Psychology audiobooks

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Stecki 401 auf dem Fußballplatz - Abridged by Hassan Refay
Stecki 401 auf dem Fußballplatz - Abridged
Hassan Refay
Stecki 401 auf dem Fußballplatz - Abridged by Hassan Refay

Stecki 401 auf dem Fußballplatz - Abridged

By: Hassan Refay

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stell dir vor, dein Freund Tim kommt mit einer sensationellen Neuigkeit: Stecki 401 hat eine Freundin und sie heißt Stella. "Die müssen wir kennenlernen!" sagst du. Ihr rast mit euren Fahrrädern zu Steckis Höhle. "Tut, tut, tut... Stella ist ganz schwarz und sehr lieb", meint Stecki 401 und als ihr sie dann seht, erlebt ihr eine... Read more

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Stecki 401 und die Bankräuber - Abridged by Hassan Refay
Stecki 401 und die Bankräuber - Abridged
Hassan Refay
Stecki 401 und die Bankräuber - Abridged by Hassan Refay

Stecki 401 und die Bankräuber - Abridged

By: Hassan Refay

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stell dir vor, du bist mit deinem Freund Tim in der Stadt. Plötzlich hält ein roter Sportwagen neben euch, die Tür geht wie von Geisterhand auf und eine Stimme sagt: "Einsteigen... steigt schon ein!" Es ist Stecki 401, und er ist stocksauer: man hat ihm sein Raumschiff PiPau geklaut! Ihr macht euch auf die Suche. Dabei trefft ihr einen... Read more

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The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged by Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum
The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged
Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum
The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged by Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum

The Courage to Raise Good Men - Abridged

By: Olga Silverstein & Beth Rashbaum

Narrated by: Olga Silverstein

Length: 2 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Challenging and readable...will help mothers understand the implications of pushing boys out of the family before they're ready to go."—The Los Angeles Times Book Review. Read more

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Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged
Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas

Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged

By: Enrique Rojas

Narrated by: Luis Pinazo

Length: 3 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El gran libro de consulta sobre la depresión A lo largo de estas páginas, el prestigioso doctor Enrique Rojas, uno de los psiquiatras más destacados del panorama actual español y una autoridad en la materia, adopta una vez más su papel de médico del alma para ayudarnos a encontrar, con un enfoque muy práctico y en pocas páginas, el camino que... Read more

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O mapa não é o território, o território é você - Abridged by Marcello de Souza
O mapa não é o território, o território é você - Abridged
Marcello de Souza
O mapa não é o território, o território é você - Abridged by Marcello de Souza

O mapa não é o território, o território é você - Abridged

By: Marcello de Souza

Narrated by: Editora Sou a Ideia

Length: 11 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A ideia principal deste livro é gerar uma inquietude, seja para entender o porquê somos, o que somos e o que poderemos ser a partir de agora e, então, perceber o quanto temos potencial em nos reconstruir e sempre dar um sentido maior à própria vida. Perceber que a existência em sermos tudo aquilo que já somos é apenas uma pequena parte dos mapas... Read more

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Narrated by: Camila Polly

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

PARA PESSOAS QUE QUEREM COM DOMÍNIO PRÓPRIO GOVERNAR SUA VIDA Qual é seu maior problema? Você não controla suas emoções, vive se culpando numa vida medíocre? Ou vive uma vida medíocre se culpando porque você não controla suas emoções? Discute com sua família por que está com problema no trabalho? Ou discute no trabalho porque está... Read more

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Your Happiness Toolkit - Abridged by Carrie M Wrigley
Your Happiness Toolkit - Abridged
Carrie M Wrigley
Your Happiness Toolkit - Abridged by Carrie M Wrigley

Your Happiness Toolkit - Abridged

By: Carrie M Wrigley

Narrated by: Carrie M Wrigley

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Looking for powerful, practical strategies to help yourself or someone else struggling with depression? This comprehensive guidebook provides a rich supply of resources, insights, and techniques you can use - starting today - to help yourself, or someone you care about.This is not just another book about depression. This is a book about RECOVERY... Read more

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Origens psíquicas da autoridade e do autoritarismo - Abridged by Marcelo A. Checchia
Origens psíquicas da autoridade e do autoritarismo - Abridged
Marcelo A. Checchia
Origens psíquicas da autoridade e do autoritarismo - Abridged by Marcelo A. Checchia

Origens psíquicas da autoridade e do autoritarismo - Abridged

By: Marcelo A. Checchia

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 4 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Por que os seres humanos tendem a estabelecer relações de domínio e servidão? Além dos fatores sociais, políticos e históricos em jogo, quais são as bases psíquicas de tal tendência? Este livro é um ensaio em torno de tais questões, tomando como eixo central o modo como se institui psiquicamente a autoridade e se forma o Eu autoritário. Sua... Read more

