Psychology audiobooks

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You Just Don't Understand - Abridged by Deborah Tannen
You Just Don't Understand - Abridged
Deborah Tannen
You Just Don't Understand - Abridged by Deborah Tannen

You Just Don't Understand - Abridged

By: Deborah Tannen

Narrated by: Deborah Tannen

Length: 1 hour 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Deborah Tannen's #1 bestseller revolutionized the way men and women talk -- and listen -- to each other -- at home, at work, and wherever the communication gap between the sexes can lead to troublesome misunderstandings. The problem dates back to childhood, when boys and girls learn to use language in distinctly different ways; years later,... Read more

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Listening to Prozac - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer
Listening to Prozac - Abridged
Peter D. Kramer
Listening to Prozac - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer

Listening to Prozac - Abridged

By: Peter D. Kramer

Narrated by: Peter D. Kramer

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes


Since it was introduce in 1987, the antidepressant Prozac has been prescribed to nearly five million Americans. But what is Prozac? Reported to turn shy people into social butterflies and to improve work performance, memory, even dexterity, Prozac has changed millions of troubled lives -- but not without raising... Read more

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Me cansé de ti - Abridged by Walter Riso
Me cansé de ti - Abridged
Walter Riso
Me cansé de ti - Abridged by Walter Riso

Me cansé de ti - Abridged

By: Walter Riso

Narrated by: Omar Sánchez

Length: 3 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Si tu pareja te ignora, te vigila, te hace daño o te miente… ¿por qué seguir con ella? ¿Por qué soportar una relación que te hace sufrir? Aquí te va una verdad dolorosa: El amor no es suficiente para mantener unida a una pareja. Y, en algunos casos, aquello que tú consideras «amor» no es más que posesión, miedo y costumbre. Walter Riso explora... Read more

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Sozialpsychologie für Einsteiger - Abridged by Lennart Pröss
Sozialpsychologie für Einsteiger - Abridged
Lennart Pröss
Sozialpsychologie für Einsteiger - Abridged by Lennart Pröss

Sozialpsychologie für Einsteiger - Abridged

By: Lennart Pröss

Narrated by: Timo Meyer

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sozialpsychologie für Einsteiger: Die Psychologie in sozialen Situation verstehen 25 sozialpsychologische Phänomene leicht erklärt Hast Du Interesse an der Sozialpsychologie? Willst Du wissen, wie uns unser Verstand in die Irre führen kann? Weißt Du, wann und warum wir uns teilweise irrational verhalten? Erfahre mehr über... Read more

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Sra. Capa - Abridged by Fabiana C.O
Sra. Capa - Abridged
Fabiana C.O
Sra. Capa - Abridged by Fabiana C.O

Sra. Capa - Abridged

By: Fabiana C.O

Narrated by: Ana Maria Morais

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O que você faria se fosse a única pessoa capaz de enxergar uma misteriosa capa nos ombros de uma mulher? A conexão entre mães e filhas é um vínculo poderoso que se faz perceptível no amor e que transcende o tempo. Ao receber a triste notícia de uma perda na família, Sol percebe que a mãe, Ana, carrega uma estranha capa vermelha sobre os... Read more

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True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa - Abridged by Michael Finkel
True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa - Abridged
Michael Finkel
True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa - Abridged by Michael Finkel

True Story: Murder, Memoir, Mea Culpa - Abridged

By: Michael Finkel

Narrated by: Michael Finkel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The improbable but true story of a man accused of murdering his entire family and the journalist he impersonated while on the runIn 2001, Mike Finkel was on top of the world: young, talented, and recently promoted to a plum job at the New York Times Magazine. Then he made an irremediable slip: Under extraordinary pressure to keep producing... Read more

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Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged
Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Bleib locker - Abridged

By: Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Narrated by: Johannes Klein-Heßling

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Schon im Grundschulalter leiden viele Kinder unter Stresssymptomen wie Nervosität, Unkonzentriertheit, Bauch- und Kopfschmerzen oder Schlafschwierigkeiten. Mithilfe der Progressiven Muskelentspannung (PME) können Kinder lernen, sich zu entspannen, wenn sie sich nervös oder gestresst fühlen. Die Audio-CD enthält Instruktionen zu zwei... Read more

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Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged
M. Scott Peck
Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged by M. Scott Peck

Further Along the Road Less Traveled - Abridged

By: M. Scott Peck

Narrated by: M. Scott Peck

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challenge all of us today: spirituality, forgiveness, relationships, and growing up. In this aid for living less simplistically, you will learn not to look for the easy answers but to think multidimensionally.... Read more

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The Relationship Cure - Abridged by John Gottman, PhD & Joan De Claire
The Relationship Cure - Abridged
John Gottman, PhD & Joan De Claire
The Relationship Cure - Abridged by John Gottman, PhD & Joan De Claire

