Psychology audiobooks

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30 Minuten Gelassenheit - Abridged by Monika A. Pohl
30 Minuten Gelassenheit - Abridged
Monika A. Pohl
30 Minuten Gelassenheit - Abridged by Monika A. Pohl

30 Minuten Gelassenheit - Abridged

By: Monika A. Pohl

Narrated by: Sabina Godec, Heiko Grauel & Gordon Piedesack

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eine hohe Arbeitsbelastung, private Konflikte oder unvorhergesehene Ärgernisse - immer wieder laufen wir Gefahr, unser inneres Gleichgewicht zu verlieren. Passiert dies zu oft, fühlen wir uns bald leer und ausgebrannt und manövrieren uns auf Dauer sogar in ein Burnout. Doch so weit muss es nicht kommen. Monika A. Pohl zeigt, wie Sie in... Read more

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Progressive Muskelentspannung für Kinder - Abridged by Vanessa Speck
Progressive Muskelentspannung für Kinder - Abridged
Vanessa Speck
Progressive Muskelentspannung für Kinder - Abridged by Vanessa Speck

Progressive Muskelentspannung für Kinder - Abridged

By: Vanessa Speck

Narrated by: B. Lauffer

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Hektik, Unruhe, Stress und Leistungsdruck prägen die Lebenssituation zahlreicher Kinder und Jugendlicher. Viele Kinder und Jugendliche haben nie gelernt, eine individuelle Art der Entspannung zu entwickeln und einzusetzen. Mit Progressiver Muskelentspannung können sie lernen, sich Momente der Ruhe und Entspannung im Alltag zu verschaffen. Diese... Read more

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El psicópata integrado en la familia, la empresa y la política - Abridged by Vicente Garrido
El psicópata integrado en la familia, la empresa y la política - Abridged
Vicente Garrido
El psicópata integrado en la familia, la empresa y la política - Abridged by Vicente Garrido

El psicópata integrado en la familia, la empresa y la política - Abridged

By: Vicente Garrido

Narrated by: Javier Ruiz Taboada

Length: 8 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La guía definitiva para detectar y defenderse de los psicópatas que nos rodean.  Le has entregado tu corazón. Trabaja contigo. Le votas en las elecciones. Es un psicópata, pero tú no lo sabes. ¿Quieres aprender cómo identificarlo, manejarlo y defenderte? Se estima que alrededor de un 1 por ciento de la población se encuentra en el espectro alto... Read more

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Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged
Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi

Best Seller - Abridged

By: Abhilekh Dwivedi

Narrated by: Aroma

Length: 3 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

जीतने की जद्दोजहद में लोग क्या और कितना हार जाते हैं ये सफर के आखरी पड़ाव में और मंज़िल पर पहुँचने से पहले पता चल जाता है। लेकिन कुछ लोग इसे नजरअंदाज करना ही नियति बना लेते हैं। उनके साथ फिर वही होता है जो सादिक के साथ हुआ। आईना से प्यार और फिर शादी लेकिन इंटरनेशनल लेवल का बेस्टसेलर बनने की उसकी ख्वाहिश अभी पूरी नहीं हो रही थी। हिंदी ऑथर के लिए... Read more

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S=EX2 - Abridged by Pere Estupinyà
S=EX2 - Abridged
Pere Estupinyà
S=EX2 - Abridged by Pere Estupinyà

S=EX2 - Abridged

By: Pere Estupinyà

Narrated by: Alba Sola & Pere Estupinyà

Length: 13 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Escucha esta aproximación al sexo innovadora y original que revolucionará nuestra mente y quizá también nuestro comportamiento. Estás a punto de escuchar el libro más riguroso, ameno, y completo jamás narrado sobre el fascinante estudio científico de la sexualidad humana. Por amor a la ciencia, Pere Estupinyà, el ladrón de cerebros, se sumerge... Read more

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How Could You Do That?! - Abridged by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
How Could You Do That?! - Abridged
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
How Could You Do That?! - Abridged by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

How Could You Do That?! - Abridged

By: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Narrated by: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

How Could You Do That?! illustrates Dr. Laura Schlessinger's philosophy of personal responsibility through her usually provocative but always stimulating moral dialogues with callers about everyday ethical dilemmas.In her lively pull-no-punches style, Dr. Laura takes on the moral dilemmas of our time: from the mindless pursuit of pleasure and... Read more

