Politics & Economy audiobooks

Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A inteligência emocional é a capacidade de identificar, compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite construir relacionamentos mais saudáveis e gratificantes. No contexto do amor e dos relacionamentos, a inteligência emocional é essencial para: Compreender e responder... Read more
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Superheroes - Becoming The Truly Elite & Honorable - Abridged
By: Daniel Joseph Cyrus
Narrated by: Annais Smith
Length: 23 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Who are the most courageous, greatest, most admirable, respectable, and world-saving or world-enhancing "Superheroes" of this century and centuries past? Is this not one of the most fascinating questions individuals could ask and research during their lives, with the answer constantly changing during these individuals' journeys through life as... Read more
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War Paint - Abridged
By: Bill Goshen
Narrated by: Jake Robards
Length: 2 hours
Abridged: Yes
The men who served with in the 1st Infantry Division with F company, 52nd Infantry, (LRP) later redesignated as Company I, 75th Infantry (Ranger) --engaged in some of the fiercest, bloodiest fighting during the Vietnam War, suffering a greater relative aggregate of casualties that any other LRRP/LRP/ Ranger company. Their base was Lai Khe,... Read more
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Our Sacred Honor - Abridged
By: William J. Bennett
Narrated by: Philip Bosco, William J. Bennett & Barry Bostwick
Length: 4 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Millions of American families have turned to The Book of Virtues and The Moral Compass by William J. Bennett for moral guidance in troubled times. Our Sacred Honor offers inspiration and instruction as well -- this time of a particularly American sort.
In Our Sacred Honor, Bennett has collected the best that has been thought and said by and... Read more

Werbung für die Wahrheit - Abridged
By: Thomas Laschyk
Narrated by: Loris Kubeng
Length: 5 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Keine Demokratie ohne Fakten! Wir alle fallen auf Fake News herein. Sie kommen oft als gute Geschichten daher, die in unser Weltbild passen. Aber wie gehen wir damit um, dass rechtsextreme Parteien und gewisse Boulevard-Medien das systematisch nutzen, um Desinformation zu verbreiten? Wie verhindern wir, dass Fakten keine Rolle mehr... Read more
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No Island of Sanity - Abridged
By: Vincent Bugliosi
Narrated by: Joseph Campanella
Length: 3 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In a series called “The Library of Contemporary Thought,” top opinion-makers explore the most provocative, fascinating, and momentous issues that have occurred in the United States. In this first volume, famed Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi takes on the Supreme Court. Considered by some to be an island of sanity surrounded by a sea of... Read more
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Ghost Soldiers - Abridged
By: Hampton Sides
Narrated by: James Naughton
Length: 5 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A tense, powerful, grand account of one of the most daring exploits of World War II.
On January 28, 1945, 121 hand-selected troops from the elite U.S. Army 6th Ranger Battalion slipped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Their mission: March thirty miles in an attempt to rescue 513 American and British POWs who had spent three years in a... Read more

Without Hesitation - Abridged
By: Gen. Hugh Shelton, Ronald Levinson & Malcolm Mc...
Narrated by: Gen. Hugh Shelton
Length: 6 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The powerful unvarnished memoir of General Hugh Shelton, war hero, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during 9/11, and one of the leading military figures of our time.
Whether serving under a Democratic president or a Republican president, General Shelton was never afraid to speak out and tell it like it is. Shelton chronicles his incredible... Read more

Antike und moderne Demokratie - Abridged
By: Michael Stahl
Narrated by: Michael Stahl
Length: 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Hat die griechische Demokratie einen Platz im modernen Geschichtsbewußtsein? Wie könnte die Brücke aussehen, über die der Historiker von seiner politischen Gegenwartserfahrung aus zu den alten Athenern gelangt? Vom Selbstverständnis der modernen Demokratie aus betrachtet, erscheint die politische Ordnung Athens in klassischer Zeit als etwas... Read more
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ملخص كتاب مذكرات حرب أكتوبر - Abridged
By: سعد الدين الشاذلي
Narrated by: Sahla Books
Length: 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
يعد هذا الكتاب مرجعًا أساسيا لحرب أكتوبر؛ فكاتبه أحد القادة الذين اعترفَ بذكائه وحنكته العدو والصديق، وضع لنا فيه تفاصيل دقيقة عن الاستعداد للحرب، منذ سنوات قبل شن الهجوم، ولم يترك شاردة ولا واردة تفوته. كان الفريق سعد الدين الشاذلي واضع الخطة التي سار عليها الجيش المصري في حرب أكتوبر الشهيرة، متقلدًا منصب رئيس أركان حرب القوات المسلحة المصرية،... Read more
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Der betrogene Patient - Abridged
By: Gerd Reuther
Narrated by: Gerd Reuther
Length: 6 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Nie waren die Heilungsversprechen größer als heute und doch ist die ärztliche Behandlung zu unserer häufigsten Todesursache geworden. Wer den Therapieempfehlungen der Mediziner rückhaltlos vertraut, schadet sich häufiger, als er sich nützt. Erschreckend viele Behandlungen sind ohne nachgewiesene Wirksamkeit und oft wäre das Abwarten des... Read more
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El espíritu de la esperanza - Abridged
By: Byung-Chul Han
Narrated by: Jordi Llovet
Length: 2 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Después de más de doce años de ensayos críticos con el régimen neoliberal, en esta nueva y novedosa obra el célebre filósofo Byung-Chul Han emprende no ya un viraje, sino una verdadera superación hacia una alentadora visión del hombre. De la desesperación más profunda nace también la esperanza más íntima. La esperanza nos lanza hacia lo... Read more
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The Soul of Capitalism - Abridged
By: William Greider
Narrated by: Peter Johnson
Length: 7 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In The Soul of Capitalism William Greider shows how to reinvent capitalism so that it works not only for profits but for people, too. Greider contends that the recent contagion of financial fraud and corporate bankruptcies confirms what is wrong with capitalism. Our discontents are not just with dishonest CEOs, but with what our affluence costs... Read more
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Thirty Years of Treason, Vol. 1 - Abridged
By: Eric Bentley
Narrated by: Claire Bloom, Nathan Dana Aldrich, Theodore Bik...
Length: 13 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A chilling reenactment of the federal government’s anti-Communist investigationsEric Bentley has chosen highlights from the thirty-year record of the House Un-American Activities Committee to demonstrate HUAC’s focus on artists, intellectuals, and performers. Volume 1: 1938–1948 includes the testimonies of Hallie Flanagan, Ayn Rand, Adolphe... Read more
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America for Sale - Abridged
By: Jerome R. Corsi
Narrated by: Jerome R. Corsi
Length: 7 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Between George H. W. Bush’s “new world order” and the unprecedented governmental growth and massive redistribution of wealth under President Barack Obama,... Read more

