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Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged by Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.
Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged
Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.
Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged by Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.

Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged

By: Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.

Narrated by: Pamela Peeke

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Years of accumulated stress, poor coping skills, and a slowing metabolism leave many women dramatically overweight, physically unfit and at risk for serious health problems. Fight Fat After Forty introduces a program that helps women break this cycle and shed dangerous pounds. Read more

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Lidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Lidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged
Lidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Lidando com a Solidão através da Inteligência Emocional - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Em um mundo cada vez mais conectado por avanços tecnológicos, paradoxalmente, a solidão emergiu como uma questão premente na sociedade contemporânea. A solidão não é apenas a sensação de estar sozinho; é uma lacuna emocional que pode afetar profundamente nosso bem-estar, saúde mental e qualidade de vida. Nossas vidas agitadas muitas vezes nos... Read more

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Listening to Prozac - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer
Listening to Prozac - Abridged
Peter D. Kramer
Listening to Prozac - Abridged by Peter D. Kramer

Listening to Prozac - Abridged

By: Peter D. Kramer

Narrated by: Peter D. Kramer

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes


Since it was introduce in 1987, the antidepressant Prozac has been prescribed to nearly five million Americans. But what is Prozac? Reported to turn shy people into social butterflies and to improve work performance, memory, even dexterity, Prozac has changed millions of troubled lives -- but not without raising... Read more

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Histaminintoleranz - die unentdeckte Krankheit - Abridged by Sigrid Nesterenko
Histaminintoleranz - die unentdeckte Krankheit - Abridged
Sigrid Nesterenko
Histaminintoleranz - die unentdeckte Krankheit - Abridged by Sigrid Nesterenko

Histaminintoleranz - die unentdeckte Krankheit - Abridged

By: Sigrid Nesterenko

Narrated by: Maja Dörsam-Bellemann

Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sie vertragen keinen Rotwein, keine Tomaten, Hefe und kein Sauerkraut? Dies sind nur einige der extrem histaminhaltigen Nahrungsmittel, die bei einer Histaminintoleranz zu sehr unangenehmen und sogar lebensbedrohlichen Symptomen führen können. Im vorliegenden Taschenbuch "Histaminintoleranz - die unentdeckte Krankheit" werden wichtige... Read more

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Wie wirken Arzneimittel? Eine Entdeckungsreise. - Abridged by Ernst Mutschler
Wie wirken Arzneimittel? Eine Entdeckungsreise. - Abridged
Ernst Mutschler
Wie wirken Arzneimittel? Eine Entdeckungsreise. - Abridged by Ernst Mutschler

Wie wirken Arzneimittel? Eine Entdeckungsreise. - Abridged

By: Ernst Mutschler

Narrated by: Ernst Mutschler

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wirkt schon beim Hören Selbst wenige Milligramm einer Arzneisubstanz können große Effekte haben. Doch wie kommen diese Wirkungen zustande und welche Mechanismen liegen ihnen zugrunde? Professor Mutschler erklärt Ihnen eindrucksvoll und verständlich, wie das Rezeptorkonzept funktioniert und welche Wirkungungen Arzneistoffe haben. Kommen Sie mit... Read more

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Hot Zone - Abridged by Richard Preston
Hot Zone - Abridged
Richard Preston
Hot Zone - Abridged by Richard Preston

Hot Zone - Abridged

By: Richard Preston

Narrated by: Howard McGillin

Length: 3 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The virus kills nine out of ten of its victims. Its effects are so quick and so gruesome that even biohazard experts are terrified. It is airborne, it is extremely contagious, and it is about to burn through the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Is there any way to stop it?

This doomsday scenario confronted a biohazard SWAT team struggling in secret to... Read more

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Meditationen für mehr Energie - Abridged by Juliane Loerke
Meditationen für mehr Energie - Abridged
Juliane Loerke
Meditationen für mehr Energie - Abridged by Juliane Loerke

Meditationen für mehr Energie - Abridged

By: Juliane Loerke

Narrated by: Juliane Loerke

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ständig müde und erschöpft? Du brauchst mehr Energie? Dann höre dir unsere Meditationen an! Hier findest du Entspannung, Ausgeglichenheit sowie Kraft und Schwung für deinen Tag. Viel Spaß wünschen dir Juliane und Tobias. Read more

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Nutrição Comportamental na Adolescência - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrição Comportamental na Adolescência - Abridged
Nutrição Comportamental na Adolescência - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrição Comportamental na Adolescência - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A adolescência é um período de grandes mudanças físicas, emocionais e sociais. É um momento em que os adolescentes estão formando suas próprias identidades e tomando decisões sobre seus futuros. A nutrição é um componente importante da saúde e do bem-estar dos adolescentes, e pode ajudá-los a alcançar seu pleno potencial. A nutrição... Read more