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Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged
Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Bleib locker - Abridged

By: Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Narrated by: Johannes Klein-Heßling

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Schon im Grundschulalter leiden viele Kinder unter Stresssymptomen wie Nervosität, Unkonzentriertheit, Bauch- und Kopfschmerzen oder Schlafschwierigkeiten. Mithilfe der Progressiven Muskelentspannung (PME) können Kinder lernen, sich zu entspannen, wenn sie sich nervös oder gestresst fühlen. Die Audio-CD enthält Instruktionen zu zwei... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 79: Das Leben aufräumen - Abridged by Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 79: Das Leben aufräumen - Abridged
Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 79: Das Leben aufräumen - Abridged by Psychologie Heute

Psychologie Heute Compact 79: Das Leben aufräumen - Abridged

By: Psychologie Heute

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Hörbuchs dreht sich alles um die Frage: Wie können wir unser Leben ordnen? Viele von uns ziehen irgendwann im Leben Bilanz: Wo stehe ich gerade? Wie war mein Weg dahin? Was hat mich in meiner Jugend beziehungsweise Kindheit geprägt? Was treibt mich an? Dabei ist der Blick in die Zukunft besonders wichtig: Wie kann... Read more

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¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El consumismo compulsivo es un problema cada vez más común en nuestra sociedad actual. Podemos entender el consumismo compulsivo como la tendencia a comprar y adquirir bienes y servicios en exceso, sin considerar las necesidades reales y con una frecuencia y cantidad que van más allá de lo necesario para satisfacer nuestras necesidades básicas.... Read more

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Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged
Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged

By: Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie gut kennen Sie Ihre Freunde und Kollegen? Ist der Mensch, mit dem Sie das Büro teilen, ein Fremder für Sie? Es ist gar nicht so leicht, andere Menschen richtig einzuschätzen. Denn viele der 15 bekannten Persönlichkeitsstile sind nicht gleich auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, manche, wie der Narzissmus, fallen dagegen schnell auf. Aber was... Read more

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Raising Your Spirited Child - Abridged by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Raising Your Spirited Child - Abridged
Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Raising Your Spirited Child - Abridged by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Raising Your Spirited Child - Abridged

By: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Narrated by: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The spirited child—often called ""difficult"" or ""strong-willed""—can easily overwhelm parents, leaving them feeling frustrated and inadequate.Spirited kids are, in fact, simply ""more""—by temperament, they are more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and uncomfortable with change than the average child. Through vivid examples and a... Read more

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The Primal Scream - Abridged by Arthur Janov
The Primal Scream - Abridged
Arthur Janov
The Primal Scream - Abridged by Arthur Janov

The Primal Scream - Abridged

By: Arthur Janov

Narrated by: Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In the mid-1960s, the course of Arthur Janov's professional life as a psychotherapist changed in a single day. During a therapy session, Dr. Janov heard, "an eerie scream welling up from the depths of a young man who was lying on the floor." Janov came to believe that this scream was the product of some unconscious, intangible wound that the... Read more

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The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Joe Riggs
The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged
Joe Riggs
The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Joe Riggs

The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged

By: Joe Riggs

Narrated by: Chris Patton

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What if you could, like Sherlock Holmes, see right through people and spot deception instantly? After having been raised by professional psychic readers, Joe Riggs left all that behind to become the internationally acclaimed mentalist, psychological performer, and consultant that he is today. In this brief yet extremely powerful book, Riggs will... Read more

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Elena Demarh


By: Elena Demarh

Narrated by: Clara Montdell

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ce livre propose une immersion captivante dans l’univers de l’hypnose, retraçant son histoire riche et complexe, depuis les rituels mystiques des civilisations anciennes jusqu’aux pratiques thérapeutiques les plus modernes. À travers les siècles, l’hypnose a fasciné, intrigué et parfois dérangé, mais elle n’a jamais cessé de repousser les... Read more

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Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged by Alex Kingsman
Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged
Alex Kingsman
Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged by Alex Kingsman

Avoidant Help Workbook - Abridged

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Jim Callahan

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Do you desire genuine connections and fulfilling relationships? Are you find yourself unintentionally sabotaging potential partnerships? Do you feel stuck and uncertain about how to start opening up?
Find out more in this workbook, written specifically for individuals with a dismissive avoidant attachment style!Attachment style researcher... Read more

