Politics & Economy audiobooks

An American Son - Abridged
By: Marco Rubio
Narrated by: Marco Rubio
Length: 4 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Few politicians have risen to national prominence as quickly as Marco Rubio. Here is the full story of his unlikely journey.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio electrified the 2012 Republican National Convention by telling the story of his parents, who were struggling immigrants from Cuba. They embraced their new country and taught their children to... Read more

Les dictateurs - Partie III - Abridged
By: Jacques Bainville
Narrated by: Daniel Franck
Length: 1 hour 27 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Qu'elles soient anciennes ou plus récentes, les dictatures, comme le note Jacques Bainville, sont le plus souvent imposées par les circonstances. L'académicien s'intéresse ainsi dans ce volume aux causes qui, à travers l'Histoire, ont permis l'essor des dictatures les plus remarquables, diverses dans leurs formes mais possédant toutes des points... Read more
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Especialización y comercio - Abridged
By: Arnold Kling
Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez
Length: 4 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Una revisión de la ciencia económica para recuperar su fundamento olvidado Tras su paso por el prestigioso Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussets, Arnold Kling asumió que el enfoque convencional de la economía estaba mal planteado. Los libros de texto nos aseguran que es una gran máquina que puede ser regulada eficazmente por expertos y ajustada... Read more
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Papa Bravo Romeo - Abridged
By: Wynn Goldsmith
Narrated by: Eric Conger
Length: 1 hour 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Our mission was independent, no-holds-barred combat against a stubborn enemy in the enemy's backyard."
In Vietnam, river warfare was often conducted in the dark. It was always dangerous, sometimes fatal--especially in the eastern end of the Cong-plagued Mekong Delta. In 1967, U.S. Navy Lt. Wynn Goldsmith was the "river rat" who... Read more

Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden? - Abridged
By: Morgan Spurlock
Narrated by: Erik Singer
Length: 5 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Academy Award®—nominated filmmaker Morgan Spurlock is a jittery father-to-be with a simple question: If OBL is behind 9/11 and all the ensuing worldwide chaos, then why can’t we just catch him? And furthermore, why is his message so compelling to so many people? So the intrepid Spurlock kisses his anxious, pregnant wife goodbye and–armed with a... Read more
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Reagan-Mondale Debate 1 - Abridged
By: Ronald Reagan & Walter Mondale
Narrated by: Dorothy Ridings, Barbara Walters, James Wieghar...
Length: 1 hour 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The first of two debates between President Ronald Reagan and former Vice President Walter F. Mondale was held in Louisville, Kentucky on October 7, 1984. Barbara Walters was the debate moderator. James Weigart, Diane Sawyer, and Fred Barnes were the three panelists who asked questions.This first debate was on the economy and domestic issues.... Read more
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Der Wert des Lebens - Abridged
By: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Narrated by: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Length: 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Welchen Wert hat individuelles, menschliches Leben? Zunächst steht die subjektive Perspektive, in der wir Risiken für unser Leben eingehen und damit implizit eine Bewertung vornehmen. Diese subjektive Perspektive ist allerdings mit einer ganzen Reihe von Problemen verbunden, darunter dem, was überhaupt als vergleichbar gelten kann. Dem wird... Read more
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I Rant, Therefore I Am - Abridged
By: Dennis Miller
Narrated by: Dennis Miller
Length: 2 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Once again there's good news for those of us who rage at the evening news, shake our heads at Washington's business-as-usual, or watch as politicians carom helplessly between political crises and sex scandals: Dennis Miller is back with his third installment of hilarious observations, I Rant, Therefore I Am.
Dennis Miller first gained national... Read more

Storyteller's Daughter - Abridged
By: Saira Shah
Narrated by: Saira Shah
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
The startling memoir of a young woman
shaped by two dramatically disparate worldsBorn in Britain, Saira Shah was inspired by her father's dazzling stories to rediscover the now lost life their forebears knew for 900 years within sight of orchards, snow-topped mountains, and the minarets of Kabul. This is Saira -- part sophisticated and sensitive... Read more

Longitudes and Attitudes - Abridged
By: Thomas L. Friedman
Narrated by: Thomas L. Friedman
Length: 5 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
America's leading observer of the international scene on the minute-by-minute events of September 11, 2001--before, during and after.
As the Foreign Affairs columnist for the The New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman is in a unique position to interpret the world for American readers. Twice a week, Friedman's celebrated commentary provides the most... Read more

House of Bush, House of Saud - Abridged
By: Craig Unger
Narrated by: James Naughton
Length: 6 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
How did the Bushes, America's most powerful political family, become gradually seduced by and entangled with their Saudi counterparts?
Why did the Bush administration approve the secret airlift of 140 Saudis, including two dozen relatives of Osama bin Laden, just after September 11? Did one of the Saudi royals on the planes have any advance... Read more

