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The Republican Noise Machine - Abridged by David Brock
The Republican Noise Machine - Abridged
David Brock
The Republican Noise Machine - Abridged by David Brock

The Republican Noise Machine - Abridged

By: David Brock

Narrated by: David Brock

Length: 5 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In The Republican Noise Machine, David Brock skillfully documents perhaps the most important but least understood political development of the last thirty years: how the Republican Right has won political power and hijacked public discourse in the United States.

Brock, a former right-wing insider and the author of the New York Times bestseller... Read more

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The Audacity of Hope - Abridged by Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope - Abridged
Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope - Abridged by Barack Obama

The Audacity of Hope - Abridged

By: Barack Obama

Narrated by: Barack Obama

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. Now, in The Audacity of Hope, Senator Obama calls for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the “endless clash of armies” we see in Congress... Read more

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ملخص كتاب طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الكواكبي
ملخص كتاب طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد - Abridged
عبد الرحمن الكواكبي
ملخص كتاب طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد - Abridged by عبد الرحمن الكواكبي

ملخص كتاب طبائع الاستبداد ومصارع الاستعباد - Abridged

By: عبد الرحمن الكواكبي

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

خرج حاكم بلاد مستبد في يوم دافئ للصيد، فأفلت من رميته غزال، فبانت علامات السوء على على وجه الملك، فما كان من مساعده إلا أن صاح: أصبت يا ملكي، أصبت.. فالتفت إليه الملك وقال بغضب: أتسخر مني؟. قال المساعد: معاذ الله، ولكن الغزال حظي برحمتك وحلمك. هكذا تُبنى الأصنام وتنسج أثواب الاستبداد وتزين بضحاياها. يأتي الكواكبي ليشرح لنا جسد الاستبداد بكتابه:... Read more

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Chain of Command - Abridged by Seymour M. Hersh
Chain of Command - Abridged
Seymour M. Hersh
Chain of Command - Abridged by Seymour M. Hersh

Chain of Command - Abridged

By: Seymour M. Hersh

Narrated by: Peter Friedman

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Since September 11, 2001, Seymour M. Hersh has riveted readers -- and outraged the Bush Administration -- with his stories in The New Yorker magazine, including his breakthrough pieces on the Abu Gharaib prison scandal. Now, in Chain of Command, he brings together this reporting, along with new revelations, to answer the critical question of the... Read more

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Soldiers and Slaves - Abridged by Roger Cohen
Soldiers and Slaves - Abridged
Roger Cohen
Soldiers and Slaves - Abridged by Roger Cohen

Soldiers and Slaves - Abridged

By: Roger Cohen

Narrated by: Sam Tsoutsouvas

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In February 1945, 350 American POWs captured earlier at the Battle of the Bulge or elsewhere in Europe were singled out by the Nazis because they were Jews or were thought to resemble Jews. They were transported in cattle cars to Berga, a concentration camp in eastern Germany, and put to work as slave laborers, mining tunnels for a planned... Read more

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Jawbreaker - Abridged by Gary Berntsen & Ralph Pezzullo
Jawbreaker - Abridged
Gary Berntsen & Ralph Pezzullo
Jawbreaker - Abridged by Gary Berntsen & Ralph Pezzullo

Jawbreaker - Abridged

By: Gary Berntsen & Ralph Pezzullo

Narrated by: Gary Berntsen

Length: 5 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Jawbreaker Gary Berntsen, until recently one of the CIA’s most decorated officers, comes out from under cover for the first time to describe his no-holds-barred pursuit of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

With his unique mix of clandestine knowledge and paramilitary training, Berntsen represents the new face of counterterrorism. Recognized... Read more

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Die Versprengten - Abridged by F. John-Ferrer
Die Versprengten - Abridged
F. John-Ferrer
Die Versprengten - Abridged by F. John-Ferrer

Die Versprengten - Abridged

By: F. John-Ferrer

Narrated by: Klaus G. Förg

Length: 7 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Januar 1945: Zwei Obergefreite verlieren auf dem Rückzug der deutschen Truppen vor der herannahenden Roten Armee den Anschluss an ihre Einheit. Auf sich allein gestellt, inmitten einer feindlichen Welt und geplagt vom sibirisch kalten Winter haben die beiden nur ein Ziel: Sie müssen hinter die Frontlinie gelangen, sonst sind sie verloren. Auf... Read more

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New release
DIE POLITIK ERZÄHLT IHRE GESCHICHTE - Abridged by Stephen Daronyashi
Stephen Daronyashi
DIE POLITIK ERZÄHLT IHRE GESCHICHTE - Abridged by Stephen Daronyashi


By: Stephen Daronyashi

Narrated by: Sebastian Faltner

Length: 3 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Von den ersten Stadtstaaten der Antike bis zu den modernen Regierungen stand die Politik immer im Mittelpunkt der Veränderungen der Menschheit. Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, die Geschichte der Machtmechanismen zu erkunden, von den Intrigen an den Königshöfen bis hin zu den Revolutionen, die unsere heutigen Demokratien geformt haben.Wenn der Leser in... Read more

