Psychology audiobooks

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Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged
Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged

By: Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie gut kennen Sie Ihre Freunde und Kollegen? Ist der Mensch, mit dem Sie das Büro teilen, ein Fremder für Sie? Es ist gar nicht so leicht, andere Menschen richtig einzuschätzen. Denn viele der 15 bekannten Persönlichkeitsstile sind nicht gleich auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, manche, wie der Narzissmus, fallen dagegen schnell auf. Aber was... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 75: Selbstfürsorge - Abridged by Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 75: Selbstfürsorge - Abridged
Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 75: Selbstfürsorge - Abridged by Psychologie Heute

Psychologie Heute Compact 75: Selbstfürsorge - Abridged

By: Psychologie Heute

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Hörbuch zu Psychologie Heute Compact 75 "Selbstfürsorge" Selbstfürsorge - oder englisch self-care - ist die liebevolle Beschäftigung mit sich selbst. Wer sich ständig nur um das Wohlergehen anderer kümmert, statt sich auch mit den eigenen Bedürfnissen zu beschäftigen, kann langfristig kein gesundes und zufriedenes Leben führen. Aber... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged by Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged
Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged by Psychologie Heute

Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged

By: Psychologie Heute

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Einfach entspannt zuhören - mit der Audio-Ausgabe zur Compact-Ausgabe Warum komme ich nicht zur Ruhe? Die Gedanken überschlagen sich, die Emotionen kochen über. Als "Innere Unruhe" wird in der Psychotherapie der Zustand bezeichnet, wenn man sich zu viele Sorgen macht oder ständig Katastrophenszenarien entwirft. Das Gegenmittel: Mehr... Read more

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Queen of Fucking Everything - So bekommst du das großartige Leben, das zu dir passt (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Sabine Asgodom
Queen of Fucking Everything - So bekommst du das großartige Leben, das zu dir passt (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged
Sabine Asgodom
Queen of Fucking Everything - So bekommst du das großartige Leben, das zu dir passt (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Sabine Asgodom

Queen of Fucking Everything - So bekommst du das großartige Leben, das zu dir passt (Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged

By: Sabine Asgodom

Narrated by: Sabine Asgodom

Length: 4 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Und jetzt bin ich mal dran!" - dieser Impuls trifft das Lebensgefühl vieler Frauen. Sie haben viel geleistet, viel geschultert und viel eingesteckt. Nun wächst der Wunsch nach einem freien, selbstbestimmten Leben. Aber wie gelingt es, negative Gefühle wie Enttäuschung, Wut und Frustration in positive Energie umzusetzen, die die Kraft für... Read more

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Authentic Happiness - Abridged by Martin E. P. Seligman
Authentic Happiness - Abridged
Martin E. P. Seligman
Authentic Happiness - Abridged by Martin E. P. Seligman

Authentic Happiness - Abridged

By: Martin E. P. Seligman

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: 4 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A national bestseller, Authentic Happiness launched the revolutionary new science of Positive Psychology—and sparked a coast-to-coast debate on the nature of real happiness.

According to esteemed psychologist and bestselling author Martin Seligman, happiness is not the result of good genes or luck. Real, lasting happiness comes from focusing on... Read more

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The Mother Dance - Abridged by Harriet Lerner
The Mother Dance - Abridged
Harriet Lerner
The Mother Dance - Abridged by Harriet Lerner

The Mother Dance - Abridged

By: Harriet Lerner

Narrated by: Harriet Lerner

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bestselling Author Harriet Lerner leads you in the most magnificent dance of all: The Mother Dance!Her phenomenally successful audio books have profoundly changed the way we think about anger and intimacy. Now psychologist and mother Harriet Lerner tackles the most emotionally charged, issue of all time: motherhood.In her own candid, and... Read more

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She Comes First: Introduction - Abridged by Ian Kerner
She Comes First: Introduction - Abridged
Ian Kerner
She Comes First: Introduction - Abridged by Ian Kerner

She Comes First: Introduction - Abridged

By: Ian Kerner

Narrated by: Ian Kerner

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

“Every man’s must-read. Tell your guy to put down the remote and pick up She Comes First.”
Cosmopolitan Ian Kerner offers a radical new philosophy for pleasuring women in She Comes First—an essential guidebook to oral sex from the author of Be Honest—You’re Not That Into Him Either. The New York Times praises Kerner’s “cool sense of humor and an... Read more

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A Woman's Worth - Abridged by Marianne Williamson
A Woman's Worth - Abridged
Marianne Williamson
A Woman's Worth - Abridged by Marianne Williamson

A Woman's Worth - Abridged

By: Marianne Williamson

Narrated by: Marianne Williamson

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With A Woman's Worth, Marianne Williamson turns her charismatic voice--and the same empowering, spiritually enlightening wisdom that energized her landmark work, A Return to Love-- to exploring the crucial role of women in the world today. Drawing deeply and candidly on her own experiences, the author illuminates her thought-provoking positions... Read more

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This Is Your Brain on Music - Abridged by Daniel J. Levitin
This Is Your Brain on Music - Abridged
Daniel J. Levitin
This Is Your Brain on Music - Abridged by Daniel J. Levitin

This Is Your Brain on Music - Abridged

By: Daniel J. Levitin

Narrated by: Edward Herrmann

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What can music teach us about the brain? What can the brain teach us about music? And what can both teach us about ourselves?
In this groundbreaking union of art and science, rocker-turned-neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin (The World in Six Songs and The Organized Mind) explores the connection between music—its performance, its composition, how... Read more

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Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged
Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas

Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged

By: Enrique Rojas

Narrated by: Luis Pinazo

Length: 3 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El gran libro de consulta sobre la depresión A lo largo de estas páginas, el prestigioso doctor Enrique Rojas, uno de los psiquiatras más destacados del panorama actual español y una autoridad en la materia, adopta una vez más su papel de médico del alma para ayudarnos a encontrar, con un enfoque muy práctico y en pocas páginas, el camino que... Read more

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The Courage to Be Rich - Abridged by Suze Orman
The Courage to Be Rich - Abridged
Suze Orman
The Courage to Be Rich - Abridged by Suze Orman

The Courage to Be Rich - Abridged

By: Suze Orman

Narrated by: Suze Orman

Length: 6 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bestselling author and financial expert Suze Orman helped millions of Americans turn toward their money and embark on a true path to wealth with her #1 bestseller The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom and her national bestseller You've Earned It, Don't Lose It. Now she returns, with a book that goes beyond the fundamentals of her earlier work in... Read more

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Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged
M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck

Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged

By: M. Scott Peck

Narrated by: M. Scott Peck

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challenge all of us today: spirituality, forgiveness, relationships, and growing up. In this aid for living less simplistically, you will learn not to look for the easy answers but to think multidimensionally.... Read more

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RÉPARER LES SOUVENIRS - Abridged by Miguel Demarh
Miguel Demarh
RÉPARER LES SOUVENIRS - Abridged by Miguel Demarh


By: Miguel Demarh

Narrated by: AliceVanLouih

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Que vous soyez au début de votre parcours de guérison ou que vous cherchiez à approfondir votre compréhension de vous-même, ce livre s'érige comme un phare d'espoir et de renouveau, vous invitant à libérer votre potentiel pour une vie harmonieuse et équilibrée. À travers des récits puissants et des exercices pratiques, l'auteur vous guide... Read more

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Daughter of the Queen of Sheba - Abridged by Jacki Lyden
Daughter of the Queen of Sheba - Abridged
Jacki Lyden
Daughter of the Queen of Sheba - Abridged by Jacki Lyden

Daughter of the Queen of Sheba - Abridged

By: Jacki Lyden

Narrated by: Jacki Lyden

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

As an adult, National Public Radio foreign correspondent Jacki Lyden has spent her life on the front lines of some of the world's most dangerous war zones. As a child, she lived in a war zone of a different kind. Her mother, Dolores, suffered from what is now called manic depression; but when Jacki was growing up in a small Midwestern town,... Read more

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It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged by Janet Greeson
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged
Janet Greeson
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged by Janet Greeson

It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged

By: Janet Greeson

Narrated by: Janet Greeson

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Overcome Hidden Food Addictions, Take Charge of Your Body, Your Emotions, Your Life

Here's hope and help for food addicts. Developed by Janet Greeson, a nationally renowned pioneer in the development of addiction treatment programs, this day-by-day self-help program treats the physical, emotional and spiritual causes of food addiction.
... Read more

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Lost Boys - Abridged by James Garbarino
Lost Boys - Abridged
James Garbarino
Lost Boys - Abridged by James Garbarino

Lost Boys - Abridged

By: James Garbarino

Narrated by: Cotter Smith

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the first book to help parents truly understand youth violence and stop it before it explodes, national expert Dr. James Garbarino reveals how to identify children who are at risk and offers proven methods to prevent aggressive behavior.
After more than a decade of relentless increase in the urban war zones of large cities, violence by young... Read more

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Conquistando la amaxofobia: supera tu miedo a conducir - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
Conquistando la amaxofobia: supera tu miedo a conducir - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
Conquistando la amaxofobia: supera tu miedo a conducir - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

Conquistando la amaxofobia: supera tu miedo a conducir - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La amaxofobia, también conocida como miedo a conducir, es un trastorno de ansiedad que se caracteriza por un miedo intenso e irracional a conducir un automóvil, autobús u otros vehículos de motor. Las personas que sufren de esta fobia experimentan una angustia paralizante ante la idea de conducir o incluso en algunos casos de viajar como... Read more

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Paartherapie: Die Beziehungswerkstatt - Liebe reparieren. Das 1x1 für eine glückliche Beziehung. Effektive Tools aus der Paarberatung für bessere Kommunikation, mehr Nähe und starkes Vertrauen. - Abridged by Elena Vogt
Paartherapie: Die Beziehungswerkstatt - Liebe reparieren. Das 1x1 für eine glückliche Beziehung. Effektive Tools aus der Paarberatung für bessere Kommunikation, mehr Nähe und starkes Vertrauen. - Abridged
Elena Vogt
Paartherapie: Die Beziehungswerkstatt - Liebe reparieren. Das 1x1 für eine glückliche Beziehung. Effektive Tools aus der Paarberatung für bessere Kommunikation, mehr Nähe und starkes Vertrauen. - Abridged by Elena Vogt

Paartherapie: Die Beziehungswerkstatt - Liebe reparieren. Das 1x1 für eine glückliche Beziehung. Effektive Tools aus der Paarberatung für bessere Kommunikation, mehr Nähe und starkes Vertrauen. - Abridged

By: Elena Vogt

Narrated by: Elena Martin

Length: 3 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie du deine Beziehung stärken, eine tiefere Bindung aufbauen und alte Konflikte lösen kannst, ohne dich in Schuldzuweisungen zu verstricken. Fragst du dich manchmal, wo die Frühlingsgefühle aus der Anfangszeit deiner Beziehung geblieben sind? Die intensive Sehnsucht, die Leichtigkeit, die romantischen Gesten und die Leidenschaft? Fühlst du... Read more

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