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The Omega Rx Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears
The Omega Rx Zone - Abridged
Barry Sears
The Omega Rx Zone - Abridged by Barry Sears

The Omega Rx Zone - Abridged

By: Barry Sears

Narrated by: Barry Sears

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Introducing the next generation of the Zone—A revolutionary new plan that enhances brainpower, improves physical performance, and builds amazing disease-fighting powerDr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking with his blockbuster Zone books. Now, for the first time Sears presents his amazing new scientific discoveries that take the... Read more

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Get with the Program - Abridged by Bob Greene
Get with the Program - Abridged
Bob Greene
Get with the Program - Abridged by Bob Greene

Get with the Program - Abridged

By: Bob Greene

Narrated by: Bob Greene

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

It¹s keeping the weight off that¹s hard. In Get with the Program! Bob Greene gives you the keys to losing weight and staying fit for a lifetime.
The four-phase plan in Get with the Program! is like having your own personal trainer take you through the psychological, physical, and emotional... Read more

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EAT - Abridged by Ian K. Smith, M.D.
EAT - Abridged
Ian K. Smith, M.D.
EAT - Abridged by Ian K. Smith, M.D.

EAT - Abridged

By: Ian K. Smith, M.D.

Narrated by: Ian K. Smith, M.D.

Length: 3 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The #1 bestselling author of The Fat Smash Diet, Extreme Fat Smash Diet, and The 4-Day Diet delivers the instructions for anyone to get thin. Dr. Ian calls them "the simple rules for good eating", and if you follow them, you'll stay lean for life!

Diets are made to go "on" and "off of", and if you're like most people—who want to be fit, lean,... Read more

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Mindset Alimentar - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Mindset Alimentar - Abridged
Mindset Alimentar - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Mindset Alimentar - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cansado de lutar contra a balança e das dietas ioiô? Descubra o poder da sua mente para conquistar uma relação saudável com a comida e finalmente alcançar seus objetivos! "Mindset Alimentar: Transforme sua Mente para Transformar sua Dieta" te guia em uma jornada de autoconhecimento e transformação, desvendando os segredos da mente por trás... Read more

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The Carnivore Diet Handbook - Abridged by K. Suzanne
The Carnivore Diet Handbook - Abridged
K. Suzanne
The Carnivore Diet Handbook - Abridged by K. Suzanne

The Carnivore Diet Handbook - Abridged

By: K. Suzanne

Narrated by: K. Suzanne

Length: 3 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"This is a must-read for anyone considering the carnivore diet." ★★★★★Destroy your sugar cravings immediately, once and for all! Burn fat easily! Increase your strength and energy! Bonus with purchase! Get a free PDF of my Carnivore Diet Holiday Handbook when you buy this audiobook!Note: The main body of this audiobook is unabridged. The... Read more

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Hipnosis y Meditación de Sueño Profundo: Empieza a dormir mejor y relaja tu mente siguiendo los pasos de autohipnosis y meditación guiada para superar el insomnio, la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más. - Abridged by Absolute Zen
Hipnosis y Meditación de Sueño Profundo: Empieza a dormir mejor y relaja tu mente siguiendo los pasos de autohipnosis y meditación guiada para superar el insomnio, la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más. - Abridged
Absolute Zen
Hipnosis y Meditación de Sueño Profundo: Empieza a dormir mejor y relaja tu mente siguiendo los pasos de autohipnosis y meditación guiada para superar el insomnio, la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más. - Abridged by Absolute Zen

Hipnosis y Meditación de Sueño Profundo: Empieza a dormir mejor y relaja tu mente siguiendo los pasos de autohipnosis y meditación guiada para superar el insomnio, la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y más. - Abridged

By: Absolute Zen

Narrated by: Absolute Zen

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

¡FINALMENTE, DUERME COMO UN BEBÉ POR LA NOCHE CON AUTOHIPNOSIS Y GUIONES DE MEDITACIÓN GUIADA PARA AYUDARTE A LIBERARTE DEL ESTRÉS DEL DÍA Y SUPERAR TUS PENSAMIENTOS NEGATIVOS!¿Luchas contra el insomnio?¿Te resulta imposible dormir plácidamente durante la noche?¿Te gustaría cambiar eso definitivamente?El sueño es una parte fundamental de... Read more