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Tiger Force - Abridged by Mitch Weiss & Michael Sallah
Tiger Force - Abridged
Mitch Weiss & Michael Sallah
Tiger Force - Abridged by Mitch Weiss & Michael Sallah

Tiger Force - Abridged

By: Mitch Weiss & Michael Sallah

Narrated by: Harry Chase

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

At the outset of the Vietnam War, the Army created an experimental fighting unit that became known as "Tiger Force." The Tigers were to be made up of the cream of the crop-the very best and bravest soldiers the American military could offer. They would be given a long leash, allowed to operate in the field with less supervision. Their mission... Read more

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Superheroes - Becoming The Truly Elite & Honorable - Abridged by Daniel Joseph Cyrus
Superheroes - Becoming The Truly Elite & Honorable - Abridged
Daniel Joseph Cyrus
Superheroes - Becoming The Truly Elite & Honorable - Abridged by Daniel Joseph Cyrus

Superheroes - Becoming The Truly Elite & Honorable - Abridged

By: Daniel Joseph Cyrus

Narrated by: Annais Smith

Length: 23 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Who are the most courageous, greatest, most admirable, respectable, and world-saving or world-enhancing "Superheroes" of this century and centuries past? Is this not one of the most fascinating questions individuals could ask and research during their lives, with the answer constantly changing during these individuals' journeys through life as... Read more

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The Five Branches - Abridged by Disch Amm
The Five Branches - Abridged
Disch Amm
The Five Branches - Abridged by Disch Amm

The Five Branches - Abridged

By: Disch Amm

Narrated by: James Hotchkiss

Length: 13 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A wisdom or philosophy book and an original work in its own right, whilst discussing some arguments from best sellers in the genre.With a handful of its sections suitable for kids under parental supervision, it is for beginners before they get lost in the terminology of modern-day philosophy; which in itself is politically correct and fraught... Read more

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Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged
Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Inteligência Emocional no Local de Trabalho Como Cultivar Relações Positivas - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Inteligência emocional é a capacidade de compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite ter uma melhor compreensão de nós mesmos e dos outros, e nos ajuda a lidar com situações difíceis de forma eficaz. No contexto do local de trabalho, a inteligência emocional é... Read more

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Furchtlos - Abridged by Eric Blehm
Furchtlos - Abridged
Eric Blehm
Furchtlos - Abridged by Eric Blehm

Furchtlos - Abridged

By: Eric Blehm

Narrated by: Michael J. Diekmann

Length: 7 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Navy SEALs sind die Elitetruppe der US-Streitkräfte. Sie durchlaufen die härteste Ausbildung der Welt und werden nur in den gefährlichsten Missionen eingesetzt. Das SEAL Team Six ist die Einheit, die Osama bin Laden tötete. Navy SEAL Adam Brown starb im März 2010 im Kampf, während eines Einsatzes in Afghanistan. Furchtlos erzählt die... Read more

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Courage and Consequence - Abridged by Karl Rove
Courage and Consequence - Abridged
Karl Rove
Courage and Consequence - Abridged by Karl Rove

Courage and Consequence - Abridged

By: Karl Rove

Narrated by: Karl Rove

Length: 7 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

America’s most brilliant political mastermind recounts his controversial journey through Republican politics and into George W. Bush’s White House.

Known as “the Architect” of George W. Bush’s presidency, Karl Rove’s access to Bush and view of his presidency is unparalleled. In this memoir, Rove takes the listener into the heart of Bush’s rise... Read more

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Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged
Arianna Huffington
Pigs at the Trough - Abridged by Arianna Huffington

Pigs at the Trough - Abridged

By: Arianna Huffington

Narrated by: Alison Fraser

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Arianna Huffington turns the spotlight on the tough reforms we must demand from Washington that go beyond the Corporate Responsibility Act. Read more

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Do the Right Thing - Abridged by Mike Huckabee
Do the Right Thing - Abridged
Mike Huckabee
Do the Right Thing - Abridged by Mike Huckabee

Do the Right Thing - Abridged

By: Mike Huckabee

Narrated by: Mike Huckabee

Length: 5 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Governor Mike Huckabee entered the Republican presidential race, he was the ultimate dark horse, with almost no money, no consultants, and no name recognition beyond Arkansas. The so-called experts were highly amused by this former small state governor from blue-collar roots who also played bass in a rock band. He wouldn’t have a prayer... Read more

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The Kissinger Transcripts - Abridged by William Burr & Richard Gilliland
The Kissinger Transcripts - Abridged
William Burr & Richard Gilliland
The Kissinger Transcripts - Abridged by William Burr & Richard Gilliland

The Kissinger Transcripts - Abridged

By: William Burr & Richard Gilliland

Narrated by: Theodore Bikel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Henry Kissinger is one of the most controversial Secretaries of State in U.S. history— serving under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, never-before-seen transcripts of Kissinger's conversations, including top-secret talks with Beijing and Moscow, provide an unvarnished record of his... Read more