На небе никого - Abridged
By: Ксения Букша
Narrated by: Наталия Казначеева, Григорий Перель, Александр ...
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
«Книга о людях на войне. В первую очередь о людях, и только потом о войне». Война затрагивает все живое. Последствия Второй мировой — это ужасный шрам на теле всего мира, вечное напоминание о катастрофическом прошлом и фантомная боль, отдающая в сердце. Но на пересечении прозаического повествования и исторических сводок образуется новая... Read more
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The Psychology of Spies and Spying - Abridged
By: John Taylor & Adrian Furnham
Narrated by: John Taylor
Length: 8 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Psychology of Spies and Spying tells the story of the people involved in spying: the human sources (agents) who betray their country or organisation and the professional intelligence officers who manage the collection and reporting process. It provides a rigorous psychological analysis of the personality and motivation of individuals... Read more
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Die Versprengten - Abridged
By: F. John-Ferrer
Narrated by: Klaus G. Förg
Length: 7 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Januar 1945: Zwei Obergefreite verlieren auf dem Rückzug der deutschen Truppen vor der herannahenden Roten Armee den Anschluss an ihre Einheit. Auf sich allein gestellt, inmitten einer feindlichen Welt und geplagt vom sibirisch kalten Winter haben die beiden nur ein Ziel: Sie müssen hinter die Frontlinie gelangen, sonst sind sie verloren. Auf... Read more
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The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged
By: Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
Narrated by: L.J. Ganser
Length: 10 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.
At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public... Read more

Out of Captivity - Abridged
By: Marc Gonsalves, Tom Howes, Keith Stansell & Gar...
Narrated by: Mark Deakins
Length: 8 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“[A] remarkable story….An honest and harrowing memoir of a life-changing ordeal.” —Arizona RepublicThe spellbinding New York Times bestseller, Out of Captivity is the amazing true story of Marc Gonsalves, Tom Howes, and Keith Stansell, three American civilian contractors who were held hostage by the FARC rebel group in Colombia for five and a... Read more
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Renegade - Abridged
By: Richard Wolffe
Narrated by: Richard Wolffe
Length: 6 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Before the White House and Air Force One, before the TV ads and the enormous rallies, there was the real Barack Obama: a man wrestling with the momentous decision to run for the presidency, feeling torn about leaving behind a young family, and figuring out how to win the biggest prize in politics.
This book is the previously untold and epic story... Read more

Special Agent - Abridged
By: Candice DeLong
Narrated by: Candice DeLong
Length: 6 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A twenty-year veteran of the FBI, Candice DeLong worked on some of the toughest hig-stakes criminal investigations of our time. As a field profiler, DeLong collected evidence at the scene of the crime to creat a specific portrait of criminals via behavioral patterns, character traits, background, etc. Special Agent is her remarkable personal... Read more
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Andrew Jackson - Abridged
By: H. W. Brands
Narrated by: Chuck Montgomery
Length: 8 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
The extraordinary story of Andrew Jackson—the colorful, dynamic, and forceful president who ushered in the Age of Democracy and set a still young America on its path to greatness—told by the bestselling author of The First American.
The most famous American of his time, Andrew Jackson is a seminal figure in American history. The first “common... Read more

The Commission - Abridged
By: Philip Shenon
Narrated by: Dave Mallow
Length: 6 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In a work of history that will make headlines, New York Times reporter Philip Shenon investigates the investigation of 9/11 and tells the inside story of most important federal commission since the the Warren Commission. Shenon uncovers startling new information about the inner workings of the 9/11 commission and its relationship with the Bush... Read more
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Soldiers and Slaves - Abridged
By: Roger Cohen
Narrated by: Sam Tsoutsouvas
Length: 6 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In February 1945, 350 American POWs captured earlier at the Battle of the Bulge or elsewhere in Europe were singled out by the Nazis because they were Jews or were thought to resemble Jews. They were transported in cattle cars to Berga, a concentration camp in eastern Germany, and put to work as slave laborers, mining tunnels for a planned... Read more
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Privatsache - Abridged
By: Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
Narrated by: Gabriele Krone-Schmalz
Length: 3 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Leben ist die Kunst, Widersprüche auszuhalten" - dieser Maxime ist Gabriele Krone-Schmalz stets treu geblieben. Erstmals gewährt die engagierte Journalistin, die 1987 als erste Frau den Korrespondentenposten der ARD in Moskau übernahm, Einblicke in ihr privates Leben - die offenherzige und zugleich tiefgründige Bilanz eines besonderen Lebens. Read more
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31 Days - Abridged
By: Barry Werth
Narrated by: J. R. Horne
Length: 6 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In 31 Days, Barry Werth takes readers inside the White House during the tumultuous days following Nixon’s resignation and the swearing-in of America’s “accidental president,” Gerald Ford. The congressional hearings, Nixon’s increasing paranoia, and, finally, the devastating revelations of the White House tapes had torn the country apart. Within... Read more
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Mister Undercover - Abridged
By: Alex Caine
Narrated by: Matthias Christian Rehrl
Length: 5 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Über 25 Jahre lang schleuste sich Alex Caine als Informant in kriminelle Gangs ein. Er gab sich als Biker, Fotograf oder Eventveranstalter aus, wurde Mitglied bei den Bandidos, infiltrierte die Hells Angels, legte russischen Mafiosi und einer asiatischen Dealerbande das Handwerk. Für jeden Auftrag zog er um, wechselte seine Identität, manchmal... Read more
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