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O Poder da Autocompaixão na Alimentação - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
O Poder da Autocompaixão na Alimentação - Abridged
O Poder da Autocompaixão na Alimentação - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

O Poder da Autocompaixão na Alimentação - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A autocompaixão é a capacidade de ser gentil e compreensivo consigo mesmo, mesmo quando comete erros ou se sente mal. É uma habilidade poderosa que pode nos ajudar a lidar com o estresse, a ansiedade e a depressão, e também pode nos ajudar a ter uma relação mais saudável com a comida. Quando somos autocompassivos, somos mais propensos a nos... Read more

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Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged by Elia Friedenthal
Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged
Elia Friedenthal
Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged by Elia Friedenthal

Medicinal Mushrooms - Abridged

By: Elia Friedenthal

Narrated by: Elizabeth Moore

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What is the best medicinal mushroom? What is the best mushroom to fight cancer? MUSHROOMS THAT ACT AS TURBO-SHOTS FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEMTHE MAGIC OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOMSDoes the thought of medicinal mushrooms scare you off? Take a deep breath and stay with us. Yes, we’re going to tell you to put mushrooms in your coffee (among other things). But... Read more

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Natürlich abnehmen - Wie wir uns von negativen Emotionen befreien können, die unser Essverhalten beherrschen (Gekürzte Autorenlesung) - Abridged by Felix Klemme
Natürlich abnehmen - Wie wir uns von negativen Emotionen befreien können, die unser Essverhalten beherrschen (Gekürzte Autorenlesung) - Abridged
Felix Klemme
Natürlich abnehmen - Wie wir uns von negativen Emotionen befreien können, die unser Essverhalten beherrschen (Gekürzte Autorenlesung) - Abridged by Felix Klemme

Natürlich abnehmen - Wie wir uns von negativen Emotionen befreien können, die unser Essverhalten beherrschen (Gekürzte Autorenlesung) - Abridged

By: Felix Klemme

Narrated by: Felix Klemme

Length: 3 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Langfristig, gesund und natürlich abnehmen Statt sich stundenlang beim Sport zu quälen oder auf den Genuss von Essen zu verzichten, ist es viel wichtiger, die psychischen Ursachen für Übergewicht aufzudecken. Felix Klemme zeigt uns in seinem neuen Hörbuch, wie wir diese Ursachen ergründen können, und bietet einfache Übungen und Selbsttests zur... Read more

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Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged

By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Narrated by: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stress. It is everywhere around us. Even worse, it gets inside us: sapping our energy, undermining our health, and making us more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and disease. Now, based on Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s renowned mindfulness-based stress reduction program, this groundbreaking book shows you how to use natural, medically proven methods... Read more

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Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged
The Lance Armstrong Foundation
Live Strong - Abridged by The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Live Strong - Abridged

By: The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Narrated by: Alison Fraser & Richard M. Davidson

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Survivors from all walks of life talk about what “living strong” in the face of cancer means to them.

Since the now ubiquitous LIVESTRONG™ wristbands became available in May 2004, the Lance Armstrong Foundation has raised more than $50 million for cancer survivorship programs, and the signature phrase has become a battle cry for those who fight... Read more

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The Feel Good Factor - Abridged by Patrick Holford
The Feel Good Factor - Abridged
Patrick Holford
The Feel Good Factor - Abridged by Patrick Holford

The Feel Good Factor - Abridged

By: Patrick Holford

Narrated by: Patrick Holford

Length: 3 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Low mood and depression are endemic, and on the increase, and the recession has further fuelled the need for the practical, down-to-earth advice provided in THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR.
Written by leading nutrition expert and mental health specialist Patrick Holford, it reveals highly effective methods to make a difference to how you feel - without the... Read more

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Brain Lock - Abridged by Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Brain Lock - Abridged
Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Brain Lock - Abridged by Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Brain Lock - Abridged

By: Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Narrated by: Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The 20th anniversary edition of the definitive classic on defeating obsessive-compulsive behavior, with all-new material from the author.

An estimated 5 million Americans suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and live diminished lives in which they are compelled to obsess about something or to repeat a similar task over and over.... Read more

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Cómo dormir - Abridged by Rafael Pelayo
Cómo dormir - Abridged
Rafael Pelayo
Cómo dormir - Abridged by Rafael Pelayo

Cómo dormir - Abridged

By: Rafael Pelayo

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez

Length: 4 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Más allá de la higiene del sueño, necesitamos conocer la ciencia del sueño, sin mitos ni falsas soluciones, para mejorar nuestro descanso de forma exponencial. «Todo el mundo debería leer este libro. Conciso pero comprensivo, cubre todos los aspectos del sueño normal y anormal con los que deberíamos estar familiarizados», Dr. William C. Dement... Read more

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Der Jungbrunnen-Effekt - Abridged by P.A. Straubinger, Margit Fensl & Nathalie Karré
Der Jungbrunnen-Effekt - Abridged
P.A. Straubinger, Margit Fensl & Nathalie Karré
Der Jungbrunnen-Effekt - Abridged by P.A. Straubinger, Margit Fensl & Nathalie Karré

