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Politics & Economy audiobooks

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Your Government Failed You - Abridged by Richard A. Clarke
Your Government Failed You - Abridged
Richard A. Clarke
Your Government Failed You - Abridged by Richard A. Clarke

Your Government Failed You - Abridged

By: Richard A. Clarke

Narrated by: Richard A. Clarke

Length: 10 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""Your government failed you . . . and I failed you.""Richard Clarke's dramatic statement to the grieving families during the 9-11 Commission hearings touched a raw nerve across America. Not only had our government failed to prevent the 2001 terrorist attacks, but it has proven itself, time and again, incapable of handling the majority of our... Read more

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Speaking My Mind  - Abridged by Ronald Reagan
Speaking My Mind - Abridged
Ronald Reagan
Speaking My Mind  - Abridged by Ronald Reagan

Speaking My Mind - Abridged

By: Ronald Reagan

Narrated by: Ronald Reagan

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

One man, more than any other, has helped define the most important issues of our time. His name is Ronald Reagan -- one of our nation's most powerful and popular Presidents. This extraordinary audio collection includes historical excerpts from selected addresses that span his political career, laying out his vision for America and the world.... Read more

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Keeping the Republic - Abridged by Mitch Daniels
Keeping the Republic - Abridged
Mitch Daniels
Keeping the Republic - Abridged by Mitch Daniels

Keeping the Republic - Abridged

By: Mitch Daniels

Narrated by: Mitch Daniels

Length: 4 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Unabridged, 9 hoursRead by TBD"America's best governor" (Ross Douthat, The New York Times) offers a plan for limited but effective government, before it's too late. Read more

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La inevitable globalización - Abridged by Julio Corcuera Portugal, Jaime Cordero Cabrera & Oscar Sánchez Benavides
La inevitable globalización - Abridged
Julio Corcuera Portugal, Jaime Cordero Cabrera ...
La inevitable globalización - Abridged by Julio Corcuera Portugal, Jaime Cordero Cabrera & Oscar Sánchez Benavides

La inevitable globalización - Abridged

By: Julio Corcuera Portugal, Jaime Cordero Cabrera ...

Narrated by: Roberto Sánchez

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Barreras y distancias van quedando atrás. Día a día vivimos interconectados con los demás habitantes del mundo a través de un chat, una red social, una compra electrónica, una venta de productos nativos, una clase virtual o un club de fans oficial. Estamos sumergidos, sin querer, en un proceso que no termina y lo llamamos globalización. Sin... Read more

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Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - Abridged by Bill Warner, PhD
Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - Abridged
Bill Warner, PhD
Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - Abridged by Bill Warner, PhD

Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - Abridged

By: Bill Warner, PhD

Narrated by: Bill Warner, PhD

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

SHARIA LAW FOR NON-MUSLIMS is an introduction to Islamic Sharia law and gives the reader a taste of Islam. This book makes an effective tool to educate politicians, legal authorities and public officials.

Islam is a religion, a culture and a political system. The political system has its own body of laws, called the... Read more

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Hard Call - Abridged by John McCain & Mark Salter
Hard Call - Abridged
John McCain & Mark Salter
Hard Call - Abridged by John McCain & Mark Salter

Hard Call - Abridged

By: John McCain & Mark Salter

Narrated by: John McCain & Daniel Hugh Kelly

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

America's most inspiring politician pays tribute to men and woman who have exhibited composure, wisdom and intellect in the face of tough decisions. John McCain draws from experiences of both extraordinary people and people in extraordinary circumstances, culling lessons about the process and nature of judicious and effective decision-making.

... Read more

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In the Arena - Abridged by Richard Nixon
In the Arena - Abridged
Richard Nixon
In the Arena - Abridged by Richard Nixon

In the Arena - Abridged

By: Richard Nixon

Narrated by: Richard Nixon

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In the Arena is the most personal, profound, and revealing memoir ever written by a major political figure. It is Richard Nixon's frankest, most outspoken book—which includes the inside story of his resignation from the Presidency and its aftermath.

President Nixon's previous books have brilliantly chronicled his public career and examined... Read more

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Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged by Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)
Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged
Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)
Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged by Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)

Sobre el anarquismo - Abridged

By: Noam Chomsky & Alejandro Gibert Abós (Translator)

Narrated by: Arturo Mercado Jr.