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Mit Schmerzen leben - Abridged by Annette Auch-Schwelk
Mit Schmerzen leben - Abridged
Annette Auch-Schwelk
Mit Schmerzen leben - Abridged by Annette Auch-Schwelk

Mit Schmerzen leben - Abridged

By: Annette Auch-Schwelk

Narrated by: Kathrin Kana

Length: 4 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wer über längere Zeit Schmerzen hat, weiß, wie stark sie das Leben beeinträchtigen. Ganz selbstverständliche Aktivitäten werden erschwert oder unmöglich gemacht. Zu den physischen Einschränkungen gesellen sich, besonders bei chronischem Schmerz, erhebliche psychische Belastungen. So vielfältig wie die Schwierigkeiten sind, mit denen... Read more

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The Wall Street Diet - Abridged by Heather Bauer
The Wall Street Diet - Abridged
Heather Bauer
The Wall Street Diet - Abridged by Heather Bauer

The Wall Street Diet - Abridged

By: Heather Bauer

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The Wall Street Diet helps readers lose weight, keep it off, and still keep up with their busy lives.Heather Bauer knows there aren't enough hours in the day for you to focus on the details of a complicated weight loss plan. A registered dietitian with a thriving practice in New York City, her clients have high-pressure jobs in high-profile... Read more

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Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged
Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus
Bleib locker - Abridged by Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Bleib locker - Abridged

By: Johannes Klein-Heßling & Arnold Lohaus

Narrated by: Johannes Klein-Heßling

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Schon im Grundschulalter leiden viele Kinder unter Stresssymptomen wie Nervosität, Unkonzentriertheit, Bauch- und Kopfschmerzen oder Schlafschwierigkeiten. Mithilfe der Progressiven Muskelentspannung (PME) können Kinder lernen, sich zu entspannen, wenn sie sich nervös oder gestresst fühlen. Die Audio-CD enthält Instruktionen zu zwei... Read more

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New release
Nutre tu menopausia - Abridged by Marta Marcè
Nutre tu menopausia - Abridged
Marta Marcè
Nutre tu menopausia - Abridged by Marta Marcè

Nutre tu menopausia - Abridged

By: Marta Marcè

Narrated by: Lucía Cubillo

Length: 8 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Haz que tus comidas sean tus mejores aliadas La menopausia trae consigo cambios a nivel metabólico, cardiovascular, neuronal y, por supuesto, hormonal. Y acompañar de forma específica esta etapa a través de la alimenta­ción es fundamental para gozar de vitalidad y calidad de vida.  En estas páginas descubrirás cómo activar tu metabolismo y... Read more

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Más Allá De Las Dietas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Más Allá De Las Dietas - Abridged
Más Allá De Las Dietas - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Más Allá De Las Dietas - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La cultura de la dieta es un fenómeno complejo que se ha estudiado durante décadas. Hay muchos factores que contribuyen a la aparición y perpetuación de las dietas, incluidos los medios de comunicación, la industria de la belleza y las propias personas. Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel importante en la cultura de la dieta. Los... Read more

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Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Heart Disease - Abridged by Vicki Rackner, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Heart Disease - Abridged
Vicki Rackner, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Heart Disease - Abridged by Vicki Rackner, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

Chicken Soup for the Soul Healthy Living Series — Heart Disease - Abridged

By: Vicki Rackner, Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen

Narrated by: Richard Chidle

Length: 1 hour 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Endorsed and supported by the Hope Heart Institute, Chicken Soup for the Soul presents inspirational stories and positive, practical medical advice for caregivers and patients. Partnering with the nation's top medical experts and organizations, this audiobook features the perfect blend of emotional support and vital information about heart... Read more

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ملخص كتاب الأمعاء كنزك في بطنك - Abridged by يوليا إندرز
ملخص كتاب الأمعاء كنزك في بطنك - Abridged
يوليا إندرز
ملخص كتاب الأمعاء كنزك في بطنك - Abridged by يوليا إندرز

ملخص كتاب الأمعاء كنزك في بطنك - Abridged

By: يوليا إندرز

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

في الكتاب: * تُرجم الكتاب إلى أربعين لغة. * "ظاهرة في عالم الكتب" Le Figaro. * «جولة رائعة داخل أجسامنا» Independent . * «يدعونا إلى الاحتفال بإنجازات القسم الأدنى من جسمنا بدلَ الخجل منها » The Guardian . * «أثارت الشعبية المفاجئة لهذا الكتاب جدلاً كبيراً» New York Times. نبذة الناشر: كتابٌ إرشادي مسلٍّ وغزير بالمعلومات عن العالم الغريب الذي... Read more

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The Promise of Sleep - Abridged by William C. Dement & Christopher Vaughan
The Promise of Sleep - Abridged
William C. Dement & Christopher Vaughan
The Promise of Sleep - Abridged by William C. Dement & Christopher Vaughan

