Politics & Economy audiobooks

It's Our Ship - Abridged
By: Captain D. Michael Abrashoff
Narrated by: Captain D. Michael Abrashoff
Length: 3 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, legendary commander of the USS Benfold, continues in the same vein of his bestselling book It's Your Ship with the knowledge he's gained from his speaking to and advising some of the top business minds in the world.
The story of Captain Abrashoff and his command of USS Benfold has become legendary inside and outside... Read more

The Original Argument - Abridged
By: Glenn Beck
Narrated by: Pat Gray & Adam Grupper
Length: 10 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Glenn Beck, the New York Times bestselling author of The Great Reset, returns with his contemporary adaptation of The Federalist Papers with the inclusion of his own commentary and annotations to help readers interpret and understand the Constitution.
Glenn Beck revisited Thomas Paine’s famous pre-Revolutionary War call to action in his #1 New... Read more

Renegade - Abridged
By: Richard Wolffe
Narrated by: Richard Wolffe
Length: 6 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Before the White House and Air Force One, before the TV ads and the enormous rallies, there was the real Barack Obama: a man wrestling with the momentous decision to run for the presidency, feeling torn about leaving behind a young family, and figuring out how to win the biggest prize in politics.
This book is the previously untold and epic story... Read more

Absolutely American - Abridged
By: David Lipsky
Narrated by: David Lipsky
Length: 7 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"A superb description of modern military culture, and one of the most gripping accounts of university life.... Powerful.... Wonderfully told." --The New York Times Book Review
As David Lipsky follows a future generation of army officers from their proving grounds to their barracks, he reveals the range of emotions and desires that propels these... Read more

Slander - Abridged
By: Ann Coulter
Narrated by: Ann Coulter
Length: 5 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“The immutable fact of politics in America is this: liberals hate conservatives.”
Ann Coulter, whose examination of the Clinton impeachment was a major national bestseller and earned widespread praise, now takes on an even tougher issue. At a time when Democrats and Republicans should be overwhelmingly congenial, American political debate has... Read more

No Island of Sanity - Abridged
By: Vincent Bugliosi
Narrated by: Joseph Campanella
Length: 3 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In a series called “The Library of Contemporary Thought,” top opinion-makers explore the most provocative, fascinating, and momentous issues that have occurred in the United States. In this first volume, famed Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi takes on the Supreme Court. Considered by some to be an island of sanity surrounded by a sea of... Read more
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Wähl' mal wieder! - Abridged
By: Ulrich Offenberg & Jutta Förtsch
Narrated by: Oliver Luxenburger, Peter Bertram & Achim Höppner
Length: 2 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Demokratie - das heißt Freiheit, Recht und Verantwortung. Verantwortung heißt: Wählen! Wählen heißt: sich eine Meinung bilden, sich entscheiden. Richtig entscheiden heißt: sich zu informieren, Bescheid zu wissen über sein Land, seine Menschen, das politische Koordinatensystem, in dem jeder Bürger eine gleiche Stimme zur Mitsprache hat.... Read more
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The Best Business Stories of the Year: 2002 Edition - Abridged
By: Andrew Leckey & Ken Auletta
Narrated by: Eliza Foss, Jeff Woodman & Oliver Wyman
Length: 17 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A Vintage Original
The first installment of an exciting new annual anthology–a year's worth of the most interesting, noteworthy, and best-written articles on all aspects of the business world.
Series editor Andrew Leckey and guest editor Marshall Loeb have scoured the print media, consulted with the editors of major business and general interest... Read more

The Blair Years - Abridged
By: Alastair Campbell
Narrated by: Alastair Campbell
Length: 6 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Blair Years is the most compelling and revealing account of contemporary politics you will ever read. Taken from Alastair Campbell's daily diaries, it charts the rise of New Labour and the tumultuous years of Tony Blair's leadership, providing the first important record of a remarkable decade in our national life.
Here are the defining... Read more

On the Legal Democratic Mass Movement - Abridged
By: Jose Maria Sison
Narrated by: Thomas van Beersum
Length: 12 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The crisis of the world capitalist system and that of the Philippine ruling system have become worse than in any period after World War II. The US-instigated policies of neoliberal globalization, state terrorism and aggressive war have wrought havoc on the lives of the people and continue to escalate oppression and exploitation. The Filipino... Read more
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The Shadow Factory - Abridged
By: James Bamford
Narrated by: Paul Michael
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
“There have been glimpses inside the NSA before, but until now no one has published a comprehensive and detailed report on the agency . . . Mr. Bamford has emerged with everything except the combination to the director’s safe.” –New York Times Book Review
Today’s National Security Agency is the largest, most costly, and most technologically... Read more

The Cell - Abridged
By: John Miller & Michael Stone
Narrated by: John Miller
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In New York City, a a handful of veteran FBI agents, police officers and investigative journalists had known for years that a terrorist event on the scale of 9/11 was likely. Ironically, one of the men who had been most aware of the threat posed by Osama bin Laden had recently left the FBI, where he had been following the movements of bin Laden... Read more
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The Preacher and the Presidents - Abridged
By: Nancy Gibbs & Michael Duffy
Narrated by: L.J. Ganser
Length: 10 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
No one man or woman has ever been in a position to see the presidents, and the presidency, so intimately, over so many years. They called him in for photo opportunities. They called for comfort. They asked about death and salvation; about sin and forgiveness.
At a time when the nation is increasingly split over the place of religion in public... Read more

