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The Ultimate Weight Solution - Abridged by Phil McGraw
The Ultimate Weight Solution - Abridged
Phil McGraw
The Ultimate Weight Solution - Abridged by Phil McGraw

The Ultimate Weight Solution - Abridged

By: Phil McGraw

Narrated by: Phil McGraw

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Free yourself from diets that don't work and discover The Ultimate Weight Solution.

You have made the decision to take control of your weight, but diets don't seem to work and they aren't always sustainable for everyday life. Dr. Phil McGraw's powerful bestseller gives you the tools for life-changing weight loss. If you're ready to get real about... Read more

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Les secrets de la vitalité - Abridged by Nicole Gratton
Les secrets de la vitalité - Abridged
Nicole Gratton
Les secrets de la vitalité - Abridged by Nicole Gratton

Les secrets de la vitalité - Abridged

By: Nicole Gratton

Narrated by: Nicole Gratton

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Fatigue anormale, difficulté à soutenir un effort physique, manque de concentration, démotivation croissante, sommeil peu réparateur... la liste des symptômes est longue qui mènent au constat d'épuisement. Est-il possible d'y remédier et de retrouver la vitalité d'antan? Oui!  Read more

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Nutrición Cognitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrición Cognitiva - Abridged
Nutrición Cognitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrición Cognitiva - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La nutrición cognitiva es el estudio de la relación entre la dieta y la función cognitiva. Los nutrientes que comemos pueden tener un impacto significativo en nuestra capacidad de pensar, aprender y recordar. Una dieta saludable puede ayudar a mejorar la memoria, la concentración, la velocidad de procesamiento y el estado de ánimo. Read more

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Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit - Abridged by Clara Steinbrück
Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit - Abridged
Clara Steinbrück
Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit - Abridged by Clara Steinbrück

Kinderleicht durch die Erkältungszeit - Abridged

By: Clara Steinbrück

Narrated by: Clara Steinbrück

Length: 2 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Bis zu 12 Erkältungen im Jahr sind bei Babys und Kleinkindern völlig normal! Das sind ganz schön viele, oder? Und diese Erkältungen sind nicht nur für unsere Kinder super anstrengend, sondern auch für uns Eltern. Als Mama von drei kleinen Kindern kenne ich das nur zu gut! Erkältete Kinder brauchen liebevolle Zuwendung, viel Trost und... Read more

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The Four-Day Win - Abridged by Martha Beck
The Four-Day Win - Abridged
Martha Beck
The Four-Day Win - Abridged by Martha Beck

The Four-Day Win - Abridged

By: Martha Beck

Narrated by: Martha Beck

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Author of Oprah’s Book Club Pick—The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self

The bestselling author of Finding Your Own North Star reveals how to change the way you eat, four days at a time!

Everyone knows how to lose weight: eat less, move more. But so many dieters who know what to do still don't do what they know. Why not? Because... Read more

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E a saúde mental, tá em dia? - Abridged by Karoline Melo
E a saúde mental, tá em dia? - Abridged
Karoline Melo
E a saúde mental, tá em dia? - Abridged by Karoline Melo

E a saúde mental, tá em dia? - Abridged

By: Karoline Melo

Narrated by: Claudia Ventura

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

E a saúde mental, tá em dia? convida o leitor a conhecer mais sobre o tema da saúde mental de forma franca e acessível, sem soluções mágicas ou promessas irreais. Com uma abordagem leve e cheia de empatia, o livro traz dicas que ajudam a lidar com os altos e baixos emocionais, sendo uma conversa acolhedora sobre o que significa cuidar de si em... Read more

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The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution - Abridged by John Gray, Ph.D.
The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution - Abridged
John Gray, Ph.D.
The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution - Abridged by John Gray, Ph.D.

The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution - Abridged

By: John Gray, Ph.D.

Narrated by: John Gray, Ph.D.

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The mega-bestselling author who celebrated gender differences turns to diet and exercise as a source of well-being and harmony

In the groundbreaking bestseller Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, John Gray taught men and women how to embrace their differences to gain strong, loving relationships. Now this practical guide reveals how diet,... Read more

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Close to the Bone - Abridged by M.D. Bolen, Jean Shinoda
Close to the Bone - Abridged
M.D. Bolen, Jean Shinoda
Close to the Bone - Abridged by M.D. Bolen, Jean Shinoda