The Promise of Sleep - Abridged

By: William C. Dement & Christopher Vaughan

Narrated by: Jeff McCarthy

Length: 5 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Healthful sleep has been empirically proven to be the single most important factor in predicting longevity, more influential than diet, exercise, or heredity. And yet we are a sleep-sick society, ignorant of the facts of sleep --... Read more

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The Flavor Point Diet - Abridged by David Katz, M.D., MPH
The Flavor Point Diet - Abridged
David Katz, M.D., MPH
The Flavor Point Diet - Abridged by David Katz, M.D., MPH

The Flavor Point Diet - Abridged

By: David Katz, M.D., MPH

Narrated by: David Katz, M.D., MPH

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What if there were a weight-loss diet that allowed you to eat your favorite foods and be completely satisfied, without ever counting calories or restricting food groups again? What if this diet was supported by scientific research from the prestigious Yale Prevention Research Center and was clinically proven to help you shed excess pounds... Read more

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La relación de la nutrición conductual con el sueño - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
La relación de la nutrición conductual con el sueño - Abridged
La relación de la nutrición conductual con el sueño - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

La relación de la nutrición conductual con el sueño - Abridged


Narrated by: Álvaro

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

El sueño es un componente esencial de la salud física y mental. Es durante el sueño cuando el cuerpo se recupera del día, repara los tejidos, almacena recuerdos y regula el estado de ánimo. La nutrición conductual es un campo de la ciencia que estudia la relación entre la alimentación y el comportamiento. Busca comprender cómo los factores... Read more

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Comida que Nutre - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Comida que Nutre - Abridged
Comida que Nutre - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Comida que Nutre - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

O que é comida que nutre? A comida que nutre é aquela que fornece ao nosso corpo os nutrientes de que ele precisa para funcionar de forma saudável. Esses nutrientes incluem vitaminas, minerais, fibras, proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras. A comida que nutre também deve ser saborosa e agradável de comer. Quando comemos alimentos que nos nutrem,... Read more

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Dein Neuanfang mit Ayurveda - Abridged by Dana Schwandt
Dein Neuanfang mit Ayurveda - Abridged
Dana Schwandt
Dein Neuanfang mit Ayurveda - Abridged by Dana Schwandt

Dein Neuanfang mit Ayurveda - Abridged

By: Dana Schwandt

Narrated by: Dana Schwandt

Length: 6 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie werde ich schlechte Gewohnheiten los? Wie optimiere ich meinen Stoffwechsel und beuge Krankheiten vor? Wie kann ich meine Ernährung an meinen Stoffwechseltyp anpassen und mich dauerhaft gut fühlen? Ayurveda hilft dir dabei, dich und dein Leben wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Wie das geht, verrät Onlinecoach, Podcasterin und... Read more

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Positive Plus - Abridged by Joyce Brothers
Positive Plus - Abridged
Joyce Brothers
Positive Plus - Abridged by Joyce Brothers

Positive Plus - Abridged

By: Joyce Brothers

Narrated by: Joyce Brothers

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Turn negative traits like nagging, perfectionism, and compulsive behavior into positives with this simple guide from renowned psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers. For decades Dr. Brothers was a sage, down-to-earth voice of reason to the millions who read her books and newspaper and magazine columns and heeded her advice on television and radio.... Read more

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The Thin Commandments Diet - Abridged by Stephen Gullo
The Thin Commandments Diet - Abridged
Stephen Gullo
The Thin Commandments Diet - Abridged by Stephen Gullo

The Thin Commandments Diet - Abridged

By: Stephen Gullo

Narrated by: Stephen Gullo

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The first in the field of weight control to teach diet fitnessThe bestselling author of Thin Tastes Better, Dr. Stephen Gullo reveals his unique program that has a success rate almost 15 times higher than the national average. He shows us how to bridge the gap between knowing how to lose weight and actually doing it. He has identified ten simple... Read more

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Victor Montas


By: Victor Montas

Narrated by: Victor Montas

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"¡Bienvenida a la emocionante aventura del embarazo! Sabemos que este es un momento de cambios y cuidados especiales para ti y tu bebé. Y para acompañarte en esta maravillosa etapa, te presentamos nuestro audio libro de dietas especialmente diseñado para mujeres embarazadas. En sus audio encontrarás un tesoro de información nutricional y... Read more

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When the Man You Love Won't Take Care of His Health - Abridged by Ken Goldberg
When the Man You Love Won't Take Care of His Health - Abridged
Ken Goldberg
When the Man You Love Won't Take Care of His Health - Abridged by Ken Goldberg

When the Man You Love Won't Take Care of His Health - Abridged

By: Ken Goldberg

Narrated by: Kathy Garver

Length: 5 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Women often find themselves the caretakers of their men— and not just of their relationships. When the men in their lives resist managing their own well-being, women are forced to take on this challenge. They learn how to understand the health of their men and how it differs from their own. This guide empowers women with the most... Read more

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