Psychology audiobooks

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How to Raise Your Self-Esteem - Abridged by Nathaniel Branden
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem - Abridged
Nathaniel Branden
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem - Abridged by Nathaniel Branden

How to Raise Your Self-Esteem - Abridged

By: Nathaniel Branden

Narrated by: Nathaniel Branden

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Of all the judgments you make in life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. The difference between low self-esteem and high self-esteem is the difference between passivity and action, between failure and success. Now, one of America's foremost psychologists and a pioneer in self-esteem development offers a step-by-step guide... Read more

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PowerCoaching. Stärke dein Selbst! - Abridged by Andreas Winter
PowerCoaching. Stärke dein Selbst! - Abridged
Andreas Winter
PowerCoaching. Stärke dein Selbst! - Abridged by Andreas Winter

PowerCoaching. Stärke dein Selbst! - Abridged

By: Andreas Winter

Narrated by: Andreas Winter

Length: 3 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Beauftragen Sie Ihr Unterbewusstsein mit der Umsetzung Ihrer Ziele! Leben Sie selbstbestimmt und glücklich? Kennen Sie Ihre Ziele? Mit Hilfe dieser einzigartigen, vieltausendfach bewährten Audio-Coachings von Erfolgscoach Andreas Winter können Sie nicht nur unterbewusste Anteile Ihres Verhaltens kennenlernen, sondern Ihre Ängste auflösen, mehr... Read more

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La cueva del mono - Abridged by Jenny Moix
La cueva del mono - Abridged
Jenny Moix
La cueva del mono - Abridged by Jenny Moix

La cueva del mono - Abridged

By: Jenny Moix

Narrated by: Paola Navarro

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La cueva del mono es una fábula ilustrada dirigida al gran público para explicar cómo funciona la mente. Es una obra sencilla, límpida y clara. Cuenta la historia de un joven (Rahul) que lo ha perdido todo y está a punto de renunciar a la vida cuando tiene un encuentro con una anciana que le hará pasar una serie de pruebas que desembocarán en un... Read more

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Leadership Burnout and Recovery - Abridged by Don Womble
Leadership Burnout and Recovery - Abridged
Don Womble
Leadership Burnout and Recovery - Abridged by Don Womble

Leadership Burnout and Recovery - Abridged

By: Don Womble

Narrated by: Brian P. Craig

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Leadership Burnout and Recovery takes leaders on a voyage to recognize burnout, admit it, and discover a clear path to recovery. Don unleashes a plan to coach leaders to recapture their joy and never return to that dark, foggy place. Applying Don's proven principles also rejuvenates tired leaders who may be on the verge of burnout. Read more

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Children are from Heaven - Abridged by John Gray
Children are from Heaven - Abridged
John Gray
Children are from Heaven - Abridged by John Gray

Children are from Heaven - Abridged

By: John Gray

Narrated by: John Gray

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A new book about parenting from the prolific author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From VenusJohn Gray's Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is a history-making bestseller with more than 7 million copies in print in hardcover. This new book on parenting will round out the relationship mega-brand that John has created.Focusing on children... Read more

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Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged by Alex Kingsman
Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged
Alex Kingsman
Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged by Alex Kingsman

Estilo de Apego Evitativo - Abridged

By: Alex Kingsman

Narrated by: Natanael Echegaray

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

✓ ¿Deseas conexiones genuinas y relaciones satisfactorias?✓ ¿Te encuentras saboteando involuntariamente posibles relaciones?✓ ¿Te sientes estancado e incierto sobre cómo empezar a abrirte?
Descubre más en este cuaderno, escrito específicamente para personas con un estilo de apego evitativo desestimativo. El investigador del estilo de apego, Alex... Read more

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Second Sight - Abridged by Judith Orloff, M.D.
Second Sight - Abridged
Judith Orloff, M.D.
Second Sight - Abridged by Judith Orloff, M.D.

Second Sight - Abridged

By: Judith Orloff, M.D.

Narrated by: Judith Orloff

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"An exemplary and eloquently written story that makes it easy for nonbelievers in intuition to believe. You must read this book." —Psychology Today

Now with a new foreword from the author, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Judith Orloff tells her remarkable life story and teaches you how to recognize and trust your own intuitive gifts to... Read more

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The King Within - Abridged by Douglas Gillette & Robert Moore
The King Within - Abridged
Douglas Gillette & Robert Moore
The King Within - Abridged by Douglas Gillette & Robert Moore