Close to the Bone - Abridged

By: M.D. Bolen, Jean Shinoda

Narrated by: M.D. Bolen, Jean Shinoda

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Everyone faces illness. Whether it' s a personal health crisis or the sickness a loved one is experiencing, none of us is immune to illness or death. While we can try to ignore the reality, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen suggests we do the exact opposite: face it. Dr. Bolen shares how illness gives us purpose, guiding us towards finding the... Read more

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Komme in Form - Dein Idealgewicht - Abridged by George Living
Komme in Form - Dein Idealgewicht - Abridged
George Living
Komme in Form - Dein Idealgewicht - Abridged by George Living

Komme in Form - Dein Idealgewicht - Abridged

By: George Living

Narrated by: Matthias Benz

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sind Sie zufrieden mit Ihrem Gewicht? "Komm in Form" ist eine einfache und effektive Methode, die Sie motiviert, sich Ihrem Wohlfühlgewicht anzunähern, neue Gewohnheiten einzuführen und eine gute Balance zu finden. Eine angenehme Stimme begleitet Sie Schritt für Schritt, so dass Sie sich entspannen und Ihre Motivation stärken können. Eigens... Read more

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Comer com Consciência - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Comer com Consciência - Abridged
Comer com Consciência - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Comer com Consciência - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A maneira como você se relaciona com a comida pode ter um impacto profundo em sua saúde física e mental. Quando você come com consciência, você está prestando atenção ao que está comendo, por que está comendo e como está se sentindo. Isso pode ajudá-lo a fazer escolhas alimentares mais saudáveis, a reduzir o estresse e a melhorar sua saúde... Read more

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The Fiber35 Diet - Abridged by Brenda Watson
The Fiber35 Diet - Abridged
Brenda Watson
The Fiber35 Diet - Abridged by Brenda Watson

The Fiber35 Diet - Abridged

By: Brenda Watson

Narrated by: Brenda Watson

Length: 6 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The New York Times bestselling diet guide that will help you safely lose weight, look your best, feel more energetic, and stay healthy for life!

If you are

• fed up with short-term fad diets that offer no lasting solution

• craving a healthy alternative to high-fat processed foods and refined sugars

• searching for a way to take control of your... Read more

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Dulce Equilibrio - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Dulce Equilibrio - Abridged
Dulce Equilibrio - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Dulce Equilibrio - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La vida está llena de dulces tentaciones. Ya sea comida, bebidas, actividades o personas, siempre hay algo que nos hace querer más. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando nos dejamos llevar por los excesos? ¿Cuándo comemos demasiado, bebemos demasiado, trabajamos demasiado o nos relacionamos demasiado? Comer en exceso puede tener un impacto negativo en... Read more

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Être soi dans un monde difficile - Abridged by Carol Allain
Être soi dans un monde difficile - Abridged
Carol Allain
Être soi dans un monde difficile - Abridged by Carol Allain

Être soi dans un monde difficile - Abridged

By: Carol Allain

Narrated by: Carol Allain

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Il arrive de plus en plus fréquemment que nous confondions privilèges et droits, désirs et besoins, prix et valeur, abondance et satisfaction, réalité et apparence, ressemblance et égalité. Beaucoup se questionnent sur le sens de la vie, sur le sens du mot "liberté". Beaucoup se demandent : "Suis-je en train de vivre ma vie ou bien celle que les... Read more

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Abseits - Abridged by Johanna Constantini
Abseits - Abridged
Johanna Constantini
Abseits - Abridged by Johanna Constantini

Abseits - Abridged

By: Johanna Constantini

Narrated by: Johanna Constantini

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: Yes

Am 4. Juni 2019 fährt der ehemalige ÖFB-Fußballnationaltrainer Didi Constantini auf der Brenner-Autobahn entgegen der Fahrtrichtung und verursacht einen Geisterfahrerunfall. Dieser offenbart ein "Demenz-Drama", in dessen Zentrum mit Didi Constantini ein ehemals gefeierter Star und Liebling der Sportwelt steht – und mit ihm seine Familie. Ein... Read more

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Ja zum Leben trotz Demenz! - Abridged by Helga Rohra
Ja zum Leben trotz Demenz! - Abridged
Helga Rohra
Ja zum Leben trotz Demenz! - Abridged by Helga Rohra

Ja zum Leben trotz Demenz! - Abridged

By: Helga Rohra

Narrated by: Helga Rohra

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Rohra Ja zum Leben trotz Demenz! Helga Rohra ist eine der wenigen Menschen mit Demenz, die im öffentlichen Leben aktiv sind und die zudem publizieren. Abwechslungsreich schildert Rohra ihren beruflich fordernden Alltag und wie sie diesen seit der Diagnose Lewy-Body-Demenz meistert. Sie zeigt auf beeindruckende Weise, wie sie ein sinnerfülltes... Read more