Educação Emocional para Crianças - Abridged
Narrated by: Thalita
Length: 46 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No mundo em constante evolução em que vivemos, habilidades como a inteligência emocional tornaram-se tão cruciais quanto as habilidades acadêmicas. A capacidade de compreender, expressar e gerar emoções não só influencia o bem-estar mental, mas também desempenha um papel fundamental nas relações sociais, no sucesso acadêmico e profissional e na... Read more
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Eisiges Schweigen flussabwärts - Abridged
By: Michael Thumann
Narrated by: Alexander Bandilla
Length: 9 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Michael Thumann legt nach seinem SPIEGEL-Bestseller «Revanche» einen sehr persönlichen Reisebericht vor, in dem er die erneute Teilung Europas mit eigenen Augen erkundet. Er beschreibt in eindringlichen Reportagen und Augenzeugenberichten seinen Weg aus Moskau heraus über die schwer bewachten Außengrenzen Russlands, erst nach Osten Richtung... Read more
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An Inconvenient Book - Abridged
By: Glenn Beck
Narrated by: Glenn Beck
Length: 6 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Glenn Beck, the New York Times bestselling author of The Great Reset, tackles some of our country’s biggest problems in this funny, outrageous, and entertaining book.
Glenn Beck believes that the reason why some of our biggest problems never seem to get fixed is simple: the solutions just aren’t very convenient. And as the host of a nationally... Read more

Death in the Jungle - Abridged
By: Gary R. Smith & Alan Maki
Narrated by: Eric Conger
Length: 1 hour 59 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Read by Eric Conger
2 Cassettes/ 2 hrs.
With 257 combat missions in Vietnam under his belt, Gary Smith is a living witness to the realities of Naval Special Warfare. He worked with some of the toughest and most highly motivated men in the world, executing missions in the murderous terrain of the Rung Sat Special Zone and Dung Island. The key to... Read more

All the Way to Berlin - Abridged
By: James Megellas
Narrated by: Richard M. Davidson
Length: 2 hours 33 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In mid-1943 James Megellas, known as “Maggie” to his fellow paratroopers, joined the 82d Airborne Division, his new “home” for the duration. His first taste of combat was in the rugged mountains outside Naples.
In October 1943, when most of the 82d departed Italy to prepare for the D-Day invasion of France, Lt. Gen. Mark Clark, the Fifth Army... Read more

The Blair Years - Abridged
By: Alastair Campbell
Narrated by: Alastair Campbell
Length: 6 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Blair Years is the most compelling and revealing account of contemporary politics you will ever read. Taken from Alastair Campbell's daily diaries, it charts the rise of New Labour and the tumultuous years of Tony Blair's leadership, providing the first important record of a remarkable decade in our national life.
Here are the defining... Read more

The Dead Are Arising: Book Summary & Analysis - Abridged
By: Les Payne & Tamara Payne
Narrated by: Daniel Brooks
Length: 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title. The Dead Are Arising is a meticulously researched and deeply illuminating biography that redefines the legacy of Malcolm X. Drawing from decades of interviews, personal accounts, and historical records, this groundbreaking work reveals the man behind the icon—his... Read more
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Hillary's Choice - Abridged
By: Gail Sheehy
Narrated by: Gail Sheehy
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
This is the story of a woman and a marriage, both so famous the world over, we think we know everything there is to know. But Hillary's Choice renders America's First Lady fully human for the first time.
Gail Sheehy uncovers the lifelong imprint of Hillary's drillmaster father and the frustrated mother who taught her to bottle up her... Read more

The Cell - Abridged
By: John Miller & Michael Stone
Narrated by: John Miller
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In New York City, a a handful of veteran FBI agents, police officers and investigative journalists had known for years that a terrorist event on the scale of 9/11 was likely. Ironically, one of the men who had been most aware of the threat posed by Osama bin Laden had recently left the FBI, where he had been following the movements of bin Laden... Read more
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