The Relationship Cure - Abridged

By: John Gottman, PhD & Joan De Claire

Narrated by: John Gottman, PhD & Joan De Claire

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A groundbreaking, practical program for transforming troubled relationships into positive ones

“This is the best book on relationships I have ever read. . . . John Gottman has decoded the subtle secrets that can either enrich or destroy the quality of our ties with others.” Daniel B. Wile, Ph.D., author of After the Fight: Using Your... Read more

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Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged
Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann
Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged by Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Menschen entschlüsseln - Abridged

By: Cord Balthasar & Jens Hoffmann

Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie gut kennen Sie Ihre Freunde und Kollegen? Ist der Mensch, mit dem Sie das Büro teilen, ein Fremder für Sie? Es ist gar nicht so leicht, andere Menschen richtig einzuschätzen. Denn viele der 15 bekannten Persönlichkeitsstile sind nicht gleich auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen, manche, wie der Narzissmus, fallen dagegen schnell auf. Aber was... Read more

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Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged
Abhilekh Dwivedi
Best Seller - Abridged by Abhilekh Dwivedi

Best Seller - Abridged

By: Abhilekh Dwivedi

Narrated by: Aroma

Length: 3 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

जीतने की जद्दोजहद में लोग क्या और कितना हार जाते हैं ये सफर के आखरी पड़ाव में और मंज़िल पर पहुँचने से पहले पता चल जाता है। लेकिन कुछ लोग इसे नजरअंदाज करना ही नियति बना लेते हैं। उनके साथ फिर वही होता है जो सादिक के साथ हुआ। आईना से प्यार और फिर शादी लेकिन इंटरनेशनल लेवल का बेस्टसेलर बनने की उसकी ख्वाहिश अभी पूरी नहीं हो रही थी। हिंदी ऑथर के लिए... Read more

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De tanto amarte, me olvidé de mí - Abridged by Walter Riso
De tanto amarte, me olvidé de mí - Abridged
Walter Riso
De tanto amarte, me olvidé de mí - Abridged by Walter Riso

De tanto amarte, me olvidé de mí - Abridged

By: Walter Riso

Narrated by: Antonio Raluy

Length: 3 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¿Amas a la persona adecuada? Walter Riso, el experto en amor y relaciones, nos propone una nueva guía para descubrirlo. ¿Te ha pasado que de tanto amar te olvidas de tus sueños, tu proyecto de vida, tus valores y tus sentimientos más profundos? Estamos acostumbrados a dar en exceso y recibir muy poco o nada en nuestras relaciones de pareja, y lo... Read more

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Demisexualidad y sapiosexualidad: más allá del deseo - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
Demisexualidad y sapiosexualidad: más allá del deseo - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
Demisexualidad y sapiosexualidad: más allá del deseo - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

Demisexualidad y sapiosexualidad: más allá del deseo - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La sexualidad humana es un espectro complejo y fascinante que trasciende las categorías tradicionales. En los últimos años, ha surgido una mayor conciencia y comprensión de diversas orientaciones sexuales que se alejan de lo convencional. Entre ellas, la demisexualidad y la sapiosexualidad han ganado reconocimiento como formas únicas de... Read more

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El hombre en busca de sentido - Abridged by Viktor Frankl
El hombre en busca de sentido - Abridged
Viktor Frankl
El hombre en busca de sentido - Abridged by Viktor Frankl

El hombre en busca de sentido - Abridged

By: Viktor Frankl

Narrated by: Isa Puchol

Length: 7 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Nada hay más atroz que el sinsentido. El sentido integra y articula nuestra vida. Un sufrimiento extremo no es insoportable solo porque duele, sino, sobre todo, porque es absurdo. Si pudiera ser investido de sentido, se transformaría en crecimiento, libertad interior y engrandecimiento. Esta edición especial de «El hombre en busca de sentido»... Read more

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How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together - Abridged by Susan Page
How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together - Abridged
Susan Page
How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together - Abridged by Susan Page

How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together - Abridged

By: Susan Page

Narrated by: Susan Page

Length: 3 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Susan Page's groundbreaking approach to relationships gives readers the tools and encouragement they need to bring positive changes to their relationship, even when their partners are unwilling to do the work. Based on the premise that what you do in a relationship makes changes faster than anything you discuss, Page introduces the concept of... Read more

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Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School - Abridged by Rachel Greenwald
Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School - Abridged
Rachel Greenwald
Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School - Abridged by Rachel Greenwald

Find a Husband After 35 Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School - Abridged

By: Rachel Greenwald

Narrated by: Rachel Greenwald

Length: 4 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A Harvard MBA shares her revolutionary program for using marketing tactics to find a husband after age 35.