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Cambiar Los Hábitos Alimentarios - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Cambiar Los Hábitos Alimentarios - Abridged
Cambiar Los Hábitos Alimentarios - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Cambiar Los Hábitos Alimentarios - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Adoptar una dieta saludable puede ser un desafío para muchas personas. A menudo estamos acostumbrados a comer ciertos alimentos y seguir ciertos hábitos alimenticios que pueden ser perjudiciales para nuestra salud. Sin embargo, cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios puede tener muchos beneficios para la salud, incluida la prevención de enfermedades... Read more

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Alimentação Intuitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Alimentação Intuitiva - Abridged
Alimentação Intuitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Alimentação Intuitiva - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 22 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A alimentação intuitiva é uma abordagem de saúde e bem-estar que se concentra em comer de acordo com as necessidades do seu corpo e não de acordo com regras ou restrições. É uma maneira de comer que é natural, prazerosa e sustentável. A alimentação intuitiva é baseada em 10 princípios: Rejeite a mentalidade de dieta. Dietas não funcionam a... Read more

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Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged
Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Como Construir Músculos e Força Sem Esteróides - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Para construir músculos e força sem esteróides, é importante seguir uma dieta equilibrada e rica em proteínas, realizar exercícios de resistência regularmente e descansar o suficiente para permitir que os músculos se recuperem e cresçam. É importante trabalhar com cargas progressivamente maiores e variar os exercícios para estimular o... Read more

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Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged by Barbara Keesling
Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged
Barbara Keesling
Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged by Barbara Keesling

Super Sexual Orgasm - Abridged

By: Barbara Keesling

Narrated by: Barbara Keesling

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

It's common knowledge that the female orgasm has remained an enigma to men-and sometimes to women themselves. But now a breakthrough discovery by noted sex therapist and bestselling author Dr. Barbara Keesling has at last unlocked the mysteries of the female anatomy. In her latest book, Super Sexual Orgasm, Dr. Keesling describes a proven set of... Read more

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Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged
The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Live Strong - Abridged

By: The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Narrated by: Alison Fraser & Richard M. Davidson

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Survivors from all walks of life talk about what “living strong” in the face of cancer means to them.

Since the now ubiquitous LIVESTRONG™ wristbands became available in May 2004, the Lance Armstrong Foundation has raised more than $50 million for cancer survivorship programs, and the signature phrase has become a battle cry for those who fight... Read more

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The Spark - Abridged by Chris Downie
The Spark - Abridged
Chris Downie
The Spark - Abridged by Chris Downie

The Spark - Abridged

By: Chris Downie

Narrated by: Chris Downie

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: Yes

The Spark delivers inspirational health and weight-loss advice that will surely spark countless lives.

A revolution is taking place! Millions of people are discovering a new way of thinking about their weight, their health, and their lives. They are taking part in a visionary approach to weight loss that combines goal setting, nutrition,... Read more

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Saving Graces - Abridged by Elizabeth Edwards
Saving Graces - Abridged
Elizabeth Edwards
Saving Graces - Abridged by Elizabeth Edwards

Saving Graces - Abridged

By: Elizabeth Edwards

Narrated by: Elizabeth Edwards

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

She charmed America with her smart, likable, down-to-earth personality as she campaigned for her husband, then vice-presidential candidate John Edwards. She inspired millions as she valiantly fought advanced breast cancer after being diagnosed only days before the 2004 election. She touched hundreds of similarly grieving families when her own... Read more

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Nutrición Conductual En La Adolescencia - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrición Conductual En La Adolescencia - Abridged
Nutrición Conductual En La Adolescencia - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrición Conductual En La Adolescencia - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 36 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La adolescencia es un período de grandes cambios físicos, emocionales y sociales. Es un momento en que los adolescentes están formando sus propias identidades y tomando decisiones sobre su futuro. La nutrición es un componente importante de la salud y el bienestar de los adolescentes y puede ayudarlos a alcanzar su máximo potencial. La... Read more

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Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged
Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Empatia e Inteligência Emocional Conectando-se com o Sentimento dos Outros - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Empatia é a capacidade de se colocar no lugar de outra pessoa e entender seus sentimentos. É a habilidade de sentir o que o outro está sentindo, mesmo que não sejamos nós mesmos que estejamos passando por aquela situação. A empatia é uma habilidade essencial para a vida em sociedade. Ela nos permite construir relacionamentos mais fortes,... Read more

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