Politics & Economy audiobooks

Demokratie und Wahrheit - Abridged
By: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Narrated by: Julian Nida-Rümelin
Length: 46 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Entgegen der verbreiteten Auffassung, das Wahrheitsansprüche in der Demokratie unangemessen seien, begründet Nida-Rümelin die These, dass ohne normative Wahrheitsansprüche die demokratische Gesellschaft und Politik undenkbar seien. Die demokratische Ordnung beruht auf normativen Überzeugungen, wie die der Toleranz aus Respekt und der gleichen... Read more
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El arte de gobernar - Abridged
By: Rogelio Guedea
Narrated by: Antonio Raluy
Length: 2 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: Yes
El arte de gobernar. Manual del buen gobierno explica en términos llanos las ideas de grandes teóricos de la política. El resultado es un accesible y ameno manual que sirve no solo al lector curioso sino al político interesado en llevar a cabo un cambio verdadero en la forma de ejercer su oficio. ¿Cómo ennoblecer el quehacer político y a sus... Read more
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ملخص كتاب الاستشراق - Abridged
By: إدوارد سعيد
Narrated by: Sahla Books
Length: 26 minutes
Abridged: Yes
الفكرة التي يقوم عليها كتابُ الاستشراق هي استعمالُ النقد الإنسانيِّ للكشف عن مجالات الصراع، وإدخالُ سلسلةٍ من الأفكار والتَّحليلات أطول نَفَسًا من الدفقات المتقطِّعة من الغضب المترتِّب على الجدل الذي يعطِّل الفكرَ ويحبسنا في عباراتٍ ومجادلاتٍ عدائيَّةٍ تستهدف تثبيتَ الهويَّة الجمعيَّة العدوانيَّة بدلًا من التفاهم وتبادل الأفكار. وقد دعوتُ ما... Read more
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Actual Innocence - Abridged
By: Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld & Jim Dwyer
Narrated by: Michael Boatman
Length: 6 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Extraordinarily powerful stories of ordinary people locked up for crimes they did not commit, and how they were freed against great odds.
A nightmare from a thousand B-movies: a horrible crime is committed in your neighborhood, and the police knock at your door. A witness swears you are the perpetrator; you have no alibi, and no one believes your... Read more

Democracia, Controle e Corrupção - Abridged
By: Adair Loredo Santos
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 3 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A tese de doutorado DEMOCRACIA, CONTROLE E CORRUPÇÃO –, defendida no final de outubro na PUC-SP pelo advogado e cientista político Adair Loredo, aborda a "Máfia dos Auditores Fiscais" que atuavam na prefeitura de São Paulo. Com conclusões surpreendentes, o autor mostra que o grande esquema de corrupção se manteve em funcionamento sob controle de... Read more
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Sharia Law for Non-Muslims - Abridged
By: Bill Warner, PhD
Narrated by: Bill Warner, PhD
Length: 1 hour 36 minutes
Abridged: Yes
SHARIA LAW FOR NON-MUSLIMS is an introduction to Islamic Sharia law and gives the reader a taste of Islam. This book makes an effective tool to educate politicians, legal authorities and public officials.
Islam is a religion, a culture and a political system. The political system has its own body of laws, called the... Read more

Breaking the Mold - Abridged
By: Rohit Lamba & Raghuram G. Rajan
Narrated by: Homer Todiwala
Length: 10 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: Yes
This audiobook narrated by Homer Todiwala charts the new path for economic development that India must create The whole world has a stake in India's future, and that future hinges on whether India can develop its economy and deliver for its population—now the world's largest—while staying democratic. India's economy has overtaken the United... Read more
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War on the Middle Class - Abridged
By: Lou Dobbs
Narrated by: Lou Dobbs
Length: 4 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Prominent CNN host and commentator Lou Dobbs unleashes his manifesto on the vanishing American dream.
Abridged CDs - 5 CDs, 6 hours Read more

What I Saw at the Revolution - Abridged
By: Peggy Noonan
Narrated by: Peggy Noonan
Length: 3 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ronald Reagan carried a conservative vision of America to the White House, where his administration gave it life. Peggy Noonan followed Reagan to Washington as his speechwriter— and gave his vision voice. As speech writer for George Bush during his Presidential campaign, Noonan dispelled her candidate's "wimpy" image and replaced it... Read more
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Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas - Abridged
By: Rogério Lustosa Bastos
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 11 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
O livro que agora chega às mãos dos/as leitores/as é o resultado de um esforço coletivo dos/as professores/as Rogério Lustosa Bastos, Lizete Quelha de Souza, Mably Trindade, José Augusto Bisneto, João Batista Rezende e do assistente social Roberto Rodrigues Ribeiro. O título desta coletânea – Psicologia Social e Lutas Anticapitalistas:... Read more
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I Am a Soldier, Too - Abridged
By: Rick Bragg
Narrated by: Rick Bragg
Length: 3 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
On March 23, 2003, Private First Class Jessica Lynch was crossing the Iraqi desert with the 507th Maintenance Company when the convoy she was traveling in was ambushed, caught in enemy crossfire. All four soldiers traveling with her died in the attack. Lynch, perhaps the most famous P.O.W. this country has ever known, was taken prisoner and held... Read more
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O dever da oposição: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Tom Bueno
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
O texto "O dever da oposição" foi originalmente publicado no Jornal do Comércio, em 1885. Nele, o leitor encontra figurões da história política brasileira como personagens de um debate escrito com o português incorruptível de Ruy Barbosa – dá gosto de ler! No artigo, Ruy dá uma lição aos senadores Paulino de Sousa e João Alfredo sobre os... Read more
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Ponzi's Scheme - Abridged
By: Mitchell Zuckoff
Narrated by: David Birney
Length: 4 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
You’ve heard of the scheme. Now comes the man behind it. In Mitchell Zuckoff's exhilarating book, the first nonfiction account of Charles Ponzi, we meet the charismatic rogue who launched the most famous and extraordinary scam in the annals of American finance.
It was a time when anything seemed possible–instant wealth, glittering fame, fabulous... Read more