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Constelações muito além das Familiares - Abridged by Milton Menezes
Constelações muito além das Familiares - Abridged
Milton Menezes
Constelações muito além das Familiares - Abridged by Milton Menezes

Constelações muito além das Familiares - Abridged

By: Milton Menezes

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

As chamadas Constelações Familiares, criadas pelo alemão Bert Hellinger, têm sido utilizadas no mundo todo como recurso terapêutico com resultados excelentes. Entretanto, muitos autores criticam o método, considerando-o incoerente com a visão sistêmica, cheio de intervenções prontas e engessadas. Com sua experiência de 33 anos em Desenvolvimento... Read more

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Psicologia Positiva - Abridged by Joel Antunes
Psicologia Positiva - Abridged
Joel Antunes
Psicologia Positiva - Abridged by Joel Antunes

Psicologia Positiva - Abridged

By: Joel Antunes

Narrated by: Voz Sintética

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O poder do não A força do sigilo Rigidez e flexibilidade A importância da leitura Torne-se imune à inveja Como lidar com discussões Mentalize para realizar mais Torne-se refratário às críticas Utilize a comunicação subliminar Entenda a culpa e saia da inércia Rapport: fazendo as pessoas gostarem de você Respiração abdominal e o controle da... Read more

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Jogos Pandêmicos - Abridged by Bruna Bardella de Revoredo Macedo Soares & Cristiana Rohrs Lembo
Jogos Pandêmicos - Abridged
Bruna Bardella de Revoredo Macedo Soares & Cris...
Jogos Pandêmicos - Abridged by Bruna Bardella de Revoredo Macedo Soares & Cristiana Rohrs Lembo

Jogos Pandêmicos - Abridged

By: Bruna Bardella de Revoredo Macedo Soares & Cris...

Narrated by: Equipe Multicast

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Todo circuito Paralímpico, incluindo preparação, treino e campeonatos, além da própria competição em si, é um processo desafiador. Imagine, além disso, viver essa experiência no extremo oposto do Brasil, no Japão, com as barreiras da língua, cultura e fuso horário. Por fim, some esses ingredientes à pandemia da COVID-19. Esse é o cenário de... Read more

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Halt mich fest - Abridged by Sue M. Johnson
Halt mich fest - Abridged
Sue M. Johnson
Halt mich fest - Abridged by Sue M. Johnson

Halt mich fest - Abridged

By: Sue M. Johnson

Narrated by: Brigitte Carlsen, Daniel Bogacki, Klaudia Bitne...

Length: 10 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der erfolgreiche Weg zu einer besseren Partnerschaft Die weltweit bekannte Paartherapeutin Sue Johnson hat eine einfache Botschaft: Um eine glückliche Liebesbeziehung zu führen, muss niemand lernen, besser zu argumentieren, besser zu verhandeln, die frühe Kindheit zu analysieren oder dem Partner etwas zu beweisen. Worauf es ankommt ist, die... Read more

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Positive Plus - Abridged by Joyce Brothers
Positive Plus - Abridged
Joyce Brothers
Positive Plus - Abridged by Joyce Brothers

Positive Plus - Abridged

By: Joyce Brothers

Narrated by: Joyce Brothers

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Turn negative traits like nagging, perfectionism, and compulsive behavior into positives with this simple guide from renowned psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers. For decades Dr. Brothers was a sage, down-to-earth voice of reason to the millions who read her books and newspaper and magazine columns and heeded her advice on television and radio.... Read more

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Verschwende deine Zeit - Abridged by Julian Pörksen
Verschwende deine Zeit - Abridged
Julian Pörksen
Verschwende deine Zeit - Abridged by Julian Pörksen

Verschwende deine Zeit - Abridged

By: Julian Pörksen

Narrated by: Sascha Rotermnund

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die globalisierte Warengesellschaft fordert immer perfekter und schneller funktionierende Produzenten und Konsumenten. Ausgehend von Batailles Ökonomie der Verschwendung argumentiert der Autor für das Konzept einer positiv verstandenen Zeitverschwendung. »Alles wird im Kontext der Produktivität begriffen, jede Handlung nach ihrem Nutzen... Read more

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Motherless Mothers - Abridged by Hope Edelman
Motherless Mothers - Abridged
Hope Edelman
Motherless Mothers - Abridged by Hope Edelman

Motherless Mothers - Abridged

By: Hope Edelman

Narrated by: Hope Edelman

Length: 5 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

When Hope Edelman published Motherless Daughters about the long-term effects of early mother loss, the book touched a nerve in women across the country, and went on to become an enduring New York Times bestseller. Edelman, who was seventeen when her own mother died, told the collective story of mother loss with such candor, empathy, and informed... Read more

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The How of Happiness - Abridged by Sonja Lyubomirsky
The How of Happiness - Abridged
Sonja Lyubomirsky
The How of Happiness - Abridged by Sonja Lyubomirsky