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Body with Soul - Abridged by Randy Jackson
Body with Soul - Abridged
Randy Jackson
Body with Soul - Abridged by Randy Jackson

Body with Soul - Abridged

By: Randy Jackson

Narrated by: Randy Jackson

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Abridged CDs * 5 CDs, 6 hours

From beloved American Idol judge Randy Jackson, a complete, inspiring wellness plan for taking control of your health. Read more

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7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Franziska Rubin
7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged
Franziska Rubin
7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged by Franziska Rubin

7 Minuten am Tag - Endlich gesünder leben. Das Hörbuch, das Ihre Gesundheit für immer verbessert. (gekürzte Autorinnenlesung) - Abridged

By: Franziska Rubin

Narrated by: Franziska Rubin

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die bekannte Ärztin Dr. Franziska Rubin weiß: Mit nur 7 Minuten Zeitaufwand am Tag kann es jedem gelingen, deutlich gesünder und besser zu leben. In ihrem ersten Hörbuch zeigt sie, wie uns das gelingt: zum einen, indem wir Verhaltensweisen erkennen, die uns davon abhalten, gesund zu leben; zum anderen, wie wir erwünschte Veränderungen möglichst... Read more

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Immunbooster vegan - Vegane Ernährung kurz und knapp - mit 24 Rezepten und einer Detox-Kur (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Ruediger Dahlke
Immunbooster vegan - Vegane Ernährung kurz und knapp - mit 24 Rezepten und einer Detox-Kur (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged
Ruediger Dahlke
Immunbooster vegan - Vegane Ernährung kurz und knapp - mit 24 Rezepten und einer Detox-Kur (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged by Ruediger Dahlke

Immunbooster vegan - Vegane Ernährung kurz und knapp - mit 24 Rezepten und einer Detox-Kur (Gekürzte Lesung) - Abridged

By: Ruediger Dahlke

Narrated by: Andreas Neumann

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Vegan zu leben ist die beste Methode, um das Immunsystem auf natürliche Weise zu stärken. Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass eine vollwertige vegane Ernährung die Abwehrkräfte steigert und die beste Gesundheitsvorsorge ist.. Der Bestsellerautor Dr. Ruediger Dahlke erklärt hier im ersten Teil, was man heute in der Wissenschaft weiß. Im... Read more

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Abseits - Abridged by Johanna Constantini
Abseits - Abridged
Johanna Constantini
Abseits - Abridged by Johanna Constantini

Abseits - Abridged

By: Johanna Constantini

Narrated by: Johanna Constantini

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: Yes

Am 4. Juni 2019 fährt der ehemalige ÖFB-Fußballnationaltrainer Didi Constantini auf der Brenner-Autobahn entgegen der Fahrtrichtung und verursacht einen Geisterfahrerunfall. Dieser offenbart ein "Demenz-Drama", in dessen Zentrum mit Didi Constantini ein ehemals gefeierter Star und Liebling der Sportwelt steht – und mit ihm seine Familie. Ein... Read more

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Bobby Moore - Abridged by Tina Moore
Bobby Moore - Abridged
Tina Moore
Bobby Moore - Abridged by Tina Moore

Bobby Moore - Abridged

By: Tina Moore

Narrated by: Tina Moore

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

THE STORY WHICH INSPIRED THE MAJOR ITV DRAMA TINA AND BOBBY. Bobby Moore’s untimely death in 1993, at the age of 51, had a profound impact on the people of this country. As the only English football captain ever to raise the World Cup, he was not just a football icon but a national one. Yet Bobby was an intensely... Read more

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Inteligência Emocional para Líderes Guiando Equipes de Forma Empática - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Inteligência Emocional para Líderes Guiando Equipes de Forma Empática - Abridged
Inteligência Emocional para Líderes Guiando Equipes de Forma Empática - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Inteligência Emocional para Líderes Guiando Equipes de Forma Empática - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A inteligência emocional (IE) é um conjunto de habilidades que nos permitem compreender e gerenciar nossas próprias emoções, bem como compreender e responder às emoções dos outros. É uma habilidade fundamental para o sucesso em qualquer área da vida, mas é especialmente importante para os líderes. Líderes com alta IE são mais capazes de criar... Read more