This is “Marriage 911”! For many single women over the age of 35, the rules for finding the right mate have changed. There are fewer eligible men and fewer opportunities to meet them. Now successful dating coach Rachel Greenwald shares her... Read more

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Mama, was schreist du so laut? - Abridged by Britta Hahn
Mama, was schreist du so laut? - Abridged
Britta Hahn
Mama, was schreist du so laut? - Abridged by Britta Hahn

Mama, was schreist du so laut? - Abridged

By: Britta Hahn

Narrated by: Leonie Rommerskirchen

Length: 5 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eltern wünschen sich einen liebe- und respektvollen Umgang mit ihren Kindern ... Und dann passiert es völlig unerwartet und ganz unwillkürlich: Schreien und Schimpfen, weil Kinder und Eltern anders handeln als erwünscht. Die Emotionen kochen hoch, alle guten Vorsätze sind vergessen. Eltern und die Gesellschaft sind empört über die Kinder – die... Read more

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O corpo fala (resumo) - Abridged by Pierre Weil & Roland Tompakow
O corpo fala (resumo) - Abridged
Pierre Weil & Roland Tompakow
O corpo fala (resumo) - Abridged by Pierre Weil & Roland Tompakow

O corpo fala (resumo) - Abridged

By: Pierre Weil & Roland Tompakow

Narrated by: Vivian Poyart

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este produto é um resumo do livro original de mesmo título. O livro tenta desvendar a comunicação não-verbal do corpo humano, primeiramente analisando os princípios subterrâneos que regem e conduzem o corpo. A partir desses princípios aparecem as expressões, gestos e atos corporais que, de modos característicos estilizados ou inovadores,... Read more

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Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged by Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged
Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged by Warren St. John

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer - Abridged

By: Warren St. John

Narrated by: Warren St. John

Length: 5 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

"Fresh and funny… St. John has crafter a winner.” —Tony Horwitz, author of Confederates in the Attic

In the life of every sports fan, there comes a moment of reckoning. It may happen when your team wins on a last-second field goal and you suddenly find yourself clenched in a loving embrace with a large hairy man you’ve never met. . . . Or in the... Read more

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El duelo amoroso. Cómo superar una ruptura de pareja - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos
El duelo amoroso. Cómo superar una ruptura de pareja - Abridged
Juanjo Ramos
El duelo amoroso. Cómo superar una ruptura de pareja - Abridged by Juanjo Ramos

El duelo amoroso. Cómo superar una ruptura de pareja - Abridged

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El fin de las relaciones amorosas es algo normal y frecuente. Hoy en día es raro tener una única relación para siempre; y de hecho lo más habitual es tener varias parejas a lo largo de la vida. Pero por otro lado, la experiencia emocional negativa que sufrimos al romper con la persona con la que teníamos una relación sentimental puede pesarnos... Read more

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Second Sight - Abridged by Judith Orloff, M.D.
Second Sight - Abridged
Judith Orloff, M.D.
Second Sight - Abridged by Judith Orloff, M.D.

Second Sight - Abridged

By: Judith Orloff, M.D.

Narrated by: Judith Orloff

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"An exemplary and eloquently written story that makes it easy for nonbelievers in intuition to believe. You must read this book." —Psychology Today

Now with a new foreword from the author, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Judith Orloff tells her remarkable life story and teaches you how to recognize and trust your own intuitive gifts to... Read more

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Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged by Rose Rock & Valerie Graham
Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged
Rose Rock & Valerie Graham
Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged by Rose Rock & Valerie Graham

Mama Rock's Rules - Abridged

By: Rose Rock & Valerie Graham

Narrated by: Rose Rock

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

""To be a parent is and should be a calling. There is absolutely nothing as great, challenging, or rewarding as raising a child."" So says Über-mom Rose Rock, who has raised 10 children in addition to caring for 17 foster children in her 40-plus years as a mother.As a mother who does not shy away from the hard conversations, Rose isn't afraid to... Read more

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The Hardness Factor - Abridged by Steven Lamm
The Hardness Factor - Abridged
Steven Lamm
The Hardness Factor - Abridged by Steven Lamm

The Hardness Factor - Abridged

By: Steven Lamm

Narrated by: Steven Lamm

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A diet, exercise, and supplement regimen to help men achieve optimal sexual fitnessSexual fitness goes hand in hand with overall health: Good sex means a man is most probably in good condition. The Hardness Factor is a comprehensive guide to sexual fitness for men, pointing the way to an enhanced self image, better sex, and improved health, and... Read more

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Musicophilia - Abridged by Oliver Sacks
Musicophilia - Abridged
Oliver Sacks
Musicophilia - Abridged by Oliver Sacks

Musicophilia - Abridged

By: Oliver Sacks

Narrated by: Simon Prebble

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Music can move us to the heights or depths of emotion. It can persuade us to buy something, or remind us of our first date. It can lift us out of depression when nothing else can. It can get us dancing to its beat.  But the power of music goes much, much further. Indeed, music occupies more areas of our brain than language does—humans are a... Read more

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