The How of Happiness - Abridged

By: Sonja Lyubomirsky

Narrated by: Sonja Lyubomirsky

Length: 5 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

You can change your personal capacity for happiness. Research psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky's pioneering concept of the 40% solution shows you how. Read more

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Voll Porno! - Abridged by Christoph Pahl
Voll Porno! - Abridged
Christoph Pahl
Voll Porno! - Abridged by Christoph Pahl

Voll Porno! - Abridged

By: Christoph Pahl

Narrated by: Daniel Kopp

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Voll Porno?!" Ist Pornokonsum heutzutage alltäglich und normal geworden? Was für Auswirkungen hat er auf mein eigenes Leben, auf meine Beziehungen und auf meinen Umgang mit Sexualität? Christoph Pahl (Jg. 1981) setzt sich gekonnt mit der Thematik auseinander, präsentiert die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Studien und spricht ehrlich über eigene... Read more

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Kopf hoch! - Mental gesund und stark in herausfordernden Zeiten (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Volker Busch
Kopf hoch! - Mental gesund und stark in herausfordernden Zeiten (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged
Volker Busch
Kopf hoch! - Mental gesund und stark in herausfordernden Zeiten (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged by Volker Busch

Kopf hoch! - Mental gesund und stark in herausfordernden Zeiten (Autorisierte Lesefassung) - Abridged

By: Volker Busch

Narrated by: Bernd Reheuser

Length: 10 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Was kann ich als Individuum tun, um angesichts bedrängender Erfahrungen Sicherheit und Zuversicht zu gewinnen? Der bekannte Psychiater und Neurowissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Volker Busch erläutert die Funktionsweise unseres mentalen Immunsystems und zeigt, welche Strategien der Selbstfürsorge funktionieren. Permanente Krisen, mangelnde... Read more

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A Woman's Worth - Abridged by Marianne Williamson
A Woman's Worth - Abridged
Marianne Williamson
A Woman's Worth - Abridged by Marianne Williamson

A Woman's Worth - Abridged

By: Marianne Williamson

Narrated by: Marianne Williamson

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

With A Woman's Worth, Marianne Williamson turns her charismatic voice--and the same empowering, spiritually enlightening wisdom that energized her landmark work, A Return to Love-- to exploring the crucial role of women in the world today. Drawing deeply and candidly on her own experiences, the author illuminates her thought-provoking positions... Read more

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El efecto Dunning-Kruger: la doble carga de la incompetencia - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
El efecto Dunning-Kruger: la doble carga de la incompetencia - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
El efecto Dunning-Kruger: la doble carga de la incompetencia - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

El efecto Dunning-Kruger: la doble carga de la incompetencia - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué algunos líderes políticos, figuras públicas o incluso personas en tu círculo social parecen incapaces de reconocer sus propias limitaciones?
Todos conocemos a personas que creen saberlo todo sobre todos los temas imaginables (¿has visto alguna vez algún tertuliano en televisión?). Son esas personas que, en... Read more

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Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged by Rose Rock & Valerie Graham
Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged
Rose Rock & Valerie Graham
Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged by Rose Rock & Valerie Graham

Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged

By: Rose Rock & Valerie Graham

Narrated by: Rose Rock

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""To be a parent is and should be a calling. There is absolutely nothing as great, challenging, or rewarding as raising a child."" So says Über-mom Rose Rock, who has raised 10 children in addition to caring for 17 foster children in her 40-plus years as a mother.As a mother who does not shy away from the hard conversations, Rose isn't afraid to... Read more

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The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged
Robert I. Sutton
The No Asshole Rule - Abridged by Robert I. Sutton

The No Asshole Rule - Abridged

By: Robert I. Sutton

Narrated by: Robert I. Sutton

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The definitive guide to working with -- and surviving -- bullies, creeps, jerks, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniacs, and all the other assholes who do their best to destroy you at work.

"What an asshole!"

How many times have you said that about someone at work? You're not alone! In this groundbreaking book, Stanford... Read more

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Learning from Loss - Abridged by Brittany R. Collins
Learning from Loss - Abridged
Brittany R. Collins
Learning from Loss - Abridged by Brittany R. Collins

Learning from Loss - Abridged

By: Brittany R. Collins

Narrated by: Marlee Bunch

Length: 7 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Grief and grieving apply to anyone experiencing loss, even if that loss is not tied to a death. Though it may feel difficult to address the topics of grief and loss, as we return to school after an unprecedented year, it’s no longer a question of “if” or “should” but “when” and ”how.”
Learning from Loss is your guide to getting started with grief... Read more

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Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged
Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson

Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged

By: Po Bronson

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Po Bronson takes us on an extraordinary journey

Calling upon his gift for powerful nonfiction narrative and philosophical insight Po Bronson explores the incredibly complicated feelings that we have for our families.

Each chapter introduces us to people and we come to know them intimately, following the story of their relationship as they... Read more

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