Der Jungbrunnen-Effekt - Abridged

By: P.A. Straubinger, Margit Fensl & Nathalie Karré

Narrated by: P.A. Straubinger

Length: 5 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Jungbrunnen und Supermedizin Intervallfasten Seit Jahrtausenden sucht die Menschheit nach dem Jungbrunnen, nach dem Geheimnis eines gesünderen, glücklicheren, kraftvolleren und vitaleren Lebens. Und dann ist die Antwort so einfach. Über einige Stunden einfach nichts zu essen, fördert nachweislich die Zellverjüngung: Die sogenannte... Read more

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Menopause with Healing Yoga - Abridged by Kelly Piper
Menopause with Healing Yoga - Abridged
Kelly Piper
Menopause with Healing Yoga - Abridged by Kelly Piper

Menopause with Healing Yoga - Abridged

By: Kelly Piper

Narrated by: Kelly Piper

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Certified yoga teacher and healer Kelly Piper has designed a program for women dealing with peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. This full-body program includes visualizations to heal the fears connected with the "change" and affirmations that work on the subconscious mind, as well as breathing exercises to neutralize, purify, and... Read more

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Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Melodie Michelberger
Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Melodie Michelberger
Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Melodie Michelberger

Body Politics (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Melodie Michelberger

Narrated by: Melodie Michelberger

Length: 4 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Frauen sollen dem Schönheitsideal entsprechen, aber nicht zu individuell sein. Wer dem Ideal nicht entspricht, soll sich wenigstens selbst lieben. Der Druck auf Frauen ist so hoch wie nie, und wie seit Jahrhunderten bestimmt der männliche Blick, welche Frauenkörper attraktiv sind. Haben wir verlernt, unsere Körper zu akzeptieren und dankbar für... Read more

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Immunbooster Atmen - Mit praktischen Übungen die Heilkraft des Atems entdecken (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Thomas Rampp
Immunbooster Atmen - Mit praktischen Übungen die Heilkraft des Atems entdecken (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Thomas Rampp
Immunbooster Atmen - Mit praktischen Übungen die Heilkraft des Atems entdecken (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Thomas Rampp

Immunbooster Atmen - Mit praktischen Übungen die Heilkraft des Atems entdecken (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Thomas Rampp

Narrated by: Christian Baumann

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Mit praktischen Atem-Übungen die Gesundheit ganzheitlich stärken Durch Hektik und Stress im Alltag und im Job atmen die meisten Menschen zu hastig und zu flach. Dr. Thomas Rampp erklärt in diesem Immunbooster, warum eine bewusste Atmung das Entspannungsmittel schlechthin ist. Der Oberarzt der Klinik für Naturheilkunde zeigt, wie wir mit einem... Read more

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Back Pain Relief - Abridged by Randy Charach
Back Pain Relief - Abridged
Randy Charach
Back Pain Relief - Abridged by Randy Charach

Back Pain Relief - Abridged

By: Randy Charach

Narrated by: Randy Charach

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In Back Pain Relief: Transform Your Body and Life, renowned hypnotherapist Randy Charach offers a comprehensive approach to overcoming chronic back pain using the power of the mind and body connection. Charach's proven techniques include guided self-hypnosis, mental conditioning, and practical lifestyle changes designed to reduce pain, improve... Read more

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The Wrinkle Cure - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone
The Wrinkle Cure - Abridged
Nicholas Perricone
The Wrinkle Cure - Abridged by Nicholas Perricone

The Wrinkle Cure - Abridged

By: Nicholas Perricone

Narrated by: Nicholas Perricone

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Look Ten Years Younger In Days -- Without Surgery!
From Yale University's dermatological and anti-aging, expert Nicholas Perricone, M.D. comes the all-natural program that has already helped tbousands -- including top Hollywood stars. This antioxidant plan revitalizes your skin from the outside and inside, reducing and effectively erasing... Read more

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Against Depression - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer
Against Depression - Abridged
Peter D. Kramer
Against Depression - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer

Against Depression - Abridged

By: Peter D. Kramer

Narrated by: Peter D. Kramer

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In his landmark bestseller Listening to Prozac, Peter Kramer revolutionized the way we think about antidepressants and the culture in which they are so widely used. Now Kramer offers a frank and unflinching look at the condition those medications treat: depression. Definitively refuting our notions of "heroic melancholy," he walks readers... Read more

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Nutrição Cognitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrição Cognitiva - Abridged
Nutrição Cognitiva - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrição Cognitiva - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A nutrição cognitiva é o estudo da relação entre a dieta e a função cognitiva. Os nutrientes que ingerimos podem ter um impacto significativo na nossa capacidade de pensar, aprender e lembrar. Uma dieta saudável pode ajudar a melhorar a memória, a concentração, a velocidade de processamento e o humor. Read more