Length: 5 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Con el espectro de la anarquía invocado por la derecha para sembrar el miedo, nunca ha sido más urgente una explicación convincente de la filosofía política conocida como anarquismo. Sobre el anarquismo arroja una luz muy necesaria sobre los fundamentos del pensamiento de Chomsky, específicamente su constante cuestionamiento de la legitimidad... Read more

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Sobre la tiranía - Abridged by Timothy Snyder
Sobre la tiranía - Abridged
Timothy Snyder
Sobre la tiranía - Abridged by Timothy Snyder

Sobre la tiranía - Abridged

By: Timothy Snyder

Narrated by: Edgar David Aguilera

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Nos deslizamos rápidamente hacia el fascismo. Timothy Snyder no nos permite hacernos ilusiones sobre nosotros mismos." —Svetlana Aleksiévich, ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura "Timothy Snyder razona con una claridad incomparable (…) y ha escrito el tipo de libro, tan poco común, que se lee de una sentada pero al que se vuelve una y otra... Read more

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Democracia, Controle e Corrupção - Abridged by Adair Loredo Santos
Democracia, Controle e Corrupção - Abridged
Adair Loredo Santos
Democracia, Controle e Corrupção - Abridged by Adair Loredo Santos

Democracia, Controle e Corrupção - Abridged

By: Adair Loredo Santos

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 3 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A tese de doutorado DEMOCRACIA, CONTROLE E CORRUPÇÃO –, defendida no final de outubro na PUC-SP pelo advogado e cientista político Adair Loredo, aborda a "Máfia dos Auditores Fiscais" que atuavam na prefeitura de São Paulo. Com conclusões surpreendentes, o autor mostra que o grande esquema de corrupção se manteve em funcionamento sob controle de... Read more

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Condi - Abridged by Antonia Felix
Condi - Abridged
Antonia Felix
Condi - Abridged by Antonia Felix

Condi - Abridged

By: Antonia Felix

Narrated by: Antonia Felix

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

This is the remarkable and galvanizing true story of Condoleezza Rice—sixty-sixth United States Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, who once said about his close confidante, “Dr. Rice is not only a brilliant person, she is an experienced person. . . . America will find that she is a wise person.”With the current release of her own... Read more

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The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Abridged by Byron York
The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Abridged
Byron York
The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Abridged by Byron York

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy - Abridged

By: Byron York

Narrated by: Byron York

Length: 4 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“We have to fight back.” —Al Franken

The Left is angry—angry at President George W. Bush, the war in Iraq, the “right-wing media,” and more. And as National Review investigative writer Byron York reveals in this stunning, meticulously reported book, liberal activists have harnessed that anger to build the biggest, richest, and best organized... Read more

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The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition - Abridged by Robert Hagstrom
The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition - Abridged
Robert Hagstrom
The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition - Abridged by Robert Hagstrom

The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition - Abridged

By: Robert Hagstrom

Narrated by: Stefan Rudnicki

Length: 4 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

First published in 1984, The Warren Buffet Way gave investors their first in-depth look at the innovative investment and business strategies behind this living legend's spectacular success. Tracing Warren Buffett's career from the beginning, Hagstrom revealed to listeners exactly how, starting with an initial investment of only $100, Buffett... Read more

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Hidden Power - Abridged by Kati Marton
Hidden Power - Abridged
Kati Marton
Hidden Power - Abridged by Kati Marton

Hidden Power - Abridged

By: Kati Marton

Narrated by: Jane Alexander

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An extraordinary work of history and original reporting that reveals the ways in which presidential marriages have affected the tone, character, and policies of twelve administrations, from Woodrow and Edith Wilson to George W. and Laura Bush.

Each of the marriages that Kati Marton examines in this hugely appealing book offers up its own... Read more

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Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged by Gerald Astor
Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged
Gerald Astor
Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged by Gerald Astor

Terrible Terry Allen - Abridged

By: Gerald Astor

Narrated by: Reathel Bean

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Terry de la Mesa Allen’s mother was the daughter of a Spanish officer, and his father was a career U.S. Army officer. Despite this impressive martial heritage, success in the military seemed unlikely for Allen as he failed out of West Point—twice—ultimately gaining his commission through Catholic University’s R.O.T.C. program. In World War I,... Read more

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Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged
Eric Bentley
Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged by Eric Bentley

Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 3 - Abridged

By: Eric Bentley

Narrated by: Gabrielle de Cuir, a full cast, Nathan Dana Ald...