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When Food Is Love - Abridged by Geneen Roth
When Food Is Love - Abridged
Geneen Roth
When Food Is Love - Abridged by Geneen Roth

When Food Is Love - Abridged

By: Geneen Roth

Narrated by: Geneen Roth

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

#1 New York Times bestselling author of Women Food and God

“A life-changing book.”—OprahIn this moving and intimate book, Geneen Roth, bestselling author of Feeding the Hungry Heart and Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating, shows how dieting and emotional eating often become a substitute for intimacy. Drawing on her own painful personal... Read more

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The Hardness Factor - Abridged by Steven Lamm
The Hardness Factor - Abridged
Steven Lamm
The Hardness Factor - Abridged by Steven Lamm

The Hardness Factor - Abridged

By: Steven Lamm

Narrated by: Steven Lamm

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A diet, exercise, and supplement regimen to help men achieve optimal sexual fitnessSexual fitness goes hand in hand with overall health: Good sex means a man is most probably in good condition. The Hardness Factor is a comprehensive guide to sexual fitness for men, pointing the way to an enhanced self image, better sex, and improved health, and... Read more

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Fear and Other Uninvited Guests - Abridged by Harriet Lerner
Fear and Other Uninvited Guests - Abridged
Harriet Lerner
Fear and Other Uninvited Guests - Abridged by Harriet Lerner

Fear and Other Uninvited Guests - Abridged

By: Harriet Lerner

Narrated by: Harriet Lerner

Length: 3 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bestselling author Harriet Lerner is at her provocative best in this examination of fear as the key motivating force in our lives. Often unrecognised, fear and shame drive our choices and attitudes in ways that most of us never figure out. As Lerner explains, fear is not an amorphous unknown to be transcended or overcome but an emotion to be... Read more

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The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged
Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton

The No Asshole Rule - Abridged

By: Robert I. Sutton

Narrated by: Robert I. Sutton

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work.

"What an asshole!"

How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford... Read more

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The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged by Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum
The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged
Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum
The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged by Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum

The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged

By: Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum

Narrated by: Olga Silverstein

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Challenging and readable...will help mothers understand the implications of pushing boys out of the family before they're ready to go."—The Los Angeles Times Book Review. Read more

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The Game - Abridged by Neil Strauss
The Game - Abridged
Neil Strauss
The Game - Abridged by Neil Strauss

The Game - Abridged

By: Neil Strauss

Narrated by: Neil Strauss

Length: 9 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nearly every major city in the world has them: hidden underground seduction lairs where men gather to trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to seduce women.This is not fiction.For two years, bestselling author Neil Strauss lived among these men. Using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity, he began his... Read more

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Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged by Kris Ashley
Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged
Kris Ashley
Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged by Kris Ashley

Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality - Abridged

By: Kris Ashley

Narrated by: Kris Ashley

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality, Kris Ashley lays out a roadmap to guide readers toward living the best life possible.Drawing on the Law of Attraction, experiments in quantum physics, manifestation practices, and various healing modalities, the author guides the reader toward inner courage and compassion. By questioning long-held... Read more

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How to Have That Difficult Conversation - Abridged by Henry Cloud & John Townsend
How to Have That Difficult Conversation - Abridged
Henry Cloud & John Townsend
How to Have That Difficult Conversation - Abridged by Henry Cloud & John Townsend

How to Have That Difficult Conversation - Abridged

By: Henry Cloud & John Townsend

Narrated by: Henry Cloud and John Townsend, Henry Cloud & Jo...

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Full of practical tips and how-tos, this audiobook will help you make your relationships better, deepen your intimacy with people you care for, and cultivate more love, understanding, and respect between you and others.Successful people confront well. They know that setting healthy boundaries improves relationships and can solve important... Read more

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ANCRER LA SÉRÉNITÉ - Abridged by Mathieu Delact
Mathieu Delact
ANCRER LA SÉRÉNITÉ - Abridged by Mathieu Delact


By: Mathieu Delact

Narrated by: Thomas Demarh

Length: 3 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

présent grâce à des pratiques simples et accessibles de pleine conscience. Dans un quotidien souvent dominé par le stress, les distractions et les obligations, il est facile de perdre de vue l’essentiel : notre bien-être intérieur. Ce livre vous invite à ralentir, à prendre conscience de chaque instant, et à cultiver une sérénité durable qui... Read more

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