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Com se Tornar um Jogador de Futebol de Sucesso - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Com se Tornar um Jogador de Futebol de Sucesso - Abridged
Com se Tornar um Jogador de Futebol de Sucesso - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Com se Tornar um Jogador de Futebol de Sucesso - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

O livro "Como se Tornar um Jogador de Futebol de Sucesso" é um guia completo para quem sonha em se tornar um jogador profissional. Com dicas valiosas sobre treinamento, nutrição e mentalidade, o autor Max Editorial oferece um caminho claro para o sucesso no esporte. Mas será que seguir essas dicas é o suficiente para alcançar a glória nos... Read more

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The UltraMind Solution - Abridged by Mark Hyman
The UltraMind Solution - Abridged
Mark Hyman
The UltraMind Solution - Abridged by Mark Hyman

The UltraMind Solution - Abridged

By: Mark Hyman

Narrated by: Mark Hyman

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

From the ten-time New York Times bestselling author of Ultrametabolism, The Blood Sugar Solution, and Eat Fat, Get Thin comes The UltraMind Solution.

—Do you find it next to impossible to focus or concentrate?
—Have you ever experienced instant clarity after exercise? Alertness after drinking coffee?
—Does your brain inexplicably slow down... Read more

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New release
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged
Enrique Rojas
Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged by Enrique Rojas

Cómo superar la depresión - Abridged

By: Enrique Rojas

Narrated by: Luis Pinazo

Length: 3 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El gran libro de consulta sobre la depresión A lo largo de estas páginas, el prestigioso doctor Enrique Rojas, uno de los psiquiatras más destacados del panorama actual español y una autoridad en la materia, adopta una vez más su papel de médico del alma para ayudarnos a encontrar, con un enfoque muy práctico y en pocas páginas, el camino que... Read more

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The Essential Flower Essence Handbook - Abridged by Lila Devi
The Essential Flower Essence Handbook - Abridged
Lila Devi
The Essential Flower Essence Handbook - Abridged by Lila Devi

The Essential Flower Essence Handbook - Abridged

By: Lila Devi

Narrated by: Lila Devi

Length: 11 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Essential Flower Essence Handbook, written by Lila Devi, is the first comprehensive guidebook of the 20 Spirit-in-Nature Essences, formerly Master's Flower Essences—the oldest flower essence line outside the U.K. since 1977. Here, founder Lila Devi weaves an entertaining yet practical overview of this healing art. Lila Devi is a flower... Read more

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Atkins Diabetes Revolution - Abridged by Robert C. Atkins
Atkins Diabetes Revolution - Abridged
Robert C. Atkins
Atkins Diabetes Revolution - Abridged by Robert C. Atkins

Atkins Diabetes Revolution - Abridged

By: Robert C. Atkins

Narrated by: Sara Krieger

Length: 4 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

More than a program for living with diabetes, here is a groundbreaking approach to preventing, treating, and even reversing an American epidemic, based on the science of the doctor who invented the low-carb lifestyle and wrote the #1 New York Times bestseller Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution featuring the Atkins Nutritional Approach™— a... Read more

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Mastering The Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears
Mastering The Zone - Abridged
Barry Sears
Mastering The Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears

Mastering The Zone - Abridged

By: Barry Sears

Narrated by: Barry Sears

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Everyone from Madonna to Howard Stern to the cast of Baywatch is in ""the Zone"" -- and now ""Zone""-favorable cuisine is tastier than ever! Dr. Barry Sears, author of the No.1 New York Times bestseller and health phenomenon, The Zone (more than 600,000 hardcover copies sold!), is back with an exciting new book teeming with tantalizing recipes... Read more

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Como Adotar os Hábitos das pessoas Bem-Sucedidas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Como Adotar os Hábitos das pessoas Bem-Sucedidas - Abridged
Como Adotar os Hábitos das pessoas Bem-Sucedidas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Como Adotar os Hábitos das pessoas Bem-Sucedidas - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Descubra o segredo por trás do sucesso das pessoas mais bem-sucedidas com o nosso novo ebook, 'Como Adotar os Hábitos das Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas'. Aprenda como incorporar os comportamentos vencedores em sua rotina diária e alcance seus objetivos de forma mais eficiente. Desde a organização eficaz do tempo até a gestão da motivação, você... Read more

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FamilyFlow. Kleine Fantasiereisen - Abridged by Daniela Heidtmann
FamilyFlow. Kleine Fantasiereisen - Abridged
Daniela Heidtmann
FamilyFlow. Kleine Fantasiereisen - Abridged by Daniela Heidtmann

FamilyFlow. Kleine Fantasiereisen - Abridged

By: Daniela Heidtmann

Narrated by: Daniela Heidtmann

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Fantasiereisen auf dieser CD sind kurze Auszeiten im oft schon trubeligen Kinderalltag und laden zum Träumen und Abschalten ein. Sie führen Kinder spielerisch und altersgerecht zur Entspannung und Achtsamkeit. Naturgeräusche und Klanginstrumente verstärken diese Wirkung zusätzlich. Die CD beinhaltet u. a.: eine Lächel-Meditation, eine kleine... Read more

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