715 Euro - Abridged
By: Susanne Holtkotte
Narrated by: Michèle Tichawsky
Length: 3 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Immer mehr Menschen sind von Altersarmut betroffen. So auch Susanne Holtkotte, Reinigungskraft aus Bochum, deren Rente einmal 715 Euro im Monat betragen soll. In der Talkshow Hart aber fair trat sie angesichts der Debatte um Grundrente leidenschaftlich für mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit ein, woraufhin Arbeitsminister Hubertus Heil ihr anbot, einen... Read more
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Ánima - Abridged
By: Michel Onfray
Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez
Length: 13 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
El aclamado filósofo Michel Onfray nos presenta la historia de la evolución humana hasta lo posthumano desde el prisma del alma y cómo se ha visto transformada en esta nueva época digital. «La historia del alma es la historia de la idea que el hombre tiene de sí mismo frente a la muerte. Desde los primeros humanos que descubrieron los ciclos de... Read more
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Zelensky - Abridged
By: Steven Derix
Narrated by: Christian Neil
Length: 4 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A vivid, up-to-date biography of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, covering his humble background and successful TV career to his corruption-dogged first years in office to Russia's invasion. Told with flair and authority, it is the gripping story of one of the most admired and inspirational leaders in the world. An action-packed... Read more
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LRRP Company Command - Abridged
By: Kregg P. Jorgenson
Narrated by: Don Leslie
Length: 2 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A gripping account of ordinary men with extraordinary courage and heroism who had one last chance to make good—and one helluva war zone to do it in.
The new commander of the Company E, 52d Infantry LRRPs, Capt. George Paccerelli, was tough, but the men’s new AO was brutal. It was bad enough that the provinces of Binh Long, Phuoc Long, and Tay... Read more

The Psychology of Spies and Spying - Abridged
By: John Taylor & Adrian Furnham
Narrated by: John Taylor
Length: 8 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Psychology of Spies and Spying tells the story of the people involved in spying: the human sources (agents) who betray their country or organisation and the professional intelligence officers who manage the collection and reporting process. It provides a rigorous psychological analysis of the personality and motivation of individuals... Read more
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There Must Be a Pony In Here Somewhere - Abridged
By: Kara Swisher & Lisa Dickey
Narrated by: Kara Swisher
Length: 5 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In her acclaimed AOL.COM, Kara Swisher chronicled the unlikely ascent of a group of underdog entrepreneurs and their influence on American net culture. This book picks up where the previous one left off, investigating AOL's merger with Time Warner and its aftermath. Journalists Swisher and Dickey have an ear for the comic and an appreciation... Read more
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Corona - Abridged
By: Cordt Schnibben (Hg.) & David Schraven (Hg.)
Narrated by: Gregor Höppner
Length: 12 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Der dramatische Report unserer Weltkrise Was Ende Dezember 2019 mit Warnungen eines Augenarztes in Wuhan begann, ist in kürzester Zeit zur globalen Pandemie geworden. SARS-CoV-2 ist ein gefährliches Virus, leicht übertragbar, tödlich, aber noch mehr ist Covid-19 der Katalysator einer globalen Umwälzung, die alle Gesellschaften und... Read more
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Blown to Bits - Abridged
By: Thomas S. Wurster & Philip Evans
Narrated by: Jeff David
Length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Blown to Bits demonstrates how companies can re-strategize to take advantage of the new economics of information. Read more
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Imperial Grunts - Abridged
By: Robert D. Kaplan
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 9 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A fascinating, unprecedented first-hand look at the soldiers on the front lines on the Global War on Terror.
Plunging deep into midst of some of the hottest conflicts on the globe, Robert D. Kaplan takes us through mud and jungle, desert and dirt to the men and women on the ground who are leading the charge against threats to American... Read more

Marketing for Dummies 2nd Ed. - Abridged
By: Alexander Hiam
Narrated by: Brett Barry
Length: 3 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Whether you want to introduce a new product or jumpstart your existing marketing plans, this friendly guide can help. Packed with expert tips, from identifying customers to using online resources to size up competitors, this updated edition of Marketing For Dummies leads you step by step through the four P's of marketing—product, pricing,... Read more
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Die Großen der Welt. Menschen, die Geschichte machten - Abridged
By: Georg Popp
Narrated by: Friedhelm Ptok, Dominik Freiberger, Ralf Thenio...
Length: 7 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dieses Hörbuch beschäftigt sich mit den Persönlichkeiten, die den Lauf der Geschichte nachhaltig verändert haben - im positiven wie im negativen Sinn. Für den Zuhörer wird dieses lebendige Geschichtswerk zu einem faszinierenden Hörerlebnis, zu einem Abenteuer mit den Großen ihrer Zeit. Die Zeitreise beginnt im alten Griechenland mit Perikles,... Read more
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