The Long Goodbye - Abridged
By: Patti Davis
Narrated by: Patti Davis
Length: 2 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Ronald Reagan’s daughter writes with a moving openness about losing her father to Alzheimer’s disease. The simplicity with which she reveals the intensity, the rush, the flow of her feelings encompasses all the surprises and complexities that ambush us when death gradually, unstoppably invades life.
In The Long Goodbye, Patti Davis describes... Read more

1776 - Abridged
By: David McCullough
Narrated by: David McCullough
Length: 5 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
America’s beloved and distinguished historian presents, in a book of breathtaking excitement, drama, and narrative force, the stirring story of the year of our nation’s birth, 1776, interweaving, on both sides of the Atlantic, the actions and decisions that led Great Britain to undertake a war against her rebellious colonial subjects and that... Read more
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In My Time - Abridged
By: Dick Cheney
Narrated by: Edward Herrmann
Length: 7 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In his #1 New York Times bestseller, former Vice President Dick Cheney delivers a forty-year portrait of American politics and shares unyielding reflections on his role as one of the most steadfast and influential statesmen in the history of our country.
In his enlightening and provocative memoir—a stately page-turner with flashes of surprising... Read more

Plan of Attack - Abridged
By: Bob Woodward
Narrated by: Boyd Gaines
Length: 6 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Plan of Attack is the definitive account of how and why President George W. Bush, his war council, and allies launched a preemptive attack to topple Saddam Hussein and occupy Iraq. Bob Woodward's latest landmark account of Washington decision making provides an original, authoritative narrative of behind-the-scenes maneuvering, examining the... Read more
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Chatter - Abridged
By: Patrick Radden Keefe
Narrated by: Patrick Radden Keefe
Length: 5 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: Yes
How does our government eavesdrop? Whom do they eavesdrop on? And is the interception of communication an effective means of predicting and preventing future attacks? These are some of the questions at the heart of Patrick Radden Keefe’s brilliant new book, Chatter.
In the late 1990s, when Keefe was a graduate student in England, he heard... Read more

Speaking of Freedom - Abridged
By: George H.W. Bush
Narrated by: George H.W. Bush
Length: 6 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of his inauguration and the commission of the USS George H.W. Bush, a collection of the forty-first president’s speeches.
Here, in his own words, is the record of George H.W. Bush’s presidency. Chosen and annotated by former President Bush, these forty-two speeches reflect his concerns, his political... Read more

The Death of Outrage - Abridged
By: William J. Bennett
Narrated by: Charlton Heston
Length: 3 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In this new, updated edition of a book heralded as a clarion call to the nation's conscience, William Bennett asks why we see so little public outrage in the fade of the evidence of deep corruption within Bill Clinton's administration.
The Death of Outrage examines the Monica Lewinsky scandal as it unfolded, from Clinton's denials that he had had... Read more

Adventure Capitalist - Abridged
By: Jim Rogers
Narrated by: Jim Rogers
Length: 5 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Drive . . . and grow rich!
The bestselling author of Investment Biker is back from the ultimate road trip: a three-year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness record for the longest continuous car journey. In AdventureCapitalist, legendary investor Jim Rogers, dubbed “the Indiana Jones of finance” by Time magazine, proves... Read more

Nossa veracidade: Trechos selecionados de Obras Seletas - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Tom Bueno
Length: 17 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"A extinção do elemento servil foi, no sentido mais estrito da palavra, uma conquista popular". O artigo de Ruy Barbosa intitulado "Nossa veracidade", de onde se extraíram estas palavras, foi publicado no Diário de Notícias em 3 de abril de 1889, portanto, quase um ano depois da assinatura da Lei Áurea. Uma defesa veemente do autor perante os... Read more
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Nossas democracia: Trechos selecionados de Diário de Notícias de Ruy Barbosa - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Guga Almeida
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Que é um republicano? Qual a característica que distingue uma da outra a república e a monarquia?" Neste artigo intitulado "Nossa democracia", escrita em abril de 1889 – pouco antes, portanto, da Proclamação da República –, Ruy Barbosa promove uma reflexão sobre essa forma de governo, analisando a postura da imprensa da época. Notável, além do... Read more
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Ship of Ghosts - Abridged
By: James D. Hornfischer
Narrated by: Robertson Dean
Length: 6 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Son, we’re going to Hell."
The navigator of the USS Houston confided these prophetic words to a young officer as he and his captain charted a course into U.S. naval legend. Renowned as FDR’s favorite warship, the cruiser USS Houston was a prize target trapped in the far Pacific after Pearl Harbor. Without hope of... Read more