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Schlüsselmomente - Abridged by Dr. Viviane Theby
Schlüsselmomente - Abridged
Dr. Viviane Theby
Schlüsselmomente - Abridged by Dr. Viviane Theby

Schlüsselmomente - Abridged

By: Dr. Viviane Theby

Narrated by: Patrizia Puertas Álvarez

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Tiertraining ist ein Handwerk, das man lernen kann, und eine Technik, die man üben muss. So weit, so gut. Dennoch hört es bei der Beherrschung der Technik allein nicht auf: Ein guter Tiertrainer braucht auch "Soft Skills", die ihm helfen, im Hier und Jetzt zu sein, bei sich zu sein, authentisch zu sein, sich selbst zu hinterfragen – alles... Read more

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Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged by Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.
Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged
Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.
Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged by Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.

Fight Fat After Forty - Abridged

By: Pamela Peeke, M.D., M.P.H.

Narrated by: Pamela Peeke

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Years of accumulated stress, poor coping skills, and a slowing metabolism leave many women dramatically overweight, physically unfit and at risk for serious health problems. Fight Fat After Forty introduces a program that helps women break this cycle and shed dangerous pounds. Read more

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Gestão do Estresse e Inteligência Emocional - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Gestão do Estresse e Inteligência Emocional - Abridged
Gestão do Estresse e Inteligência Emocional - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Gestão do Estresse e Inteligência Emocional - Abridged


Narrated by: Thalita

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

No mundo moderno, repleto de desafios constantes, demandas exaustivas e ritmo acelerado, a gestão do estresse e o desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional emergem como habilidades essenciais para uma vida equilibrada e saudável. Nunca antes foi tão crucial entender e dominar as estratégias para lidar com o estresse e cultivar a inteligência... Read more

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Nutrição do Futuro - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Nutrição do Futuro - Abridged
Nutrição do Futuro - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Nutrição do Futuro - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

A tecnologia está transformando a maneira como vivemos nossas vidas, e a alimentação não é exceção. Novas tecnologias estão sendo desenvolvidas a todo momento que têm o potencial de mudar a maneira como nos alimentamos, desde a forma como cultivamos os alimentos até a maneira como os preparamos e consumimos. Uma das áreas mais promissoras de... Read more

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Schröpfen für Einsteiger: Mit Cupping Schritt für Schritt Kopf- und Rückenschmerzen lindern, die Haut straffen und Faszien lösen - inkl. detaillierter Anleitung für das Schröpfen zuhause - Abridged by Lorina Grapengeter
Schröpfen für Einsteiger: Mit Cupping Schritt für Schritt Kopf- und Rückenschmerzen lindern, die Haut straffen und Faszien lösen - inkl. detaillierter Anleitung für das Schröpfen zuhause - Abridged
Lorina Grapengeter
Schröpfen für Einsteiger: Mit Cupping Schritt für Schritt Kopf- und Rückenschmerzen lindern, die Haut straffen und Faszien lösen - inkl. detaillierter Anleitung für das Schröpfen zuhause - Abridged by Lorina Grapengeter

Schröpfen für Einsteiger: Mit Cupping Schritt für Schritt Kopf- und Rückenschmerzen lindern, die Haut straffen und Faszien lösen - inkl. detaillierter Anleitung für das Schröpfen zuhause - Abridged

By: Lorina Grapengeter

Narrated by: Mario Kunze

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Du suchst Entspannung und möchtest eine Vielzahl von Beschwerden lindern können? Du möchtest eine praktische Anleitung, um das Schröpfen ganz einfach selbst anzuwenden? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Dich! Schröpfen, auch Cupping genannt, ist ein traditionelles Behandlungsverfahren, welches seit Jahrtausenden in verschiedensten... Read more

