DeLong

Special Agent - Abridged

By: Candice DeLong

Narrated by: Candice DeLong

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A twenty-year veteran of the FBI, Candice DeLong worked on some of the toughest hig-stakes criminal investigations of our time. As a field profiler, DeLong collected evidence at the scene of the crime to creat a specific portrait of criminals via behavioral patterns, character traits, background, etc. Special Agent is her remarkable personal... Read more

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