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Europäische Integration - Abridged by Werner Weidenfeld
Europäische Integration - Abridged
Werner Weidenfeld
Europäische Integration - Abridged by Werner Weidenfeld

Europäische Integration - Abridged

By: Werner Weidenfeld

Narrated by: Werner Weidenfeld

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

GESCHICHTE: Am Anfang standen Krieg, Verwüstung, Leid. Plötzlich machen sich einige Staaten Europas auf, ihre Zukunft gemeinsam zu gestalten. Entlang welcher Leitbilder entwerfen sie dieses Projekt ohne Vorlage? Was sind die wichtigsten Stationen der europäischen Einigung? INSTITUTIONEN: Die politischen Systeme der Nationalstaaten sind... Read more

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Die weissen Tage von Minsk - Abridged by Vitali Alekseenok
Die weissen Tage von Minsk - Abridged
Vitali Alekseenok
Die weissen Tage von Minsk - Abridged by Vitali Alekseenok

Die weissen Tage von Minsk - Abridged

By: Vitali Alekseenok

Narrated by: Vitali Alekseenok

Length: 6 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Der belarusische Dirigent Vitali Alekseenok, der mittlerweile in Deutschland lebt, schreibt auf berührende wie erhellende Weise über den Freiheitskampf in seiner alten Heimat. Nicht zuletzt aus Frust über die politischen Verhältnisse hatte er diese vor mehreren Jahren verlassen. Als Musiker hat er ein neues Zuhause in Deutschland gefunden, doch... Read more

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Falacias de la justicia social - Abridged by Thomas Sowell
Falacias de la justicia social - Abridged
Thomas Sowell
Falacias de la justicia social - Abridged by Thomas Sowell

Falacias de la justicia social - Abridged

By: Thomas Sowell

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Una refutación del mito más extendido (y peligroso) de nuestra época La lucha por la justicia social es una de las principales causas de nuestro tiempo, que interpela a muchas personas diferentes por diversas razones. Pero que se utilicen las mismas palabras no siempre supone estar hablando de lo mismo. Debemos aclarar los significados para... Read more

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ملخص كتاب مدافع آية الله - Abridged by محمد حسنين هيكل
ملخص كتاب مدافع آية الله - Abridged
محمد حسنين هيكل
ملخص كتاب مدافع آية الله - Abridged by محمد حسنين هيكل

ملخص كتاب مدافع آية الله - Abridged

By: محمد حسنين هيكل

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

ماذا لو كنت تعيش في دولة تخصص الصفحات الأولى من جرائدها، ونشرات أخبارها لصور وإنجازات زعيم أو إمبراطور البلاد؟ ماذا لو منع استخدام لون حبر معيَّن مثل اللون الأحمر، لأنّه لون يرمز لاتجاه فكري معين، ويرمز أيضًا للثورة! Read more

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Politik in den eigenen Händen - Abridged by Florian Hartleb
Politik in den eigenen Händen - Abridged
Florian Hartleb
Politik in den eigenen Händen - Abridged by Florian Hartleb

Politik in den eigenen Händen - Abridged

By: Florian Hartleb

Narrated by: Ingo Bulgrin

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wir leben in turbulenten, hysterischen Zeiten. Für uns alle bedeutet die Revolution durch Echtzeitkommunikation eine ungeahnte Herausforderung, die herkömmliche Muster und Traditionen auf den Kopf stellt. Es schlägt die Stunde von Influencern und von YouTube-Stars. Die Covid-19-Pandemie verstärkt den globalen Wettbewerb der Nationalstaaten und... Read more

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ملخص كتاب الوزير المرافق - Abridged by غازي عبدالرحمن القصيبي
ملخص كتاب الوزير المرافق - Abridged
غازي عبدالرحمن القصيبي
ملخص كتاب الوزير المرافق - Abridged by غازي عبدالرحمن القصيبي

ملخص كتاب الوزير المرافق - Abridged

By: غازي عبدالرحمن القصيبي

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

يعرض لنا هذا الكتاب الفريد عددًا من اللقاءات السياسية التي حضرها القصيبي بصفته وزيرًا مرافقًا، ليحدثنا عن موقفه من الشخصيات التي التقى بها ويسرد بعضًا من أحداث لقاءاته الفريدة. غازي القصيبي هو شاعر سعودي وأستاذ جامعي عمل وزيرًا للصحة ووزيرًا للصناعة، وسفيرًا للسعودية في البحرين وفي بريطانيا، وله عدد من المؤلفات والكتب منها "سحيم" و"قراءة في وجه... Read more

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Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged
Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Inteligência Emocional no Amor e nos Relacionamentos - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A inteligência emocional é a capacidade de identificar, compreender e gerenciar as próprias emoções, bem como as emoções dos outros. É um conjunto de habilidades que nos permite construir relacionamentos mais saudáveis e gratificantes. No contexto do amor e dos relacionamentos, a inteligência emocional é essencial para: Compreender e responder... Read more

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