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21 Days to Stop Smoking - Abridged by American Cancer Society
21 Days to Stop Smoking - Abridged
American Cancer Society
21 Days to Stop Smoking - Abridged by American Cancer Society

21 Days to Stop Smoking - Abridged

By: American Cancer Society

Narrated by: n/a

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

The American Cancer Society, the world's most respected authority on smoking and health, presents its breakthrough stop-smoking program -- available for the first time to future ex-smokers everywhere. Freshstart helps you to kick the smoking habit in a day-to-day audio program that gets you through the critical period of quitting -- the first... Read more

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It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged by Janet Greeson
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged
Janet Greeson
It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged by Janet Greeson

It's Not What You're Eating, It's What's Eating You - Abridged

By: Janet Greeson

Narrated by: Janet Greeson

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Overcome Hidden Food Addictions, Take Charge of Your Body, Your Emotions, Your Life

Here's hope and help for food addicts. Developed by Janet Greeson, a nationally renowned pioneer in the development of addiction treatment programs, this day-by-day self-help program treats the physical, emotional and spiritual causes of food addiction.
... Read more

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Ich wollte mich nur mal umschauen - Abridged by Dominic Ojinnaka
Ich wollte mich nur mal umschauen - Abridged
Dominic Ojinnaka
Ich wollte mich nur mal umschauen - Abridged by Dominic Ojinnaka

Ich wollte mich nur mal umschauen - Abridged

By: Dominic Ojinnaka

Narrated by: Markus Seidel

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Durch sein Audiobuch "Ich wollte mich nur mal umschauen" gelingt Dominic Ojinnaka ein ganz besonderer und erfrischend offener Einblick in die Fitnessbranche. Das Audiobuch lässt zwar keinen Zweifel an der starken Profitorientierung der Branche, schafft es aber gleichzeitig, dass man mit der Hoffnung auf ein gesünderes, sportlicheres und... Read more

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Entspanne Dich - Abridged by George Living
Entspanne Dich - Abridged
George Living
Entspanne Dich - Abridged by George Living

Entspanne Dich - Abridged

By: George Living

Narrated by: Matthias Benz

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

Haben Sie Probleme, sich zu entspannen? Gehört Stress zu Ihrem täglichen Leben? Dann kann Ihnen "Entspanne dich" auf sehr einfache und wirksame Weise helfen, abzuschalten und Stress in innnere Ruhe zu verwandeln. Eine angenehme Stimme und eine eigens dafür komponierte, beruhigende Musik begleiten Sie Schritt für Schritt hinein in den Zustand der... Read more

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Aprenda a se Nutrir - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL
Aprenda a se Nutrir - Abridged
Aprenda a se Nutrir - Abridged by MAX EDITORIAL

Aprenda a se Nutrir - Abridged


Narrated by: Antônio

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A nutrição comportamental é uma abordagem focada em entender os comportamentos alimentares e como eles podem ser modificados para melhorar a saúde. Ela se baseia na ideia de que o que comemos é influenciado por uma série de fatores, incluindo nossos pensamentos, emoções, ambiente e hábitos. Ao entender esses fatores, podemos começar a fazer... Read more

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Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Full Catastrophe Living - Abridged

By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Narrated by: Jon Kabat-Zinn

Length: 5 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Stress. It is everywhere around us. Even worse, it gets inside us: sapping our energy, undermining our health, and making us more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and disease. Now, based on Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s renowned mindfulness-based stress reduction program, this groundbreaking book shows you how to use natural, medically proven methods... Read more

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The 12 Second Sequence - Abridged by Jorge Cruise
The 12 Second Sequence - Abridged
Jorge Cruise
The 12 Second Sequence - Abridged by Jorge Cruise

The 12 Second Sequence - Abridged

By: Jorge Cruise

Narrated by: Jorge Cruise

Length: 2 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The 12-Second Sequence™ is fitness superstar Jorge Cruise’s newest revolutionary method of resistance training that burns fat, shrinks your waistline, and gets you into the best shape of your life–and all it takes is two twenty-minute workouts each week. Based on the latest groundbreaking research in exercise physiology, the 12-Second Sequence™... Read more

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