The King Within - Abridged

By: Douglas Gillette & Robert Moore

Narrated by: David Dukes

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In this pioneering contribution to the men's movement, Robert Moore, a Jungian psychoanalyst and Douglas Gillette, a mythologist, examine the inner “King”—one of the four archetypes of the male psyche. The King Within both responds to the needs formulated by the men's movement and addresses the larger questions of male psychology. The inner King... Read more

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New release
Neurodivina y punto - Abridged by Sara Codina
Neurodivina y punto - Abridged
Sara Codina
Neurodivina y punto - Abridged by Sara Codina

Neurodivina y punto - Abridged

By: Sara Codina

Narrated by: Sara Codina

Length: 8 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Un impactante testimonio en primera persona de lo que significa ser autista… y descubrirlo en la edad adulta. «Toda mi vida he sentido que soy diferente. De niña, fui tirando, pero con los años acumulé un montón de ansiedad, mucha tensión; estaba agotada de vivir tratando de ser como los demás y cargando con la frustración de no... Read more

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The Power of Apology - Abridged by Beverly Engel
The Power of Apology - Abridged
Beverly Engel
The Power of Apology - Abridged by Beverly Engel

The Power of Apology - Abridged

By: Beverly Engel

Narrated by: Kate Reading

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Fresh and useful . . . excellent practical advice . . . thorough and lucid . . . will be welcomed by many who have struggled to ask forgiveness and to forgive."
-Publishers Weekly

A finalist in the Books for a Better Life Awards competition!

Discover the healing power of apology and put its magic to work in your life

Do you have a difficult time... Read more

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Freu dich am Leben - Abridged by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer
Freu dich am Leben - Abridged
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer
Freu dich am Leben - Abridged by Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer

Freu dich am Leben - Abridged

By: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer

Narrated by: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lebe mit Herz und Seele.Lebenskunst mit Weltmediziner und Bestsellerautor Prof. Dr. Dietrich GrönemeyerTexte, die Herz und Seele wirklich gut tun. Freu Dich am Leben! Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer, Deutschlands bekanntester Arzt, liest seine eigenen Texte. Texte, die von Glückserfahrungen erzählen und davon, dass Anstrengung und Freude zusammen... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 74: Depressionen bewältigen - Abridged by Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 74: Depressionen bewältigen - Abridged
Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 74: Depressionen bewältigen - Abridged by Psychologie Heute

Psychologie Heute Compact 74: Depressionen bewältigen - Abridged

By: Psychologie Heute

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Hörbuch zu Psychologie Heute Compact 74 "Depressionen bewältigen". Jeder kennt traurige Tage, aber manchmal nimmt das Dunkel überhand: Ist das dann schon eine Depression oder nur eine miese Phase? An welchen Symptomen kann ich eine Depression erkennen? Wie gehen Männer mit Depressionen um? Was kann man gegen die Erkrankung tun? Extra:... Read more

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Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged by Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged
Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged by Warren St. John

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged

By: Warren St. John

Narrated by: Warren St. John

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

"Fresh and funny… St. John has crafter a winner.” —Tony Horwitz, author of Confederates in the Attic

In the life of every sports fan, there comes a moment of reckoning. It may happen when your team wins on a last-second field goal and you suddenly find yourself clenched in a loving embrace with a large hairy man you’ve never met. . . . Or in the... Read more

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Historias de diván - Abridged by Gabriel Rolón
Historias de diván - Abridged
Gabriel Rolón
Historias de diván - Abridged by Gabriel Rolón

Historias de diván - Abridged

By: Gabriel Rolón

Narrated by: Gabriel Rolón

Length: 6 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este no es un libro escrito exclusivamente para psicólogos, sino para todo aquel que se interese en el dolor y en la posibilidad de superarlo. Sus protagonistas no han sido el fruto de un capricho literario, sino que los he visto desgarrarse, reír, llorar, frustrarse y enojarse en mi consultorio semana tras semana?, escribía Gabriel Rolón en el... Read more

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Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Pocket Diary for Mental Health" is a comprehensive guide designed to support individuals in navigating the ups and downs of life by providing practical and easy-to-apply strategies for various mental health challenges. With its collection of 20 quick formulae, this book serves as a valuable companion, offering insightful techniques that can be... Read more

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Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged by Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged
Psychologie Heute
Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged by Psychologie Heute

Psychologie Heute Compact 77: Innere Ruhe - Abridged

By: Psychologie Heute

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 3 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Einfach entspannt zuhören - mit der Audio-Ausgabe zur Compact-Ausgabe Warum komme ich nicht zur Ruhe? Die Gedanken überschlagen sich, die Emotionen kochen über. Als "Innere Unruhe" wird in der Psychotherapie der Zustand bezeichnet, wenn man sich zu viele Sorgen macht oder ständig Katastrophenszenarien entwirft. Das Gegenmittel: Mehr... Read more