Length: 15 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A chilling reenactment of the federal government’s anti-Communist investigationsThe testimony that the author has gleaned for this book from the thirty-year record of the House Un-American Activities Committee focuses on HUAC’s treatment of artists, intellectuals, and performers. This highly readable and absorbing collection of significant... Read more

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Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour - Abridged by Joseph E. Persico
Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour - Abridged
Joseph E. Persico
Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour - Abridged by Joseph E. Persico

Eleventh Month, Eleventh Day, Eleventh Hour - Abridged

By: Joseph E. Persico

Narrated by: Harry Chase

Length: 6 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

November 11, 1918. The final hours pulsate with tension as every man in the trenches hopes to escape the melancholy distinction of being the last to die in World War I. The Allied generals knew the fighting would end precisely at 11:00 A.M, yet in the final hours they flung men against an already beaten Germany. The result? Eleven thousand... Read more

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Marching Toward Hell - Abridged by Michael Scheuer
Marching Toward Hell - Abridged
Michael Scheuer
Marching Toward Hell - Abridged by Michael Scheuer

Marching Toward Hell - Abridged

By: Michael Scheuer

Narrated by: Michael Scheuer

Length: 6 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Michael Scheuer first questioned the goals of the Iraq War in his 2004 bestseller Imperial Hubris, policymakers and ordinary citizens alike stood up and took notice. Now, Scheuer offers a scathing and frightening look at how the Iraq War has been a huge setback to America's War on Terror, making our enemy stronger and altering the... Read more

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Wähl' mal wieder! - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg & Jutta Förtsch
Wähl' mal wieder! - Abridged
Ulrich Offenberg & Jutta Förtsch
Wähl' mal wieder! - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg & Jutta Förtsch

Wähl' mal wieder! - Abridged

By: Ulrich Offenberg & Jutta Förtsch

Narrated by: Oliver Luxenburger, Peter Bertram & Achim Höppner

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Demokratie - das heißt Freiheit, Recht und Verantwortung. Verantwortung heißt: Wählen! Wählen heißt: sich eine Meinung bilden, sich entscheiden. Richtig entscheiden heißt: sich zu informieren, Bescheid zu wissen über sein Land, seine Menschen, das politische Koordinatensystem, in dem jeder Bürger eine gleiche Stimme zur Mitsprache hat.... Read more

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Blood on the Risers - Abridged by John Leppelman
Blood on the Risers - Abridged
John Leppelman
Blood on the Risers - Abridged by John Leppelman

Blood on the Risers - Abridged

By: John Leppelman

Narrated by: Scott Sowers

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

In three straight years he was a paratropper, and army seaman, and a LRRP—and he lived to tell about it. 

As an FNG paratrooper in the 173d Airborne, John Leppelman made that unit's only combat jump in Vietnam. Then he spent months in fruitless search of the enemy, watching as his buddies died because of poor leadership and lousy weapons. Often... Read more

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Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas - Abridged by Rogério Lustosa Bastos
Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas - Abridged
Rogério Lustosa Bastos
Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas - Abridged by Rogério Lustosa Bastos

Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas - Abridged

By: Rogério Lustosa Bastos

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 11 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O livro que agora chega às mãos dos/as leitores/as é o resultado de um esforço coletivo dos/as professores/as Rogério Lustosa Bastos, Lizete Quelha de Souza, Mably Trindade, José Augusto Bisneto, João Batista Rezende e do assistente social Roberto Rodrigues Ribeiro. O título desta coletânea – Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas:... Read more

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Barbara Bush - Abridged by Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush - Abridged
Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush - Abridged by Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush - Abridged

By: Barbara Bush

Narrated by: Barbara Bush

Length: 4 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The classic #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, celebrating the life and legacy of First Lady Barbara Bush—updated with new forewords from her five children, including reflections from George W. and Jeb, as featured on A&E’s Biography.

Barbara Bush endures as one of America’s most popular First Ladies. She has won worldwide acclaim for her... Read more

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O dever da oposição: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged by Ruy Barbosa
O dever da oposição: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged
Ruy Barbosa
O dever da oposição: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged by Ruy Barbosa

O dever da oposição: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged

By: Ruy Barbosa

Narrated by: Tom Bueno

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O texto "O dever da oposição" foi originalmente publicado no Jornal do Comércio, em 1885. Nele, o leitor encontra figurões da história política brasileira como personagens de um debate escrito com o português incorruptível de Ruy Barbosa – dá gosto de ler! No artigo, Ruy dá uma lição aos senadores Paulino de Sousa e João Alfredo sobre os... Read more

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Take It Back - Abridged by James Carville & Paul Begala
Take It Back - Abridged
James Carville & Paul Begala
Take It Back - Abridged by James Carville & Paul Begala

Take It Back - Abridged

By: James Carville & Paul Begala

Narrated by: Paul Begala

Length: 6 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes


10. They're so incompetent they couldn't pour pee out of a boot if you wrote the instructions on the heel.

9. They lie like a rug. They lie like a dog. They lie like . . . ummm . . . a dog's rug. We mean, they just lie all the time.

8. They're a pack of crooks.

7. They are unbearably sanctimonious.

... Read more

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