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The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Joe Riggs
The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged
Joe Riggs
The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged by Joe Riggs

The Real Sherlock Holmes - Abridged

By: Joe Riggs

Narrated by: Chris Patton

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What if you could, like Sherlock Holmes, see right through people and spot deception instantly? After having been raised by professional psychic readers, Joe Riggs left all that behind to become the internationally acclaimed mentalist, psychological performer, and consultant that he is today. In this brief yet extremely powerful book, Riggs will... Read more

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Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged
Po Bronson
Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged by Po Bronson

Why Do I Love These People? - Abridged

By: Po Bronson

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Po Bronson takes us on an extraordinary journey

Calling upon his gift for powerful nonfiction narrative and philosophical insight Po Bronson explores the incredibly complicated feelings that we have for our families.

Each chapter introduces us to people and we come to know them intimately, following the story of their relationship as they... Read more

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Как оставаться молодым и жить долго - Abridged by Юрий Щербатых
Как оставаться молодым и жить долго - Abridged
Юрий Щербатых
Как оставаться молодым и жить долго - Abridged by Юрий Щербатых

Как оставаться молодым и жить долго - Abridged

By: Юрий Щербатых

Narrated by: Егор Бедуля

Length: 7 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Жизнь зрелого человека, наполненная энергией и радостными впечатлениями, – сегодня это не мечта, а достижимая реальность. Автор этой книги издал уже более 20 книг общим тиражом полмиллиона экземпляров и заслужил международное признание. Его читают не только на русском, но и на китайском и на болгарском языках. Тот, кто прочитал книги Юрия... Read more

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Ride Big - Abridged by John Haime
Ride Big - Abridged
John Haime
Ride Big - Abridged by John Haime

Ride Big - Abridged

By: John Haime

Narrated by: John Haime

Length: 7 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

An easy-to-implement framework proven to grow rider confidence, tested by the world's leading equestrian athletes. Without confidence, achievement in competition is unattainable. When confidence is lacking in any sport, equestrian included, chances are your career will be short. Renowned performance coach John Haime has written the book to... Read more

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Hayatın Sesi - Abridged by Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu
Hayatın Sesi - Abridged
Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu
Hayatın Sesi - Abridged by Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu

Hayatın Sesi - Abridged

By: Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu

Narrated by: Dİlek Gürel

Length: 6 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Duygularımız durmadan akan derelere benzer. Doğduğumuzda pırıl pırıl olan o berrak dereye attığımız her sıkıntı, her kaygı, her üzüntü rengini değiştirir, onu bulanıklaştırıp karartır. Bütün güzelliğine ve ihtişamına rağmen, hayat huysuz ve bencildir. Huysuz bir hayatla mücadele etmek, iyi yaşayabilmek ciddi bir sanattır. O sanatı da hayat... Read more

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El arte de pensar bien - Abridged by Blanca Mery Sánchez Gómez
El arte de pensar bien - Abridged
Blanca Mery Sánchez Gómez
El arte de pensar bien - Abridged by Blanca Mery Sánchez Gómez

El arte de pensar bien - Abridged

By: Blanca Mery Sánchez Gómez

Narrated by: Blanca Mery Sánchez Gómez

Length: 4 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La agilidad emocional y la resiliencia son habilidades que parten de la manera como nuestro cerebro ha aprendido a reaccionar ante los momentos difíciles. Así, si le hemos enseñado a reaccionar con miedo, angustia y ansiedad, ese va a ser el comportamiento que presentemos ante la adversidad. La buena noticia es que, al tratarse de habilidades,... Read more

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New release
Constelar la vida - Abridged by Joan Garriga
Constelar la vida - Abridged
Joan Garriga
Constelar la vida - Abridged by Joan Garriga

Constelar la vida - Abridged

By: Joan Garriga

Narrated by: Guille Genovés

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Una mirada singular a las constelaciones familiares por su máximo referente en lengua española.   Los vínculos, las raíces, las relaciones y el amor son las unidades básicas de la vida y nos convierten en lo que realmente somos. ¿Por qué son tan importantes? ¿Cómo nos sostienen, y cómo su ausencia, o su negación, nos causan sufrimiento e... Read more

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¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

¡No te consumas! Cómo evitar el consumismo compulsivo y la adicción a las compras - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El consumismo compulsivo es un problema cada vez más común en nuestra sociedad actual. Podemos entender el consumismo compulsivo como la tendencia a comprar y adquirir bienes y servicios en exceso, sin considerar las necesidades reales y con una frecuencia y cantidad que van más allá de lo necesario para satisfacer nuestras necesidades básicas.... Read more

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